
Af EveryEmpireFalls

314 1 0

Attack on Titan collection. An anthology of one-shots centered around, you guessed it, morning wood. Some hea... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 - Part 1
Chapter 6 - Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

9 0 0
Af EveryEmpireFalls

T/W and tags: Sexual harassment, jealousy, and creampie.


Armin points down the main road toward a corner on their right, "This way."

Mikasa walks past Armin, ignoring his directions and stepping into a narrow alleyway beside them. "We can cut through here in half the time." Armin's lightheartedness drains away, looking into the sketchy alley, but follows without comment. His stride lengthens until he comfortably passes in front of her.

Eren tags behind the both of them, lackadaisically turning into the alley. He catches notice of a trio of guys about mid-way in the alley, loitering and mumbling something quietly to one another. Armin passes by them without acknowledging them, his posture tense as he keeps his senses trained on them despite being ahead of them.

One of the men drops his hand from the toothpick in his mouth, chewing it to a pulp. He eyes Mikasa up and down, "Eh? What's a fine dame like you doing around here?" His toothpick hand gropes her ass just as she walks past the men.

A loud scream and several thuds sound in near unison. Eren looks up to see all three men sprawled out on the stone in a tangle of limbs. The idiot who groped her with a leg jutting upward out of the pile of bodies at such an odd angle as to only be broken at the knee.

Mikasa dusts herself off with both hands and continues without delaying.

Eren smirks at first, humored by Mikasa's immediate response and by their stupidity. But then rapidly sours as he steps within reach of the men. He stands beside them for a moment, looking down at the assaulter with an irate gloom. A swift kick connects with his abdomen. "Baka... (idiot)." He spits at them. Then continues down the alley, increasing his pace to catch up with Mikasa and Armin.

Armin waits at the end of the backstreet, eyeing the pile of bodies just now collecting themselves from the floor. Mikasa has a band of red over her nose and cheeks. He puts his hand on her shoulder as she catches up to him, a sorrowful expression worn over his face. She says nothing. Eren catches up a moment later, a similar unpleasant look twisted over his features – but with an added inner turmoil against himself. He runs his hand up along her spine from the small of her back, then back down. He lets his arm linger around her waist for a moment, a gentle smile drawn on his lips.

She steps off first, the boys following a step behind as she resumes their business. Quiet minutes pass as they walk through the city. Gradual improvements in the wood and stone works supplant their shortcut through a poorer area of the city into a walled military zone. Destination: Hiziru Military Prep Academy, building 2A, meeting room Fuyō Hibana.

Armin reads the shiny, painted title on the door, hand closing around the handle as he confirms their destination. Eren steps through first, shortly followed by Mikasa and Armin. A row of officers sitting along a long table at the far wall meet their attention. Several other seemingly lower-ranked officers and enlisted personnel are scattered in seating arrangements along the periphery of the room. Their fragmented attention sweeps to the three new faces in the room. A number of gasps and wows follow their entrance.

Eren scowls, already sensing the uselessness of the meeting in advance of anyone actually talking. He takes a seat on the right of the table in the center of the room, shortly followed by Mikasa in the center and Armin on the left. No one says anything for a long minute.

The door opens behind them and several more officers shuffle into the room. Two of them join the trio at the center table, sitting on the flank ends of their table and opening several large notebooks.

A man with a deep voice but moderate stature sitting at the head of the large table opposite the group speaks up, welcoming the trio by name and title. He reminds the room of the already well-known accomplishments made by Eren, Armin, and Mikasa in the previous months and years, then settles his arms onto the table in front of him. Glancing around the room, his tone grows stern and more serious.

Eren sinks into his chair, his attention waning from the room and losing track of the man's voice. Armin seems to do similarly, though maintains his upright posture as the man's deep voice drawls into a monotony of beaurcratic preamble. Mikasa appears to keep her attention focused on the room and her posture straight, but her breathing betrays her growing irritation with the lack of a productive objective for being called to a meeting with some foreigners at the crack of dawn.

