Sweet Sunshine (Julius Novach...

By aestheticgirl_08

294K 11.4K 8.3K

"Excuse me." (Y/n) turn around and saw a man in a red fancy robe. He seems one of the nobles, maybe even a ro... More

chapter 01
chapter 02
chapter 03
chapter 04
chapter 05
chapter 06
chapter 07
chapter 08
chapter 09
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58

chapter 40

3.6K 139 189
By aestheticgirl_08

Another star award will soon arrive the kingdom. Men, women and children were all excited for the award. Children were playing, adults we discussing about their favorite knights.

To sum up everyone was busy preparing for the event. (Y/n) was walking around the captain, she couldn't help but smile seeing a lively place.

Cheering, singing, even betting for their knights. Oh how lively the capital was. Only 3 more weeks before the star awards arrive and everyone was busy for that day.



A pile of papers were drop down on Julius' desk. Marx sigh frustrated that their wizard king was nowhere to be seen. He spend his whole morning looking for their wizard king, but he was no where to be seen.

He rub his face with both hands frustrated with his work. More pile of papers were place on the desk and still no sign of the wizard king.

Knock knock

He heard a knock on the door, he pull out his pocket watch to check the time. "It's lunch time. That's probably (Y/n) at the door." He said to himself, he place the watch back to his pocket. "Come in" he called.

(Y/n) open the door with a bright smile on her face. "Good day Marx~!" She greeted once she saw Marx in the office.

"Good day (Y/n)." He greeted back. (Y/n) noticed pile of papers placed on Julius' desk.

She sweat drop knowing that Julius had run off somewhere. "Julius hasn't return yet?" She ask.

Marx nod his head then pinch the bridge of his nose. "No, apparently his too busy playing hide and seek!" He exhale trying to calm himself.

(Y/n) giggle by his little out burst, she place a hand on his shoulder calming him down. "Why don't we have a tea while waiting for him." She suggested showing a sweet smile.

Marx sigh and nod. "Thank you (Y/n), a tea would be great."

The duo settled on the coach sipping tea and eating pastry. Marx and (Y/n) had chat about their morning activity. It help Marx lessen his stress chatting with his friend.

"Ugh! My head's been killing me for days. I tell you (Y/n) working with the wizard king is no joke." He explains as he massage his temples. (Y/n) nod understanding Marx's stress.

She could see that Marx's been putting a lot of effort working with Julius, it really wasn't easy being escaped by the wizard king. It must be a pain in the head.

"I know how you feel Marx, when I have my craps everything seems more stressful." She said then took a sip on her tea.


"I'm not having cramps (Y/n)!" Marx yell.

(Y/n) giggle seeing Marx funny reaction. "Hehehe neither am I Marx." She joked.


But this caught Marx off guard.

"Wait... Are you late (Y/n)?" He ask.

(Y/n) place her tea on the table them pick up a plate of pastry. "I think I am, I haven't been late before. It's been a week already." She explained then munch on her pastry like their discussion was no big deal.

Marx was just staring at her not knowing what to say. Was she pregnant with Julius' baby?

So many question pop in his mind. How will this going to end? He frown his brow then place a hand on her shoulder. "Does Julius know about this?" He ask.

(Y/n) shook her head, she was confused why Marx's face was upset or worried. "No, is it important?" She was clue less about the topic.

"Yes (Y/n) this thing that you're dealing with is important." He explain. "Are you pregnant?" He ask straight to the point.


This caught (Y/n) off guard, it didn't pop in her mind that being late means that she's pregnant. She drop the plate that was on her hand, the plate shattered in the floor.

She place a hand on her stomach realizing what she's got herself into. "What am I going to do Marx?" She panic, she start to hyperventilating then stood up walking around the office.

Marx stood up then place his hand on both of her shoulder making her stand still. "Look at me (Y/n), and calm down." (Y/n) took a deep breath and look at Marx. "We're not going to tell him yet until we know for sure. You'll just have to go to Doctor Owen's clinic and tell him everything." Marx explain.

"But what if-"

"Shh... don't think that for now. First let's keep is to ourselves and not to tell Julius." Marx said.

"Not to tell me what?"

The duo yelp when they heard Julius voice by the window. Julius was just smiling at them clueless on what was going on.

"I what's going on?" He ask.

(Y/n) and Marx look at her each other. (Y/n) sigh and nod her head, she couldn't keep a secret to her boyfriend, specially in this case.

