Go With It (A Zayn Malik Fan...

De JCatherineS

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Autumn Williams' world crumbled when her Mother died, and now all her Dad wants to do is leave. Autumn moves... Mais

Chapter 1- A Warm Welcome
Chapter 2- Fancy Seeing You Here
Chapter 3- Nice to Meet You Too
Chapter 4- Keep Your Distance
Chapter 5- See You There
Chapter 6- Do Friends Make You Blush?
Chapter 7- That's a Shocker
Chapter 8- Don't Freak Out
Chapter 9- So Close, Yet So Far
Chapter 10- What Just Happened?
Chapter 11- I Haven't Forgotten
Chapter 12- Falling Into Place
Chapter 13- He Would Never
Chapter 14- Electric Shock
Chapter 15- What's You're Problem?
Chapter 16- Happy Birthday
Chapter 17- We're In For a Treat
Chapter 18- Flipped
Chapter 19- Redo
Chapter 21- Trapped
Chapter 22- Here We Go
Chapter 23- A Fighter

Chapter 20- Why Not

9.6K 316 55
De JCatherineS

   I continued to ignore Zayn the rest of the week, which was near impossible. He kept trying to call me, text, and meet me outside of my classes. I was doing a pretty good job until thursday came along. Today in French we were practicing having conversations with one another. Most of the class was excited since it meant basically doing nothing the entire period, but I saw it as an opportunity for Zayn to talk. The whole class paired up instantly whileI tried finding a partner, but Zayn was the only one left without one.

"Travailller ensemble!" Madame Merse said to Zayn.

"What did she say?" He asked I couldn't ignore him forever.

"She said 'work together'." Zayn moved his chair to face me, while I kept my eyes on the wall behind him. I knew if I looked in his eyes I would feel something.

"Autumn can we please,"

"In French." I blurted.

"I don't know how to say it in French."

"Well I guess you can't say anything can you?" I snapped back. Zayn rolled his eyes, and grabbed a dictionary. After flipping through the pages he finally spoke.

"J'ai fait une grosse erreur, et j'ai foiré." I made a big mistake, and I messed up he said in French. I guess those French lessons did pay off. I looked into his eyes and I saw pain. 

"Tu as brisé mon coeur." My eyes began to water. You broke my heart is replied in French. 

"Autumn I can't keep speaking French can we just talk normally?"

"Zayn not now."

"Let me just explain myself!" I got up and put my things away, I gave him one last thing before I ran out of the class. His dark chocolate brown eyes looked so sad it made my heart ache, but I couldn't forgive him after what he did for me.

I skipped friday I was in no mood to see Zayn another day. My dad called in sick for me, which was greatly appreciated. I heard a knock on my door around 4 o'clock I hoped it wasn't Zayn. I opened it to see Jen standing there with a bag of popcorn in her hands.

"I thought we could have a girls night?" 

"Did Zayn send you or something?" Jen still hung out with Zayn like it was okay what he did.

"NO! I came for you we need to talk!" I let her come in we took a seat on the couch. "What he did was wrong, and just because I still talk to him does not mean I think what he did was right. I told him that he messed it up big time, but at the same time I can't just leave my friend like that."

"Well you left me."

"That's why I'm here trying to make it up to you. He's an idiot Autumn, but he's also the sweetest guy ever!"

"I don't know many sweet guys that cheat on their girlfriend."

"Why can't you guys just talk it out?"

"It doesn't work like that why should I give him a second chance, he broke my heart. Besides why are you telling me to patch things up when you can't even fix things with Sam?"

"So now you're going to bring Sam into this?" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry continue." 

"Did you even let him tell you what happened?"


"Kristen made the move on him."

"So now everything's fixed all of a sudden?"

"She took advantage of him when he was drunk! He had no clue what he was getting himself into."

"Kristen's a bitch, but what Zayn did was no better."

"I know Autumn, but all I'm asking is for you to talk to him!"

"I don't think I'm ready to."

"Take your time Autumn, but give him a chance to explain." I nodded my head reluctantly. 

