Ore No namaewa Uzumaki Naruto...

By h20hoodini

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Hey there guys! Konnichiwa Minna! A story begins on a special particular Shinobi and do you know who it is... More

Sayonara Yondaime Hokage Sama
Uzumaki Naruto!

Coming Back

28 0 0
By h20hoodini

Few years Later

As time went on we stumble across on a certain Blonde shinobi who is now the age of 13.

"Woo! Can't believe after all these years I'm coming back to village again ya know!"
Naruto screamed excitedly.

"Ano sa! Ano Sa! Are we almost there yet o-chan?" Naruto loudly asked.

"Shut your ruckus kid I've told you the past few hours we're almost there." He grunted in annoyance.

The merchant man was lifting him a ride in his carriage to the leaf village.

"Hmph! Your no fun ya know!" Naruto said turning away from him disappointed

"But kid." The man said.

Naruto turned to look at him.

"Why are you excited about going back to your village?"

"Well you see! My Jiji is there who is the hokage and I can't wait to see him that's why!"

"No one else kid what about your parents?"

"Nope! Got no parents they died when I was young but it's alright because there with me right here!" Naruto said pointing a finger to his heart.

The man looked at him smiling this time and chuckled.
"Kid you maybe annoying but you sure do know how lighten someone's day up." He said complimenting him.

"Hehehehe." Naruto said giggling with a cheeky whisker smile.

They soon managed to reach the village and the merchant dropped him off and said their greetings and went off their own ways.

"Oh ho!" Naruto yelled in amazement.

Naruto was running through the village in amazement looking at everything that has changed for the past few years.

"Wow the village has changed a lot it used to be really small now it's little bigger 'ttebayo!" Naruto said running around recklessly not recognizing his surroundings.

He almost ran into a villager who cursed at him.

"Sorry ya know!" Naruto said still running to the mountainside of the hokage faces.

Naruto soon reached the cliff side of the faces and stopped on his dad's.

He dropped his bag and leaned back to feel the cool breeze and fresh air he always felt whenever he was here.

Naruto took a deep breath and exhaled loudly missing this feeling.

"It feels good to be back!" Naruto said to himself loudly so his voice could be heard throughout the whole village.

Naruto then laughed to himself constantly until his laughs died down and suddenly his expression was switched with a sad expression.

"It feels good to be back huh?" Naruto said to himself contemplating about his feelings.

Flashback to 6/y.o when he is 7.

Naruto like any other day now living in his new home did his usual routine eating his newfound hobby of ramen at ichirakus for morning, evening, and night.

He also read and studied his dad's scroll of contents and the jutsu's that were there evening though he found studying and reading a pain for him but he gladly did it at the same time remembering of his promise to his dad.

He roamed around the village as well now more freely without the villagers in a mob or chasing him to do something harmful.

But Naruto was still cautious and wary being ready at the moment to get away.

He also went fishing sometimes by himself or with the Sandaime Jiji to catch fish and set a campfire at night to gaze at the shining stars.
(If you guys remember little Naruto catching fish and then Hiruzen poppin in outta no where to eat with him ifykyk.)

(Guys Im sorry still trying to perfect fix my writing and descriptions of things so please bear with me if the story doesn't sound good I'm sorry I will try my best like always.

Naruto thought for a second that everything was going okay and normal for him until on a specific day an incident occurred.

Naruto woke up on a usual Normal day doing his personal hygiene, studying and eating ramen.

He went on into the streets of konoha going to get Ichiraku's to get some ramen when something caught his eye.

A shop stand that had masks up in display for sale was all free because the owner wanted to get rid of the masks.

"Come get yer Masks come get yer masks all free please get one!" The shop owner said having a mask in his hand waving calling out to any nearby person.

Naruto ran up to the shop without the owner noticing and decided to get one until, "You brat!" The owner yelled coming at him.

"Get outta here!" He said pushing him harshly to the hard soil ground.

"Ouch!" Naruto shouted rubbing his back in pain.

"What's the big idea 'tte bayo!" Naruto asked madly.

Because of the loud commotion the villagers began gathering around of what was happening.

"What're you doing here you plague your a menance to this village!"

"W-what? I-I was only..." Naruto said as he put his down.

"I was only looking at the masks." Naruto said quietly.

The villagers began murmuring talking about the boy giving their hateful despising stares at him.

The owner got irritated of the boy and got the mask he was looking at and said "Here you want this?" He said taking the mask and throwing it at him hitting him directly in the head.

"There! You can have it you pesky brat! Now get lost." The owner spat walking back into his shop.