Sure enough, more than an hour and a half later, the group has done nothing but give some minor quips about fighting Titan's with now-outdated technologies and in a world without any known Titan threats. One of the lesser officers on the panel askes the group another question, the aids aside the trio scribbling down the meeting's minutes as they speak.

Eren yawns loudly and stands, pushing away the officer's notes from his space. "You are a waste of time. None of this has any use. Why did you even bother calling us here?" his tone is low, but careful to keep any threatening edge out of his voice. Mikasa and Armin look at him with a sudden alert, unsure exactly what to expect of this round of Eren's familiar, stubborn iconoclasm.

The room looks at Eren, suddenly taken with his pointed questioning. He stands facing the row of officers, irritated and unmoved.


He ignores her.

"Tell me, what was the purpose here? Aside from wasting our time and disturbing our sleep?" Eren persists. After waiting all of two and a half seconds he pivots, walking back towards the door. "Yeah, that is what I thought. Bunch of babbling nincompoops squandering... for what benefit?" He finishes with a mumble to himself, venting an inner choleric swelling up through his mood.

He swings the door open and disappears into the hallway, leaving the room in a stunned silence. Armin and Mikasa glance at one another, considering their response.

Armin looks up to the head of the table, his face tightening as if expecting an actual answer from the man. But the man's mood still appears to be disconnected with Eren's insubordination, either shocked by the disrespect or genuinely not having an answer for himself. "Well?" Armin asks, leaning into the valid accusation with far more diplomacy than Eren. Mikasa's look follows Armin's, resting on the leading officers with the same expectation of some substantiation.

The leader settles back into his chair uncomfortably, saying nothing.

"So, you have no legitimate cause to call us here other than to review what you already know and what you already know is no longer applicable?" Armin presses the point. Many of the officers break eye contact with Armin and Mikasa, mumbling among themselves or saying nothing at all. One officer on the right end of the table reconstitutes eye contact with the pair and gives a subtle pantomime, seemingly admitting to them that they were dragged into it, too – that there was really nothing to be gained from the meeting. Merely an exercise in ogling and starstriking.

Armin glances at Mikasa, a brief nod. Followed by a shrug and a relax of posture.

He pushes back from the table, the scrape of the chair echoing loudly through the room. A smart turn and Armin walks away. Mikasa lingers a moment longer, her eyes sweeping over the long table. She did have to admit that she saw no point in staying, especially since both Eren and Armin called them out on their beaurcratic aimlessness. Still, she is hesitant to leave her duty behind.

The murmur of the room continues, mostly confined to the lower officers around the perimeter. A handful of the higher echelons recede into their chairs.

Mikasa uses the silence of the main panel as an implicit, or at least as an effective, dismissal. She stands and walks toward the door.

"Oh, Madam Ackerman," one of the high officers address her suddenly. She stops, partially turning back to them without moving her feet. "If you wouldn't mind, I have some friends outside that would like to speak with you." Mikasa's eyes narrow, unsure what to make of the request. His tone sounds high, unsure and hopeful. Like it is not an official matter and is purely doing a favor to some close friends or in-group of his own. She gives no response and continues forward.

The door closes with a heavy thud. Armin is standing with his hands in his pockets beside Eren, who is leaning against the wall a short distance down the hallway they came from.

Before Mikasa can join them, two men sweep in from her left side and buzz with as many questions as two can fit in a shared breath. She is taken aback at their sudden advance, her hands raising as she digests their numerous questions and the obvious adoration they have for here.

Eren can pick out them saying something about her family seal. His posture straightens immediately.

Armin turns toward the men, uncomfortable with and skeptical of their ambush. Eren stands beside him, at full height and in a stiff posture. Armin does not need to look at Eren to feel his tension.

