The Unwanted Afton

By Yasmin720615

101K 2.3K 853

Fnaf x Creepypasta story (FEM READER X CREEPYPASTA BOYS) UNDER HEAVY EDITING Y/n Afton is the forgotten child... More

Information needed✨
Author's note


6.8K 139 112
By Yasmin720615

⚠️ warning ⚠️ there are mentions and descriptions of rape in this chapter (towards the end) if you aren't comfortable go to the next chapter :)
1st POV (me, my)
Today marks 3 years free of hell. Hell being the 'hospital' my dad sent me too for the 'terrible illness' I had...
Being home is better I guess as I'm not being tormented by people daily getting called insane and out of my mind.
So now I'm back to residing in this place where I call... home?
Life wasn't too bad compared to the 'hospital'. I was effected, by the experiments placed onto me, on a daily basis but hid it pretty well from everyone.
It mainly effected my ability I obtained after death, which resulted in a lot of glitching when I'm angry or emotional. But from my awareness my soul attached onto LolBit through remnant after I had passed on. Through me combining with it I had technically gained the aspects it had, but it was always seen glitching so father decided for it to be never released to the public.

My day would usually go like this: Wake up by my alarm clock or even Liz or Evan if they beat the alarm, which occurred more often then I would like to admit. I would then manage to drag myself to seeing Mike after changing into comfortable clothes and go complain to Mike how I hate mornings.
Then as usual we would give each other company and go downstairs, get told to leave the house to school with no breakfast cause we can get food on the way but that's fine I'm used to that now, not that I did get food anyway.
After that was my own personal hell close to home. School.
You would think I would like all to get away from my toxic household but not really. The only positive outlook on this is me and Mikey seeing our friend group. Mason, Simon and Elijah. (Freddy mask, Chica mask, Bonnie mask)
So I'm going to admit, my school like is boring and shitty. Without any acknowledgement of our parents, which is no surprise.
We are currently getting into fights constantly by stuck up rich kids but apparently we are looking for trouble according my mom. We get punched and kicks on our body but since our parents expectations are us causing fights.
The only thing that keeps me going is my siblings and our little group of friends. In these situations unless I'm very angry at them, for insulting my siblings or friends in anyway I don't usually fight back which causes a lot of injuries. I would only fight if my brother is present.
Because if this i would get beat to a pulp against lockers but I'm not complaining as long as my brother is safe.
Finally when the day is over us twins would usually tease Evan. It's nothing bad just jumping out or teasing him by holding something of his above his head. At the end of that I'd usually apologise to him and he wipes away his tears. He would then run off to play with Liz whom I would play with if she wanted. But I did have a reason to tease Evan... I would usually see him in Evan and I can't help and get emotional because of that...
He is my older brother... we maybe have different mothers but I looked up to him more than anything.

But if Liz ever caught me or Michael she sees something massively different. I'm not sure but she would usually go and rat us out to father, whom would get really mad at us.
At this time father would tell the perfect little kids to go play whilst me and Mike are getting a lecture from him with the occasional slap or punch from him, but he would use this time to damage us psychologically.
But if his mood was that bad, which was rare, he would use a metal pole.
After that me and Mike would usually sleep together if it was bad physically. Leaving is to get around 5 hours sleep a night. But this is the time I missed our old friends dearly, the nightmares.

TIMESKIP Two years later

I'm now 15 it's been 5 years since I came home and it's still the same as before. Our torement towards Evan stayed the same really, we may pull a few pranks but nothing that we don't apologise for, we'll me anyway. It's just a little bit of a tease, nothing too harmful.
But only if I knew what would happen in a few days, the group and I wouldn't have pulled a prank on Evan's birthday. We had been planning this prank for a while coming anyway, and we agreed to check the morning of his birthday to check the safety of the animatronic.

But that's when it happened. It was the night before Evan's birthday and I heard sobbing coming from his room.
'Why's he awake' I find myself thinking, it's 11:30 he should be sleeping'
Because at the end of the day I love my siblings I needed to see if he's alright. I walk into Evan's room to find him holding a flashlight?
But I called out to him he had a petrified look on his face...
I took a deep breath and walked over to him engulfing him into a big hug, that are meant to make your younger siblings feel safe.
"I'm sorry Evan... I've been a terrible older sister for you. Me and Michael will explain everything to you tomorrow evening..."
This was true, me and Michael had promised to explain why we torment him and the reasoning behind it.
I cradle his body in my arms for what felt like hours and rock him to sleep. Before he begins to softly snore I whisper to him
"please go to sleep crybaby, you need to be excited for tomorrow. Don't worry, big sis is here to help"

