Short Story Mania

By alyssmooney

684 7 8

A bunch of short stories meant to improve my writing. Constructive criticism is VERY welcome! I would love to... More

Footsteps in the night
For You
Child's Play

The Eye

121 1 0
By alyssmooney

I honestly didn't think, that I would update today... But here it is!

I got a few comments on the last story (and I appreciate them VERY much!), but I would like to have some of you great minds to give feedback! Lots of it!

BEWARE: I get hyper of reading comments... xD

Now, this story was just something I thought about, when I saw the painting "The Eye" by Carel Weight. By the way - all rights, of the story, goes to me. All rights, of the painting, goes to Carel Weight.

Now enjoy!

According to an ancient prophecy, which is rumoured to be written by the Gods themselves, a family bloodline of great warriors was created. Their job was to push evil back and keep the peace and righteousness fairly well across the world. But after many generations a warrior will die in battle, before he manages to become a parent and the bloodline will end. The God of chaos, Chanzaoi, will recognize this as his chance to end the world of the living. Chanzaoi will assemble the lesser spirits of hate, grief, destruction, anger and greed. Together, and with use of their demons and djinns, they will transform the world into a burning havoc. Chanzaoi is the weakest of the Gods and does not have the power required to assemble the spirits. He will have to link with a mortal child when it is born and from then on, Chanzaoi will gain power by hurting the people around his human host. As the other Gods knew about this, it is said that Remours, the God of justice and the future, will, in the time of need, give a righteous man the ability to see into creatures' souls by using an internal eye, so that he can slay the host used by Chanzaoi. This ability was given the name 'The Eye'.

The woman came running through the gardens, stumbling on the path because of her speed. She held her arm over her left eye. She was a fairly young and absolutely beautiful woman, if you ignored her ragged clothes, the grey streaks in her hair, filthy skin, deep gashes and other grim looking wounds that is.

Shortly after a boy came running after her down the pathway, he was nothing but a child and yet he still had a terrified and panicked look on his face.

"Mother! Wait up!" He yelled as high as he could.

"No! Get away from me! Don't touch me, you monster!" The woman yelled, tears streaming down her face, as she picked up her pace after shortly looking back at her son.

"I-I didn't mean to! I-I'm sorry, mother! Please forgive me!" The child began stuttering while sobbing loudly; he didn't watch where he ran and accidently tripped himself, falling head first towards the ground. The mother kept running as fast as she could, not daring to look back at her child. She wouldn't stop. Not this time.

"Please mother, come back. I-I didn't mean to." The child whispered, desperately wishing for his mother to come back. He hadn't meant to; he really hadn't meant to hurt her again.

Opening his eyes, he look around. He is in a dark room. No, not a room. A gigantic clearing in a forest. How has he gotten there? And what is that... he is tied to a pole? A quick glance over his right shoulder confirm just that. The pole is made of wood, his hands are tied very tight behind him and his clothes are ripped completely apart several places. Then he remember...

"Hey. Hey! Boy! You need to wake up, we are here." Someone shook him roughly, and slowly he opened his eyes. A man with dark brown hair, blue eyes and a moustache looked at him.

"Great, you're awake. We are here." He got out of the car, pulling his bags out and then moving towards the big manor. A Gigantic lush forest surrounded it, and he thought it must be a beautiful sight from one of the higher windows. He knocked when he came to the door, but was extremely surprised, when it slowly creaked open.

"Hello?" He called out, but when no one answered, he walked into the big manor. He kept walking for a few minutes, until a voice said his name from behind him.

"Yes?" He asked, turning around to face the person. An elderly man with no hair stood frowning before him, but a smile instantly appeared on his face, when he squeezed his dark brown eyes shut. Suddenly the man opened his eyes, turned around and began walking deeper into the manor.

"Follow me." He followed quickly, bringing his heavy suitcases with him. Walking faster he reached the elderly man just in time, to hear him say:

"I'm your uncle, James Thornwood. I have come to understand, that I am the last bit of family you have left." He looked at James. He never knew he had another uncle, but this man was his last chance.