The villagers began feeling uneasy and nervous about the boy who then got up to go get the mask.

"Jeez..." Naruto mumbled getting up to dust himself off.

He then went to go get the thrown mask but stopped in his tracks before looking at the direction of the villagers around him.

The villagers were still looking at him like he was some kind of monster all fearful of him.

"Nanda 'ttebayo! Why do you all look at me like that!" Naruto exclaimed running away.

He ran and ran all the way to his home opening the door and slamming it shut.

"Can this ever stop?" He wondered.

He shook those thoughts away and began to think about what to do.

The village despised him and will do anything they can in their Sid to get rid of him and he hasn't seen the Jiji for some reason.

He pondered about what to do before finally coming up with an answer.

"Yosha! I'm going to travel to different places, discover new parts of the world, and meet new people befriending them, 'tte bayo!" Naruto said all exuberant.

"Now then where should be a good start?" Naruto thought.

"Eh whatever I'm sure someplace will pop up that is better than this village!" He said to himself.

"After that I'll definitely become the hokage!" He said with now two goal that driven him to achieve.

Later that night
Naruto was done packing up and got ready to head out on his new mini adventure. He packed with him clothes, hygiene supplies, water, and most importantly his top secret flavor cup ramens. (That would so delicious to eat bro oh my haha.)

Naruto took one last good look of his home before leaving locking it and headed on to his leave.

He jumped from building to building until he came up to the two gigantic An (あん) gates of Konoha.

"Alright then guess it's time ya know?" Naruto said about depart on his journey.

Suddenly a voice stopped him in the process.

"Matte." The unknown voice said.

Naruto sweat dropped and turned around to see who he was not expecting at all.

There stood a tall Anbu shinobi who was wearing a mask what looked like to be a resemblance of a dog with red and black markings outlined around the eyes, sides, and on the mouth. He had tall Grayish hair that was spiky at the top but smooth and flat on both the back/sides.

"Da-Dare Da 'ttebayo..." The blonde boy asked him.

"No one you need to know but you'll soon figure it out." The Anbu said.

"O-ok then but why are you here?"

"Sandaime Sama has requested that I look over you while you go on your trip." Said the Anbu informing him.

(U wanna know what's so funny if you guys watch Jujutsu Kaisen Gojo Satoru is literally like a reincarnate of him ngl haha Alr enough talk from me back to the story 'ttebayo!)

"So the Jiji didn't even bother to even come see hmph!"

"I apologize about that Naruto-Kun but Sandaime Sama has also wished you good luck on your trip and he completely understand why you want to do it."

"R-really?!" Naruto asked in disbelief.

"And here I thought he wouldn't let me go 'ttebayo..." Naruto mentally said.

"Then I will be off on my duty to watch you." The Anbu said before disappearing in a flicker.

"He he." Naruto snickered.
"Time to start my adventure ya know!" Naruto said shooting a fist up in the air.

Flash back Ends

Naruto remained silent deep in his thoughts wondering what he could do next since he's back in the village.

"First I'll probably have to let Jiji know that I'm back but what then." He asked himself.

"Wait a minute ya know... didn't otochan's scroll that he gave me have some kind of techniques or stuff that I can do?" He questioningly reminded himself.

"Maybe I'll go check that out after but first to let the Jiji know."

Naruto said making his way to the hokage tower.

Meanwhile the Sandaime was casually sitting
inside the hokage room (not the office but in the first episode of Naruto where we first see the third hokage resting in.)
He was writing several Kanji Letters while smoking a pipe until a knock was heard behind him.

"Come in." He said

In came the Blonde Whisker boy smiling widely as he saw the Jiji.

"Yo hishashiburi 'tte bayo Jiji!" Naruto said happily getting to see the old man.

"Hm so you have grown I see Sokka." Hiruzen said dropping the ink brush down and turning to face him.

"I supposed your travels went well?" He asked.

"Yup and I'm going go on more next time ya know!" Naruto said cheerily sticking out his thumb to him smiling his signature smile.

The Sandaime grinned seeing the joyous attitude coming off from him.

"You really do remind me of my student Jiraiya." Hiruzen chuckled.

"He he he." Naruto said scratching his cheek lightly flattered by his always comparison.

"Sate you must go into academy now yes?" Hiruzen said hoping he would.

"A-are it's already that time?!" Naruto said shocked.

The Sandaime sighed knowing that Naruto can sometimes be... unknowledgeable.

"Yes it is, now then shall we get you readied up?" He asked.

"Nope! I got this ya know! Believe it!" Naruto shouted running out of the room.

