Forever In Their World [Seque...

By nashlycam23

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After Jaylee Stone finds out her parents have been taken, she has no other choice but to return back to the D... More



378 9 9
By nashlycam23

Jaylee's POV

Everything felt like it was going on a loop as I sat on Louis' lap, zoning out of the conversation while they tried to discuss what was happening. Everything felt awfully familiar, like the time when I was nineteen, struggling in the arms of my five captors. I remembered every moment so vividly as if it were happening right now, and although I tried my hardest to forget about it and to forgive them, I never could.

I didn't feel like their friend, I didn't feel like their family, and as weird as it sounds I didn't feel a part of their gang either. I felt like an outcast, a hostage, someone they could just toy with and control. If they truly loved and cared about me things would of been different. But by the looks of it, it doesn't seem likely.

"Let's start with Rules. Rules should always come first. Especially for you." Louis said as I blinked down at the table, wanting nothing to do with this conversation.

"Rule number one, never run away. Rule number two, never disrespect or back talk us. Rule number three, always do what we say. Rule number four, you're only submissive to us, no other gang. Rule number five, you must always train and work on yourself in order to fit in. No slacking and feeling sorry for yourself. Rule number six, always include us with your day to day life. No secrets. And rule number seven.......never speak about your family. But you may ask how they're doing if you must know." Louis informed as I felt tears form in my eyes while my emotions slowly grew numb.

"Do you understand all of that princess?" Louis asked as he leaned to the side to get a better look at me.

"Yes." I whispered, holding back my tears.

"Wonderful." He smiled before he placed his hand on my thigh and began rubbing my skin slightly with his thumb.

"Liam will explain the arrangements." Louis said as Liam cleared his throat.

"Life is going to completely change for us all Jaylee. And now that you're a part of it you must know these things. Wherever we go, everyone will know who we are. Luckily no one will mess with us. But our names and faces will be public. As far as work and business goes, we'll do a lot of hit man jobs. You won't have to do any of that. You'll just stay either in the car or at home with supervision. So you're off the hook with the dirty work. But you will participate in our activities and look fierce. We can't have any signs of weakness showing while you're on display." Liam explained as I kept my eyes down while Louis played with my clothes.

"For your regulations, you will never be allowed to sleep in your own room till we know we can fully trust you again. You'll always be watched and supervised wherever you choose to go. You're not allowed to visit any friends or family and you can only associate with us. Louis took your phone away and disposed it so you can't contact anyone. The only place you can go out for a break, if you're good, is outside by the swing Zayn made you. If you're difficult and remain with an unacceptable attitude, we won't stop ourselves from treating you the way we once did." Liam added as I began fiddling with my hands.

"As far as you go...... we advise you to completely change your appearance. Even your name." Liam said as my heart stopped.

"What?" I breathed as I widened my eyes and looked up at him.

"Well that caught her attention." Louis chuckled as he began playing with my hair. I wish you'd stop touching me already.

"Since you're going to be public soon and your name will be written down as a signature, we advise that you change your entire appearance and name so that no one back at home that you care about will find out. We're giving you that option." Liam answered as my heart raced.

"Change who I am....? Completely?" I questioned as my expanded eyes bore into his calm ones.

"You can change your hair, maybe cut it up or dye it.... create a whole new name for yourself. Maybe even a new style." He suggested as I thought about it.

"I don't want to be anybody else but me." I responded softly as Liam chuckled.

"So you're saying you want everyone to see you, Jaylee Stone, as a criminal? A gang member? Someone who killed many during the tournament?" Liam raised an eyebrow as I developed a lump in my throat.

I then looked down as I realized my answer was no, knowing I didn't want to be known as that.

"I think you'd rock a new look. Plus we can help you with it." Louis grinned as he ran his hand through my hair.

"I've never done a new look before.... or changed my name... for that matter." I said as Liam smiled.

"We'll give you time to think of a new name. But we need it in a week. So don't lose your train of thought." Liam mentioned as I swallowed hard.

A new hair style? A new name? They're completely transforming me.

"And just so that you get it right, your name won't be a title, like Dark Riot for example, it'll be an actual name. Like Carly Rae or something." Harry mentioned as everyone looked at him.

"Yeah but don't choose Carly." Liam said before they chuckled.

"As far as hair goes.... I have an idea in mind.... but you gotta trust me on this." Louis grinned as he fingered my hair.

"Trust you?" I asked sarcastically as I looked down.

"Sensitive words I know, but I think you'll like it." Louis said before I began to bite my lip.

"What do you guys think? Shall we give it a go with a new hair style?" Louis asked as everyone looked at me.

"Yes." They all chorused as I closed my eyes and sighed, knowing I no longer had a say in anything anymore.

I felt a few tears stream down my face as Harry continued to chop away my hair, not being able to see how short he was cutting it. My heart sank as I heard another snip behind the back of my head, feeling the weight of my hair lessen by the second.

Everything was now out of my control. I couldn't even decide or pick what hair style I wanted, it was what they wanted. Nor was I able to choose my clothing because Liam and Zayn were the ones who were currently online shopping for that. Everything was for them, for their pride and their pleasure. And all I could do was go along with it and hope they'd leave me alone.

"Last cut. Almost done sunshine." Harry grinned behind me as he grabbed a fistful of the last remains of my long hair, making my heart sink. As soon as I heard the scissors cut behind me, I knew that was it. That was the last bit of my long hair that I worked so hard to grow. And now it's all gone. Because of them.