"Jules honey I have something important to discuss with you." (Y/n) frown her brow, serious about the topic.

Julius irk his brow then nod. "Okay what's wrong? Are you okay?" He started to worry, he place both of his hand on her shoulders checking if she was okay.

"Julius, I'm late." She answer.

"I don't think so, I'm the one who's late here." Julius reply, still confused with the conversation. Marx pinch the bridge of his nose them shook his head.

'Oh dear, I don't know if his stupid or just clueless.' Marx thought.

"No Julius what I mean is 'I'm late.'" She emphasized the late part. (Y/n) watch her boyfriend's reaction, but all he did was stare back at her. He was still processing what he just heard.




(◕△◕ )

(Y/n) wave her hand in front of his face trying to get his attention. "Jules?"

"Sir?" Marx called him as well, he was also waiting what would be their wizard king's reaction.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT~!!" Julius cheerfully yell then bear hug (Y/n) by the waist then lifting her up. He spin her around while he bury his face on her stomach, his eyes started to water a little.

(Y/n) yelp by his action and grab Julius by the shoulder trying her best not to fall. "Ah! Julius calm down."

"Oh I'm sorry my love it's probably bad for the baby." He place her back down then cup her face. He shower her with small kisses all over her face.

"Julius calm down, we're still not sure if I am." (Y/n) explain.

"Yes sir, we were just discussing that she need to go to Dr. Owen's office to get a test." Marx added. "Let's not get our hopes up sir."

Julius nod and lead his girlfriend on the couch gently. "Okay we'll go to Dr. Owen after lunch." Julius offer.

"Sir you still have a lot of work to do."

"I'm not going to let her do this on her own Marx. I'll do my work after then." Julius said as he wrap his girlfriend i. his arms protectively. (Y/n) smile she was glad that Julius was not planning to disappear now that they're in this situation.

"Thank you Jules." She smile warmly then place a kiss on his cheek.

"Of course (Y/n), I love you."

"I love you too Julius."


After Lunch

The couple went to see Dr. Owen in his clinic. (Y/n) could feel her heart beating fast, she squeeze Julius hand feeling nervous to get a test. Julius look down at her and saw that something was bothering her.

He cup her face then rest his forehead against hers. "Don't worry my love, I'm right here and I won't go anywhere." He assure her trying to calm her down. (Y/n) breath deep then exhale, she look at Julius in the eyes. She felt calm and relax knowing that Julius will be by her side no matter what.

Knock knock

"Come in." Dr. Owen answer while cleaning his desk, removing the unnecessary items on it. The door open revealing the couple. "Good afternoon Lord Julius and... Miss (Y/n)?" Dr. Owen was confused why Julius brought his girlfriend in his clinic.

"Good afternoon Dr. Owen, I hope we weren't disturbing you, we would like to request you for something." Julius greeted then explain.

Dr. Owen sigh, he could sense that there was a big news or maybe trouble that their wizard king and his girlfriend were about to share with him. "What is it do you need sir?" He ask.

Julius scratch the back of his head. "We were hoping if you could give a test to (Y/n), and we would appreciate if you'd keep this a secret Doctor."

Dr. Owen stare at Julius then his eyes landed on (Y/n) who was quiet all the time, but there was still a smile on her face, showing no signs of stress. But deep down (Y/n) was panicking in her mind or maybe freaked out that there might be something growing inside her belly. (ಠ_ಥ)

"Alright, Miss (Y/n) please take a seat here." Dr. Owen lead her towards the clinic bed, (Y/n) sat down on the bed facing Dr. Owen while holding her boyfriend's hand, then Dr. Owen grab his note pad. "When was the last time you had your cramps?" He ask.

"About 5 or 6 weeks ago doctor."

"Have you taken any pills?"

"No doctor."

( ゚,_ゝ゚)

Dr. Owen place his note pad down. "You didn't toke any pills?" (Y/n) nod in response.

Dr. Owen pinch the bridge of his nose then grab Julius by his collar. "What on earth this you do to this poor innocent woman Julius?! You should be the one explaining her this before something happen!"

Julius sweat drop by Dr. Owen's out burst. "Now now, we don't need any lecture. Right now we just want to be sure doctor." He explain.

"Alright, wait here for a while." Dr. Owen sigh and left the couple in the clinic.

