Oneshots (Specifically George...

Af w3bbsisc00l

3K 84 65

my bad i didn't mean to have the description as a keyboard smash originally- ;-; anyways basically this is j... Mere

'I promise'

Moments in Time

1.1K 21 8
Af w3bbsisc00l

George's POV:

There are moments in time, where you feel peace in your life. This was one of those moments, George thought. He chuckled while glancing over at the tall brunette boy laying in the grass of the park. "Come on Gogy, lay down with meee", Wilbur hummed. George stood up from the brown wooden bench and sat down beside Wilbur, laying his head back into the soft blades of grass.

"Fine Wil," he chuckled. Wilbur hummed in victory as if he had just accomplished the biggest thing ever. It satisfied George to know that he could please Wilbur so much without even trying. Wilbur interlocked his fingers with George's as they lie down on the green ground. The vibrant backdrop contrasting from the two pale figures.

After a couple minutes they decided it would be best to get up. "So, where to now Love?" Wilbur asked with curiosity. "Hmmm...", George looked around curiously, "there is that new ice cream shop around the the corner."

"I suppose it is hot outside, ice cream it is then."

The two boys giggled and talked throughout the brief walk to the small brick building. As they walked in George took in the cream white and light green decorations. The metal white tables with their matching chairs, the pistachio and beige stripes banners hanging from the walls. There was a door on the back wall, glass, that lead out to a patio with more seating.

They both ordered their ice cream and payed, going to sit down on one of the tables outside on the back patio. They hadn't gone on a real date in so long, they had always been inside watching movies and cuddling, but they never seemed to go out together. George, though he never admitted it, always found the sensation of peace and comfort when he was snuggled up into Wilbur's arms. It made his whole world. Whenever he saw Wilbur, George got excited. His whole world lit up. George loved Wilbur, and Wilbur loved George.

Outside eating their ice cream, the two bonded and talked about random topics. From their favorite animal to their favorite pastas. They talked about plans for streaming and they talked about their future together.

"So, George, I was umm.." Wilbur muttered with a tone that made him sound nervous to bring up this conversation, "lately I was wondering if you would maybe like to move into my apartment with me?"

George stared down at the ground, clearly thinking hard. "Listen just hear me out, we have been dating for, what is it now, 8 months? Not many people know but I think it is best for us to take it further. We love each other, George, so maybe we could do this and try our best to remain more low key." Wilbur said.

George took a moment to think this through before answering. "Okay, I would love to. We just need to try and find out how on earth we can still keep this secret. I just don't think I am ready for people to know yet, you know?"

"Yes, I agree. When you are ready, I will be ready, but until then we should try our absolute best to remain a secret from anyone who does not know already."

George nodded in agreement to that. Perfect, he thought.

They both finished up their ice cream and decided to walk back to Wilbur's apartment building which was only a couple streets away.

A few minutes pass and they see themselves standing in front of a big building, made of red bricks. Waking into the building and up a couple flights of stairs, the two men are met by the door.

"Oops. Hold on one moment," Wil says as he fumbles for the keys in his pocket. "Aha!", he says, finding them and slowly unlocking the door to his apartment.

They walk into the cozy living room. There is a kitchen right next to the living room, a bar island,  and a kitchen table right behind that. Off to the right there is a hallway that leads to one bedroom and one bathroom. To the left of the main room is a door which leads to a work area.

After taking his coat off, Wilbur wonders over to the couch where he takes a seat and lies back. His head leaned back hanging off the arm of the sofa.

George wandered over to the couch where his boyfriend had laid himself out. He motioned for him to scoot over, and he did. Slowly, trying not to crush Wilbur, George laid down next to Wilbur letting himself soak up the comfort.

Gently, an arm wrapped around George's torso holding him tight in the warm, embracing snuggle he loves so much. George took his hand and wrapped it around Wilburs, trying to cherish every moment they have like this because he loves these moments so, so much.

He hears a soft, low grumble from behind him. "I love you Gog."

"I love you too Wil", George says. He wishes he could just stay here forever. Here in Wil's arms, where he always has and always will, find comfort and peace.

WORD COUNT : 859 Words :]

Written entirely by: W3bbsisc00l/Webbs

I hope you enjoyed !! <3

PS: sorry this probably sucks but it's the first fanfic i've ever written and it's REALLY late at night so i have a somewhat reasonable excuse ig ;-;

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