Killer Instincts An Innocence...

By ghaadha

448 31 3

I was brainwashed to be a serial killer as a child by my dad a serial killer himself He works daytime as a pr... More

Years Later.
Ice cream phase or so I am told
You need to leave now!
What should I do now?
Hi there miss me?
Spill the beans
Sorry I am late. Had a thing
Now you know how i felt
Flashback Already
There has to be a mistake
We didn't ask for this but we still do it
Your dad really did a number on you
Proceed with caution
I think we should get married
What's he doing here?
Let start fresh. In your dreams
What just happened
Can things get any better? NO!
Finally thank you!
This is new
Can I think about it?
Take a break? Ok
Shades of Gray
Get a life
Give me a break
Back To Work
Are You For Real?
Do I know you?

We need to set the record straight

7 1 0
By ghaadha

As I walked towards the elevator a few people wished me luck. Some of them had sour faces. When we got in the elevator a Hispanic woman with long flowing curly chestnut hair slipped in behind us. She looked at Dimka with interest. He gave her a respectful nod. She turned to me and asked me if I needed anything. "She has me so she is fine" Dimka spoke on my behalf. This was surprising to her since he rarely speaks. I am told when he does it is to bark orders. She asked me who I was. Again Dimka grunted, "My new partner" I blushed pink, "I am his ex-wife and now his partner"
There was a uniform cop who was drooling over Dimka in front of us heard our conversation. Her head snapped in my direction and she looked at me from head to toe. The Hispanic lady looked at me sadly. She asked me, "Will you reconsider marrying him?" Dimka was checking his messages on the phone when he heard the question he turned to me hopefully. I licked my lips and gave her a nod. This made Dimka happy but the uniform cop angry.
When we got off the elevator she introduced herself, Elena Santiago. Her husband was my ex-husband's mentor. She invited us for dinner as she walked towards her car. I accepted and so did Dimka. The uniform cop approached him with caution. She asked him something that spoiled his mood. So I asked him if he could drive me to the crime scene. I want to get to know my partner. I winked at him in a teasing manner. He froze for a moment and gave me a full smile. From the reflection on a car window, I saw a woman was walking behind me that saw his smile walking into a beam. I held out my hand and he took it gladly. We got in his car and drove off.
His face turned serious, "Sarah, we need to talk about what your dad did to you. Tell me about your victims." I turned to face him. "I only kill those who have hurt innocent people. That's not what my dad made me for. But somehow I turned my attention to kill people who cater to pedophiles, other serial killers, and so on. It was DD that indirectly gave me that idea." This seemed to piss him off. I can tell that because he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He had the look of death. I apologized for opening an old wound. His throat made a noise that frightened even the monster. I saw her in the mirror. She looked concerned. "Why did you marry him?" He asked me abruptly. I looked at my feet, "I have a monster that lives inside me. She doesn't like that fact I want to get rid of her. She knows I love you so when she surfaces she attacks you. And I end up covering her tantrums by saying I thought there was an intruder. I am sorry." He gave a sad look, "Why did you marry him?" He asked again. I gave him an obvious look. "When I first met him, I was in a horrible place. He read the news about vigilantes and somehow I decided to make some kind of peace with 'her'. She seems to carry him in high regard after that. To a point where even if she was in rage she wouldn't harm him. Seriously, he is the only other person she saved." He looked at me, "She saved someone else? Let me guess Apple. No wonder she used to visit our apartment so often. The two of you would talk for hours. How was she rescued?" I mumbled, "Her parents had a lot of debt so they sold her to clear it. SHE was there to finish him. SHE heard her screams and knew what needs to be done. SHE took her home and feed her and clothed her. SHE tried to send Apple away but she remained. We both tried to convince her to leave. She said she will help me. She said all her life she has suffered and no one cared. I was the first to help so she will return the favor. She has been trying to help reduce the madness. We tried everything but nothing works. Even therapy but that made it worse. She almost murdered the therapist because he knew our dad."
The crime came into view so he asked me, "Did you do this?" I reminded him the last time I killed someone it was in front of him. The previous victim was two weeks ago. I would never leave the body in a place like this. It is sloppy.
He gave me a look before he got out of the car. We approached the Medical Examiner. She was Chinese with cute glasses. The moment she saw him she started to hyperventilate. Dimka kept a professional look. He asked her for details as I looked at the corpse. I noticed his hands. She was going on about how this was an accident and someone made a prank call.
I expressed my opinion. "This was no prank call. There is a cut on the length of his palm. It is a straight line. You get that from garotting someone. The tattoo on his forearm is part of an organized crime syndicate. As you can see it has five serpents coming out from behind the deer skull. Do you see this chain tattoo on his upper arm? Each link in the chain is signifying a different victim. This is an assassin for the serpentines. He tried to kill someone important and he failed to do so. The victims' associates killed him and used the police to send them a message. I have seen these before. I remember a case like this five years ago." The Medical Examiner looked at the hand and she concurred with my findings. This impressed Dimka.
The others came and asked me how I managed to do that. The uniform cop answered, "She is the one who left him." To which I answered, "He cheated on me" She was going to say something but Dimka kissed me on the head and asked me to bury the hatchet. I announced that I have pardoned him. His smile made the cop stomp off in anger. He called the organized crime division and asked for assistance.
The chief spoke with the head of the division and they sent an angry blonde wearing a suit to deal with us. She confirmed it was them and asked me to work for her. She could use someone like me. I politely declined and I understood why she was pissed. She lost me to this precinct. We spoke for a few minutes and she left to deal with the repercussions of this little blood feud.
We discovered that he was ordered to kill an assassin from a different crime family and it went wrong fast. The assassin chased after him and he shot several rounds and in the attempt to evade the rain of bullets his bike slammed into a car and he died. We had to recanvas the scene and boarded the search area and found shell casings about four hundred yards from where he was found. And bullets that were lodged in power lines and a crumbling wall. Forensic checked the scratches on the bullet to an untraceable gun that was used in a drive-by shooting just last week. A CCTV footage showed the killer's face. An hour of driving and we found him at a taco truck. We cuffed the killer and dragged him to interrogations.

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