drarry one shots

By bi_mother_mother_

5.2K 70 12

idk i just write whenever i feel like it or i come up with a cool idea :) More

Drarry with kids
Make up sex
Never enough
Potter The Stalker part 1
Grandmas always help
"She's amazing Potter, leave me alone"

You little sick baby

498 9 0
By bi_mother_mother_

Pure fluff basically and only a tiny mention of smut but nothing much since it's not actually intercourse.
Tw: mention of vomit

"That flu has been going around all the wizarding world! Please be careful and take measurements, it is not deadly or more harmful than any common flu but it can be really contagious so please try to be careful. Now for the weather-" A chubby man with glasses in the newspaper said making Harry roll his eyes. Of course he knew about the flu, Draco was a healer at St. Mungos after all and he had been getting a ton of patients recently. The symptoms were all the same, dizziness, coughing, sore throat, aching lungs, headaches and if it got worse stomach/abdomen pains. Harry decided on going to the kitchen to get some tea ready for his husband since no matter what he would always apparate to a very distanced place from their home and then walk not giving one damm about the weather and today was a rainy day with cold autumn breeze so Harry knew his husband would come home soaking wet and probably shaking but pretending to be fine. He quickly turn on the stove and let the kettle boiling as he heard the noise of keys and the front door opening.

"Merlin and Morgana" Draco groaned loudly taking off his coat which was drenched in the rain water, the one time he forgot to have a backup umbrella they had the biggest storm in London! just great! Harry chuckled as Draco stomped to one of their living rooms and sat down in the big comfy black couch which was only in that specific room because they only used it to watch movies in the huge TV. Taking some biscuits, the tea and silverware as well as the cups he put them all in a tray and walked over to were his husband was shivering like crazy with his hands tucked in between his legs to try to keep them warm but failing miserably.

"Come on, love." Harry planted a soft kiss on Draco's mouth and watched as Draco relaxed under his touch and accepted the tea gracefully.

"How was work?" Harry knew it was a dumb question considering the distress on Draco's face but whenever someone asked Draco about his day or life it made him feel safe and Harry knew that.

"Terrible, a patient with the flu vomited all over their bed and then when they to were going to apologize more vomit just came out!" he practically shouted and Harry chuckled, rubbing his back soothingly. They talked more until Harry noticed Draco started shaking again "Go take a nice hot bath it'll help you warm up" Draco nodded stood up but as soon as he did, he clutched his hand at his head and shut his eyes his body moved from side to side tumbling around until Harry stood next to him and hugged him close to his chest. "Are you ok?" He asked giving Draco a sip of the tea "Yeah probably just tired" He smiled and walked upstairs to their bathroom to prepare a delicious bubble bath.

After Harry finished working on his new piece of art someone had commissioned to do he walked upstairs putting his shoulder length hair in a man bun and changing into his pajamas to see Draco already asleep, he was laying on his stomach with one leg perched up, his hands under the pillow and his face tilted to the left. Harry smirked when he saw he was wearing one of harry's hoodies -that he often wore after quidditch practice with George and Ginny- and his boxers. He got in bed pulling the covers over him and draping an arm over his husband who unconsciously snuggled into his warmth and they fell asleep.

The next day Harry woke up at 4:00 am to be on time for quidditch practice, he took a glance at his husband who in the middle of the night changed his position to use Harry as a pillow and had his head on the crook of the shorter males neck, untangling himself from his koala husband he realized Draco had a frown on his eyebrows and was sweating a little, thinking he must be hot he made sure the duvet wasn't keeping him too warm and kissed his cheek as a goodbye.

Draco woke up with a pounding headache, he groan when he couldn't find his husband on the bed and tried getting up but ended up falling back on the bed and deciding on sleeping a little more, thank god he had a free day. After a whole hour more he felt the bed sink and a pair of lips in his forehead and expected a cheesy pet name -that Draco secretly loved- but instead he got a gasp.

"Draco you're burning up!" he grunted and tiredly opened his eyes to see a pair of worried green orbs looking right at him. Harry was wearing another hoodie with sweatpants, he smelled of sweat and broom polisher which may or may have not made Draco hard. His hair was in the messy man bun with a few loose strands falling and his growing beard which was actually more like stubble made him look ten times hotter.

"What?" He managed to croak out but his throat felt like it was on fire.

"Oh love I think you got the flu" Harry worriedly went to their potions cabinet and picked a pepper-up potion handing it to Draco who downed it quickly instantly feeling a little better.