We watched a movie for a couple of hours but there was definitely some tension. "You know I did talk to her." Jennifer said after the movie finished.

"You and Sam talked?"

"She actually talked to me first, which was strange. But she apologized, and we actually talked normally."

"So what happened?" I asked excitedly.

"Don't get ahead of yourself there still some things that need to be fixed, but for the most part we're good."

"YAY!" I gave Jen a big hug. "THANK YOU!"

"No problem!" She laughed. I walked Jen to the door. "Please think about what I told you."

"I will." 

The next day I decided to go to the library. I needed to pick up some books for history and work on my sketch in some peace and quiet. I threw on a pair of jeans, a red sweater, and a grey beanie. I held my sketch pad close to my body to protect me from the harsh wind. 

"Fancy seeing you here." I was almost about to walk into the library, but Zayn blocked me before I could enter. Of course he would be here.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, but then I thought about what Jen told me so I decided to talk a bit.

"You weren't in class yesterday,"

"I was sick."

"Hope you're feeling better." He said with a small smile.

"Thanks." I tried to move past him but he stepped in front of me.

"Please can we talk?" I tried to walk past, but my things fumbled out of my hands and onto the floor.

"Great." I kneeled down and began to put my things in my bag.

"Let me help." His hands grazed against mine while picking up my pencils, my heart raced. I looked over to him and saw he put a book down. 

"The Great Gatsby?"

"Huh?" He looked over to see what I was looking at. "Oh yeah I'm reading it."

"For English or something?"

"No...Because I want to."

"You read for fun?" I smirked.

"What you think I don't read or something?" He said hurtfully.

"No that's not what I'm trying to say,"

"Don't worry about it I'm just playing with ya." He smirked. "Have you read it before?"

"No, but I heard their making it into a movie."

"Here," He handed to me. "You should read it it's good."

"No I can't you're reading it." I insisted. 

"No please this is like my fifth time reading it. Besides the book is always better than the movie." I took it from him.


"No problem." He smiled we stared into each others eyes. I broke away from his gaze and got up.

"Well I got to go and do some work." I took my bag and sketchbook and moved past him. 

"Autumn please,"

"Thanks for the book again I'll give it back to you soon." Before I opened the door he grabbed my hand.

"Autumn just give me a minute that's all I'm asking."

"Fine, but make it quick." I released my hand from his gentle grip.

"You have to know that I didn't make the move on Kristen, she kissed me first. I was drunk, and she said she wanted to talk to me. Before I knew it she kissed me, and I honestly had no idea what I was doing. I just went with it I wasn't thinking straight. You have to know that I still care about you, and I really do want to fix this. Autumn I will do anything please give me a chance" There was something about him that was so genuine. 

"I...I..." I had no words. Zayn was being honest I knew that for a fact, but I couldn't just let things go back to the way things were. "I have to go." I headed the opposite direction, so I could go home. I left Zayn there confused just as much as I was.

"Hey guys." I sat in the cafeteria with my final drawing in hand. I had been working on it non stop, but I finally finished sketching the picture of my mom.

"Hey Autumn!" Sam gave slight hug.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"The formal this friday! I'm so excited we have to go dress shopping!" Lily gushed. 

"I don't know..." 

"YOU HAVE TO COME!" Lily begged. 

"I don't even have a date!"

"You don't need one, and I bet someone will ask you anyway!"

"I'll be your date Autumn!" Louis smiled.

"There you go," Lily beamed.

"Thanks Lou, but isn't it a little weird for me to be going with a friend...?"

"Autumn we are just going as friends, and it'll be fun! Harry's going with Claire, Sam and Danny, Lily and Niall, you and I! It's gonna be a blast!"

"Fine I'll go." Maybe I needed a night out.

"YAY! Okay so wednesday night lets go dress shopping. Niall we have to match so find a tie that's pink so it can match my dress."

"Can't I just wear a black tie?" Niall groaned. 

"No we have to have something that ties us together."

