
By EssoLloydMpetha

93.2K 6.6K 890

My whole life just changed in one day. I was kidnapped by a scientist gone rogue. Experimented on with nanote... More

Copyright Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A note from the Author
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 Part 1
Chapter 19 Part 2
Chapter 20 Part 1
Chapter 20 Part 2
Chapter 21 Part 1
Chaper 21 Part 2
Chapter 22 Part 1
Chapter 22 Part 2
Chapter 23 Part 1
Chapter 23 Part 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Part 1
Chapter 25 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part
Chapter 26 Part 2
Chapter 26 Part 3
A note from the author

Chapter 10

2.4K 190 41
By EssoLloydMpetha

I stretch as my eyes open, right now I feel like I can take on the whole world. I guess this is what happens when you haven't slept in a while. I still can't believe I fell asleep. I'll have to tell Andrew about this, he won't believe it.

My stomach grumbles, I get off my bed and make it to the door before I truly realized it. My stomach grumbled, I think to myself, I am really hungry. A smile runs across my face just thinking about it.

Yesterday I used up a lot of energy whilst training, this could explain why I was sleepy and why I am hungry right now. If I really want to fall asleep on a daily basis, I probably should use my abilities more often.

I have noticed that teleporting and the energy blasts drain a lot of my energy, but they are also effective, unless you're the Boulder. The blasts didn't have much effect on him, they just annoyed him really. He kept running straight at me, I couldn't stop him.

I'm going to need to make a plan for him the next time we meet. If my blasts couldn't hurt him, I'm sure my punches aren't going to do any good either.

I am going back to school today, it's been a while. At least I'm not early, the last time I was early I didn't make it to school and I didn't go to school for 2 weeks. Maybe I should be early more often.

Maybe being late isn't such a bad, I think. I do believe that the guys who took me would've waited for me even if I was late. That just wasn't my day, I hope today is better.

I know that things won't be the same, I am not the same guy I was before. I lift my head a lot higher now, I've stopped trying to hide myself. My confidence levels are at an all time high, yet paranoia crowds my every thought.

I won't be pushed around like I used to. The downside is that I can't let them know that I have these abilities. I shouldn't give them any clues that I have nanobots in my system.

In any circumstance, I cannot use my abilities when they are watching. If the Controller finds out that I am alive, if he hasn't already. He'll come looking for me, this is one thing I am sure of.

These are the thoughts running through my mind as I take a bath and get dressed. It's been a while since I have eaten because of hunger, somehow the food tastes better when you're hungry.

I finish getting ready and I leave for school. I am going to walk to school again, but this time I am sure nothing is going to happen to me.

On the way to school, it is quiet and unusual because I have no-one to talk to. It feels weird just walking by myself, though I am a quiet individual who enjoys being alone, I did not like this.

I now see the place where it all happened, this would be perfect if Josh was right next to me. I was an outsider at school but I wasn't alone. Now it's just me.

"This is going to be a long day," I mumble.

When I left for school, I decided that I wouldn't ride my bike, get a lift from my mom or teleport. I just need to finish this walk, even though it will bring back memories.

Just as I am about to pass the bookshop, I remember the books we bought here. I don't even know where the books are now.

I remember how happy I was to see Josh holding a book. Maybe he wasn't even going to read it. Just the fact that he was holding was pretty stunning. The guy who never studies was going to read a book.

They must've thrown the books away after they took us. They never wanted them, it was us they were after. I enter the bookshop again.

I stand and look around, I buy the exact same books I had bought that day. I have taken an interest in fantasy too, and some of the books I have are pure fantasy.

I exit the bookstore, placing the books into my backpack, before leaving. I can't help but look around as I walk, I didn't know I had turned so insecure.

I am now standing on the exact same spot I was standing on when I was taken, I am wishing that all of this did not happen. I would still be leaving my imperfect life, but Josh would be with me. Now that would be perfect.

Life doesn't work that way, you can't change the past but you can decide on what to do in the present and the future.

If Josh had been let go with me, we could've lived under the radar. Making sure we don't get caught or found by the Controller.

I am going to find the Controller, save my friend and all those innocent people. He will pay for all he has done.

I take a deep breath, opening my clenched fists. Just thinking about it makes me angry.

I now see the school, and I'm about to enter the school yard. Two things are different about today, I am not early and I'm walking alone.

I usually sit around with Sarah and Josh. We would talk and laugh, it was just perfect, in its imperfect way. Now I just head straight to my class, we usually did this when we were early. Which was always my fault, sleep was never something I could really get.

I enter the main door of the school, and I can smell the stench of broken dreams and shattered hopes. I'm at school, school is just a fancy word for prison. Some Cruel Human's Outlook On Learning.

I walk over to my locker, the first period is Math. I am a little glad it's math, it's one of the periods I share with Sarah. She is the main reason I enjoy coming to school. Either than that, I hate this place. Josh would always laugh at that part, saying something about a nerd who hates school.

I can feel a lot of eyes on me whilst I open my locker, don't people have better things to do. I don't know why but all these eyes on me make me feel nervous.

