The Spanish Girl {One Directi...

By Julietttt

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One Direction decided to explore some caves at a beach, when Louis finds a young girl, around 16/17 years old... More

The Spanish Girl {One Direction}
Chapter One
Important, please read!

Chapter 2

260 12 2
By Julietttt

Okay guys, I'm really, really, really sorry this is a lot later than I intended it to be.

This isn't an extremely interesting chapter, but you find out a bit about who the girl is, which is pretty good and stuff.

Chapter 2:

I laid her down on the bed in the spare room and sighed. She better wake up soon; her parents were probably getting worried about her. I brought up a chair from downstairs and put it next to the bed, sitting on it. I watched her, just waiting for some sort of sign that she was going to wake up, but there was no sign. The boys and I had agreed that if she hadn’t woken up by tomorrow morning we would take her to the hospital.

I started checking her coat pockets for some kind of identification. I found her purse and opened it. I felt kind of bad opening it, but I had to. I had to find out who this girl was.

I found various cards, but nothing with her name on it as far as I could tell. Taking a closer look, I realised that the cards weren’t written in English. What language was it? French? Spanish? German? I couldn’t be sure. I found what looked like an ID card and picked it up. Sure enough, it had a picture of her on it and at the top it had a name: María Rodríguez. That sounded like a Spanish name. I smiled; it was a beautiful name and it suited her. It also had her age: 16.

Harry walked in at that moment. “Lou, it’s almost midnight. You need to get some rest, okay?”

I shook my head. “No. I want to stay with her. I don’t want to leave her alone.”

“I’ll look after her for the rest of the night. You need to sleep.”

“No!” I knew I was getting angry, and I knew there was no reason to be angry, but I couldn’t help it. “I’m the one who found her, not you! I’m going to stay with her!”

Harry looked shocked and kind of upset at the fact that I had yelled at him like that. “Okay, Lou. You can stay with her…”

I sighed, “Haz, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell. I just… I don’t want to leave her.”

“It’s okay, I understand…” Harry decided to change the subject, “Have you found out anything about her?”

I handed him the ID card. “I found this. It has her name and her age on it. I think she’s Spanish.”

Harry took it and inspected it. “Yeah, looks like a Spanish name... Have you found anything else, or is that it?”

“That’s it so far. I’ll keep looking though.”

He nodded, “Okay. Well, I’m going to get some sleep. If you need anything or find anything, just text me.”

I smiled, “I will. Thanks Harry...”

He nodded and walked out. I sighed and turned my attention back to María. A few cuts and bruises were starting to show on her face and arms now, but other than that, she didn’t appear to be too badly hurt.

So many thoughts began to run through my mind. Who is she? How did she get here? Why was she unconscious in a cave at the beach? Why was there nothing on the news about her being missing? What if Zayn was right and she does actually try to murder us? Okay, now you’re just being stupid. She’s far too innocent to do that. But you don’t know this girl. You don’t know her history. You don’t know what she’s capable of.

I sighed and took her hand. “Come on, I need you to wake up now. I need to find out who you are, and then I can help you. But I can’t do that until you’re awake.”

Slowly, her eyes flickered open. She looked at me for a moment before pulling her hand away from me. She moved to the other side of the bed as quickly as she could, staring at me, her eyes full of fear.

“Hey... Don’t worry, it’s okay... I’m not going to hurt you... I’m a friend... It’s okay...” I gave her a small smile which I hoped was somewhat comforting.

She started speaking in Spanish. I sighed; I had absolutely no idea what she was saying. I got my phone out and sent a quick text to Harry: She’s woken up. Almost immediately, he came walking into the room.

Harry smiled at María, “Hello, my name’s Harry. What’s your name?”

Her eyes dotted around the room as if she was searching for some means of escape.

Harry sighed, “I guess it’s time to try to remember that Spanish I learnt while I was still at school...” He turned back to María. “Um, hola?”

I laughed. “Dude, even I know that much.”

“Shh Lou. No you don’t.” He grinned at me.

“Hola...” she said quietly.

He smiled and they began to have a basic conversation in Spanish. I had no idea what they were talking about, but he was probably trying to find some stuff out about her. Though, she seemed rather reluctant to tell him anything. I guess she didn’t completely trust him yet.

Sorry the ending of this chapter is so awkward guys. I'm just generally an awkward person.

I promise I'll make the next chapter a lot more interesting and some stuff will happen.

I'm not sure when I'm going to get round to writing and uploading the next chapter, but just be patient because I promise that later on in this story things are going to get ver interesting indeed. ;)


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