Mikasa answers a handful of their questions with short responses, enough to satisfy their interest but more so to try and placate them. Their questions continue for another minute as Mikasa inches herself away, gradually trying to part from the conversation.

"I really admire you, Mikasa."

Eren and Mikasa both freeze. Armin looks up from fumbling with his shirt.

The man's face is blushed, a shade red across his cheeks, nose, and even a touch on his forehead. His head turned down, just slightly. Enough to show deference, but still maintaining eye contact and a confident posture.

Mikasa's face loosens for a moment, then quickly composes back to her phlegmatic self. "Uh, thanks." But she doesn't move. Until she feels an arm wrap around her side and grasp her opposite hand.

Eren tugs her back, spinning her around and pulling her away from her admirers. She says nothing but gives him a questioning look as her feet follow him. Ignoring whatever looks the men give him as one calls after her unsurely. Eren strides right past Armin too. "Go back to bed if you want, Armin. Mikasa and I will be behind you."

Armin looks confused, raising an arm after them before stepping off to follow, "Eh? Where are you going?"

Eren speeds around a corner with Mikasa still in tow, scanning name plates and labels stamped or painted on every door in the hall. He catches glimpse of one labeled in native Hiziru language as "General" together with a native, unreadable name. One more glance down each hall confirms their isolation. The door opens and closes as fast and quietly as Eren recognizes the label and pulls the two of them into the room.

Empty. Save for a sturdy desk, two guest chairs, an office chair, and a wall-sized bookshelf opposite the door. Light floods in from the courtyard windows to the left of the door; a subtle tint of green drowning the room from the reflected light of grass and the drab, military-olive colored walls of an adjacent building.


Armin turns the corner after them, but finds an empty hall.

Mikasa asks Eren what he's doing as he quickly steps toward the desk, a long reach pulling one of the guest chairs from its place facing the elaborate desk. He twists it around and jams the backrest under the door handle, legs biting into the floor. One more twist of his wrist turns a small knob on the door handle, what is hopefully a locking mechanism.


Eren briskly pushes her into the wall beside the door, dropping his head and sealing his lips to hers before the back of her head thumps against the wall. The pictures framed on the wall jostle as her body bumps into the wall.

Mikasa takes a fraction of a second to register his actions, but it falls into place just as quickly. Her interest piqued first by the single sharp, abrupt rip of a nerve striking up from the inside of her left leg. Then second and more fully by the trill of his lust and the danger of doing it in the high office of a foreign lead military figure.

His hand is already in her hair, a passionate embrace as her head is caught between his and the wall. Eren's second hand firms around her lower waist, fingers scratching at the edge of her butt with unbridled ardor. He presses himself into her, deepening the kiss and touching more of their bodies together. Mikasa's hands wave in the air at her sides, loose and unsure what to do with herself as she is overtaken in the heat of the moment.

Gradually as their kisses sink into her mind, her fingertips broach the mat of his hair. Returning the thoughtful embrace with a similar adulation while the feel of his lips tingle though the back of her neck and into her mind. The hand in her hair grips tightly, along with his other arm wrapping around the small of her back and pulling her into him with a flash of gusto.

A brief chirp of intrigue breaks from her lips, interrupting their fevered kissing.

Eren's hands crisply withdraw, then sweep back in with the same fervency. His hand skirts down her side and squeezes her firm butt, pressing himself into her again. Their kiss reconnects with another step up in intensity.

Her eyes flick open, pupils shrinking nearly to a pencil point as her eyes dance between his in the electrical brume of her spontaneous elation. Eren breaks the kiss and grins back at her. He rests his forehead against her, letting both hands shift to either side of her hips as he rocks his weight between each leg. "Who's my woman?"

The pressure of his hands grasping her sides solidifies as a gesture of dedication. A slight tug of his arms brush their lower bodies together again. Mikasa's throat hums pleasantly, not needing to answer while her smile grows into biting her edge of her lip. Her hands sweep up his arms, loosely clasping together behind his head while resting her elbows on his shoulder as their eyes steady between one another.