"Th-"  "Don't speak" Harry interrupted him. "I'm calling Luna hold on" After a few minutes the voice of Luna and Harry could be heard.

"Hey Luna, listen I think Draco caught the flu what should i do?"

"Oh my Harry, well first of all don't let him get out much alright? make him eat a lot of warm foods to help his throat for now. Does he have any other symptoms?"

"As far as I know he only has a sore throat, dizziness and a fever but i gave him a potion for that"

"Good, good, if he gets stomach pains use a heating pad that normally works. Don't let him shower 'cuz the change of temperature may affect him. If he gets a pain in his upper back massage it carefully with essential oils preferably lavander but if you don't have any just use coconut oil and for the medicine part i will go fetch the potions if the correct dose he needs and i'll owl you them alright? Oh and Harry you can't kiss, have intercourse or any sort of fluid exchange until at least 12 days have gone by and i'm serious about this Harry"

Draco laughed at how Harry grunted.

"Well i'll send the potions in a sec they might arrive in five minutes and there's a note attached to them going over the instructions like when to take them and stuff. If you need anything just call me, hope he gets better Harry and take care!" The floo sound erupted again and the steps could be heard.

"Well you heard her, no sex for almost two weeks" Draco chuckled but ended up hurting his throat and coughing. Harry cringed and smiled sadly.

"Do you want breakfast" Draco shook his head no.

"How about I start making your favorite chicken soup like your mum used to do it for lunch?" Draco smiled and nodded. Harry got up and started making the delicious soup with the very own exclusive recipe Narcissa so kindly shared with him.

Day 1

"Good morning" Harry sung as he entered the room with a tray filled with cubed fruit and delicious warm tea prepared just how Draco loved it. Said man sat on the bed carefully and tiredly setting the duvet in his lap as well as the tray and started taking little bites.

"Do you have any other symptoms?" He asked and Draco shook his head.

"My throat hurts a lot and i still have a headache, apparently the pepper up potion doesn't work for that" He groaned and continued eating the fruit. "Wanna watch something?" Harry motioned to the TV in front of their queen size bed, getting a hum in response.

"Oh my god Harry! you're going to be late to work!" Draco practically shouted looking the time, Harry worked most days at his store but sometime he would only stay home and paint there since most of the time Draco was his inspiration.

"Don't worry love, I told Neville to ask Sarah if she could work for the whole two weeks and she said yes" Sarah was Neville's girlfriend who Harry became friends with because they both love art and she normally helped him around in the store. Draco visibly didn't like that and Harry laughed.

"You shouldn't worry about me you know? i'm totally fine" Even after telling Harry that he tried getting up and ended up falling back on the bed from exhaustion.

"Shut up" He grumbled and fell back asleep as Harry placed a small kiss to his forehead.

Day 4

"Oh Draco" The blond was slumped in the toilet after emptying all the food he had consumed, his eyes tired and overflowing with clear tears filled of discomfort, his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead as his whole body trembled and Harry rubbed his back soothingly.

"Better?" Harry asked but Draco didn't respond, only clutching at his stomach as the pain started again, the two of them were sitting in the bathroom floor at 3:00 am with a glass of water and about four different potions around them but non helped Draco. After Draco felt like he couldn't puke up anything else as his stomach was empty, he decided to go back to bed. Meanwhile Harry went downstairs to grab a heating pad, a glass of water and some tea.

"Here lay on your side" Harry made him lay down and placed the pad with a warming charm to keep it from going cold, right on his abdomen. Hearing Draco sighed and the frown between his kept eyebrows made Harry smile a little, he got in bed and pulled the blond onto his chest, placing a warm hand on top of the heating pad making Draco whimper.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked nervously removing his hand but Draco took it and put it back.

"Keep it there, it just hurts" He cuddled into Harry as the other man peppered his neck with tiny kisses which were barely a touch of lips.

Day 6

"Haryyyyyyyyyy" Harry ran upstairs with a towel in his hands, a black apron and sweatpants when he heard Draco whine.

"Are you ok love?" He saw Draco writhing in the bed with a face of discomfort.

"My back hurts so bad" His voice raspy from still having a sore throat.

