
Yarah001 által

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SEQUEL TO STAND. Just when everything finally seems to work out for Raimon and their friends, it all goes wro... Több

In the Wake of Devastation
Cold and Lost in Desperation
The Devil Within

Watching You

360 41 8
Yarah001 által



Drip. Drip. Drip.

His little brother, the little brother he loves with all his heart, is gone. Missing. Kidnapped by a psychopath. Yuuichi wanted to scream at Gouenji when the man came to tell him about the fate of his brother. In that one moment, the navy-haired male didn't care that Gouenji is the one he always looked up to – the only thing he wanted was to scream, to cry, to hide. Yet he did none of these things and instead smiled politely, albeit a little shakily, thanking the man for the information.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

His brother, his precious baby brother, kidnapped. The worry in his heart is all-consuming, the fear and the uselessness taking their toll on him.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

But not anymore. Yuuichi's brown eyes burn in determination as he stares grimly at the window. 'Kyousuke... wherever you are, be strong. I will find you, I promise I will. I don't care what I have to do, I will get you back.' With his mind made up, his eyes fall on the phone lying on his nightstand and he reaches for the device.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

He dials a number, holding the phone to his ear as he waits. 'Just hold on. I'm coming for you, Kyousuke.' Finally, the other picks up. ''Gouenji-san? It's me, Tsurugi Yuuichi...''

Drip. Drip. Drip.


Every Step You Take, I'll Be Watching You


Ayumi takes deep, slow breaths as she stares at the letter that was delivered by the nurse, together with her breakfast. It seems innocent enough, yet it sends her heart racing in fear.

She drops it on her lap and clutches the bedsheet with shaking hands, focusing on her breathing. In and out, until her heart starts to calm down. Even so, the fear does not disappear.

The only sound in the room comes from the television, which is currently on a sports channel. One of the men on the screen is just announcing a match for tomorrow between a school that sounds slightly familiar to the redheaded girl, Mannouzaka Jr. High, and another team she's never heard of before. But Ayumi is currently too caught up in the situation to really care.

Her hands still shaking, she picks up the letter again and swallows nervously. It's a long yet small and thin, white envelope. What makes her so nervous, however, is the light blue lotus flower printed on the back.

She carefully opens it. Inside the envelope is a strip of white paper, a single sentence in black printed onto it. In the lower right corner is a small, blue lotus flower. A she reads the sentence, a shiver goes down her spine.

Voices... shouting... someone is screaming...

Without even a moment of hesitation, she grabs her phone and dials the only number she can think of – the phone number of Fujita Hitomo, manager of Kanashimi's soccer club.

As the dial rings, the redheaded girl sends a silent prayer to whatever deity will listen.

'Please... let my brother be alright...'


''I want to know the truth!''

Kidou narrows his eyes behind his goggles at the man sitting in front of him. The woman next to him lays a hand on his shoulder. ''Dear, please... I'm worried too, but we won't get any further if we can't calm down.''

The man narrows his orange-colored eyes but then nods slowly. ''You're right, as usual,'' he smiles at her but the tension hasn't left him yet. He looks back at Teikoku's commander. ''I apologize for my outburst there, Kidou-san, but this is my son we're talking about.''

The goggled man nods and allows himself to relax slightly now that the man seems willing to listen. ''I understand and I truly wish I didn't have to be so secretive about this, but this is for your son's safety.'' The pair of worried parents tenses again at this. ''We are doing everything we can to ensure his safe retrieval, but we have to work carefully.''

The two parents share a look. ''Kidou-san,'' begins the woman softly. ''What exactly do you mean with that?''

The coach sighs as he leans his intertwined hands on the desk before him. ''Hanako-san, Katsu-san, I will tell you as much as I can, but you cannot anymore questions after that. Understand?''

For a moment the couple is silent, but then Katsu nods. ''We understand.''

Kidou smiles slightly in relief at this but doesn't show any other emotion. ''Haruki and several others have caught the attention of someone who wants to use them for his own gain. This man doesn't care about what methods he has to use or how far he must go. We are trying to bring justice to him, but he has been a few steps ahead of us this whole time. Because of this, we have to act carefully and cannot afford to make any thoughtless moves.''

