Re:Zero The Fall Of The Four...

By TheodoreRogers

450 29 5

The story will take place after the first fan story. Zigfreed one of the Four Demon Lords/God that was defeat... More

Work in Progress update
Re:Zero Fall of The Demon Gods Act 1 Nowell pt1
Act 1 Nowell pt2 The first encounter and warning Pt2
Re:Zero Fall of The Demon Gods Act 1 Nowell pt3
The Ultimate Weapon and Awakening Dormant power
Their Awakened Strength
Test and Knowledge pt1
Test and Knowledge pt2
Final Days of Training
The Long Awaited Battle
Nowell's Plan
The Great Devourer Worm
Race Against Time
Battle of Beasts
The Day Everything Changed
Demon Order Yoshiro
A Moment to Reflect
Hidden Knowledge
Sparing With His New Form and Their Next Powerful Foe
The First Under His Wing
Their Strongest Threat
Replacement Quest
Brutal Training
Why They Fight
A Surprised Acquaintance
A Surprised Acquaintance
A Girl's Wish
New Recruit
Primula's Mother and Doons Ascension
Germory's Plans
Untold Truth
Full Assault
Saving Emilia
Germory vs Ram
A Surprisingly Worthy Enemy
Germory vs Kajah
Genesis's Light Preparation
Going All Out
Her Desperate Deal
The End of Her Pain
His New Control
Genesis's Invasion
Unexpected Powerful opponent
Yoshiro vs Reinhard
Yoshimitsu Vs The Nine Divine Generals
Yoshiro Vs The Divine Generals
A Well Fought Fight & A Unexpected Alliance
A little Sparring and A timeTo Relax
The Start of The Assault
Plasma & Blaze
An Unforgettable Past
A Well Earned Victory
Yoshiro The Swordsman God
A Name To Stop A Beast
Wrath vs Void
Gunslinger Drake
Final Showdown
The Hunt
Her Deep Rage Unleashed
Naomasa Scarlet
Saving The Last Valkyrie
Last Chance
☠️The Real Fight Begins☠️
Accepting What He Now Is
The Conclusion and a Unexpected Ally
Yoshiro's Redemption