"Want me to give you a massage?" Harry smirked as Draco's face lit up and immediately turned to lay on his stomach. Thanking Merlin the stove wasn't on, he sat in his husbands lower back, straddling him and Harry made sure his hands were dry and clean to take a tiny bottle of lavander oil Luna had sent him with the potions Draco was taking and carefully dipped two fingers inside, he rubbed it in his hands a little and started working on rubbing Draco's back with circular motions. When Harry rubbed a sensitive spot in his back Draco all but moaned out loud.
"God yes Harry~" After a few more moans Harry realized Draco was doing this to distract and tease him so he smirked. Two can play the game, He thought and noticing his dick was half hard, started moving his hips around more making Draco moan louder.

"Now now love, hush. Ginny, Luna, Hermione and Ron are coming over to take some paintings and we don't want them thinking we're doing something are we?" He teased a little by taking the hem of Draco's plaid pijama pants and pulled them down a little to place a warm hand on Draco's arse making his hips jerk down to the mattress trying to get some friction.

"Merlin Harry~ Please can we- Oh god!" He moaned as Harry moved a little behind and pushed Draco's hips up a little, only enough to have room to take his right hand and start rubbing his husband through his pants and underwear.

"You know we can't have sex baby" Harry huskily said while planting kisses all over his back, soon enough Draco felt the similar knot in his stomach and came all over his clothes with a loud moan, a dark red blush visible in his face from cumming a little too fast. Harry used a spell to clean him and laid on his back "Did you like your massage?" He joked and Draco glared at him.

"Well my back certainly doesn't hurt anymore" They laughed and Harry kissed his neck once more before going downstairs to find all his friends there.

"Mate we heard everything" Ron said with a disgusted look on his face while Luna and Hermione looked mad and Ginny was smirking.

"Harry! what did I tell you?" Luna barked and Harry threw his arms in the air.

"We didn't have sex!" He tried defending.

"And what were those sounds huh?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I gave him a massage" He smirked.

"Mate- please shut up" Ron groaned and Harry laughed loudly.

"Tea anyone?" Hermione rolled her eyes as Ginny burst out laughing.

Day 8

"Draco it's 3 am what in merlins name are you doing?" Harry walked down the stairs to see Draco naked as the day he was born baking scones.

"I was hungry and I saw this recipe for scones so i wanted to try them" He shrugged and smiled as a little kid who would think that is completely normal.

"Ok but why are you naked?" He asked and Draco looked down surprised at his body to find he was in fact naked.

"Oh i didn't notice" Harry laughed and went over to recline against the counter watching his beautiful husband bake fucking scones at 3 am.

After about thirty minutes Draco already messed up the dough so he started crying like a teen who got their heart broken, Harry comforted him for a whole hour and looked for a 24 hour bakery to order more scones.

"Why are there 24 hour bakery's? That's so weird" Draco took another bite of his scone and relaxed in their couch, snuggling into Harry.

"Dunno maybe it's for crazy people like you who crave scones at-" he checked the clock in the wal "4 am" He laughed and Draco pouted. Soon falling asleep leaving Harry watching a movie smiling to himself.

Day 10

"Come on Draco you need to get a check up" Harry took his husbands feet and pulled him out of bed, hitting the floor with a thump.

"I'm tired" Harry quickly went to their closet and took out a pair of sweatpants and one of his hoodies to dress Draco in. After he got him to finally get in their muggle car they drove to St. Mungos.

"No one at work has seen me like this Harry" He pouted looking out the window.

"You always look beautiful darling, no need to worry" Harry laughed at the blush that appeared in Draco's ears and cheeks.

"Well everything seems fine! only two more days and you can go out normally. If you get more headaches just take a potion and if any of the symptoms come back please let me know alright?" Luna smiled and the two nodded.

"Thank you for everything Luna" They bid their goodbye and went home to finally relax.

"Only two more days and you can pound me into the mattress" Draco sighed and happily walked upstairs as Harry choked on his water barking a laugh.

Day 12

"God Harry that's so good!"

"Mmmm you like it?"


Ron groaned loudly. "Stop making noises like you're shagging and eat your food normally" The boys laughed and took another bite of the pasta Ron had made for them. They were having dinner at Ron and Hermiones house because of Ron's birthday. All of their friends were there, Blaise, Pansy, Theo, Luna, Ginny, Neville, Ron, Hermione and even Dean and Seamus as well as all the Weasleys who Draco still got confused with.

The boys were all sitting in the living room discussing something about quidditch and who the best team was with Ginny and Luna when Harry whispered to Draco.

"I hope that offer of pounding you into the mattress is still available" He smirked at Draco's shudder and the blush that crept up his whole face. "It's available any time you like" He winked and walked off to talk to Charlie.

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