She waves her body, bottom up to haste a little of her weight into him suggestively. His hands lock together behind her back, swinging the both of them around toward the center of the room. Kisses reignite, their necks burning from the passionate fury of locked lips as they stumble towards the desk together.

Their heated breathing fills the room with the only recognizable noise. Until Mikasa's hip bumps into the corner of the desk and her teeth bite into his lip reflexively. His right hand breaks from her back and sweeps his forearm over the closest half of the desk, vigorously clearing off the various tools, trinkets, and decorations neatly organized over the desk.

Mikasa can't help but snort humorously as the sharp crack of a glass pane breaking shatters the lurid calm of the room. Her grin lasts hardly a second before Eren reconnects their lips again, as focused and inclined as ever. As their bodies push and pull against one another, Eren scoots her butt closer and closer to the short edge of the desk with sporadic pushes and tugs at her hips as they break and reform their lips over and over again.

She can feel him moving her, centering her on the side of the desk. But she pays little mind as her head swims in the warm glow of their smooching. Her chest brushes up against his as she presses her kiss back into him, her arms contracting around his neck slightly as she embraces the growing warmth in her body.

Eren's hands hook under her thighs and jump her onto the desk. The couple stops for a brief instant, paused as their eyes meet. Smiles leap up their lips. Then the fury resumes.

Mikasa's legs wrap around his waist as his fingers bumbles with the restraints holding her pants to her waist. Lips brush and heat one another as Eren struggles to get her pants out of the way. She huffs after a minute, breaking the kiss and unclasping the restraints of her pants herself. A quick hop and shove draws the hem from her weight resting on the desk.

He hooks a pair of fingers on either side of her clothing and inches them down her thighs a bit more. Just enough to access her. Her fingers have already cut the distance between their waists and unbuttoned his clothes, leaving him with a quick pull to drag his weighted shaft from its prison. Mikasa pauses, eyeing Eren anxiously. He grins back at her splendidly.

A smooth, sure shove buries himself inside her. Her eyes flutter shut, the positively pleasant trepidation rippling through her core and mind. Eren leans into her, pushing her back onto the desk somewhat irregularly. But does not let it interfere with his rising pace. Mikasa's eyes flutter open again, locking eyes with him as her mind steeps in the background of tepid joy – divided between the broad, encompassing ecstasy and the acute shanks of his erection stimulating her.

Seconds pass as their breathing simmers the air between them. Eren's sharp jabs growing more intense and forceful. Two more breaths and he is stroking himself into and out of her at a steady, illustrious pace. Mikasa's face contorts, puckering under the ecstatic weight condensing within her mind. A long coo leaks from her lips, her fingernails beginning to dig into the back of his neck.

He picks up his pace, leaning through her legs while resting his elbows at her sides and shifting his hands under her shoulders to grasp for leverage. Her legs clench around him, feeling the initial, fine edges of her climax spilling over her body.

A sharp crackle echos through the door.

A flush of cold sweeps through Mikasa as she looks at the door. Eren stoops over, covering her body with his, but refuses to stop his wheeling despite the chill in his spine. His right hand breaks from the desk, repositioning his arm to clasp a hand over her mouth. "Shhhh..." he whispers into her ear, long and slow as he pushes his pace even faster.

Her eyes roll around in her head. Mind foggy and catalyzed.

More rattling. A pounding on the door and some muffled speaking.

Eren persists. More thrusts, fast and vigorous. He feels her legs shutter, abs crunching together as an expedient euphoria rolls through her body. Her breathing ceases, drawn out into one long exhale. Moist heat flowing around his hand.

The racket grows louder, voice now at a shout as someone bashes against the door.

Eren pulls himself out and boogies back and forth to stuff himself back into his pants and secure their fit again. Wasting no time, he tugs on her, ripping her out of her haze and yanking her pants back up to her waist. A sharp breath of air fills her lungs and brings her back to the present as Eren leaps over to a window and unlocks the latches on the top of the sill.

