Elimination โ˜ž๏ธŽ Teen Wolf [4]

By -pastelmic-

760 6 4

Elimination (adj.) the complete removal or destruction of something. Why isn't Kate Dead? What is happening t... More

Cousin Miguel & Berserkers
Liam & New Territory
Vixen & Monster
Dead Pool & Professional Assassins
DEREK & Immortal
Quarantine & Hale
45 Minutes & Vengeance
Lorraine & Gasoline
Cassette & Best Thing
Mantra & Home

Kate & La Iglesia

63 2 0
By -pastelmic-

Chapter: One

Zara was rolling her eyes as Stiles and Lydia bickered about how bad his plan to get into the Calavera's club was. She and Stiles had spent the journey to Mexico on foot following behind the jeep which Scott was driving, she sipped out of her non-see-through bottle full of blood as they approached the building they needed to get into.

Zara waits next to Stiles as Lydia asks the man in Spanish if this was where the party was, Yes Zara was fluent in Spanish.No one else in her family was Hispanic, it was just her. Although she and her siblings are fluent in pretty much everything, Zara excelled the most in Spanish.

Unfortunately the man guarding the door probably realized they were all teenagers and shook his head, but then Stiles pulled out a card with a skull on it, one of the men tilted his head towards the camera and Stiles held up the card to it. The door clicked and suddenly it was open, the two men stepped out of the way allowing them to make their way inside.

It felt very eerie as Zara walked in with her friends, it was a narrow hallways with very dim lights hung on the walls. They all turned their heads when they heard the door slam closed, no way of getting out if they were thinking of escaping.

Zara could hear the loud music blasting from behind the doors, those guards were such liars. She and Stiles both pushed the door open and they entered a very filled to the brim nightclub. Zara glanced around as sweaty bodies jumped and grinded, she flinched at the harsh smell of liquor and weed floating through the room.

God, she hated clubs.

She followed Stiles and Lydia over to the bar and they were instantly given shots, Zara heard a voice above her, she heard the guy over the balcony say to someone that they have visitors in Spanish and then there was suddenly a man walking up behind them.

Be cool, Zara. Don't be too obvious.

"No, on the house." He says to Stiles who had pulled out his wallet. "Most American teenagers don't cross the border just to say refuse a drink."

"We're not here for the drinks." Lydia says

Zara then pulls a shell casing out of her pocket and drops it into her shot glass.

And then they're being escorted through the crowd by said man that approached them, Zara glanced over at Kira and Malia who were dancing together. If she focused hard enough she could hear how fast Kira's heart was beating, she knew she had a thing for Malia ever since she met the werecoyote, maybe this will bring them closer.

Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Isaac and Lyla dancing together, and then she saw Jackson having a drink in the corner. She almost missed Scott who was hiding in the shadows but she knew he saw her when his eyes flashed red, she nodded before being led up the stairs with Stiles and Lydia.

When they're sent to a room they're given 3 chairs, Zara sits down and watches as the older looking woman with short hair pulls out stitches with a blade. "Severo hates this music, but I love the music of youth." She says

Zara rolls her eyes, "We're here for Derek Hale."

"Is that so?" She asked

"We know you have him." Lydia says, the woman yanks out another stitch, "We've heard you can be bought."

Stiles then places multiple stacks of money onto the table, "That's 50,000 for Derek."

She puts down her blade, "Now, where does a teenage boy get money like this? Japanese Mafia?"

Zara hears the cocking sound of a gun, she knew there were more than just them in that room, she heard extra heartbeats and she knew Stiles knew too, Lydia was the only one who flinched and turned to look at the girl. Then there was another one next to where Stiles was, Zara bit her bottom lip to hide her smile, she sensed 2 extra heartbeats in the room the second she walked in, they can hide in the dark all they want but she can hear them and so can Stiles.

She looked over, Stiles was hiding a smile as well, he was also squeezing Lydia's hand, she calmed down, she knew that he would protect her no matter what, ugh Zara really missed Derek.

The woman sat up, "Not smart to come alone."

Stiles snorts, not being able to contain himself any longer, "What makes you think we came alone?"

The woman's smirk drops, "Who did you bring into my home?"

"OH, I think it's time to reveal everyone, I was waiting for this part. Can I take this Stiles?"

"By all means, Zar." Stiles says with a smirk.

Zara sits up in her chair, "You see there's a list, with a few surprises. Now we brought an Alpha, a True Alpha at that. Uh 2 Beta's, a Werecoyote which is um, a mixture of a werewolf and a coyote, wanna take notes? No? I'll keep going. We also brought a Kitsune which is a Japanese Fox Spirit, and we brought Banshee twins, Lydia wave to the woman will ya?" Lydia waves with a faux look of innocence, "OH, and finally the surprise, you're gonna love this. Stiles?"

