P.S. I Love You

By horanshor

230 12 3


P.S. I Love You
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

26 2 0
By horanshor

You opened the letter, reading it out loud.


Hey there sugar lips ;) So I don’t know how long it’s been since you found this. I made Niall stick it in the bowl the day of the funeral. That sneaky Irish man, eh! I hope you laughed at that…have you been smiling, laughing? You promised me…you promised to not be a sad person. I hope you didn’t break it. Knowing you, you fell. But it’s okay. Because you have so many people…Liam, Ni, Haz, Lou, Courtney. Don’t forget your family, Ellie, Memma. Oh how bout that Kylee, where is she? Did you bring her Haz? Did you bring that lovely girlfriend of yours? Is he even there?

“I’m right here Z.” You all spun around to see Kylee’s smiling face, holding a big, white box. Harry stood up and held her, kissing her lips passionately. You frowned, missing Zayn’s lips on yours, missing the feeling that you always got when his lips touched yours. A single tear fell on the letter below. Kylee came and rubbed your back, kissing your forehead.

Well I hope they’re there…cuz I need you Kylee. Okay baby. Surprise, you are going to be seeing more of these letters. That goes for all of you. You’re going to need everyone’s help, make sure you stay on track. Your birthday is coming soon…tomorrow if this was planned correctly. Kylee, that was your job! I’m sure it’s perfect. Okay baby, tomorrow night, remember that little bar on the edge of town? That’s where you’re going tomorrow night. It happens to be wild night tomorrow! :D That was the first time we met. It was wild night and Courtney forced you to ride the bull…


“Get your ass on that fucking bull! It is my birthday and I’m forcing you!” Courtney yelled at you, smacking your butt.

You laughed, trying to get her to quiet down since people were looking. Soon, the room began to chant ‘ride the bull!’ . You looked around the room, locking eyes with dark brown ones. His hair was up in a perfect quiff. A blonde streak shot through the middle. His gaze was locked with your eyes. You smirked. He returned it. His eyes squinted together while doing so. He looked at you through his thick eyelashes. You laughed and got onto the bull. You grabbed the handle with one hand and put the other in the air. The bar was loud and cheering you on. You looked at the mystery guy to see him cheering you on with his other friends, a blonde haired boy and a curly haired boy. The bull started and you held on. Suddenly, it sped up, flinging you off the bull. You lodged your arm wrong, ending up breaking it. You felt strong arms lift you up. You gazed at the brown eyed boy carrying you out of the bar, with Courtney following behind, muttering ‘sorrys’.


You broke your arm babe! Here’s something you don’t know… I laughed when ya fell! Sorry babe! But hey, I’m the one that got ya to the emergency room. Okay, back to the point. Boys, Court, Kylee, take my baby girl out. Let her have some fun. I think she could use a pint, eh Niall!

Niall cheered behind you, causing you to laugh, tears still falling.

Baby, i love you so much. Go have fun with the girls and boys, like we used to all the time. Get so drunk you can’t remember, cuz the next day you’ll have plenty of time to sleep in route to my next surprise. Now Kylee…this is your turn. Read your letters guys, they’re important. Stay strong baby, I miss you and love you. You’re beautiful baby girl.

Love Always,


“I love you too.” you muttered.

P.S. I love you

You looked up. Everyone seemed to be smiling. It was so evident how much he loves you. How much you love him. He was just a soul taken too soon. It hurt you to think about it, but he was here…he was always still here.

“Okay, my turn!” Kylee handed you to white box.

“No card?” you asked.

“It was for my eyes only. Me and Zayn got you though babe.” She winked, making you smile.

You opened the white box to see a tight black dress poking out of it. You held it up for all to see. You smirked, a light feeling of humor came up.

“I’m gonna be a hot mamma!” you laughed shaking your butt in the seat.

Everyone laughed, happy to see you smiling.

“My turn!!” Courtney yelled opening her letter.


