Fate by Chat >

By SYU_Bunny

1M 36.7K 36.4K

Who would've thought that one group chat can produce four couples? " You're my sugar daddy now " - Jisung " Y... More

42 ⚠SMUT⚠


15.9K 657 1.7K
By SYU_Bunny

Putting on his jacket, shoes and getting his keys, Minho head to the door to go to the hospital to meet Jisung.

As he walked out the door, his phone ringtone went off. With a groan, he picked up the call and put the phone to his ear, not checking the caller.


"Darling, are you home?"

"I'm going out, why?"

"I actually wanted to introduce you to someone at the business event.. Is your matter that important?"

He sighed when he heard the plan that has been set up for him. "Yes, I'm meeting.. A friend... He told me it's important", he replied.

"Which friend is it? I'm sure they can understand"

"Mom! I can't tonight! Just reschedule the meeting to another day.."

The other line was quite for a while which makes Minho a bit unsettled until his mother speak up again, "Well, just bring your friend along! I'm sure they won't mind, it's free food!"


The call ended before he could protests. He sat back on the driving seat and close his eyes. I really need to tell her soon...

He finally took off from his apartment at 7:40 in the evening for a certain squirrel like boy. He texted the other telling him that he's on his way and let the 30 minutes drive past by.

He got off the car and went straight to the hospital's garden with a nervous state. He wasn't sure why the younger suddenly want to meet up with him. Is it because of this afternoon? Or because he found out that the older like him? The possibilities are endless.

He took a deep breath before walking up behind the younger who is sitting on a bench. "Hey", even though it was a harmless greeting, Minho could see the way the other flinch by it.

The younger boy turned around to see the older smiled at him, as if trying to stop himself from laughing. "It's not funny", he said, pouting. The older guy just sat down beside him and reply, "It's not, but you're cute"

Jisung blushed and look away from him. They sat in silence, enjoying the peaceful environment and the sky filled with stars tonight.

The older didn't want to ruin the mood but he had to as he remembered the conversations he had with his mother. "Um.. What.. Did you want to tell me?", he asked the younger.

The latter started to panic. He still doesn't know what to say. He also still wasn't ready for the rejection. No! Think of positive things! , he thought to himself. He was having an internally mental breakdown and clearly, the older could see it.

"Are you okay?"

The younger snapped his head towards him, scaring the shit out of the older. The boy look so scared, but of what?


"Hyung, I want you to listen okay? I only going to say this once..."

The older became even more restless. The younger sounded so serious and his facial expressions also didn't help it. These are the kinds of gestures people made in the dramas when the couple were about to break up which is literally happening in real life, in front of Minho.

Technically not since they never dated in the first place but you get what I mean. "What.. Is it?", the older asked. The sounds of sighing could be heard and Jisung gather everything in his power to let out his feelings for the older guy now.

"Hyung... I hate you"

Minho's heart dropped but he doesn't want it to affect the younger so he asked why. "You made me so confused!", the younger replied while gripping his hair aggressively.

"At one point, you acted like I was your everything but in another! You acted like I'm just an annoying kid to you! I was scared that I was being inconsiderate to you so I don't think much of it.. But then... I heard from someone that you said you don't like me, romantically.."

Jisung look up at Minho who was staring at him with big eyes and he looks like he was tempting to say something but the younger shut him up.

"I get that you don't like me but just because I like you, doesn't mean you can play with my feelings!", he screamed at the older.

His vision was covered with tears that are threatening to fall. Minho didn't even realize that his hands were going to wipe the tears away from the other boy, as if it was an instinct to protect Jisung. He felt guilty and hate himself for what he has caused to the younger.

He promised himself that he was going to take care of the boy, but what happened? "P-Please.. Don't make me feel this way hyungie...", Jisung begged the older.

He couldn't take it anymore so he pulled the younger into a desperate hug, not wanting to lose or make him disappear from his arms. He stroked the other's back slowly, trying to calm him down after the sudden outburst.