They both lock eyes before turning towards the woman, Zara and Stiles bares their fangs and hiss, Stiles' Blue eyes glowing brightly, Zara quickly retracts her fangs giving the woman with a horrified expression a smile, "We're vampires, well Stiles is a werewolf and vampire hybrid, he's also a Beta. Was that enough info for you? Sweetheart?"

The woman is livid, and Zara feels very satisfied, "How dare you bring so many supernaturals to my home, especially an Alpha." she spits

"Oh boohoo, where's Derek Hale?" Zara replies with a roll of her eyes.

The woman stands up and walks towards the back window, "My friends, I don't think you're aware of your poor timing."

"Do you know what the dark moon is?" She asked

"Part of the lunar phase where the moon is less visible in the sky." Lydia says like the genius she is.

"But do you know it's meaning?" She asked

"Some people say it's a time of reflection, or grief." Lydia replies nervously

"Grief and loss, mija." The woman says, "I wonder why when you and your friends have suffered so much loss that you would come here just for Derek Hale."

"Because he's pack, and we don't leave pack behind." Stiles growls, Zara glances at him and notices his eyes are flickering from his human whiskey to glowing blue.

"Lydia, calm him down," Zara whispers

Lydia gently leans her head towards his ear, she whispers a few things to calm him down into his ear, he blinks and the glowing blue is gone. He's still learning how to control his shift, he's made a lot of progress but when he get's annoyed, blue eyes and growling; not a full shift but he'll get there if he doesn't stay calm.

Suddenly over the walking the guards starts calling out the all clear, but the one in north is radio silent, Severo tries calling them over and over, and then Zara remembers that Scott is somewhere in the shadows, she smirks.

And then his voice comes through, "Stiles. Take 10 off the table." Scott says

Stiles leans over and takes 10k off the table and pockets them into his jacket.

"Maybe you should just take the deal." Lydia says with impatience in her voice.

The woman laughs, "While I am keen to follow the warning of a banshee, I'm going to have to decline."

"Just give us Derek, you don't want him anyway. He's a downer, no sense of humor and a poor conversationalist, no offense Zara. Just come on, take the money." Stiles says

Zara shrugged, she knew the real Derek.. and he was none of those things.

Okay, maybe he was a little bit of a downer but that's besides the point.

The woman just snatched up the walkie and held it to her lips, "Severo, show them how the Calavera's negotiate."

That can't be good, oh shit.

And before Zara could fight back she felt a strong zap of electricity flow through her veins, the room faded to black almost instantly.

When she woke up again she was surrounded by her friends, she blinked a few times before turning and finding Scott and Stiles starting to move as well. She leaned up with the help of Kira and she winced before standing up.

"What the fuck happened?"

"We got electrocuted is what happened." Isaac says leaning on the wall next to Jackson.

"And it was going so well until they pulled out the electric rods." Jackson scoffs

"They don't have him, they don't have Derek." Scott says as he sits up.

"Yeah I kind of figured that." Stiles replied

"But right now they have Lydia and Lyla" Kira says

"What do they want with Lydia and Lyla?" Jackson asked, concern in his eyes.

"She's probably intrigued by the idea of twin banshees." Isaac says

"It is rare, usually only one twin the family would have the banshee genes but they both got it, that's really powerful." Stiles explains

"So she's gonna what? Use the two of them for her own sick and twisted reasons?" Jackson growled before swinging his fist at the wall, he didn't even make a dent.

Zara snorted, "This place must be supernatural proof if Jackson's anger didn't leave a hole in the wall."

Scott looks at the door, he traces the claw marks, "This must be where they keep dying wolves."

"Looks like nobody has ever gotten out of here." Isaac says glancing at the claw marks as well.

"Not alive, at least." Malia adds, "I say we take out whoever comes from behind that door and get out of here."

"What about Lydia and Lyla?" Stiles asked

"What about them?" Malia says with a lost look on her face.

"We're not leaving without them." Scott replies

"Why not?" Malia asked, her face covered in confusion.

Kira walks over, "Because we don't leave without people. Remember we talked about this? No pack member left behind." Malia then looked towards the ground, she's probably upset that she's not catching up that fast which is actually far from the truth, she's doing very well and she will continue to get better with Kira's help.

"Don't feel bad Malia, I wasn't very sympathetic with the whole pack thing when I first turned, I would have rather left everyone here for dead if it meant saving my own ass. Now I care about everyone here, but I'm still slightly insensitive, I'm getting better though." Isaac says giving her a gentle smile, which she returns.

