Chasing Champions

By SGD1318

14.1K 307 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... More

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
This is home
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
Coming home and Confirming
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...

Happiness, and a shock

212 6 4
By SGD1318

Sarah POV:

As the days pass, the stress of everything that has happened starts to go away. And for the first time I can honestly say I was at ease. Don't get me wrong we still had a lot to get done and worry about but after the whole incident Chase and I tell each other everything, and it's made life a lot calmer. Since we found out we were having a little boy we had begun to get things ready. I painted one wall a really pretty royal blue with the others being the color of snow. While I know blue is what most people use if its a boy, my favorite color is blue so that's what we picked. We had gotten clothes, and funny enough it was Chase who wanted to go overboard. Like way overboard. But it really was adorable to see him be so into everything for our son. I can say it's safe to say he will spoil that boy to the end of his days. As I approach my 6th month, the morning sickness was still there, but we had found ways to keep it at bay. Either when I was Chases arms, at the track with the bikes running, or in the pool. But right now I was home alone as Chase was out with the boys, and it was storming so no track or pool. And I felt just a wee bit queasy but not bad, and I was really hoping it would stay that way.

As I was making dinner I got a text from Chase the he was on his way home and he would arrive in about 15 minutes, which was just about perfect timing. But as I take the chicken to the grill I get another text but from Layla. But as I read her text I frown, and start to worry. Even though we get along and always hang out when her and Jett come over, but never has she asked if she could come over and talk to me about something. I text her back saying of course and anytime is fine. I was so lost in my thoughts about what could be wrong that I missed Chase coming in and walking up to me till he kissed my cheek in greeting. Blinking I turn my head to him with a smile,

"Sorry, was lost in my thoughts. How was your day with the boys?"

As he took our plates to the table I grab the drinks and meet him there. I sit down as he answers,

"It was a good time with the guys, played some indoor golf and had fun. And what's on your mind sweetheart? Normally no one can sneak up on you."

I finish my bite before answering,

"Well that's good, I'm glad you all had a good time. And I got a out of the blue text from Layla right after I got yours."

I noticed him pause and look at me with a confused face,

"That is weird, did she say why?"

Shaking my head no with a sigh,

"No she didn't, just that she really needed to talk about something to me and wanted to know if she could swing by sometime here."

I could see him trying to think of a reason for her to ask that out of the blue. Shaking his head as he didn't have a clue either. Right as he was about to respond our front door busted open showing a shaking, teary eyed Layla. Getting up as fast as I could and rushing up to her and pulling her into a hug, which made her burst into sobs. Startled I turn my head to look at Chase as he walked up and he looked just as shocked and confused. I just continue to hold her till she calms down enough so we could move to the couch and sit down to figure out what was going on. At first it didn't seem she was going to talk, or better yet didn't know how to talk about what was going on. Finally getting fed up with herself she reaches into her bag and pulls something out in a sandwich bag handing it to me. I take it with a quick glance to a very confused looking Chase I glance down at what was in my hands and felt my heart sink. I was staring at what will not only change her life but Jett's as well. I lay the test on the table and slide down to my knees and sit in front of her taking her hands in mine,

"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry this is happening to you right now. But know that your not going to go through this alone ok?"

She nods her head and shakily says,

"Thanks, truly. But my parents aren't going to be as accepting as you. I know for a fact they will kick me out and want nothing to do with me, or their grandchild. Where will we go? What will I do? My only income is racing and now I can't do that for who knows how long or maybe never again. And god, how am I going to tell Jett? I can't be the one to just, I don't know, ruin his whole future? Or his racing career? Oh god, I can't do this! I'm only 16!"

As she burst into tears again I bring her into my arms and I felt Chase come up and wrap his arms around both of us. My mind was running through everything that was going on and trying to come up with the best idea on how to go about all this. But before I could Chase speaks up,

"Layla, if your parent will do that I am sorry, but our doors are always open. You didn't plan for this and if what you and Jett have said is true then you guys did everything you could to be safe and prevent this from happening. It's just something that happened anyways. And since you will be here, don't worry about income, we will help as long as you need, and I'm sure Jett will too. It's not going to be easy but it will be ok."

I couldn't help but smile softly at him while Layla looked shell shocked. So I pick up where he left off,

"Chase is right hun, you are more than welcome here, always. And yes, it will mess with Jett, but just with him, not his racing career unless he lets it. And if other people tried to do that than I'd just have to beat some heads in. You do need to tell him, and soon. The sooner the better in this case so we have time to get everything figured out and settled before his intense training starts. While he may flip his shit and freak out, he will be there every step of the way, that I know for a fact. That's just how he is."