He raises the window, just enough to climb through. Eren glances back behind him, checking on Mikasa. She's just finished tidying her pants up. Her hair is fuzzy, but it will do, there are far more pressing concerns. So long as her pants are on right... they wordlessly make for the opening.

Eren ducks through the window head first, a quick squirm dropping himself into the grass below the window. He adjusts himself quickly, standing and lending Mikasa a hand as she wriggles through the window. Her feet meet the ground and their eyes grapple together for an instant, a quick blush and duck of their heads as wide smiles greet a chortle of giggling to themselves and dash off.


Eren closes the door behind them as they step into the apartment. Mikasa pivots around to face him and they stand in a moment of silence, each processing the events on their own.

Her posture shrinks slightly, suddenly a bit sheepish at their debauchery as she lightly questions its merit. But her thoughts are quickly interrupted.

In a step Eren is already onto her again, hands on her waist and lips locked together. He pushes them back, deeper into their temporary abode as Mikasa's mind swirls back around full circle to a buzzing absorption in feeling Eren's spontaneous and intense lust. A thump echoes through the house as Mikasa clips the edge of a doorway, an arm loping at the air listlessly in her growing haze. Eren wrenches himself to the side and unhooks them from the doorway, traipsing her backward toward the bed until they feel another bump.

His hands shoot down to her knees, buckling her legs from under her and pushing her onto the bed. He breaks their kiss and furiously fumbles with her clothing again. More successful this time around, Eren rips her pants from her legs in two quick jerks. Mikasa's eyes keep with his, even as his attention removes the last barriers between them. Her mouth partially open, breathing heavily as the squalls within her strengthen and ebb against one another.

She backs away from the edge of the bed, creeping towards the headboard as Eren strips himself of his clothing and pounces onto the bed. In a single streak, he glides over top of her and inserts himself right back into her domain with a confident fullness. Her head cuts backward into the bedsheets, hair frizzling outward as the friction drags her hair over the bead spread. His hands streak under her arms and flatten out against the bed as he strokes himself through her, dipping his head into the crook of her neck. Lips and teeth brush over the sensitive skin at the side of her neck.

He works his fingers up the bed, stepping closer and closer until she feels the encroachment of his fingers teasing her shrinking peripheral awareness. A lucid smile trails her lips, a slight flash of teeth emanating her immersion before Eren seals their lips together once more. But his thrusts promptly break the kiss, probably intentionally given the perturbing strength.

Eren nuzzles the side of his face against hers, pushing her head over until he can rest his forehead near the crest of her head. His lips brushing against her ear, her black silken hair tickling his nose and cheeks. Smelling the neutral, yet completely potent scent and reveling in the feeling of it broaching through the nape of his neck and tickling his mind.

A stout drive makes her moan, loud. Her fingers curl over her chest, eyes briefly fluttering open to look at him as she feels their hair tangling together, his fingers shifting around until they hold onto her shoulder blades.

The next sounds send chills through her body, "Mine... Mine... Mine..." with each thrust. Thick, gravely. Determined. Assertive and elucidative. "Mine... Mine... Mine..." his lips brush over her ears again and again, soft with each word, hard with each thrust. He doesn't notice the red blush seep through her cheeks and certainly cannot feel the ongoing current surging though her spine and chest.

Mikasa's toes curl inward, her legs creeping up Eren's sides as he draws up her waters with a tirelessness and soulful determination poignant only for her. Her moan breaks out again, eyes briefly rolling around as they catch sight of his one eye not buried into the black mass of her hair. His grip on her shoulders intensifies, his pounding increasing with a candid rumpus.

He can feel her legs rise up his flanks. Her arms combining under his chest. The hot, wet walls collapsing around him with a greater tightness. The increasingly distant, nonetheless completely present and connected look in the brief flashes of her eye. Her skin warm, but flushing cold through her rising waves of climactic tides.