After sitting with Evan in my arms for about 3 hours, morning was to be arriving soon. Reading the clock at being 3am I gently place his body under the covers and let him cuddle his stuffed toy. I leave his side lamp on, so he's not completely in the dark and I begin to walk away into my room to sleep for myself.
As I wake up checking the time to be 8am exactly, I stretched and walked over to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and doing my morning routine.
I had quickly grabbed my LolBit mask and placed it on the side of my head and headed over to Michael's room to discuss todays plan.
I walked into his room and he was dressed laying on his bed engulfed in his thoughts, we began to discuss the plan for today's prank on Evan.
After discussing we were going to ensure when we got to the restaurant that everything was safe. And we eventually came to the conclusion that todays is the last time we tease or scare him. The group already knew this as we had already discussed this though.
From tomorrow onwards we are going to be nice and more mature and better siblings to him overall. And we would come clean for our reasoning and hope that he sees our point of view of these things.

TIMESKIP 2 hours later

At Freddy's:
After getting to the restaurant we had discussed what mine and smirks plane were and we were going to quickly head backstage. We looked around swiftly and snook into the backstage area that the two main animatronics reside, grabbing a stepladder we ensure that everything is tightly screwed in and safe. Even uncle Henry had agreed to help, and he checked it off as safe. 
The group and I were doing this prank soon and little did I know this day would haunt me or the rest of my life.
Next thing I know me and Michael are holding onto Evans body as it shakes and a bad feeling builds into my gut...
"Come on crybaby you wanna give Fredbear a big kisss" Michael and I say together slightly taunting him
But I was kind of happy knowing this was the last time.
Michael is right next to me with a grin on his face and I can hear the group cheering for us right behind us, as we do this. I will admit feeling his shaking body and hearing his cries of fear and distress as a good elder sister, I wanted to finish this now but I ignore this feeling as I was finally happy that we can talk to him over about our past and hope for forgiveness. Which he will most likely give, as he has always been a kind kid.

That's when he started begging and sounding more desperate by calling out for his older siblings. But this was the moment I knew we would regret this moment forever. I go to nudge Mike to finally stop the prank when I hear a sentence leave his mouth.
"Please N/N Please Mikey I'm scare-"
With a bang and a slight crunch I hear the spring locks get set off and I widen my eyes as it looks to damage his brain.

My body watches in slow motion as blood begins to poor from Evan's head and his mouth and tears fall faster than ever before. An overwhelming and painful feeling begins to pour onto my face by seeing the action of my brothers body become limb In front of my falling onto the ground. This feeling was so overwhelmingly caused by the scene in front of me which will be frightening and shocking for anyone causing a terrifying and revolting feeling inside of them.
I run up to Evan alongside of my brother quickly cradling him in our arms just like last night. The next moments flashed by in my mind quickly and the next thing I know I hear an ambulance sirens and he was being snatched from my grip and away. I beg and scream for him to stay with me and he slowly opens his eyes one last time as I run alongside him, he looks directly at me and smiles softly.
"It's okay n/n. I forgive your actions... I love you and Mikey."
And with that his body relaxes as they take him away and I get pushes out the way as he is sped off to the hospital... next thing I know my body falls down into darkness.

Being completely honest, I don't really remember arriving home just waking up next to Mike and Liz in the car in the driveway. With the next few hours me, Liz and Mike are all in my room comforting one another in silence of the darkness. Being at the other side of the room to Liz hearing our parents arguments in the background, but I'm not really paying attention to much right now. All we have been told is Evan is currently in a coma...

I walked up to Liz who was crying into her knees while Mike has just fallen asleep from crying. "Hey Liz, it's alright! Why don't you go lay down in bed in your room and I'll join you in a little while to sing you a lullaby" I said to her smiling softly, wiping away her tears from her face. With that thought in her head she ran off to her room and heard her door shut, indicating for me to go confront mom and dad.
I kinda lost my temper at them, even if they would keep yelling at me I need to be a better sister for Liz. I arrive in the kitchen and I lose it... "can you stop yelling please" I say in a hushed tone but they ignore me and keep arguing with one another. I grit my teeth at this and tell me voice at them.
"STOP WITH THE YELLING!!" I say catching my breath as they look at me with anger, well dad did anyway.
"Please stop... Liz has been crying for ages now and she needs to be able to rest..." I said towards them, assuming they got the message I was trying to get across but was stopped by a hand grabbing onto my wrist. By this point mother had already left to go somewhere?

