Forever In Their World [Seque...

By nashlycam23

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After Jaylee Stone finds out her parents have been taken, she has no other choice but to return back to the D... More



375 13 9
By nashlycam23

Jaylee's POV

As soon as Zayn said my name, Louis quickly ran towards the door with his eyes completely wide with shock. "Jaylee... what are you doing here?" Louis asked as he seemed slightly out of breath.

I didn't say a single word, I just looked between the both of them, taking in every sentence they spoke amongst themselves. "Jaylee?" Zayn sounded concerned as my chest began to rise and fall quickly, feeling my lungs tighten by the minute.

My parents are alive. They've been hiding this from me this entire time. I've been crying about my parents for months, only to find out the friends I love and trust are the reason for their disappearance.

"Jaylee wait-" I completely ignored Zayn as I turned around and ran down the hallway, hearing them follow right after.

"Jaylee!" Louis called as I fought back the tears from forming in my eyes. Please don't cry, god not now.

Liam and Harry looked up from their phones in confusion before they quickly widened their eyes and stood up, quickly guarding the door. "Woah woah, what's going on?" Harry asked as he narrowed his eyebrows at us three.

"You. You happened. All, all five of you." I said as I breathed and looked at all of them.

"I don't understand what you mean. What's wrong Jaylee?" Liam asked innocently as he took a step forward.

"No! Don't! Don't you dare come any closer!" I warned as I pointed at Liam and narrowed my eyebrows, shifting away.

"Jaylee.... why are you behaving this way?" Louis asked as he held his hands in defense near his chest, slowly coming towards me.

"You, I trusted you!" I raised my voice as my chest ached.

Zayn looked completely shattered as he watched me, not saying a word as his lips gaped.

"Can you please explain what is going on?" Harry asked, growing impatient.

"I'll tell you what's going on. I'll tell you exactly what is going on! You all are liars! You're selfish liars! You kidnapped my parents and hid them from me, lying to me that they were murdered! By a freaking gang! You led me to believe that all of this was true! I trusted you!" I explained as tears began to swell in my eyes from all the emotional pain I was feeling.

"What are you talking about?" Niall asked as he stood up from the couch, putting away his phone.

"Shut up! You're just as guilty as they are! You were in on this this entire time! That's why you've been avoiding me! That's why you've been quiet this whole time! It's because you knew! You freaking knew!" I screamed at Niall as his eyes widened.

"Hey! Don't talk to him like that." Liam raised his voice as he took a step towards me.

"No, it's okay Liam. Let her talk. This is all just a misunderstanding." Louis said calmly as he lowered his hands at Liam.

"All a misunderstanding? How is this all a misunderstanding?! I heard.... everything!" I said madly as Zayn's eyes widened.

"Jaylee I-"

"No! Don't come any closer! I can't even look at you right now." I interrupted Zayn as he swallowed.

"What did you hear? Talk to me." Louis said kindly as he took another step closer.

"Stop that! Stop acting all innocent! Stop pretending you don't know exactly what I'm talking about! You're a liar! You lied to me! Do you have any idea what you've done to me?! What you did to my entire life?! Do you not care?!" I raised my voice as I looked at Louis with pain.

"What did you hear Jaylee?" Louis asked as he looked completely calm and collective.

"I heard you're a backstabber. That you only care about what you can gain from me. You're a coward." I spat as Harry took a protective step forward.

"Harry... it's okay. Let her talk." Louis relaxed Harry as he clenched his jaw behind me.

"I want to know what you heard." Louis repeated as I huffed.

"Are my parents alive? Answer me that, and I'll tell you everything." I snapped as he sighed.

He paused for a moment as the whole room fell silent, causing my heart to race.

"Yes. They're alive." He answered as my heart stopped.

I gasped as my heart felt like it was pouring out of my chest, feeling too many emotions at once.

"I heard you have been keeping something from me. You have been since the moment you brought me here. Since the moment my parents went missing. Maybe even before that. And they're somewhere, trapped in a room, or a place, that you can keep an eye on. And that they're alone... they don't know where they are... they apparently can't escape or have even tried. And it's probably all because you wanted me in the end. You wanted me to believe they were really gone so that you can finally have me all to yourself. You tricked me into staying with you all. That has to be why you did this." I informed as tears blurred my vision.

Louis then grinned as he looked at me, trying hard to not laugh. He finds this funny?

"Wow... I have to admit I wasn't expecting this so soon. You are smart for catching signs and for eavesdropping. I'm not happy you did it... but I'm not surprised either." Louis said as he walked around the room slowly.

I narrowed my eyebrows as I watched him, not trusting anyone in this house besides myself.

"Why.... why did you do this? Do you have any idea the pain you caused me? You took my heart and ripped it into pieces. I thought I lost my family." I spoke as my heart crushed.

"They're alive. And they're safe. You don't have to worry about them." Louis replied as my hands clenched into fists.