"Is she finished yet?" Louis asked as he walked over towards Harry's room and examined me.

"She's all set and ready for you." Harry grinned as they made eye contact.

"Wow... she looks better already." Louis breathed as we locked eyes.

I looked down at the ground as my body remained still, feeling like every part of my personality was slowly fading away and being replaced.

"Alright kiddo, we're gonna dye your hair now." Louis grinned as he approached me.

"What? I thought this was it?" I gasped as I looked back up at him.

"This is just the beginning, I gotta add the finishing touch." He grinned evilly as my eyes widened.

"No, please Louis this was torture enough. I don't want to damage my hair." I pleaded as he chuckled.

"Your old hair was the old you. Whatever I do now will be the new you." He said as he hovered over me.

That's what I'm afraid of.

"Come on princess." He urged before he scooped me into his arms.

"No Louis please." I whispered as I began struggling in his grip despite my leg stinging.

"I'm gonna need you to hold her for me while I dye her hair." Louis told Harry as he carried me to the bathroom.

"Sure thing." Harry grinned as I began to fight against Louis' grip.

"Let me go!" I screamed as I wiggled around against his chest.

"Dont be difficult. I want to make sure it's perfect." Louis said before we entered into the bathroom.

I began to scream and fight back as Harry grabbed me and forced me down onto the ground where a towel was laid. I whimpered when he grabbed a fist full of what felt like short hair before he pressed my face against the sink, not allowing me to see my reflection.

"Perfect, hold her there." Louis said as Harry kept one hand on my head and the other on my hip, pressing me deeply against his chest.

"Please, Louis, don't." I begged one last time before I heard Louis put his gloves on.

"You're gonna fit right in." He grinned before he began putting my hair in sections.

Tears fell from my eyes as my lips quivered, feeling awfully cold as my cheek rested against the counter. Harry had me in a very uncomfortable lock position that put immense pressure on my injured leg. I wanted this to be over with more than anything right now. I didn't know how much longer I could take. It was emotionally draining just as it was physically.

I was transforming into a whole new person. A person only they would approve of.

Louis began applying a cold liquid against my scalp, making me close my eyes and whimper as he colored my hair. I had no idea what coat he was putting on, so I was terrified that I wouldn't like it. I doubted they would make me look bad, but they wouldn't make me look pure either. They were gonna make me fit right in the gang life.

After Louis was done coating a few pieces of my hair, they forced me under the sink, making me wince as they washed it all out. I shivered from how cold the water was, vibrating against Harry and Louis' chest. I clung onto the counter as they both ran their hands through my hair, perfecting it in every way they possibly could.

"Alright. That's good enough. Now let's blow dry." Louis said before Harry took out my dryer.

He plugged it in before Louis grabbed a small beige towel and wrapped it around my hair, squeezing it tight to help dry it faster. I chattered my teeth together as he dried my hair with the towel, suddenly capturing his attention. "I know you're cold Jaylee. Don't worry we'll take care of that." Louis said before Harry turned on the blow dryer.

I flinched from the loud noise before Louis pulled the towel from my head and began blowing my hair. I felt relieved and relaxed under the warm heat as Louis fumbled his fingers through my hair. I was finally no longer cold as he turned the pressure on high, keeping my head close against his hand.

Minutes went by as I sat under the dryer, wondering when it was going to end so that I could get a break from this painful position. My leg was throbbing and my neck felt so sore.

"Alright. She's completely dry now. Give me a brush." Louis said before he set the dryer down.

I was then twisted around quickly, making me wince as my leg ached. I looked up at Louis as he smirked down at me, grabbing my brush before he ran it down my hair. I noticed that every time he brushed, he would go back up as soon as it reached my shoulders, letting me know how short they cut it.

Harry held me against the counter as Louis brushed the knots out of my hair, keeping his entire focus on my head. "Damn." Harry whispered as Louis finished the last stroke.

"All done. You're brand new Jaylee." Louis grinned as he looked at me, admiring his art work.

"Wow she looks hot." Harry said as he ran his hand through my soft silky hair.

"Take a look baby girl. You'll like it." Louis smirked before he helped me turn around.

My eyes widened as I looked at the reflection before me, wondering if that was in fact me. I didn't recognize the girl in front of me at all. She looked completely different than the one I saw yesterday.

I gasped softly as I slowly touched my hair, seeing that it was in fact just barely up to my shoulders. They probably cut off about seven inches of my hair. Harry also gave me slight side bangs that didn't look too bad on me. I just never seen my hair this short before. It was always to my hips.

"Look, I dyed this part red, so whenever you have your hair up or when you tuck it behind your ear, you'll see it. Wicked right?" Louis grinned as he pulled a few strands behind my ear, showing off his work.

I widened my eyes as I now noticed the coloring in my hair, knowing it looked nothing like me. This style didn't fit me at all. I looked like an E-girl. But I wasn't. I was the innocent and pure girl... or at least.... I thought I was. Now I'm completely different.

I admit the hair style wasn't that bad. It was new... but it wasn't me. I guess I didn't have a choice though whether or not I liked it. Because it's already done.

"So, do you like it?" Louis asked as I continued to stare at myself, questioning the same thing.

"It's.... new." I responded, taken back by my entire presence as I saw the lust in both of their eyes.

(Here's what Jaylee looks like before & after )



(I decided Jaylee is playing as Maggie Lindemann.)

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