Katsu and Hanako are quiet for a long while as they process this information. Kidou watches them silently, trying to read their body language for any clues to their thoughts.

Hanako's lime green eyes are narrowed in thought and her hands are gripping her dress so tightly the skin is turning white. After a while of silence, she looks up to meet Kidou's gaze. ''Can you ensure the safety of our son?'' she asks sharply.

The Teikoku commander nods, an air of confidence around him. ''We have dealt with many different situations in the past, and while this is quite different from what we're used to, I am confident that we will handle this as well.''

The red-haired woman nods slowly. ''Very well,'' she speaks softly, her brows furrowing and her eyes thoughtful. ''What about our daughter?'' at the question, Kidou raises an eyebrow in question and gestures for her to go on. ''Haruki loves his sister dearly and would do anything for her. Due to Ayumi's medical condition, we cannot protect her easily. If this man that took my son is really as dangerous as you say, would that mean Ayumi is in danger?''

Now it's Kidou's turn to frown in thought. His mind goes back to Gouenji and the lengths he would go to in protecting Yuuka and his frown deepens. ''You certainly have a point there,'' he says finally. ''We can arrange for her to be placed in Inazuma Town's hospital, where it will be easier to ensure her safety.''

The couple shares a look, silently communicating. After a moment of silence, Katsu answers. ''Very well. But we want to be here as well.''

''Excuse me?'' Kidou blinks in surprise. It's not easy to catch him off guard, but he honestly had not expected this.

Katsu narrows his eyes and his expression tells the commander he won't back down. ''These are our children we're talking about, Kidou-san.'' The look in his eyes is one of a father who would do anything for his family. ''My only son has caught the attention of someone dangerous and is currently in an unknown situation. My only daughter is in the hospital and is possibly in danger as well. If you think we'll just wait on the sidelines, you are mistaken.''

For a long moment, the two men simply stare at each other, waiting for one of them to give in. Eventually though, Kidou bows his head in defeat. ''What do you propose?'' he asks calmly.

Hanako doesn't hesitate in her answer. ''We will find an apartment here in Inazuma Town. You will inform us of any major updates on the situation and we will do anything we can to help you.''

Kidou nods slowly. ''That can be arranged, but what about your jobs?''

This time it is Katsu who answers. ''We are certainly not poor and we also have the money from my late parents. Furthermore, our jobs can both be done at home. We will only have to go to office once every week.''

The Teikoku coach nods again. ''Very well. I can give you the address of an acquaintance of mine who rents out apartments for a reasonable price.''

Hanako and Katsu share another look. ''Alright,'' says the man eventually. ''What is their name?''

''Her name is Kino Aki. Her relative, Matsukaze Tenma, is one of the others who have been taken along with your son.''

The couple gasps. ''Tenma-kun?!'' Hanako's voice is filled with concern.

Kidou nods. ''I take it you've met him.'' At the woman's nod, he grimaces but then goes back to the topic at hand. ''I believe Kino is currently in the building. Would you like me to call for her?''

Katsu nods. ''Yes, please.''

''Very well.''


A sudden knock of silence breaks the peaceful silence in the guestroom of Aki's apartment and its occupant looks up. A moment later the door opens to show none other than Hakuryuu, a towel around his neck and his white hair slightly damp.

The moment Shuu takes a look at his face, he marks the page and places his book on his nightstand. ''Hakuryuu,'' he greets quietly as the albino sits down on the only chair in the room. ''Is something wrong?''

The other shoots him an 'are-you-kidding-me' look and leans back in his seat. ''Nothing's happening,'' he says eventually. Shuu doesn't need to ask what he's talking about. ''It's been ten days.''

The islander nods silently and shifts his gaze towards the window. ''I know,'' he says finally. ''Everyone's tense. The teams are in disarray, the adults seem ready to break down and yet we're not even a step closer to finding Tenma and the others.''

The albino sighs and runs a hand through his damp hair. ''The worst part is that we don't know anything. It's been too silent.''