"Where are they?" I asked bitterly.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that. It's classified. But they're safe in a small house. They have everything they need." Louis informed as my heart raced.

"How did you even do all of this?" I asked as I kept my eyes focused on him.

"With lots of planning and skill my darling." He grinned as I clenched my jaw.

"Don't call me that." I hissed.

"I'm guessing you want to know why we did it. Don't you?" He raised his eyebrow as I narrowed mine.

"Come sit down. We'll have a chat." Louis offered as he pointed at the couch where Niall was at.

"No. I don't want to sit with you. Or either of you. I'm fine right here." I snapped as he grinned.

"I should be expecting this behavior. I understand your anger." Louis chuckled to himself.

"You don't understand anything." I argued as Zayn looked at me with sad eyes.

"Now tell me why you did all of this! Why me?! Why did you take everything from me and ask me to stay with you? I already did so much for you guys. What more could you possibly want?!" I raised my voice as I felt my throat run dry.

Louis sighed as he looked at me before he glanced at the floor briefly, trying to recollect his thoughts. "This might be hard for you to understand." Louis breathed as I clenched my jaw.

"I deserve to know. After all you took my family." I spat as he nodded his head.

"After we won the tournament, we thought we didn't need you in order to move forward. We thought we only needed you momentarily to win. But turns out, in the contract we needed to sign that would give us our due title, we needed your signature and your presence with us. We weren't able to get the money or the power without the sixth member. Our battle showed we won as six, so when only five of us showed up, they rejected us and said we can't receive our reward without you. I wanted to kill them right then and there, but I then thought of an idea. It wouldn't hurt to have you back with us, to rejoin our team. We missed you anyways. So we came up with a plan. To kick your parents out of the picture and have your life be threatened in order for you to choose us. It was a 50:50 chance of you wanting to stay with us after all but I had faith you would. We did all of this because we can finally move on to greater highs and do things the way we imagined. With you here on our team 24/7, we can now progress and move forward. So we needed you Jaylee." Louis explained as my heart was beating so loud against my chest.

"So you... lied to me... and watched me suffer... just so that you could get what you wanted? Just like last time? Why didn't you ask? Why didn't you just tell me? I would of helped out. I would of signed the contract and gone back to my life if that's all it took." I said dishearteningly.

"Oh I know you would of Jaylee. You would do anything for us as we would for you. But it was more than that. You need to live with us and go wherever we go. We can't be the winning gang without you. We didn't realize this was going to take place but this is the way things are now. And we all knew you would of never agreed to do this. We knew you would of rejected it, so we had to do what we needed to do." Louis informed as I scoffed.

"You're using me. You're using me ... again, to get exactly what you want. You all are using me!" I spoke madly as I looked at all of them.

"We need you here with us Jaylee. We can't move forward if you're not in the picture." Liam added as I glanced at him.

"So you made the decision based off of how you feel, and nothing about how I feel. Do you have any idea the pain you put me through? How often I locked myself in this house and cried?! Do you even care about that at all? Or do you only care about what you can get? A title." I ranted as I intensely stared at all of them.

"Jaylee this is the best way, you're better off with us than at your house with your family." Harry chimed in as I clenched my fists.

"No I'm not! Don't put words into my mouth! You have no idea how much better life would of been if I was at home right now with my family! I had to lie... to everyone for you! I've done so much for you! All of you! And this is how you repay me? This is how you treat me?" I half screamed as I madly looked at Harry.

"How could you." I whispered as I locked eyes with Zayn. I watched as he shamefully swallowed hard before he looked down, keeping his hands in his pockets.

"Everything will cool down soon Jaylee. I know this is a lot to process. But this is the way things need to be." Louis sighed as he took a step forward, causing me to take one back.

"No. Things don't need to be this way. You're going to give me back my parents and take me back home so that we can all go back to our normal lives. And if you still want me so bad, I'll do you all a favor and pretend this never happened. Just let us all go back home." I demanded as they all stared at me.

"I'm sorry Jaylee. But we can't do that." Louis said as he pretended to look sympathetic.

"I'm going back home, where I belong, with my family. I will not be a part of this backstabbing gang." I sassed as Louis changed his entire demeanor.

"You don't have a choice Jaylee. You're not going back. You never were." Louis spoke seriously as he narrowed his eyebrows at me.

My eyes grew wide as I realized they never intended for me to leave. They bought this new house, moved to an entire new location in the middle of no where so that I would never escape. They planned this all accordingly so that I'd be here forever, with them. They don't want me to leave. There's no way I'm getting out of here without a fight. If they won't take me home, I have to do it myself.

"You're going to be in our gang for the rest of your life whether you want to or not." Louis hissed as I clenched my fists tightly, feeling anger boil inside of me.

I then looked at every single one of them, remembering all of the fighting skills I've learned over the past year. I'm not leaving this house without a serious break out. I'm gonna have to fight my way out of here. Even if it means fighting the guys who were once my trusted friends.

Well then..... let's fight.

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