I stopped in my tracks facing away from my father. I took a deep breath and looked back at him, he had a sick sinister look on his face. The next thing he does is go right up to my ear and whisper. "It's your fault, maybe you should have been in a coma, you caused another siblings death. Maybe it's your time to feel utter pain"
My eyes widen at his sentences and shivers run down my spine.
The next thing I know is I'm getting dragged by my wrist to the basement. This time kinda just flashed by with plenty of empty threats being chucked at me here and there. Things suck as "you tell anyone about this and you are sad" He said these horrible things while hitting me with this metal pole and it's never been this bad before I'll admit. Maybe he's right. The one thing that scared me to hear him say was "maybe I should make money from you for little sessions"
My lips kept quivering at the thought of my father selling me for times so people can have 'fun' with me...
About 10 minutes later he walks away leaving me all shrivelled up at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the house. With all my might I crawled up to the hallway right next to the front door, slowly opening it I manage to get back into my feet for the time being. I took a glance in the mirror and I'm lucky he missed my face.
I shake the bad feelings off despite the bruising feelings I'm getting from all around my body.

I rush myself to quickly walk upstairs, making sure all the tears on my face are gone and I am wearing a smile on my face as I get closer and closer towards Elizabeth's room. As I finally reach the door, I slowly push open the door and peak my head inside, I look at the bed to see Elizabeth still awake. I open the door properly and walk towards her. "Why aren't you asleep yet hun" I ask her in a whispered tone. She yawns and replies with "I was w-waiting for you to sing" with that I chuckle slightly and sing twinkle twinkle little star to her while hushing her, and eventually her eyes close and her soft snores begin to fill the room.

TIMESKIP of 6 months

After Evan's death our psychological torment from father got seemingly worse and mother seems to ignore our existence entirely. Father does hit and punch us more occasionally with him turning into an angrier man.
Father eventually got worse and had now officially become a workaholic and a drunk too. With this in mind and mother away in work I looked after Lizzy with Michael, being better for both of them.
Today father told me and Michael to look after Liz, cause we need to go into his animatronic location, which he called Sister Location.
We got into the location with dad in front of us and me and Michael holding hands with Liz, with her skipping in the middle. Father said one thing to us before he went to his office to work on some of his animatronics. "Keep Liz entertained. Keep her away from baby" he said sternly to us and looked Liz in the eyes while saying this to her.
We decided to get closer to Liz as for one father is distancing himself but also to be there for her as her older siblings, and buy her a big circus baby doll to cheer her up. We went up to the plush toy section and ordered a doll for her and as we paid for the plush, I went to hand it over to Liz and I see she isn't there. My eyebrows furrowed as me and Michael look at each other. I had a bad feeling in my gut, especially here as this was the place I died all those years ago.
I nudged Michael's side and eyes the soace where Liz should be. He was about to speak but I interrupted his thoughts.
"Yes, she probably ran off to see baby. Finish paying for this plush and I will go find her" Michael nodded at my comment and turned back to the cashier, while I started to walk down the hallway to Circus Baby's room.
Having a bad feeling in my gut was very heavy considering I always worry that something could happen to her if not careful. I began to speed walk to her room and I hear a voice in which I recognised to be Elizabeth's.
She was saying "Don't tell anyone that I'm here. I don't know why they won't let me see you, you look wonderful"
With that in mind I began running down the hall and slammed open the door yelling her name.
She turned around while she touched the ice cream and looked back at her favourite flavour. I began sprinting faster and yelling her name more, I was nearly there. When I just stopped.
She's- gone...
And in the same moment that she was crushed into the machine Michael came in with the Plush seeing Liz get murdered. He dropped the plush and immediately ran to Fathers office to try and help her. It was too late though, she was already dead.
I ran into the stage seeing blood everywhere, and I ended up collapsing onto my knees with tears spilling down my face, staining my trousers with her blood. In this situation I began to shake violently, having deja vu by in this moment...
A stage...
An animatronic...
My little siblings death...
Is it my fault...
Am I a bad sister...

I began feeling light headed as I hear voices calling my name from behind me, who I assume to be my father and twin brother. My ears began to hear this ringing sound all around me and I ended up collapsing back into a pair of arms, that's when I faded into the darkness, ready to be tormented by memories.

Edited: 25-26th July 2022

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