Shuu doesn't immediately react, instead keeping his eyes on the world beyond the window. The rain clouds from yesterday evening have been replaced by a thick pack of colorless clouds, seemingly absorbing all colors and leaving the world desolate.

He finally acknowledges Hakuryuu's words with a slight nod. ''But not for long anymore,'' he says softly.


The islander lets his gaze flash to the albino and then looks back to the clouds. ''Something's about to change,'' he says quietly. ''Soon.'' He shakes his head and sighs softly, still keeping his eyes on the sky. ''Something will happen sooner than you might think... and maybe that will be the push that we need.''

Hakuryuu doesn't interrupt him while he speaks. Once the other boy falls silent, the albino turns his red eyes to the desolate sky as well. Having known Shuu for quite a while now, he's already used to the boy's scary accurate intuition. ''I guess it won't be a good something, correct?''

Shuu nods. ''The sky's grim,'' just as he says that, the clouds break open and a bright beam of sunlight falls through the crack, shining lonely and brightly. Hakuryuu can feel a shiver go down his spine at the icy sight. ''Yet there's a beam of light,'' mutters the islander. ''Whatever it is, it won't be good, but at least it will be the truth.''

''The truth?'' repeats his albino friend quietly.

Shuu nods again, his eyes reflecting the light of the cold sun. ''The truth is not always pretty...''

The albino returns his gaze to the sky, a grim smile pulling on his lips. ''The truth, huh?'' he says again, even softer. ''Well, let's hope this 'truth' tells us something about Tsurugi and the others.''

The islander breathes out slowly. ''I'm afraid, Hakuryuu, that this is only the calm before the storm.''


''We can't go any further than this,'' states Mikado as he stares at the police tape that separates them from the blackened grounds behind it.

The group is currently gathered at the remains of Kanashimi Jr. High. It took them three days before they managed to slip away from their training. Some of the ones who joined them in the beginning 'chickened out' later, as Ueno put it, but have promised to stay silent about their whereabouts, too afraid of the Kanashimi forward to say anything.

The ground beyond the tape is black and grey, a mixture of ash and other burnt remnants of what was once a school.

Ueno tsk'es in annoyance, glancing at the police which can be seen on the scene. From the group's position, they're hidden by the bushes and trees so it won't be easy for the authorities to spot them, but once they leave their natural shelter, they'll be spotted instantly.

''We need to get closer...'' he muses, counting the figures of the policemen and other officials. It seems the investigation is coming to a stop due to a lack of evidence, because there are only six people at the scene.

Raimon's players share a long look. ''But if the authorities can't find anything, why would we be different?'' asks Shinsuke hesitantly, casting another look at the blackened remains.

Ueno turns his venomous purple gaze to the small keeper. ''Yeah, but those bastards don't know that this was the school of a psychopath who has a love for those fucking flowers of his,'' he spats and the Raimon player flinches away. ''Anyway, we still need to get closer-''

A voice cuts him off. ''I don't think so.'' All eyes snap to the owner, who is staring at something a few feet away from the police tape.

''What do you mean?'' Ueno narrows his eyes at Shirosaki.

Hakuren's captain glances at him before nodding in the direction of the remains of the school. ''That.'' Everyone follows his gaze, their eyes immediately drawn to the white that stands out amongst the black. ''That wasn't there when we arrived.''

Ueno narrows his eyes, trying to get a better look at the object. His expression changes into one of shock when he sees a hint of blue on it, and he looks back at the Hakuren captain. ''You sure that wasn't there before?''

Shirosaki nods. ''Absolutely certain. It's in plain view, we would've noticed it immediately.''

The Kanashimi forward nods in understanding. ''We need to get that.'' Then, with another glance at the officers walking around in the distance, he slips under the tape. ''Prepare to run,'' he calls over his shoulder as he sneaks forward, keeping an eye on the policemen and other authorities.

He quickly but quietly crosses the ten-or-so feet to the white object and kneels down a few feet away from it, glancing up at the adults every so often. He's right out into the open now, and while his uniform contains quite some black, it has even more white which makes it stand out among the burned surroundings. The only reason he hasn't been spotted yet is probably because the adults aren't looking his way and because he's kneeling behind a heap of ash, the grey making his uniform blend in just a little bit.