I could see a lot of the tension leave her as she takes in our words. As she leans back in the couch and says,

"Maybe I should just tell Jett now, before I lose my nerve. Because I will really need him behind me for when I tell my parents."

I nod in agreement as she pulls her phone out to call him to see if he could come over. I stand up and with Chase walk into the kitchen and sigh as I lean against the counter with my hip. I look up at him and wraps his arms around me as I lean into him. I bit me lip and whisper,

"Shit, this is either going to make them stronger or break them. Either way I don't want them to go what we went through at all."

He makes a agreeing sound as he rubs my back in comfort. I hear Layla walk in and sit on the stool and sounded scared when she said,

"He's on his way, but he's bring Hunter. And I love Hunter but his temper when his worried and mad scares me."

I couldn't help but agree, it would make things harder for her to tell Jett with him here. But I tell her,

"Don't worry, if he tries anything Chase and I will deal with him. Just focus on telling Jett and that's all ok?"

She just nods while biting her lip before muttering,

"Ok, just don't get too stress Sammy. It's not healthy and I don't anything to happen to you or your baby."

I just give her a smile while waving a hand,

"Don't worry about me, I'm tougher than I look. And did he say how soon he'd be here?"

She glances at her phone and said,

"He said it should be about 20 or 25 minutes, but now around 15 or so. Depending on traffic and all."

I nod my head and clean up from dinner, the kitchen was silent from all of us thinking about this will all go. I couldn't help but think shit was going to hit the fan. Jett was already going to be freaking out, he really didn't need Hunter to add the whole thing. As the minutes pass I could feel myself getting more and more worried, which was causing me to feel more nauseous. Swallowing it down the best I could I hear the boys come in through the front door, and I could see Layla pale in fear as she sees Hunter, making him stop and look confused as to why she looked ready to run from him. Jett frowns and walks up to her and takes her face in his hands and asks,

"Hey, what's wrong? Tell me what's going on babe?"

She takes a shuddering breath and starts to cry, making Jett start to freak out and pull her into him and muttering something into her ear. It takes a few minutes but he got her to calm down to just a few hiccups as she gets up and walks over to the coffee table and picks up the test with shaking hands and slowly turns around and while handing it to him she says,

"I'm so sorry."

As he takes what he was handed slowly and looks at it in confusion. I can tell when it finally clicks in his head what it is and what it means as his faces pales and he mutters,

"Fuck, oh shit. Layla you're telling me your, your pregnant?"

She just shakes her head yes while tears start to leak out of her eyes, when we all hear a noise from where Hunter is standing. I whip my head around to see him standing there with him rigged in anger and pinching his nose trying to keep from exploding. I slowly walk towards him even though Chase tried to stop me. Once I reach him I stop and just stand there till he looks up at me and I nod my head to the back door and turn to walk out to the back patio. It takes him a second to follow but he does, once we are outside and away from the door is when he starts ranting,

"God damn it all! I know they had been messing around but they were safe! I trust them enough to believe when they said they were they really were! Why did it have to happen to them, shit what is Layla going to do? Her parents, more like her mom will kill her. This is going to make life so hard for them and I can't do anything to change it. And they are so young-"

I cut him off as a thought entered my mind in horror,

"Shit Hunter, Jett's 18 now and she's only 16. It could be considered rape if her parents want to go that way."

He goes deathly pale as he staggers back and sits down on the brick wall of our deck. I could feel my legs wanting to give out to as I grab a chair and sit down looking back at Hunter. We just stare at each other in pure horror as he whispers,

"Oh god, we can't let that happen. Please tell me there is a way to get out of that. Whatever happens we can't give them the time to think of that."

I bit at my lip till it's almost bleeding in thought. After probably ten minutes I get a idea, it's crazy and it might not work but it's the only one I could think of as I look at him and say,

"I might have a idea, it's fucking crazy but I think it may be our only shot. And it can be either we can talk them into emancipation which I don't think will work seeing as the courts will say no seeing as she doesn't have a stable job to keep herself afloat, or I adopt her. I am young but I have a solid income, a partner that also has a solid income, and we own a home that's definitely big enough. And I know Chase wouldn't mind in this case. I'd also be able to help with her pregnancy itself. We'd just have to be sneaky and play our cards right with her parents to make it happen."

He blinks at me in shock before looking away while running a hand through his hair and asks,

"You think we could pull that off?"

With a grim face I reply,

"I hope so, or it's not going to be pretty. And everyone will lose."

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