"Damn Niall you're whipped!" Harry and Louis laughed. I think this formal might be the cure to get me out of this blues.

Students began to pour into the art room wednesday morning with their art projects. Some students showed theirs off to their friends while I sat in the back with mine. I admired it one last time before I would hand it in. I looked at the original picture and then at my sketch they looked identical, except mine was done in pencil. I made sure that her eyes had the same twinkle like they did in the photo, and her smile was perfect as always. Zayn and Kristen walked in together with portfolios in hand. 

"Zayn yours is so good!" Kristen gushed.

"Thank's yours is too," Zayn gave a weak smile and sat down. "Hey you done yours?" He asked.

"Yeah I did."

"Mind if I see?" I didn't really feel comfortable showing people my art especially when it was something so personal. But there was still a part of me that trusted him, so I handed it over to him. "Wow Autumn this is...Beautiful." His eyes were roaming all over the picture.

"Thanks." Kristen leaned over to see my drawing, which I was not okay with.

"It's okay, but I think you messed up on the eyes." She sneered back.

"It's perfect Autumn." Zayn defended. Kristen rolled her eyes, and got up to hand in her project. "Are you going to the formal?" Zayn asked when she left.

"Uhm yeah you?"

"Yeah are you going with someone?"

"I'm going with Louis." There was a pause. "I think you and Kristen will look great together." I blurted, I had no idea where that came from. I got up and handed my project in so I could try to run away from what I had just said. Zayn followed.

"I wasn't planning on going with her." He said quietly behind me.

"Well you guys should,"

"I don't like her like that Autumn I like you."

"Not now Zayn."

"At least save me a dance?" I ignored answering the question, so I sat back down.

"Next week is our schools Arts Exhibition, so I would greatly appreciated if you all could bring your friends and family!" Mr. Gerald announced. "I'll be putting up my favourite art pieces in the gallery, so you should definitely come and see if your art made the cut." Great another night of torture.

That night Lily, Sam, Jen, and I went shopping. It was great that Sam let me invite Jen since they were trying to fix their friendship. 

"OH THIS IS SO PRETTY!" Lily screeched when we go inside a local boutique. They had dresses of all sorts casual and formal. The other girls began to pull dresses, while I wasn't so into it. 

"What do you think?" Jen held a dress against her body, it had huge ruffles, pockets, and a billion different colours.

"Please tell me you're joking." I laughed.

"No I love it!" Jen said sarcastically and put the dress away. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm just not in the mood to shop."

"Common Autumn at least pick up something." I began to wander up and down the isles waiting for something to catch my eye. The other girls had already starting trying on dresses, so I decided to give it a break and watch them. They came out all at once wearing the most gorgeous dresses I have ever seen."What do you think Autumn?" Jen was wearing a emerald green dress made out of a  sheer material that flowed to the ground, had two thin straps, and a deep back. 

"You look amazing Jen you have to buy it!" 

"What about me?" Lily had on a royal blue dress that was one shouldered, slightly flared out, and hit just above the knee. 

"Lily you look spectacular, Niall is going to love it!"

"And he can get a blue tie to match!" It was cute to see her so enthusiastic.

"How about this one Autumn?" Sam gave a twirl. She had on a black dress that had sleeves made out of lace. It hugged her body perfectly and had a deep back.

"Damn Sam you look hot!" 

"Where's your dress Autumn?" Sam asked.

"I couldn't find one,"

"Common girls lets find her a dress." They pushed me into a change room without a single word. I waited in the change room while they searched. After 5 minutes they threw a dress over the door.

"You are going to love this!" Jen squealed. I slid on the dress doubtfully. I stepped out and was shocked when I looked in the mirror. It was a red, strapless dress, that had a sweetheart neckline and flowed to my knees.

"Woah" Was all I could say.

"You look gorgeous!" Sam said in awe.

"You and Lou are gonna look adorable!" I gave a small smile. "Zayn is going to be so jealous when he sees you!" Lily winked. Everything would have been perfect, but I still missed him.

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