Ueno glances at the letter, which is lying on the top of the heap, as he makes himself as small as possible in order not to be spotted. Then his gaze returns to the authority officers and he waits for the right moment.

When they all seem to be turned away from him, he lashes out, almost like a snake, and snatches the object. He immediately kneels behind the pile of ash again and stays perfectly still.

When nothing happens for a few moments, he risks another glance. Seeing the adults are still occupied, he sprints back and ducks under the tape. A moment later he's hidden by the bushes again, holding up the object with a victorious grin.

Then the grin slinks to a sly smile as his attention turns to the object, which turns out to be a letter with a familiar lotus flower on it. He opens it, taking a slip of paper out. As he reads what's written on it, his eyes narrow.

Does the pain... ever end?

He looks up at the group again. ''We need to show this to my coach immediately,'' he states, uncharacteristically serious.

No one objects.


''Yuuichi, try to understand-''

The young man narrows his eyes at the male in front of him. The two are sitting in small café in town, having arranged to get a private room so they can talk. ''Gouenji-san,'' says the navy-haired male lowly, ''do not pretend I'm a child. I know very well how dangerous this could be. I know very well what's going on – Kyousuke might want to protect me all the time, but he's learned not to treat me like fragile glass. He has told me quite a lot about this situation. So no matter what you might think, I do understand and I'm not planning to sit back and wait!''

Gouenji pauses for a moment but then sighs softly. ''I'm sorry,'' he apologizes. ''Everything has just been getting out of hand lately and... well, we're not getting anywhere.'' He lets his chin rest on the palm of his hand as he sips from his coffee.

Yuuichi's eyes soften at the exhausted form of the slightly older man. ''I shouldn't have snapped like that, but this is my baby brother we're talking about.''

The white-haired male cracks a smile at that. ''Does your brother know you call him that?''

The oldest of the Tsurugi children laughs softly, with a hint of sadness in it. ''Of course he does. He pretends to hate it, but I think he secretly likes it when I call him that. Unless it's in front of others.'' His smile widens a little. ''But that's why I do it as well. It's fun to mess with him – his reactions are cute.''

Gouenji chuckles a bit. ''I think you'd be the only person who would ever describe Tsurugi Kyousuke as 'cute'.''

''I'm his older brother,'' points Yuuichi out as he sips calmly from his own cup, this one containing water. ''It's my job.''

The ex-Emperor's lips twitch upwards at that before settling into a tired yet calm expression. ''Yuuichi, I know where you're coming from,'' he says, completely serious again. ''I really do. I have a little sister myself and I know what it's like to be an older brother. I'd do anything for Yuuka. But you have to understand, we are doing everything we can but one wrong move and the results could be disastrous,'' he tells the slightly younger man honestly.

The navy-haired young adult nods in understanding yet the look in his eyes is still one of resolve. ''And that's what I want as well – for you all to be careful. But I also won't sit on the sidelines, Gouenji-san, and while I really don't want to cause trouble, I will not simply stop if you tell me to. So it's your choice. Let me help or I'll find my own way.'' His voice is void of any hesitation and Gouenji knows without a doubt that the other won't back down under any circumstances.

Still, he has to try one more time. ''Are you really sure about this?'' Yuuichi nods immediately and the white-haired male grimaces. ''Alright then,'' he finally gives in and the younger male cracks a smile. ''You'll get access to our main base in Teikoku. That's all I can do in the current situation.''

''Thank you,'' says Yuuichi honestly and Gouenji smiles slightly. Then something in the young adult's eyes shifts. ''On another note, I have something else.''

The white-haired man stills in surprise and caution at the younger's expression. ''What is it?'' Yuuichi doesn't verbally answer but instead takes something out of his pocket.

The young man places it on the table. ''I believe this seems familiar, correct?'' he ticks on the blue logo that decorates the white envelope.

Gouenji's eyes widen when he catches sight of the lotus flower. Yuuichi slides the letter over the table to the older man, who takes it and opens it. Inside is one single strip of paper. When Seidouzan's coach takes it out, he spots a small blue lotus flower in the corner of the paper, on which a single sentence is written.