"So.. is that what you would do if you were a coyote? Leave her?" Jackson asked

Malia perked up, "If she was hurt and injured, yeah. If hunting season was bad that year then I'd eat her. Then I'd leave."

"You know, believe it or not that's progress." Kira says with a shrug and a nervous smile.

"Okay so, clearly we're not dead yet, Arya wants something." Scott says

"That's her name? I've been calling her that woman in my head."

"Okay but if the Calavera's don't know where Derek is, that means they didn't take him from the loft. Right?" Kira asked

"Maybe he left on his own and ended up getting caught." Isaac suggests, Peter did say he does that a lot.

"Or maybe he was taken in the loft but it was someone else?" Scott says

So many possibilities, but no clues to where Derek could be, Zara was starting to get more and more stressed by the minute. Just when she was about to sit down the doors opened and whole bunch of hunters walked in with electric rods.

Not again, Zara thought as she tried to run but was shocked heavily by the volts, she dropped to the ground as the darkness welcomed her.

When Zara wakes up again she's still in the same fucking room, she slowly sits up and realizes that Scott and Stiles are gone. Arya and her guards would see them as threats, Scott being an Alpha and Stiles being a super rare hybrid.

"Malia? What do you hear?" She hears Kira saying to the stressed out Werecoyote on the floor.

Zara walks over to them and glances at Jackson and Isaac's still out cold bodies, they'll wake up soon.

Malia shakes her head, her eyes squeezed shut, "I can't do it, I can't focus on anything."

"Hey, Malia, look at me, listen to my voice, you can do this. Just find something to focus o--"

And suddenly Zara was smiling as she watched Malia smash her lips to Kira's, Yeah, she's gonna let the have their moment while she goes to wake up Jackson and Isaac. She crawled over to the knocked out boys and leaned over towards Jackson, she took his finger and broke it causing him to automatically heal and shoot up.

"Hi sleeping beauty." Zara smiles

"What happened?" Jackson looks around the room, sighing when he notices it's the same place.

"Electric volts, wake up Isaac for me?"

Jackson nods and crawls over to him as Zara stands in the middle of the room focusing on what's going on above them. She hears Lyla being told to turn the dial and suddenly Scott's scream is piercing her ears, the lights above flickering.

"They're killing him." Malia says, worry apparent in her voice.

But then... Zara hears it. The name, the person who was apparently turned by scratch.

"Kate." Zara snarls

The same Kate that killed Derek's family and tried to kill Scott, Allison's supposedly dead aunt Kate Argent.

"Who's Kate?" Malia asked

Zara is livid, "Kate is the devil incarnate, a hunter, and an Argent and apparently she's alive but I'm gonna kill her. And this time she will stay fucking dead."

"Wait Kate Argent is alive?" Jackson asked

He'd been updated on pretty much everything that's ever happened to the pack, even from before Lydia and Lyla moved here, sometimes the pack will just talk about anything during their little hangouts.

"Does anyone in Beacon Hills ever actually stay dead?" Isaac scoffs

"Unfortunately, no." Zara replies

"Okay well, they let Scott and the others go." Malia says

And suddenly the door opens, "You're free to go." One of the guards says

Zara raises a brow, but he rest of the pack make their way out of the room. She quickly follows after them, they're escorted though the building and towards the back where they had decided to park the jeep and Lydia's car, they all stood next to it as Scott conversed with Arya. She says she knows what kind of Alpha Scott is and that she'll come knocking on his door once he turns his first Beta. Scott then walks over to the pack and Stiles walks up.

"So what now?" Stiles asked

"She says she thinks she knows where we can find Derek." Scott says

"Great, she gonna tell us where?" Malia says sounding bored.

"Actually, she's sending us a guide." Scott replies

"A guide?" Isaac asked

And suddenly someone rolls up on a motorcycle, they take the helmet off and it's a dark skinned woman with dark hair and a few gnarly scars on her neck, she climbs off and walks over to them.

"I know you, you saved me once." Isaac says with a smile

"Nice to see you again, Isaac." The girl says returning the smile.

"Sorry, what's your name?" Lyla asked seeming a bit jealous as she crosses her arms.

"Braeden, I'm the mercenary that's gonna take you guys to Derek." She replies

"And where would that be?" Jackson asked

"La iglesia." She says

"And that is?" Malia asked

"It's a church." Braeden answers

"A church?" Stiles asks confusion in his eyes.

"It's not a place where you'll find god." she shrugs before hopping onto her bike, "Let's get going."

Zara sighs, "Ready Stiles?"

Stiles nods, "Time to run again."