"Don't worry about them, they don't know that it's rude to stare."

I turn to find Sarah right behind me. I didn't even see her coming. I don't feel comfortable with all these eyes on me, and highly insecure. The last thing I need is someone asking me what happened.

That's probably what everybody is wondering, they probably think I'm a freak, whilst wondering why I was let go or why I didn't end up like Josh? I may know the answers to these questions, but I prefer not to give them the benefit of satisfaction.

"Hey Sarah."

"Let's head over to math class, it's a surprise to see you here this late."

We make our way to class, which is on the other side of the school.

"I don't know how it happened either."

"You keep this up and you will find yourself out of Mr Anderson's good books."

I know that this will never happen, not even in a dream. When I look at the way my month has been, nothing seems to be impossible though. This reminds me of something Mr Anderson likes to say, "Nothing is impossible, if you just believe."

"That's impossible," I blurt, "that guy will never put me out of his good books, not even in a dream."

Mr Anderson likes me. I pass math pretty well, it's just that I can't keep my mouth shut, especially with Josh right behind me. If the guy would just change our places to be far from each other in class, everything would be fine.

I don't have anyone to talk to in class besides Josh. I'm guessing Mr Anderson will finally get what he wants, I will keep my mouth shut in class.

"You'll see he will be surprised especially if we make it to class after he does. Sadly, you'll keep quiet in class, he will notice that you have changed. That's if you have changed."

"You could say I have changed."

I really won't talk in class because I have no-one to talk to. I may not like it, but it's going to happen anyway. Unless I do it on purpose, that is talk to anyone.

Heads turn and eyes get fixed on me as I walk, discomfort clouds over me as if I don't belong. This is how I feel as we walk to class. It was like she read my mind when she says.

"Don't people have better things to do?" She queries.

"That's exactly what I was thinking," I interject.

I might be one of the most powerful people alive, but I still have to go to school and get told what to do. That's life, you always get what you wish for in a twisted way. I have always wanted superpowers, and here I am now, wishing that all this wouldn't have happened.

We arrive in class and I open the door to let her in. Unfortunately for Sarah, Mr Anderson isn't in class yet, so I make my way to my place and I sit down and wait for him. Mr Anderson gets into the class and starts teaching.

Math class goes by like a breeze, I just wish every period would be the same as this one. The classes I enjoy the most are the fastest to end, then the ones I hate take their time, periods like the last one of the day.

As I walk to my locker I bump into Chase, the school bully. I bump into his chest and I fall backwards but balance with my hands. Chase looks down at me.

"Look at what we have got here." He chuckles, "Did you think anything would change? You're still the same old clumsy nerd you used to be."

"Just leave me alone."

"Wow he can talk! Hey everybody, look who has finally developed a backbone." Chase mocks as he pushes me back down while I was getting up.

I look at him straight in the eye, I stand up and start leaving. Whilst I am about to pass him, Chase places his hand on my chest.

"Chase, I told you to leave me alone!" I grit my teeth as I remove Chase's hand from my chest.

He pushes me again," What are you going to do about it?"

People are already gathering around, they were already watching me. Now they didn't hide it and looked at Chase and I as we stood. A feint but audible chant starts. fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

I could hit him, and I am sure I would beat him, I have noticed that I am now faster than I was then, and a little stronger. So, I would beat him without even using my abilities, I have faster reflexes and a lot of energy. I won't fight, because I don't want to stoop down to his level, especially in front of everybody.

"Push me again, and you'll see." I whisper, hoping that the threat scares him off.

"Yes, that's right, you're always be the same weakling." H

He throws a fist at my stomach. I catch it before it reaches my stomach and I look at him straight in the eye. Chase then swings for my face with the other hand. I duck and let go of the hand I was holding. I take a few steps back as Chase stands straight up again.

He then angrily keeps throwing fists at me and I keep dodging them all. When I see that he is now tired, I catch the fist from the right and I use the opportunity to maneuver behind Chase.

I hold Chase's arm from behind whilst twisting it, Chase struggles trying to break the grip. I put him against a locker whilst holding his arm from the back.

Chase finally stops fudging and trying to break the grip, he just stops moving completely. I whisper in his hear, making sure no-one hears me but him.

"I'm not afraid of you."

I let go of him and I continue with my route to my locker. I know I could've fought with him, but I prefer not to. Just because I have got these nanobots, it doesn't mean I'm going to change who I am. I mean, I don't hate the guy or anything.

Even before all this happened, I have always wanted to stand up to Chase. Though I knew that Chase could push me into a locker, I wouldn't let him just do it without resisting.

A lot of people are going to talk about what happened today. I just hope it doesn't reach any teachers, especially Miss Belum, she'll give me another lecture or something.

I get to my locker and open it, only to find a small paper inside the locker. I know I didn't place that there, and no one knows my locker combination, so this just got really creepy, really fast.

I look around, no one seems to be looking at me, waiting for me to read what is written in this piece of paper. A few moments ago, everyone was looking at me but now, no one. I read the note and it reads, "I know what you are."

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