So much pain... the only thing I know now...

The ex-Emperor looks up at Yuuichi, a worried and alarmed frown on his face. ''When did you get this?''

The younger's eyes narrow. ''I was about to leave home to come here, already had the door opened and all, when I realized I forgot my phone. I went back to get it. When I returned and opened the door again, this was lying on the doorsteps and I swear it wasn't there before.''

Gouenji's expression turns blank as he lets his gaze go back to the sentence written on the strip of paper. He's silent for a long while, his eyes clouded over in thought.

Yuuichi doesn't disturb him and instead stares at his water in silence. The tension in the small room is thick yet both don't seem to have any intention of breaking it.

Eventually though, the white-haired man finally addresses the younger man. ''Thank you for showing me this,'' he says, his voice not giving anything away. ''I have a meeting later today and I think it might be a good idea if you come with us.''


Later that day, Kidou informs all the coaches about his conversation with the Sakaki couple. While they are not happy with their intervention, the other coaches can understand that this was the best arrangement and they move on to other issues.

To say they are surprised by Aphrodi's plan is an understatement, but with a bit of thought they easily can see the logic in it. It takes only a few moments for everyone to agree with the plan and work out the details.

''I have a lot of influence in the soccer world,'' Gouenji tells them. ''I'm the chairman of the Japan Youth Soccer Association – this is one of my projects to begin with and I have the final say in the different divisions. I can also pull a few ties to make it all legal. And besides, all of us have the ability of requesting certain people. If you all put in a request, I can use that as excuse.'' They all agree with that and fall into silence, all thinking about the details that need to be taken care of.

Then Jirou suddenly speaks up, the first thing he's said since the meeting started. ''I have news,'' he says and something in his voice makes all of the other adults quiet down to listen to him. ''Yesterday, one of the managers of my team informed me of something concerning. She had gotten a call from Sakaki's sister, who got a strange letter that morning.''

Everyone stiffens.

''Today, I visited her myself and she gave me the letter. There was a blue lotus flower on it. Even more concerning is the fact that I received an identical letter from the Kanashimi team after I returned,'' speaks Jirou quietly. ''Judging from your expressions, can I guess you have received such letters as well?''

Kidou is the first one to respond. ''My team's captain gave me an identical letter. Apparently it was found in the clubroom yesterday evening, but he hadn't had the chance yet to speak with me.'' He scans the faces of the other coaches. ''Has everyone received such a letter?''

Every coach nods, except for Housuiin. Genei's coach shakes his head at the inquiring looks, signaling he hasn't received anything like that.

Gouenji eventually speaks up. ''The most worrisome is perhaps the timing of the letters. Only thirty minutes before this meeting started did I receive word of such a letter being found inside Seidouzan's clubroom,'' he says. ''I was lucky I hadn't left the building yet or I wouldn't have been able to take a look at it.'' He pauses for a moment before continuing. ''What we must consider as well is that it's not only the coaches who got those letters.'' He nods to the navy-haired man sitting next to him. ''Like Sakaki's sister, he got one as well.''

The young adult nods in greeting. ''My name is Tsurugi Yuuichi and I'm the older brother of one of Raimon's forwards,'' he introduces himself shortly. ''Only a few hours ago, I found a letter on my doorstep after I went inside to get something. However, I'm completely certain it wasn't there before.''

''Hm... it seems that certain individuals are getting letters as well,'' muses Aphrodi out loud. ''That means we have nine letters now, correct?'' While everyone starts to nod, Endou suddenly shakes his head. Kidokawa Seishuu's coach looks at him in surprise. ''Endou?''

The keeper is missing his usual smile. Instead it's replaced by a frown, worry swirling in his dark eyes. Something is clearly bothering him and he stays silent for a while. The others stay silent, almost able to see the gears moving inside his head as he thinks.

Then his eyes light up in realization and his gaze shifts to Housuiin. ''I think I have your letter,'' he says slowly.

Genei's coach raises an eyebrow. ''What exactly do you mean?''