It was starting to get dark in the desert but vampires have night vision so she and Stiles would be fine by nightfall as they run at a steady pace behind his jeep and Lydia's car. Things were going pretty well as they were getting closer but then Stiles' jeep decided to just stop out of nowhere, Zara and Stiles stopped in front of it and Stiles glared at Scott through the window.

"What the fuck did you do to Roscoe, Mccall?" Stiles glowered at the alpha as he climbed out of the car.

"I didn't do anything, Stiles! I promise!" Scott says raising his hands in surrender.

"Then what the fuck happened to my baby?" Stiles says scanning his jeep before pulling up the hood and getting to work.

"Guys, we need to get there by night or else it's too dangerous." Braeden says

Scott nods, "Okay, let's go, Stiles you fix the jeep and meet us there, we should have Derek by then."

Stiles nods, "Someone has to find Derek, go."

Scott turns to leave but Zara grabs his arm, "Please find him, Scott." she hears her voice crack at the end, Scott nods before giving her a quick hug, "I'll find him, Zara. I promise."

She nods before he runs off and climbs onto Braeden's bike and they're gone within seconds.

Zara let's out a long sigh before wiping her tears and walking over to the jeep, "You think you can fix it?"

"I think so, but it doesn't actually look like anything is wrong." Stiles says

"Stiles." Malia says as she yanks something out from beneath the bottom of the car near the wheel, "We didn't hit something, something hit us."

Stiles grabs what's in her hand, "What the fuck is this?"

"it looks like a horn of some kind?" Jackson says

"Like a unicorn." Isaac adds

"It looks like a antler." Lyla says squinting a bit.

"Or a huge fucking tooth." Lydia adds

"Either way, something wants to kill us so that's great." Malia says looking around.

Stiles is back to toying around trying o get the jeep to work, he has a screw driver in between his teeth.

"Maybe we should just walk." Lydia suggests

"Not happening, I will never abandon this jeep, I love you Lydia but I will abandon you before I ever abandon, Roscoe." Stiles says

"Such a romantic." Lydia snorts

Zara knows Stiles and Lydia aren't gonna argue over it, Lydia knows what Stiles' jeep means to him, they all do even though they all know it's a piece of shit but it's a piece of shit that belonged to his mother so he's gonna use this thing until it finally gives out.

"Work fast, Stiles." Malia says, "We're definitely not alone here."

"Ah, shit. Here we go again." Jackson groans

Zara watched as Malia took off into the desert and Kira chased after her, Jackson and Isaac shared a look before shifting and following wherever Kira and Malia went. And Zara just groaned as she placed her face in her hands, man she really needed a hug from Derek right now.

She was so stressed.

"Zara? You okay?" Lyla asked

Zara nods, "I'm fine."

"Lydia could you please stop shaking the flashlight?" Stiles asked as he tinkered with the tools.

"Well I'm sorry but I am freaking out because there is yet another supernatural threat out there that wants to see us in our graves, so I sincerely apologize if my hands won't stop shaking!" She snaps before letting out a shaky sigh.

Zara frowns before walking over and taking the flashlight into her hands while Lyla pulls her stressed out sister into a hug. "I'll hold the flashlight, Lydia."

She nods, "I'm sorry Stiles, I just.. I'm terrified."

Stiles hops down from his jeep, Lyla allows him to hold Lydia in his arms, "There's no need to be afraid okay? Because I am going to protect you, you're going to be fine, Lyds. Okay?" Lydia nods before Stiles leaned in and connected their lips, ugh all this couple shit was making Zara really miss Derek and she swears to god if Scott didn't find him she was going to lose her godamn mind.

Stiles finally got the car to start back up just when Malia, Kira, Isaac and Jackson made their way back. "What happened?" He asked as he saw like the rest of us, Malia is limping with a cut on her leg.

"Whatever is out there is really strong, and they like to cut deep." Malia groans

"Okay well the jeep is fine so everyone back in the cars, we gotta get to Scott. He should have Derek by now." Stiles says before climbing into the jeep, Zara climbs inside with Malia and Kira in the back, Lydia in front with Stiles, Lyla was driving Isaac and Jackson in Lydia's truck. After about an hour of driving they finally made it to the church, Zara hopped out of the jeep and ran over to Scott and Braeden who were carrying a body out of the church.

Zara's eyes widened, Derek had only showed her one picture but.. she knew.

That was Derek, but it was 16 year old Derek.

"What the hell did Kate do to him?"

Scott sighs before glancing at the boy in his arms, "I think... she aged him down."


This took me 4 hours to write,, Anyway.

The first chapter is COMPLETEDDDD.

We're onto a new book in this series and honestly, it feels really good, I'm so excited.

Alright, well that's all I've got for you guys.. I got some Sterek books to read.


— Mic ☻︎

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