Pretend Girlfriend

Von the_wanted_forever

352K 10.4K 2K

It all started with seven words. It wasn't a question or much of a choice, but a statement. "I need you to be... Mehr

02. Meeting The Parents
03. Pretend Date
04. Takeout
05. An Arrow To The Face
06. Archery
07. It is a pretty sexy book
08. It's a ship name
09. Pretend or Not
10. Business Party
11. People don't change
12. Special Place
13. Lap Dance
14. Packing
15. Plane Ride
16. Greece
17. Do you hate us?
18. Innocense
19. Birthday
20. Going Home
21. Talent Show
22. Voicemail
23. I'm Sorry
24. Home
25. Let's have sex
26. Graduation Party?
27. Our Day
28. Summer just started
29. You did the nasty
30. Caught
31. Proposition
32. Last Day Together
33. Letter

01. Deal?

21.4K 500 234
Von the_wanted_forever

I sighed, grabbing my bag from my locker. I was exhausted from taking tests all day. I just wanted to grab all my things and leave school already. I grabbed my books and stuffed them into my black bag that was decorated with random designs. I heard someone clear their throat, causing me to hurry as I grabbed my things. I slammed my locker shut to see the one and only, Xavier Hale.

Xavier Hale was considered the school's rich, bad boy. He had brown hair that was somewhat curly, stunning green eyes, and a light tan. Xavier had a reputation for being a dick and extremely cocky, yet he had almost every girl drooling over him - maybe it was the British accent or that he was stupid attractive.

Xavier smirked, leaning against the navy blue lockers. "I need you to be my girlfriend."

I furrowed my eyebrows confused. "Um, what?" Why would I ever want to be his girlfriend?

Xavier smiled, shaking his head. "Let my clarify," he began. He cleared his throat again and then smirked. "I need you to be my pretend girlfriend."

"Just because you rephrased your sentence doesn't make me any less confused," I said, raising an eyebrow.

Xavier groaned, rolling his eyes. He stood up straight, making me notice how he towered over me. "My dad says he won't give me our family's private island after I get out of high school unless I straighten my life out."

I shook my head, "You're still not being very specific."

Xavier sighed, crossing his arms. "He'll think I'll have my life straighten out if I have a good girlfriend...and that's where you come in."

I shook my head, "You honestly think getting a girlfriend is going to help you?"

Xavier muttered something incoherent under his breath. "No," he sighed. "I'm actually going to start doing my work and all that crap."

"Have fun with that." I started to walk away, but was suddenly stopped by a firm grip on my arm. I mentally groaned and turned around. "What?"

Xavier had an unreadable expression. "Will you or will you not be my pretend girlfriend, Ryan?"

I scoffed. "No," I placed my hands on my hips. "Why don't you just ask some other girl that actually likes you and drools over you?"

Xavier smirked, amused. "I need it to be you. You're perfect for it."

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "How so?"

"Ryan Gonzalez. Good girl, straight A student, wins all these awards, does all this community service, and charity stuff." Xavier crossed his arms again. "You're honestly the perfect girl for this, plus you're attractive."

I fought back the blush, and shrugged. "Well, I guess you're going to have to find someone else to help you out." I began to walk away again, but I was stopped yet again by Xavier.

"I'll pay you," that was the first time I heard him sound so desperate, and have no trace of confidence in his voice. "You could use the money for college...I know a good girl like yourself is trying to go to college."

I smirked, amused. "I don't need your money," Xavier cocked his eyebrows, confusion was written all over his face. "I already have a full scholarship for my dream school."

Xavier looked surprised, and with that I smirked one last time before walking away. I walked through the school doors with a huge grin, it was Friday so I was beyond happy.

I started walking towards the parking lot waving to some friends here and there. I finally made it to my car - a crappy, blue 1995 Honda Accord - at least she worked.

I drove for twenty minutes and finally pulled into the driveway of my house. A hideous yellow, two bedroom house surrounded by dead grass greeted me as I opened my car door.

Most of the time I was home alone because my parents were always working. My dad worked in construction with his friends while my mom was a housekeeper for various rich families. My parents didn't work as some hotshot doctors or big time lawyers like most student's parents at my school, but they did what they could to provide for the three of us.

As I opened the door, I kicked off my shoes and put on my chanclas instead. I grabbed my shoes as I made my way toward my room. I tossed my shoes tossed the closet and jumped on my bed.

My room was painted midnight blue, and then on the ceiling there were stars and galaxies painted on it. I had a small nightstand next to my bed with an old lamp thag was my abuelo's. My closet had a body mirror hanging on the door that always managed to freak me out at night.

I stood up straight, looking at myself in the mirror, taking in all my features. I had brown hair that reached midway to my back, dark brown eyes, and long black eyelashes. I was somewhat tan, and was about 5'4", not very tall for a seventeen year old girl that has only a couple months left of her senior year.

I turned my back to the mirror and jumped on my bed again. I turned on the tv and put on Once Upon A Time, this show was my latest obsession. I grabbed my phone and called Pizza Hut; I ordered a large pepperoni pizza with stuffed crust. It's not really a good idea to eat pizza a couple hours before I go to work, but life is all about taking risks, even though this wasn't the biggest risk ever.

Xavier's POV

"Why don't you just ask Emily?" I turned to look at my best friend of four years, Felix.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, laughing. "My dad most likely knows she's considered the schools 'slut' and I still don't understand why people slut shame her because she likes to have sex and there's nothing wrong with that."

Felix slumped back in the bean bag chair in my room. He lied down looking up, thinking.