"Yes, sir." He said, when he realised James wanted an answer.

"Please, do not call me sir." James said walking into a room. "This is your room," his uncle gesticulated to the tower room with an arm. "I take it, you have eaten?" He nodded.

"Then I will leave you here to unpack." James said before walking out and closing the door. He went over to the only window in the room, and looking out he saw the beautiful, lush forest. It almost had a magical glow surrounding it. He sighed before going to bed, but as soon as he closed his eyes, the bloody memories haunted him as dreams.

That night, he had relived every moment of every memory, in which his family were killed one by one. Hurting his mother several times - some minor scratches, while others had been dangerously close to being fatal. The fire he accidently set at his grandparents' house. It trapped them inside and slowly burned them to death while he stood outside, helplessly watching. His aunt's house, where the knives started flying, easily slicing through her and her husband's skin. There were so many, and he could not stand thinking about them all.

A dark, hooded figure enters the dark clearing, and it dawns on him. He is in the lush forest just next to his uncle's manor. But the moon cannot reach the clearing, which makes it very dark. The hooded figure come closer with long strides, he is carrying several things varying in size and shape. The man put the things down just a few metres from him and start fiddling with them. He silently slip into his memories to find out, what is going on...

He woke up when a hand was clamped tightly over his mouth; his eyes had not adjusted to the darkness in his room yet. The only light in the big tower room was the moon; it shone brightly, illuminating everything in a silver light. His arms were grabbed and forced roughly behind his back, where they were tied tightly together. He could now see it was a man, and he nearly did not believe his eyes when he saw it was...

A terrible pain coming from his chest interrupt his train of thought, and his eyes, which he did not know he had closed, fly open. He turn his eyes towards his now bleeding chest, where a knife is swiftly carving some sort of symbol. When the symbol is finished, the knife move on to make a new one. He look past the knife and the arm holding it and his eyes meet another pair of eyes, only these are dark brown and cold looking. He know he has seen correctly, but he do not want it to be him.

James. His uncle, the only family he has left, is now carving ancient looking symbols directly into his skin. He open his mouth to scream, but the only sound coming out is low and raspy. James look a moment at his wide-open mouth before talking:

"It will not help you to scream, because we are in the middle of the forest next to my manor with no one around us for miles to all sides." He says calmly, and his eyes widen when he realise what will happen to him. Although before he die, he has one question.

"W-why?" He rasp out, coughing uncontrollably after saying just one word. His uncle has finished painfully carving the symbols into his chest and stand back, looking at him. James close his eyes, and then, while opening his eyes again, give him a look of pure disgust.

"It is not you in particular. It is the creature living in your soul, feeding of your misery," his uncle say. He look shocked at him.

"Living...? In my soul...?" he rasp out and James sigh before explaining further.

"Yes, living in and of your soul. It is a foul and disgusting creature, who needs to live of other souls' misery to grow stronger itself. It has chosen you as its host. To stop it, you have to liquidate the host..." His uncle trail off and his eyes widen yet again.

First now he notice the dried grass and clear liquid surrounding the pole, he is tied to. The liquid, he realise, is kerosene. James walk over with a small case of matches, he light the match and throw it at the kerosene. It quickly catch fire and the flames get bigger fast. They start licking up his calves and ever so slowly reach his thighs, while the pain just get worse and worse.

The last thing he experience before a predominant pain take over is the roaring blaze of orange and red, the heat from all around him, the smoke choking him, him begging, no, screaming for help and mercy and James chanting:

"Oh Gods almighty!
Hear me!
The Host is burning!
I hear the screams of pain,
coming from the Demon living in the soul!
The Task has been fulfilled!
Your Holy fire burning through the soul!
The Demon dying!
- And the world at peace again..."


That's done... Phew!

Now for some questions:

Did you like it?
If yes, then why?
If no, then why not?


Anyone out there?

Well... Cya!

Ps: I will probably not update before the weekend.

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