Julius turn to face (Y/n) and saw that something was still bothering her mind. He squeeze her hand getting her attention. "Don't worry my love even if you were pregnant it would be the best news I'd ever have." Julius smile then place a kiss on her hand. (Y/n) just smile at him, but didn't say a thing. "Oh dear. I'm sorry (Y/n), I'm acting selfish aren't I? I should be thinking how you feel, promise I'll take full responsibility my love." He said then shower her face with kisses.

(Y/n) nod and continue to smile at him trying her best not to show any stress. Julius could see that she was trying to hide her fear. He look down on their intertwined hand, he felt bad that he did this to her. "I'm sorry (Y/n), this is all my fault. You're young and so full of spirit, you probably have a lot to accomplish in the future and I ruined it." He explain. (Y/n) frown her brown then stare at her boyfriend's face. "If you wish to go on your separate way, I'll take care of the baby on my own. You should live your life, you do not need to worry." Julius added then look at her eyes with a warm smile.

(Y/n) heart ache hearing this coming out of Julius' mouth. She cup his cheek then place a kiss on his lips. "Jules I'm not going anywhere. I love you, and I'm ready to face any challenge as long as I'm with you. I'm still processing our situation were having now." She giggle, she felt bad that she made Julius worried about her feeling. Julius sigh then close his eyes, a small drop of tear roll down on his cheek.

(Y/n) wipe the tear that was on his cheek then place a kiss on his cheek. "Don't cry Julius, I'm not going anywhere I promise." She said then showed her signature bright smile. Her smile always keep Julius calm and relax, there's always something about her smile that he loves and adore.


2 Hours Later

Julius brought (Y/n) back to her room in the Black Bulls hq.

"Tomorrow morning we'll go back to Dr. Owen's office at 9 o'clock. Alright?" Julius remind his girlfriend than place her down on the bed. He kneel down in front of her then look into her eyes. "Don't worry my love, everything will be alright. I'll cancel all of my schedules tomorrow." He assure.

(Y/n) smile then shook her head. "Don't worry Julius I can manage tomorrow, You do your work tomorrow then at lunch time I will update you." She reply. Julius frown his brown.

"But I don't want to leave you alone handling this things." He pout.

(Y/n) laugh by her boyfriend's adorable face. "Don't worry about me freaking out Jules. I'm alright now." She assure him then place a kiss on his lips. Julius hum in response.

He stood up then walk approach the window. "Good night my love~ I'll see you tomorrow." He bid his good bye then teleport back to the palace.

Now it was just (Y/n) and her thoughts left alone in her room. She laydown on her bed then place a hand on her stomach. She rub her belly trying to calm herself.

She felt tired then her mind started to fall asleep, but just before her mind shuts down she felt a small pain in her stomach.


The next day

(Y/n) flutter her eyes open, her stomach start to cramps. Then it hit her, she lift up her blanket and saw a red stain on her bed sheet. "Oh thank God."

She sigh in relief, all of her stress was suddenly gone in an instant. She stood up from her bed then went straight to the bathroom to clean herself. After settling herself she change her bed sheet and blanket. "Hmm... I still need to go to Dr. Owen's office. I don't want to be rude not showing up on our schedule." She said to herself while carrying her dirty sheet. "Oh I can't wait to tell Julius that it's a false alarm." She giggle then head straight to the laundry area.

She head to Dr. Owen's office at 8:45 am earlier than her schedule. She was sure that when she arrive Dr. Owen would just explain to her that it was all just a false alarm.

Knock knock

"Enter" Dr. Owen called.

(Y/n) put her signature bright smile on her face then enter the office. "Good morning Dr. Owen~!" She cheerfully greeted him.

"Oh good morning Miss (Y/n). Please take a seat I have news for you." He offer her a sit in front of his desk. "Where's Lord Julius?" He ask.

"I told him he should focus on his work, I can take care of myself doctor don't worry." She said with a smile on her face.

Dr. Owen clear his throat. "Right... Let me get straight to the point, you're not pregnant." He said.

(Y/n) nod and continue to smile. "I know doctor, I just had my period this morning." She said cheerfully.

"Oh that's good! Really good but..."

(Y/n) listen to Dr. Owen's explanation, there were a lot of medical discussion and sex education as well. He explain about pills, genes and physical activities as well. But all (Y/n) could understand was...

"I can't have a baby...?"


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