I sighed, "It has to be Ryan."

Felix popped up quickly and cocked his eyebrows. "Why her?"

"She's perfect for it," I answered. "She's exactly everything my dad would want in a girl for me to date."

Felix brought both of his hands to rest on the back of his head. Felix had blonde hair, brown eyes, and pale skin. He sighed, dramatically.

"Well," Felix said as he stood up. "Why not try being more nice to her?"

I scoffed, furrowing my eyebrows. "How will being nice help?"

Felix shook his head. "You know Ryan, hell everyone does!" I gestured for him to continue. "She's a sweetheart and she won't be involved with asshole guys, and you're not charming her with that British accent anytime soon."

I laughed, shaking my head. "It's not my fault I have an accent," I stood up, smirking. "But people sure do drool over it."

Felix made a gesture with his hand of 'see'. I laughed again, grabbing my jacket. "Alright," I said. "Maybe I'll try the nice thing...unless I find another way."

Felix grinned, "Now let's go to the club." He looked down at his wrist watch then back up to me. "Henry is most likely almost there."

I put on my jacket and grabbed my phone, "Let's go."


Felix and I walked through the doors of the club and saw a lot of guys sitting down and girls dancing here and there. Did I mention it was a strip club?

We spotted Henry and walked over to him.

"Finally you guys made it." Henry said as he scratched his neck. His brown eyes started wandering to the girls, or should I say strippers?

"We would of been here sooner," Felix said and then he put his hand on my shoulder. "If it weren't for this asshole."

I chuckled, "Either way we're here." I looked around the club, smirking. "Now we should enjoy our time here."

"We should!" Henry exclaimed, running off. His brown hair slightly bouncing up and down as he ran - he was in need of a haircut.

Felix laughed, smacking my chest. "Let's go with him."

We both ran to where Felix had gone. He was sitting down on a table with a pole in the middle and had called one of the girls to dance right there. She obviously obliged and started dancing.

Felix smirked, "This is great!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'll be right back," I stood up from the table and slightly fixed my jacket. "I'm going to the restroom."

Felix laughed, "What you already have a boner and you're going to get rid of your problem?"

I gave him a look, shaking my head, "I don't get a boner as easily as some people." I said, gesturing towards Henry.

Felix laughed, motioning for me to go. I started walking towards the men's restroom, passing other men paying the dancers and other girls giving guys drinks.

As I got out the restroom and started walking to the table with the guys, some guy accidentally bumped into me.

"Oh, sorry," he said. "I didn't see you there...kinda got distracted by that girl up there."

I chuckled, "No worries, mate." The guy nodded his head and then walked away.

I looked up at the stage to see who he got distracted by. Well shit, I understand why. That girl up there had amazing legs, nice curves, a big arse, and big boobs. My eyes looked at her body as she danced and then I looked down shaking my head, amazed by her beautiful body. I looked back up at her, and clearly saw her face.

"Holy shit..." I quickly grabbed my phone and took a small video of her dancing, well, video of Ryan dancing.

I smirked. Now, I know how to get her to be my pretend girlfriend, blackmail.

I ran off to the table to Henry and Felix, and explained to them that I had to do something very important.

I turned back to the stage to see Ryan was getting off now with money in her bra or bikini top - whatever it was - sticking out. I walked to the side of the stage and crossed my arms, waiting for her.

After ten minutes, Ryan came out from the little dressing room and she was fully dressed. I checked the time on my watch, it was 12:30am on the dot.

Ryan was looking down and when she looked up her eyes met mine. Her facial expression showed that she was shocked, confused, and embarrassed.

"Hello, Ryan," I said, smirking. "Interesting job you got here."

Ryan rolled her eyes, grabbing my arm in a tight grip and leading me out the club. She led us to the parking lot and then she finally stopped.

Ryan turned around and a look of hatred washed over her face. "So, what's it going to take for you to forget that?"

"Nothing actually," I replied. "I can't really forget that Ryan Gonzalez, the school's sweetheart and good girl, is a stripper and I just saw her more than half naked dancing on a bloody pole!"

Ryan looked down, shaking her head.

"You know," I said, reaching into my back pocket for my phone. I pulled up the video of her dancing and started playing it. "It'd be a shame if this got out."

Ryan attempted to grab my phone, but I jerked my hand back and put my phone away.

Ryan glared at me, "You wouldn't." She hissed.

"Oh, love," I said, crossing my arms. "But I would."

Ryan crossed her arms, the anger in her eyes seemed to grow. "What do you want?"

I smirked, "Like I said earlier today, for you to be my pretend girlfriend."

Ryan sighed, throwing her head back. "For how long?"

"Until graduation," I replied, nodding my head.

"Five months," Ryan said. "Great!" She made the sarcasm in her voice very noticeable.

I smirked, "Deal?"

"So, if I pretend to be your girlfriend until the end of graduation you'll erase that video and never show it to anyone?" Ryan asked, cocking her eyebrows raised.

"I promise," I said, nodding my head.

Ryan furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms once again, "And how can I believe you?"

I sighed, "I may not be the best behaved guy from school, but I always keep my promises." Ryan slowly nodded her head.

I smirked, "So do we have ourselves a deal?" I held my hand out to shake Ryan's.

Ryan shook my hand, looking me straight in the eyes, "Deal."

This is the first official chapter for "Pretend Girlfriend". I hope you guys like it! This story is going to be a little different from other ones I've written, but I hope you enjoy it. :-) And tell me what you think of this chapter. Xx

P.s. I won't have an exact day that I'll be updating.



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