"Hyungie is sorry baby...", he whispered into the younger boy's ear. Jisung is quite and was sniffling while holding onto the older. He knows that Jisung is a sensitive little guy and yet, he still hurts him.

He brought the younger closer and tighter to reassure him that he is not the only one feeling this way towards the other. "Don't leave me... Please", the younger broke the hug to look at him with the most pleading look ever.

Minho smiled sadly at him, "Hyungie is not going to leave you... I'll stay.."



Minho wiped off the remaining tears on the younger's face while chuckling. Jisung look so cute, he couldn't help it. "Why are you laughing!?", Jisung exclaimed.

"You are just so precious", he replied. The way the younger blushed deep red made him even more happy but that happiness had to be cut short when he remembered something. "Uh.. Hannie... I actually need to go now..", he said slowly, watching the other's reaction.

The younger had a dissapointed look on his face, "Already? Where are you going?", he asked.

"You need to come with me too.. It's um... My mom.."


The older quickly clapped his hand over the younger's mouth, not wanting to attract any attention from the patient walking around the garden. He took his hand away when he felt something wet on his palm.

"What the-", it was the younger who licked it. He doesn't really like it when the older shut him up so he did the only thing that is logical to do at times like that.

He started to get impatient so he asked the older, "Why do I even have to meet your mother?", crossing his arms over his chest. The older suddenly got an idea which made him smirked, almost like a villain.

Jisung saw this and became nervous, "W-Why are you smirking like that?", he asked again. "I have an idea..."

Somehow, that idea of Minho was to go back to his house and made the both of them wear some fancy suits that Jisung was sure, cost more than his life : ⤵

[Jisung's Suit]

[Minho's Suit]

"Can you tell me where exactly we're going? Why are we wearing these??", Jisung asked in confusion as he checked himself out in the mirror.

Just like him, Minho was also checking Jisung out. Eyes traveling to every inches of the latter's body, especially the thin waist that can make all the girls jealous of his figure.

Not hearing any answer from the older, Jisung turned around only to see the older eye rape him so he coughed as loud as he can to grab the older's attention. Finally snapping out of his thoughts, Minho dragged the younger boy to the parking lot where a car and a driver had been waiting for them.

The older let the younger boy in first before also getting in. The car started moving in silence but Jisung broke the ice, "You still haven't answered my questions"

"Hm? What questions?"

He sighed, knowing damn well the older wasn't even listening. "Hyung, I asked you where we're going and why we're wearing these..", he said.

The older seems flustered like he has been caught red handed but he acts like nothing happened, "Um, we're going to a business event that my mom hold AND! I need you to help me", he pleaded the younger.

"Help you with what?"

"Be my boyfriend"

The younger choked on air when the older blurred the sentence out. He just stare at the older guy in front of him in disbelief. He started to poke the older continually until the older had enough.

"Why are you poking me?", he asked.

Jisung then let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding and laugh, "I thought you were serious! Heheh". Now it's time for Minho to be confused. "I am serious..". This kid really think that I'm joking?, he questioned himself.

"Eyyy~ It's okay hyung, I know you!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't need to be sorry, I'm fine by-"

The younger felt his lips being smashed onto someone else's so he widens his eyes. He also felt the hand on his nape, pulling him into the kiss more. The driver must have been trained for this because he never once glanced at what's happening at the backseat.

Minho licked on the younger's bottom lips for entrance but the younger was too shocked to do anything but he gasped once Minho bite, hard, on his bottom lips. The older took this chance and slipped his tongue inside Jisung's mouth.

Jisung quickly submit to Minho and let the older explore his mouth. Just like before, they broke the kiss when they were running out of breath. The younger boy wanted to stop before they arrived at the venue but the older guy wanted to continue and that's what he's gonna get.

Tugging, licking and biting the younger's lips became his addiction fairly quickly. By the time they arrived, Jisung's lips is noticeably swollen and red that made Minho proud of his work. Imagine if they got further than kissing and making out... What would Jisung look like at the end?