He hurried over to the academy but having no change to being in his traveling clothes.

But an idea popped into his head.

He smirked getting out what looked to be a tri longed kunai and lodged it into a nearby tree and changed his directions to his home.

After he got home he changed into his inconspicuous blue and orange jumpsuit.

He then smirked again saying quietly "Hiraishin."
He instantly flashed back to the kunai that was lodged into the tree and took his kunai back.

"Hey how'd you do that?" Someone spoke behind and startled him.

He turned and saw what look like someone about his age and his height but a little bit taller.

She was wearing a purple outfit that consisted of a high-collared blouse and matching apron skirt. She also had bandages on her abdomen and legs, small hoop-earrings, her forehead protector worn as a belt, and with, white arm warmers.

She looked to also have long platinum blonde hair with a long bang going down her face almost covering her right eye, and having light blue eyes which almost matched his eye color.

(Sorry if went to much with the description a lot only my writing so please bear with me again.)

"What did you just do right now?" She asked tilting her head in confusion.

"O-oh w-well you see y-ya know." Naruto trying to come with a good explanation or answer.

"Whatever just get out of the way you Demon fox." She said with a grimace expression walking past him to the academy.

He stopped as he couldn't process what he heard his smile immediately dropping down.

He turned around and faced her saying "Oh sorry ya know I didn't know that I made you mad." He said smiling a fake smile to her with his eyes closed.

"Whatever." She said walking farther now.

"M-matte!" He shouted catching up to her.

"What's his problem?" She mentally thought looking at him in disgust.

"Do you know where the academy is?" He asked now lost.

"You know what calm yourself down if you just take him there then the demon will leave you alone." She said to herself mentally.

"Follow me." She said murmuring.

"Okay thanks ya know!" He said smiling cheerfully.

While on they were on their walk Naruto got curious and asked her some questions.

"Ano Sa say you haven't been to the academy have you?" He asked her.

She looked at him like he some kind of dumb idiot.

"I have and have been." She simply stated

"Oh! So the what's it like or how is it what do you guys do!" Naruto said getting close to her in excitement hoping to know more.

She instantly got a tick on her forehead and punched him in the cheek.

"Back off you dirty fox!" She yelled.

Naruto hurt by her words slightly frowning but ignored it still hoping for a reply.

She sighed and looked at him still smiling at her.

"It's not much we just learn stuff here and there but you'll know once you get there now would stop you bothering me." She said now irritated.

"That's so cool ya know!" Naruto said all happy.

She looked at him again like he was crazy.

"This guy doesn't back away does he?" She thought.

"Look the academy is fun if you want it to be we don't going around saying "Oh it's so cool and fun this is practically my life, No! That's not the case now will you please shut up?" She said fuming clenching her fists.

"Okay but one more question!" He said facing in front of her.

"What rank are you?" He said wondering.

"This kid is really dumb isn't he?" She thought.

"I'm a genin, I already graduated the academy I'm just going there to meet my sensei and teammates."

"Wait what?! Nani! So then that means...?!" Naruto said frantically panicking.

"I haven't done the academy graduation test ya know! He screamed panicking with huge white eyes.

He then got shut up by a fist connecting to his head.

"Will you please shut up for gods sake!" The girl yelled.

Naruto rubbed the spot in pain grabbing his head.

"And besides what do you mean I thought you went to the academy?" The girl thought confused.

"Haha nope! I'm new to all this kinda stuff so I wanted ask you ya know!"

"Will you please stop saying ya know! It's really annoying!" She said shutting him up.

"Anyways we're here." Said the girl pointing to the building.

"Yosh thanks then I'll see you later!" Naruto said waving bye to her.

"No you won't!" She shouted to him behind.

His eyes saddened but shook away those feelings and thoughts away.

"Alright class today you have all been Genin and have dedicated your lives as a shinobi. From here on out you will be working in teams because teamwork is what's important. Then, I will announce your teammates and Sensei's."

The man who had a ponytail, dark eyes and a scar that runs across the bridge of his nose.

"Now then," he said looking at his clipboard.

"For Team 8 Hyu-!" He was cut off by the door sliding open loudly and in came a blond whiskered kid.

"Yo! sorry I'm late ya know!" Naruto said smiling his cheeky smile.

Well that ends this chapter again please let me know who I should ship naruto with and I hope you enjoyed this story so far I'm am trying my best to always improve and enhance  my writing skills as well so please bear with me.
Once again thank you for just taking the time to read this and I'm out y'all peace! -Hoodini


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