Re:Zero Fall of The Demon Gods

13 3 3
By TheodoreRogers

Pt4 Rem's Awaken New Strength

Everyone wakes up and heads outside back to discuss training parties.
Alex: Alright so here are the groups. Lith, Lunanie and Rem you will b helping each other. Well mostly Rem.
Rem: Huh?
Lith: *smiles* we will explain why you're gonna benefit more.
Lunanie: mhm mhm mhm!
Alex: Now group two will be Wrath, Elizabeth, and Subaru.
Wrath:*evil demonic grin* heheh we're gonna have hella fun kid.
Elizabeth: *menacing stare* I won't hold back boys.
Subaru: *gulp* ehhh y-you sure? C-can we switch teams Rem?
Rem: if you wa-
Alex: No, the teams I'm setting up are for specific traits everyone possesses.
Subaru: *big gulp*
Alex: Now then the last group will be Me, Thanatos and Kajah.
Thanatos: mhm
Kajah: I'm ready. Ummm what will I be training to achieve this time uncle?
Alex: I'll explain when we are in our respective areas.
Lith: we can stay here Rem. There's plenty of space for your practice.
Alex: Kajah lets go we have a lot to do.
Alex creates a dark portal that the three walk through and vanishing without a trace.
Elizabeth: Wrath lets go.
Wrath: heheh right.
He creates a dark portal in the ground that they jump in.
Rem: so...what will we be doing?
Lunanie: we will be trying to grant you the authority of summoning Crimson whenever you want to.
Lith: and after that we wannna see if the link is strong enough for you and Crimson. If the link is strong enough then you two can fuse in a way.
Rem: Fuse???
Lunanie: not actually fuse but more like umm...
Lith: you will have your own special unique demon armor.
Rem: like...Kajah and Subaru?!
Lith:*smiles* mhm.
Rem's eyes glowed bright as she had only dreamed of such a thing.
Rem: to be able to fight along side Kajah and Subaru. No more getting in the way or having them so concerned for me.
She looks at them with intense determination.
Rem: Lets do it!
Meanwhile in the mansion in Rawsaal's room.
Rawsaal: long do you plan on keeping my book? Not to mention why come here so early?
Yoshiro: Simple. I want you to see something in this book. I know I can't read it but I'm sure it hasn't changed.
He throws his gospel to him and when he opens it, Rawsaal is met with a surprise.
Rawsaal:...well well...your theory is correct. How did you know it would be the same?
Yoshiro: Simple, it's uncertain of the future now that Kajah has met Subaru. Not only that but it cannot keep up with me killing those related deeply with the Witches Cult and the two beasts I killed.
Rawsaal: heh well I figured you would have no problems with the snake and rabbits. Though I wanna know something.
Yoshiro: hm? You may ask.
Rawsaal: You're powerful yes. Why serve someone who seems to be so dependent on you. I mean clearly you can defeat him on your own with such power right?
Yoshiro: I cannot because of the pact made by him when I was brought back from the dead.
Rawsaal: I see.
Yoshiro: tell me Rawsaal.
Rawsaal: hm?
Yoshiro: You had your own ambitions before all this happened yes?
Yoshiro: You said everything is in that book of yours yet it's been giving you nothing ever sense I came into the pitcher. You where supposed to meet Subaru in that old town. That spell had them all stuck there yet here we are free thanks to my partner. And I killed every single rat at the same time with ease. Then there was that Serpent. Then the other Witches Cult. I should kill you as well however you play a role so I've kept you alive.
Rawsaal:*sarcasm* hm I'm so glad you changed everything.
Yoshiro: regardless if you wanted things to remain the same or not. I cannot change what has been done.
Rawsaal: of then what does this Genesis person want?
Yoshiro: Hmm I suppose i can tell you. However I will need that book back.
He hands the book over reluctantly.
Yoshiro: this is to keep our chat a secret. Now your question. What Genesis wants is Kajah's unlimited mana abilities.
Rawsaal: hm?
Yoshiro: Genesis is an extremely powerful god. However unlike the other goods his power his mans has a limited amount of uses.
Rawsaal: hm?
Yoshiro: if he can obtain Kajah's ability, then he will have no equal.
Rawsaal: So you want him to have that much power huh.
Yoshiro: I cannot choose what fate has in store for us all. What I can say is this. If fate is to change again then it will happen when we least expect it.
Rawsaal: hahah yes indeed just like it has for everyone here.
Yoshiro: indeed.
Rawsaal looks out to see the girls helping Rem become stronger.
Rawsaal: it certainly added some interesting elements to this live I've lived in for so long. I can't complain.
Yoshiro: Well I must return. I have to finish the Witches Cult and bring those who where suppose to b here in.
Rawsaal: hm?
Yoshiro: You will see.
Yoshiro vanishes with the wind leaving nothing behind.
Rawsaal: and so he's gone. *sigh* this is very annoying regardless.
(Back to Rem's training)
Lith: Alright Rem you should be ok to do this without needing anything that's Kajah's.