"Let's go.. Boyfriend", the older and taller guy said to his now boyfriend, clearly teasing him. "Stop it!", his boyfriend replied back at him, pouting.

Minho laughed and held his hand out for the younger to take. The reporters outside of the venue were going crazy with their flashes going off everytime the two moves. Jisung take his hand in a friendly manner so that those reporters won't write any articles about them.

Minho could feel the fear radiating off of him. He realized that the younger was going to have a panic attack so he rushed inside with his boyfriend close by his side. Once they made it in, he checked up on the younger to see if he's having his panic attack now.

"Are you okay? Shit, I should have warned you about them...", he said. He was guilty because he keeps on failing to protect the younger everytime something happened, causing the little guy to get hurt.

Jisung could see how worried his.. Boyfriend is so he reassured the older guy that he's fine. "Are you really sure?", the older asked again. It makes the shorter boy laughed.

"I'm fine hyung! Seriously!"

"Fine, whatever you say princess"

Jisung slapped Minho's arm as they both walked further into the venue, "Why did you call me that?!", the younger whisper yelled once he started seeing more people there.

"What? I thought you like to be called princess?", the older replied. He wasn't lying though, Jisung loves to be called that but how did the older know anyway?

Minho turned to him and smirked, "Innie told me that"

He doesn't know what to say about that so he just followed the older sulkily. His friends be exposing him left and right.

But as they walked more into the grand place, the more people surrounding them, having chats with one another, trying to get a partnership in between the companies. Minho hold onto the younger protectively, not wanting him to get lost in the crowd.

He then saw his mother chatting with one of her business partner so he go up to them with Jisung still in his arms, "Mom, I'm here", he informed, gaining their attention.

"Oh Minho! Glad you can make it here honey! And.. Who's this?", his mother asked while motioned the other lady she talked to, to give them some space.

She tried to look at the boy her son brought with him but the boy was persistent to look at the ground, hididng his face.

"Ah, him? My boyfriend", he said, so relaxed, while his mother and his boyfriend turned to him ever so quickly. He knew that his mother is very strict when it comes to the people that he dates, that's why she always try to set him up with someone from another rich family.

This is also the first time he came out to his mother which didn't make her reaction any better. "What?! Him-", she cut her own sentence off once she get a look on Jisung's face who were still looking up at the taller and older boy.


The couple were the ones who are shocked now, especially for the younger boy, "Mrs. Lee?!", he exclaimed.

And before he know, he was eagerly pulled into a hug by his boyfriend's mother who he has known for five years. "Oh my gosh, Jisung! It's been a long time! I miss you! Why didn't you come and visit the company? You're always allowed there!", Mrs. Lee said excitedly.

Minho was the one who had to break them apart and pulled Jisung to his side, "Wha- You two knew each other???", he asked. He actually expect his mother to go off on him but instead he was met with this.

"Of course! Jisungie here used to be a volunteer at the charity event I used to have! Ah, I forgot! Are you still friends with Seungmin? Because I saw him earlier.."

"You know Seungmin too?!"

"Why wouldn't I? Him and Jisung are one of my favorites volunteers! I always invite them for tea at the house, right Jisungie?"

Minho look at his boyfriend with a look of betrayal that the latter think as an exaggeration so he ignored it and answer his boyfriend's mother question, "Yeah... Thanks for that Mrs. Lee"

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me aunty!", the older lady laughed.

She then remembered what her son told her earlier so she asked, "So you are my son's boyfriend?", that question made Jisung shiver in his place but decided to man up and reply to her.

"Y-Yes..", Fuck! What happened to man up Han Jisung?!, he scolded himself internally. He flinched when someone yell, "WHAT A SMALL WORLD! Minho, I already approved of your boyfriend but let us catch up with each other so you can go somewhere else for now", she said to her son.

"What? But he's my boyfriend"

"And he's my future son in law... So off you go dear"

Minho didn't even get to respond when his mother brought his boyfriend to god knows where to 'catch up with each other' so he grumpily walk around the venue, trying to find the puppy like boy that his mother mentioned earlier.

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