Endou's frown deepens. ''Sakaki's sister got one – for her brother. Kanashimi got one for that defender of theirs. Kidokawa got one, for Kishibe. Hakuren for Yukimura. Teikoku for Miyabino. Arakumo for Amemiya. Seidouzan for Kurosaki.''

The other coaches stay silent as he says this, clearly realizing he's onto something. Once he pauses, however, Karibe raises an eyebrow. ''Alright, but why would you have Genei's letter? And why did you deny that we have nine letters?''

Raimon's coach takes a while to answer, still musing over something. ''The thing is, Raimon got one letter as well, but...'' he hesitates and bites his lip for a moment. ''Several of my players received letters too.'' At the shocked looks from the other coaches, he takes something out of his pocket and lays it on the table. At a closer look the something is revealed to be a bunch of very familiar letters. ''Kariya, Sangoku, Aoi and Amagi got one, along with Raimon's letter, which makes five.'' He gestures towards the five letters in front of him.

That's when Kidou catches on. ''That makes thirteen letters in total and there are thirteen missing players.'' The eyes of the other coaches widen in realization.

Endou nods. ''Exactly. Like I said before, all teams – except Genei – got one letter for their missing player, along with Sakaki's sister and Yuuichi for their respective brothers. Then we have a letter from Kariya, which could be for either Hikaru or Kirino. The letter from Sangoku is probably Shindou or Kirino. Aoi's letter is obviously Tenma, and Amagi is the childhood friend of Genei's captain.''

The rest nods in agreement, not finding any flaws in that logic. They are convinced even more when Jirou quietly comments on the keeper's words. ''That sounds like something Kazuo would do. Making a game out of it and manipulating us as pawns.''

''But what does it mean?'' the question is asked by Sakuma, the first time he speaks up during the meeting. When all eyes move to him, the white-haired man elaborates. ''Why would he send us thirteen letters, which probably... represent the thirteen missing players, when it doesn't mean anything?''

''You're right about that,'' agrees Kidou a moment later, his arms crossed in front of his chest as his thoughts race around, trying to come up with a logical explanation. ''Ishikawa is a genius, there's no denying that. Simply sending us letters, even if they're to mock us, doesn't seem like something he would do. He'd probably hide something, a hidden clue, in there, believing we won't find it until it's too late.''

Jirou shakes his head at that. ''I'm not sure about that,'' he tells the game maker. ''Kazuo likes to manipulate people, yes, but he's not the characteristic cartoon villain who drops clues. Unless he's completely certain we won't figure it out or if he's in one of his crazy moods.''

''You don't seem to think it's the last option,'' states Fubuki, surprising them when they realize he's there as well, having kept to the background during the whole meeting.

The sky blue-haired man locks eyes with Hakuren's coach and nods. ''Kazuo is mentally unstable but those experiments are his life's work. He wouldn't risk it even if he's not thinking clearly,'' he confirms Fubuki's words.

Karibe raises her eyebrow. ''What about the first one, then?''

Kanashimi's coach frowns in thought. ''That's possible, but there's one very big thing we're forgetting.'' At the questioning looks, he explains. ''Remember, I'm his twin. He might have hidden thinks from me, and I might have trouble figuring him out lately, but our minds work the same way and I've known him my entire life. It just... doesn't add up.'' A flash of sadness shoots through his sapphire orbs, so fast the others can almost swear they imagined it. ''But just sending this without reason isn't something he'd do either. So there's probably a hidden clue...'' his voice shows he doesn't believe his own words.

For a moment all is silent, until Jirou's eyes widen in realization. ''Unless it's a warning!''

''A warning?'' repeats Endou, obviously confused. ''Why would he send us a warning?''

But Aphrodi seems to have caught on for he's the one to answer. ''A warning that something is about to happen. It's probably hidden well enough that we won't figure it out until just before it, whatever that might be, happens. A way to mock us, to show us that even with the knowledge we can't do anything,'' he says softly, his voice just above a whisper.

The atmosphere is grim as his words echo in everyone's minds. The silence doesn't last long before Fubuki suggests everyone to show their letters. A minute later, thirteen strips of paper are lying on the table. All have a single sentence on them together with a small logo of a blue lotus flower.

