
By Bathabile19

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The youngest heiress of the Castillo empire and a rising star. Will she find love along the way? (JATP charac... More

E! Update
Buzzfeed Interview
Welcome to Vancouver
First Things first
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Dance Rehearsals
Sara Molina
Stand Tall
Mother's Day
Happy Birthday
The Surprise
Another Prom
Some more Scenes...
Charlie's POV 1
Charlie's POV 2
Award Show
Cool Down
Unsaid Emily Letter
Can't Stop Dancing


67 1 0
By Bathabile19

"Hey love, you ready for school?" I say grabbing my bag. 

"Yea I just hope it work you know?" she says getting out the house. We get to the hall scene where Dirty Candy are performing and on cue I rush to find Flynn and Jules. "Hey, its not over yet..." I say holding out my arms. We rush to the auditorium and find them starting Wow. "Look who spend daddy's money on costumes and Katy Perry's choreographer," I snort and over my mouth. The guys appear next to me. "What are you doing her," I say whispering. 

"We wanted to see Julie stick it to the man," says Luke and I roll my eyes at him. "You look nervous Jules," I say looking at her. 

"I don't know if I can do this guys,"

"I wouldn't have given you the song if I didn't think you could rock it," he says bouncing.

"Exactly," I smile at him. "Now you go up there and show them what you're made of," We walk off hand in hand and I set the keyboard for her and watch from the wings. The guys poof on stage and I notice people can see them. Julie looks at me confused. "Keep singing I say," I notice the keyboard needs someone and run on, playing the notes on the piece of paper. I start singing along and watch as everyone is hypnotised by my little sisters' voice. When she ends the boys disappear, causing everyone to murmur. "What happened?" asked a guy from the crowd.

"Wait where those holograms?" asks Kayla. 

"Yes," responds Julie as she pulls me closer. "Sara and I made them and plugged them in before the show." I smile really wide. Everyone is dismissed and I head down on my way to the lessons. 

When I get home I head over to the mom's six string near the couch. I grab the guitar and sit down and strum.

I ignore Julie behind me and continue jamming out. "I did it,"  I smile as I look up like I'm talking to mom. "I knew you could do it!" I hear somebody yell. 

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask nervously. 

"I heard it all from my room!" 

"Cut! Nice job girls take 5," I put the guitar back and drop into the couch. I watched Mads head of to costume to change and get ready for Flying Solo. I knew after that would be the scene for Unsaid Emily so I got myself to make and costume for my hoop earring, blue ripped jeans and blue denim top and brown sneakers. 

"Look Julie we know you're upset but please here us out," Julie continues with her work. 

"Oh no, she can't see us anymore," says Reggie and Alex rolls his eyes at him. 
"Sometimes I wish I couldn't see you," she whispers. Julie gets up and heads to her room. I come down the stairs, heading to the kitchen. "What you guys did was really disappointing," I say as I come the fridge. "We know Sara, but it was for a reason, Luke's not all that bad and as selfish as you think," as Alex sitting on the table. I roll my eyes. "I'll believe it when I see it," I say drinking my lemonade. "Listen, you remember that song Emily?"

"Yea the one he wouldn't let me see," I say leaning against the kitchen counter. 
"At least let us show you guys who it's about, maybe you'll of all people will understand," Alex explains everything to me. "Really?" I saw washing up. "Yea, now we just need to convince Jules," I put my arm in front of him put it just goes through him. "Oops sorry, I'll handle it," I sigh as I head up towards Mads.

"Hey," I saw sitting next to her on the bed. "I know you're still upset with the guys and so am I but maybe we should hear them out?"

"But I trusted them and they let me down,"
"I know they did, but maybe they had a good reason, like how you and I didn't do anything music related when mom died because..." 

"Because we missed her too much," 

"Exactly," I put my hand out to her and she grabs it. The boys poof in and we follow them to a cute looking house and hide behind some trees. "So Emily is his mom?" I ask sneaking a peak at the house.

"Yea, when Luke died they left on bad terms and he regrets that. I mean they didn't want their 17 year old in a rock band so he just left,"

"Yea he thinks we don't know he comes here," adds Reggie.

"And he just watches them?" asks Julie next to me.

"Yea but they don't do much," adds Alex.

"But they're having cake, that's something?" I say.

"It's birthday cake, for Luke.," 

"I had no idea Luke was hurting this much," adds Julie.

"Same, he's just like us," I say looking down, I noticed a flower pot full of dahlias and think of mom. 

"If Bobby had given Luke credit for those songs then,"

"His parents would've known his dream was worth fighting for," I finish looking up at Charlie.

"Wow," add Julie.

"We better go," I say feeling uncomfortable. We get back to the studio and start on Finally Free. I was filling in on the guitar. Luke poufs in and sits on the chair. "Grab a guitar," I smirk at him. I was about to head back to the house when I hear them call out to me. "Hey Sar, we do need a second guitarist," I hear Julie say. I smile and grab my blue electric guitar next to mom's six string. We practise for a while before Jules and I need to head inside for supper. "Heads up, he has that GPS frustration look," says Carlos going upstairs. 

"That ain't good," I say walking in front. I head up and hear dad grounding Julie. She heads up to my room and the boys pouf in. "Guys I can't go, I got grounded." she says sulking. "Who said anything about stairs? " Luke pushes open my window. I open mom's chest and find an epic outfit for Julie and take out a black sleeveless top and gold and black matching shorts and matching bracelet. We sneak out and head to the café. I spot Flynn and we walk over to her. "Are we too late?" asks Jules fixing her hair. We notice Dirty Candy on stage. "Wait how'd they get on the list?" I ask confused. 

"Money talks girl," says Flynn. The boys pouf in and Alex poufs up on stage and starts dancing along and poufs back next to me. "Having fun out there?" asks Julie. 

"Put me back in coach," he smirks and poufs back. 

"You know sometimes I don't remember why I don't like her," says Flynn leaning on Julie. They walk up to us. "Isn't it past your bedtime?" she asks putting her head to the side. I went near Flynn, "Remember now?" I snicker. She gives me a really? look and I back away. "Closing tonight is Julie and the Fat Ones," we all look at Luke. 

"Really dude?" I say slapping my hand of my face. 

"Yo my handwriting sucks,"

"Never mind" I say as I stand near Julie as we start.

"Guys that was amazing!" I say high fiving Flynn.

"Hey look that lady Carrie was trying to impress is heading this way," says Luke.

"Who should do the talking?" We all dramatically turn to Reggie.

"Of course Alex," I say my voice dripping with sarcasm. 

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