Hey girl, how’s my girl doing? All you need to know is Kylee got the dress, you got the shoes. Make my girl have fun, not too much fun where she brakes her arm again! I’m not there to carry her out of that bar. But if it happens…and a guy comes up, doing what I once did, let it happen. It’s a sign. But one important thing, only if she’s ready. I don’t know how she’s holding up. I don’t think it’s too good. She’ll probably sit at a table and not do anything tomorrow night, so get her really drunk so she has fun. Wait for that next letter hun. 

Lots of love,


“Well, now my job.” She said, happily.

Red pumps emerged from her large purse. You laughed, knowing she was happy with her match up. You hugged Kylee and Courtney, knowing that they were going to make sure you had fun. All eyes were on Niall now. He quickly opened his letter. He was like a little kid on Christmas. It hurt you to see how much everyone missed Zayn. It wasn’t just you. Zayn held everyone together.

Hey Ni,

How ya holding up bud? I gave you an important task, and that was to get that letter in there! If you’re reading this I guess ya did it! Good job. Niall, I miss you, ya know? Ziall for life babe. haha, I hope that made ya smile. Niall don’t ever forget you are my little brother. You mean the world to me and we share a connection that a lot of people never get to feel. Niall, find your princess. I know ya got Kayla, but we all know it’s not her bro. I don’t want to hurt you, and if she’s there right now…then this is awkward! haha. But Niall you really deserve that princess of yours because you can treat a girl better than any man can. You can probably treat Allie better than I ever could…Bro I love you and I want you to know that when you join me up there, I expect a Horan hug. love you.


Niall was bent over the letter balling his eyes out. The boys engulfed him in a hug, but he pushed them away. He stood up immediately , walking over to you, picking you up like a baby. You wrapped your legs around him, hugging him. He sat down with you still attached to him and began to rock. You started crying, understanding that you two knew Zayn the best. it was like breaking up the 3 musketeers. The sound of ripping paper brought you and Niall out of your trance. He set you down, kissing your cheek and walking back to his seat, wiping away stray tears.

Li Li!

Hey babe. How ya holding up? God I hate asking that. Well Daddy, you gotta keep my girl safe tomorrow night. Because I know all of those fools will get drunk and forget about keeping her safe! So make sure she doesn’t break her arm because I think it’s cursed! haha. I love you Liam. Okay, sentimental part. Liam, you don’t understand how important you are to me. You’re like my older brother, always making everything okay. We immediately became close when we got put together. Remember that day? Ahhh great times. Well you already know how much I love you, so I’m going to try and not make you cry anymore. Love you bro. I’m waiting for ya xx


Liam smiled. You could tell he was content. Content with getting another letter from him, content with just getting something from Zayn to show a speck of him still being here. These letters were more than just objectives. They were something keeping us still in touch with Zayn.


How ya doing beautiful! ;) Your job, is to get my girl dancing. She hardly did it with me, but with you, she would dance whenever, anytime of the day. I don’t know what it was, but it was okay. So when you get to the bar, get a few drinks in you and take her dancing. Make her have fun whether she wants to or not, because you always made her smile. You’ll be hearing from me soon. Love you xx


Louis smiled, nodding at you, showing you he was going to do what Zayn asked, no matter what, and that was okay with you.


You already know.


“Wait what the fuck was that!?” You all stood up. 

You weren’t ready for that. You weren’t ready for the letters to end tonight. You wanted more. You wanted to hear people read those letters. you wanted to hear the humor in his letters, picture him writing these. You just wanted him. 

“I got my letter earlier this week. He told me not to show any of you. I have special instructions.”

You sighed, sitting down, putting your head in your hands. A small tear escaping your eyes. You didn’t sign up for this. You never said it was okay to fall in love with someone and have them ripped away from your life. You never knew it would happen to you.


Everyone left. You sat at the table, dress and shoes sitting on your lap. Your letter laid out in front of you. You smiled, feeling like he was sitting right in front of you. You swore you could feel his rough hand rub your cheek. His hot breath tickle your cheek, and warmth lay out over your cheek, like a peck. Hair swept out of your face, then nothing. Like he had gotten up and walked away, yet left you with something of his…you looked down at the letter laying in front of you.

P.S. I Love you

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