Eren's grip tightens around her again. Continuing his, "Mine... Mine... Mine..."

His pace breaks, slowing as he recognizes her head swirling in its own luminous dazzle. He allows himself a self-satisfied grin while her head swims absently. Still, he keeps some pace to feed the storm in her head. But after a few breaths he resumes his tirade, withdrawing nearly completely then smashing himself back into her with a rabid eros. Only a few strokes pass as his own orgasm overwhelms him, his objective accomplished.

Withdrawing only enough to keep his head edged into her as he throbs thick streams of semen into her opening. His head presses into hers, burying his eyes in her smooth hair and brushing his lips over her ear as he groans in his own euphoria – sending another distinct chill through her spine and a wincing smile careening through her face as it feeds her own satisfaction.

Eren jabs backward, letting a single, weak pulse of cum drip over her waist and abs.

He flops onto his side, breathing heavily. More from his emotional exertion than the physical one. His eyes lope, drawing their gaze to her face as he settles into the bed beside her. Wrapping his arm around her and flipping her onto her side to pull her back into him, he mumbles, "Minee..."

Mikasa hums, her lungs vibrating the air around the bed in a gentle aura as the hum grows into a consistent, joyful moan. She twists her head around to look up toward the ceiling, mouth partially open as she draws in blobs of fresh air.

Eren mutters something beneath his breath, timid and quiet.

She nods her head, scratching her head into the pillow, "Hm? What was that Babe?"

Mikasa feels him bury his face into her hair and mutters the same incomprehensible bit well below a whisper.

A fingernail scraps over her bangs, washing the hair from her eyes as she peers around at him. He unburies his face, catching her eye. Causing him to bury his face even deeper into her hair and into the bed in an immediate reaction. He feels her body twist, trying to turn to face him. But he holds her true. She adjusts her head beside a pillow brushing against the crest of her head. "Hmmmm?"

Mikasa hears him take a deep breath, somehow. Probably drawing in a mouthful of hair, then the ruffle of covers as he smushes his face into the bed yet again. "I'm prrrdd of uu." Eren pouts it out like a spoiled, embarrassed child.

She blushes, biting her lip slightly. But he doesn't see it; his face is still ploughed into the bedspread. Her blush and biting breaks into a tight-lipped smile. "Mmmhm.. oh were you being a little covetous with those guys fawning over me?" she deduces, running her fingers through his hair thoughtfully.

Eren's arms tighten around her. Silent and firm.

The redness deepens, soaking into her face and chest unbeknown to Eren. Her fingers drag through his hair in a long stroke. "Thanks.. Babe." A smile creases her lips candidly.

His face recedes from its hideout, eyes connecting with hers as the blushing persists. Mikasa finds her crimson resurge as she catches eyes on Eren's own attendant flush coloring his face. His redness is much stronger than the pressure-white tint of pressing his face into the bed. It shows right through. A smile trails back up her face.

"For the record, though: I already knew you were proud of me," her fingers comb through his hair thoughtfully again, eyes sparkling across the short distance between them as his grip around her loosens and she turns to face him. Eren's face remains warm, but a moment of recognition breezes through him and he gives her a wide, toothy grin.

Mikasa impedes the warm smile with a tender kiss, her arm wrapping around his back.


Well, now the shoe is on the other foot. I've got more ideas and requests for this collection than I can write out with the time I have! Lol...

Other news:

My Reader X Character AoT collection is up, titled "In Your Shoes."

Please read the foreword if you wish to request anything, as I need some basic information in order to construct the story and understand any boundaries I may have in writing a request. Just a head's up that it is a bit lengthy. The info points are also useful for those of you requesting for this collection or any others.

If you are uninterested or unsure if you would like to read/request, I've narrowed the foreword so that you should be able to read the first paragraph and continue onto the anthology to see if you want to engage with it.

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