Everything is silent again as they all try to find a hidden warning in the single sentences. Eventually, Sakuma breaks the heavy silence. ''Alright. The sooner we figure this out, the better. Does anyone have any ideas?''

Various theories and possibilities are told, yet they don't work or Jirou denies them. Once they're all out of ideas again, the hacker breaks the silence. ''Kazuo keeps it simple. It's genius, really – he hides it in a way that a child could understand, but it's hidden so well it's always overlooked. Like... arranged at a certain color, or a certain sentence structure...'' he frowns. ''What's weird though, is this one.'' He picks up one of the letters and shows it to the others. The only thing on the paper, besides the lotus flower, is a single dot.


The others nod in agreement, falling back into their thoughts. They all try to think about a possible solution, but eventually they have to admit defeat. There are other duties that need their attention for now.


''Mannouzaka's having a match tomorrow.'' Hiroto's voice breaks through the peaceful atmosphere that has taken over the Teikoku headquarters.

Endou glances up from where he's staring at the thirteen letters, just like most others who are currently working in the main base. Seeing as the redhead is addressing the Raimon coach, they quickly go back to work.

The keeper raises an eyebrow. ''Okay...?''

Hiroto smiles, a hint of bitterness in it. ''Funny how the rest of the world seems to continue like nothing's changed, right?''

Endou nods, finally catching on to his friend's thoughts. ''Yeah...'' he agrees softly. ''Who's their opponent?''

The redhead shrugs. ''Not sure, some no-name team which I don't remember. Kind of a gloomy name though... some 'vain' thing,'' he answers the question absentmindedly, spotting something on his computer which interests him, clearly done with the conversation.

Endou freezes.


Hiroto glances up, frowning in concern when he sees Endou's wide eyes. ''Are you okay?''

His ex-captain doesn't answer him though, as he turns his attention back to the table in front of him. His redheaded friend becomes only more worried when he sees the coach pale. ''Endou, what's wrong?''

Some of the other people present have noticed Hiroto's worried voice by now as well in the silence of the main base. Gouenji and Kidou, who were talking on the other side of the room, join their friends, growing worried once they see how pale Endou looks.

''Hiroto, look up the information for that match.'' Everyone listening to the conversation are shocked to hear the forceful authority in the coach's voice, something that is incredibly rare for Endou. Hiroto doesn't question him and does as ordered.

The keeper himself is shuffling the strips of paper in front of him, his eyes scanning them for only a second before moving onto the next one.

''Mannouzaka Jr. High against...'' Hiroto pauses here to read the name of the other name just as Endou's hands still.

''Vain Delusion...''

The redhead looks up when he hears his ex-captain's voice. ''Endou? How did you know-'' he cuts himself off when he sees the keeper's grim expression, his eyes focused on the strips of paper in front of him.

''The first letter of every sentence.'' Raimon's coach locks eyes with Gouenji and Kidou. ''That's what it spells. 'Vain Delusion'. The dot was actually a space.'' He then looks at Hiroto again. ''That's the team, right? The team Mannouzaka is playing against...''

The redhead nods, already understanding that something is amiss. ''Yes.''

Endou gathers the strips of paper. He rises and makes his way to the door, gesturing for Gouenji and Kidou to follow him. A few minutes later they return to the meeting room, where the other coaches are still lingering.

The moment they catch sight of his dark expression and the strips of paper in his hands, they are all business. ''Endou, what did you find?'' asks Jirou instantly.

Raimon's coach places the strips on the table, sliding them in the right order again. ''I figured it out. When placed in the correct order – the order in which they were delivered – they spell the words 'Vain Delusion'.'' He doesn't look up as he addresses the room.

The other coaches share a look, except Gouenji and Kidou who have already caught on. ''And?'' asks Housuiin. ''What about it?''

Endou's voice is uncharacteristically grim when he answers. ''Mannouzaka is about to have a match against a team named Vain Delusion.'' Dark eyes finally look up at the room as he speaks his next words.

''Vain Delusion is Ishikawa's new team.''


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