Rem: Huh?
Lunanie: This special summon spell works by acquiring any object that belongs to the owner.
Lith: However because you and Kajah ehh *clears throat* there's no need.
Rem: *blushes* Heheheh yah.
Lunanie: lets start.
With Rem in the middle of the circle and hold hands.
Lith: remember Rem, Crimson requires blood to summon so try not to summon him using lots of blood.
Rem: mhm
The two began chanting a in their language. Rem could feel the presence of Crimson and calls out his name.
A massive black cloud is formed completely covering the field and half the mansion.
Lith: What's going on?
Lunanie: I- Rem how much blood did you sacrifice?
Rem: o-only a little bit like you two said.
Lith and Lunanie: WHAT?!
As the cloud clears they could see a massive red bloody claw step forward. Fallowed by a deep menacing growl.
Lith: Th-this can't be the same Crimson.
Lunanie: h-he seems bigger.
Rem: Crimson?
He unleashes a powerful howl that clears the black clouds, allowing them to see the colossal size of the Blood Wolf.
Crimson: (it's been awhile Rem. You have summed me because?)
Lith: wh-whaaaaa!!!
Lunanie: He can talk?!
Rem: mhm I guess it's a thing he does with people he likes.
Lith: w-well Crimson...we would like to barrow your strength to help Rem.
Lunanie: it will be very beneficial as she would have an advantage in a serious situation.
Crimson: (hmm I will but first. Rem.)
Rem: yes?
Crimson puts his massive eye right the girls.
Crimson: (What is it that you will be using my strength for exactly? I'm curious is all.)
Rem: I-I want to be helpful and not be useless in battle. I love both Kajah and Subaru but for them to keep worrying about me makes me feel useless. Too many times I've gotten in the way or have been unable to help much. They or someone else had to come in and save me. I-i want to be stronger. More independent in combat. To help Protect Kajah, Subaru, my children, my sister, Emilia. I wanna help protect everyone I care for just as much as they do!
Crimson: (I can see your resolve.)
Rem: Huh?
Crimson: (I shall lend you my strength. Use it wisely.) AAAROOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
powerful howling is herd from miles away, Crimson's body glows bright red before launching himself into the sky then quickly landing on Rem but she is surrounded by a red and black sphere of mana.
Lith: What's...going on?
Lunanie: I-I have no idea. I wasn't expecting this.
Ram comes running out to see what's going on.
Ram: Rem? What happened?!
Rem: it's ok Ram.
Ram: Re-
Rem takes a step out of the mana and her entire outfit and has been changed to symbolize the combined strength of her and Crimson. Her aura can be felts completely different than before.
Ram: (Th-this sister?!)
Her right eye constantly glowing blood red.
Ram: h-how do you feel?
Rem: *smiles* I feel great.
Lith: what can you do now?
Rem: lets see.
Holding out her hands she summons not one but two maces covered in a black and red aura. Then when the ball hits the ground, the spiked balls turned into smaller versions of Crimson ready to attack.
Rem: I see so they changed depending on how I use them. I will definitely have to practice with theses.
Lith: heh well let's practice then.
Ram: I wanna see.
Lunanie: ooooo illl go watch the kids then *giggles* you girls don't play too rough now.
Lith and Rem: mhm.
Lith: ready?
Rem: ready.
Rem hurls the powerful mace in her direction. She doges but she could feel the raw malice coming from the mace.
Lith: *gulp* (I gotta be extra careful...she has to learn how to control that power.)
Rem: behind you.
Lith: *ngh*
she moves quickly and dodges another attack.
Lith: (shes that much faster now?!)
Rem: Go.
Blood Hounds: Aaaroooo!
Lith: (your kidding me!!! She can turn the mana into several physical hounds?) Huh? Wait where did she go though?!
The realization came in as she felt sense of death and murderous intent behind her.
Surrounded by 12 powerful blood hounds and REM's spiked chains Lith felt helpless.
Ram: REM WAIT!!!
Rem pets Lith on the head.
Rem: what?
Lith: *scared breathing* h-Heheh...
Rem: Sorry did I scare you? I wasn't trying to.
Lith: n-no...heh...y-your ok. I-I did say let's spar and your definitely beat me.
Rem: *warm smiles*
Ram: eh? (I could of sworn she had the intent to kill.)
She reverts back to her normal self.
Rem: I see so it's like a demon armor around my clothes huh. Very interesting. I wonder what else I can do with that power.
Ram: Rem you don't feel any different right?
Rem: not at all. Why?
Ram: no reason. (Has that power balanced her own demon power and amplified it?)
Rem:*smiles* lets go and get something to eat. I'll cook oki?
Lith: uhh y-yah s-Sure. (I haven't felt that afraid in a long time. Heh she's definitely more powerful than ever before. Good we want you to be able to rip your enemies apart Rem. Protect what's your girl.)
Rem: *smiling and talking*

To be continue

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