Return, Retry, Restart...Cont...

By DarkDespair713

574K 23K 45.6K

You wanted to be with them. Little did you know, that when real flesh and blood are involved... a world with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 35 (FOR REAL)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 61

5K 241 133
By DarkDespair713

You were walking around with Kaito, Shuichi and Rantaro. It took awhile but Shuichi finally found out where to put the stone in. You were almost exasperated at the fact that it took so long, but then again... you do know the future in that aspect- whereas Shuichi does not. The four of you watched as the wall crumbled in front of you all, taking a step back as it did.

"....Huh." Rantaro commented for a second, "Doesn't the air seem stagnant? Like no one's been here for a really long time...?"

Kaito gave him a confused look, "Really? We must be some of the first! So let's go!"

"H-Hey wait! Shouldn't we be..." Shuichi sighed as he saw Kaito race ahead, "...careful."

You couldn't help but chuckle a bit, "Kaito's filled with enough energy for all of us honestly."

"He really is." Shuchi joked back a bit, as you all went to go catch up. The first room you headed into was Kirumi's lab, it was beautiful as it always was. Although, this time you were definitely in a little more awe in the quality of the place, the Victorian style was much more vibrant now then it had been before.

You shook your head a bit to yourself, you took a lot for granted when you were first here. But then again you treated this more like a game.... and now things are just messed up. You sighed and put your face into your hands to stop yourself from thinking about things like that.

"You alright?" To your surprise it wasn't Rantaro who asked, but Kaito. Rantaro was on the other side of the room investigating alongside Shuichi.

"Huh-? Oh yeah I'm just fine just.." You subconsciously rubbed the back of your neck in awkwardness, "I was thinking about what my talent could be. Seeing this place makes me wonder if there's something like this for me."

It wasn't technically a lie. That was definitely a problem that you still didn't have solved. Regardless Kaito just gave you a thumbs up. "I'm sure you'll remember and it'll be a super cool talent! You and Rantaro are totally cool people so you probably have cool talents!"

You gave a grateful smile, "Thanks Kaito." It didn't take long for the four of you to wrap up and eventually move on to the other talent labs. You also found Gonta's and Ryoma's and after a quick look you guys moved on. Until Shuichi stumbled upon the treasure chest.

"Think it's a trap?" Rantaro asked staring down at it. You hummed a bit in agreement, although you knew it wasn't.

Kaito looked at the three of you in annoyance, "You all are so careful!" He just goes and opens the chest up and pulls out the flashback light. "What is this-?"

"Kaito! What if it was a trap?" Shuichi chided. "I have no clue... maybe we should discuss it when we all meet up later though."

You sighed a bit, "Sounds like a good idea. Besides if it's important the rest of the group should know."

The mutual agreement sounded between all of you before moving on, you guys finally found the last thing to be found in this particular new area- which was Maki's lab. Of course, Maki was standing right in front of it.

"No." She bluntly said when Kaito and Shuichi asked to go in.

"H-Huh? I don't think there was a rule against going into other labs...?"

"I don't care about the rules. I'm not letting anyone inside."

Rantaro's face darkened a bit, "Why not Maki? I hope you're not hiding anything are you?"

She glared right back at him. "Do you wanna die?"

Kaito finally stepped in when she said that. "Okay okay! If she doesn't want to she doesn't have to. But come to the group meeting Maki. We found some interesting things we need to discuss." You exchanged glances with Rantaro and Shuichi, they were evidently unnerved by Maki's words. Your group made a bit of a distance away before turning to each other.

"Something's up with her... there isn't any good reason for someone to be that protective of their Ultimate Lab." Rantaro spoke.

Kaito shrugged, "Just leave it. I'll get her to warm up to the rest of us later I swear." You chuckled a bit at that. "In any case. Let's split up and go grab the rest of the groups to the gym."

All of you headed separate ways to go find the other group, you made your way to where the Love Hotel and Casino would've been. You shuddered a bit, since heading into the Casino alone still made you somewhat uneasy but you pushed through anyway. You came faced with Keebo, Miu, Ryoma and Kirumi.

"Ah (Y/N) is there something you need?" Kirumi noticed you first, the other three were all playing various games. You glanced over to where they are to see Miu shouting at Ryoma for being so lucky, and Keebo trying to do some mathematical probability type thing.

You shook your head a bit, "Are you done investigating? Cause we were thinking of meeting up in the gym soon." Hearing your words Ryoma got up and headed to where you and Kirumi were.

"We're basically done here. Got a little side track but this place and that hotel was the only thing our item opened." He moved to adjust his hat a bit and the other two came over.

"I must say Ryoma, I'm quite intrigued about how you were able to win so many times. Mathematically the probability of that is.... extremely low." Clearly Keebo nor Iruma heard what you said about meeting up.

"It's just luck. And I had faith I would win."

Miu smirked, "Oooh faith I bet you-"

"No Miu please." You cut her off, not wanting to hear her obscene joke at the moment.

"Heeeee! I wasn't even going to say anything bad!"

Keebo was spacing out at that thought. "Luck and faith...."

"Ahem." Kirumi cleared her throat, "Perhaps you all can finish this conversation later? I believe (Y/N) came here to gather us for a meeting."

"Ah yes. Thank you Kirumi." You nodded in gratitude, "We should make our way to the gym. I'll head on first." You walked out with them eventually following you.

It took a bit, but everyone had arrived in the gym, and it didn't take long for everyone to start explaining what they found.

"Our group found a brand new floor, alongside three Ultimate labs. Kirumi's, Ryoma's and..." Shuichi's voice fades out a bit as he glances over at Maki. "Maki's. And we discovered this weird... flashlight thing."

Kaito pulled it out, "Although we're not sure what it does."

"I can answer that for you!" Monokuma popped up out of nowhere,  you resisted the urge to roll your eyes, you listened to the bear as he talked about how the light could restore your memories, and the shock from everyone else.

As Monokuma disappeared, you listened to the rest of the group argue about whether or not it was a good idea to use the light. You sighed, "I think we should, we won't get anywhere if we're scared of every little thing in this environment." You were only talking as to not be overly suspicious. Not having any input on certain key items could end up failing you in the long run.

Well, it didn't take long for people to surprisingly conform to your opinion. Most likely because Kaito so enthusiastically agreed with you, and soon he turned it on. You were slightly caught of guard by the feeling of light enveloping you again, and when you experienced the visions of the Ultimate Hunt, although it felt more.... foreign to you this time. It still felt like a sort of fever dream, since you were aware it wasn't apart of your memories.

Although, despite that you couldn't help but stumble the slightest bit when the vision finally faded out. You were one of the first to snap out of it though, so you blankly looked around the room, watching as all the Ultimates came back to reality, having questions that you knew the answers to but cursed to not answer.


Updating more? Yes please!

I Finally. FINALLY, have every single important event planned out to the max, so now no more walls blocking progress hopefully!

But I am so excited for some of the later chapters- which by the way HOLY SHIT THIS IS 61 CHAPTERS LONG I'M HONESTLY SURPRISED. But thank you all for sticking around!

Anyway, I look forward to seeing you all in the upcoming chapters!

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