Chasing Champions

By SGD1318

14.1K 307 266

Where a young Aussie girl who loves anything to do with racing dirt bikes, that lives and breaths the sport... More

The Beginning
A New Start, In A New Country
Leaving everything behind, right?
To the track! Finally...
Make it or break it, the MX way
The Nightmare
I just want to feel happy right now, please...
New bike, new team, new life
The trip home, and tough decisions
Unfeeling is the new feeling, but not the best
Hot night, and a happy, carefree day
Last night of relaxing, then back to the grind
Won't stop, can't stop
What's wrong with me?
Off the bike, but into a new world
A new way of life as we know it
The horror
Will you really stay? In my darkest hour?
Happiness, and a shock
What the hell are we going to do?
Nothing is safe anymore, is it?
More the better, even if you can't see me
Oh Fuck
Bloody hell
Getting back to normal, or the new normal.
Back to it
Here enters Rhys Phoenix
The newest Lawrence
Time flying by
His turn
Can we fix this?
Final planning
The big day
The stay at home honeymoon
A coming home surprise
Rought times, and two miracles
Coming home and Confirming
OBGYN and telling some family
Time skip
Holy hell...
Joy and hell, no, no!
Oh god...
What...What? No, no way...

This is home

260 7 7
By SGD1318

Sarah POV:

The past week has been a roller coaster to say the least. From winning the title, to finding out I was pregnant to finding out I was going to have twins along after losing one of my babies. Right now I was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting on my discharge papers to go through because all I wanted to do is go home. Home with Chase, because we need to be alone together for a while. As much as I love my family and adore his family and our friends, I just need sometime to myself. And I think he felt the same way, so as he finished putting all of our things back into our bag I felt myself slowly stand up. After gaining my balance I walked carefully over to him and hugged him from behind. I could feel his back tense up before relaxing, and standing there for a minute before he carefully turned around and pulling me into his arms while burying his face in my hair, I bury mine into his chest. This was the only moments I felt safe, where I felt normal. As he starts to rub my back in comfort, I sigh as my eyes flutter closed and a very small smile appears on my face. Even though we had both lost a lot, we also still have a lot. We will never forget, as Chase has taken to calling, our angel. But we can't stop and wallow either, we have a baby to plan for still. And thanks to me going through all that, we now know that was are having a little boy. A beautiful baby boy that I know we will smother in love to the point of being obnoxious. I suddenly hear a knock on the door and turn my head to see the nurse standing there with a smile holding up my papers, and I couldn't help but smile back as I break away from Chase and walk towards her. I reach her right as she pulls a pen out of her pocket and hands me the papers, quickly signing them we were out the door and out of the hospital before they could change their minds. I breath in the fresh air and feel the sun hitting my face and throw my arms out to the side with a laugh. Behind me I could hear Chase laughing at me from behind me, spinning to face him I couldn't help but grin like a dork as I say,

"Dobby is free! Dobby is a free elf, Dobby is free from the evil building of doooooooom."

Chase cracks up as he quickly comes towards me and picks me up around my ribs and spins me around. Neither of us cared about the people watching us with shock to happiness. Nothing mattered at the moment but the family that we were building together. When he finishes spinning me around he doesn't sit me down, he just starts walking making me squeak and wrap my legs around his waist. I lightly hit his back as I lay my head on his shoulder saying,

"Dude, really? People were already looking, now there starring!"

I could feel his chest vibrate as he chuckles and kisses the crown of my head answering,

"I don't care. Your mine to spoil rotten in anyway I see fit. You are my queen, let me be your king."

I bit my lip to keep the goofy grin hidden as we reach his truck, sitting me down by my door I give him a kiss before he could open my door. But what I thought was going to be a quick kiss wasn't, his hands came up and rested at my neck keeping my head in place as he kissed back. It didn't get deep, hot or heavy. It was slow, loving, and grounding. It was exactly what I didn't even know I wanted. As we broke apart I noticed he had tears in his eyes, with a frown I place my hands on the sides of his face and wipe the lone tear that started to fall. Before I could ask why he was tearful, he just shakes his head with a soft smile and opens the door for me. I look at him with a bit of worry before carefully climbing into the truck with his help. Once we both get in and hit the road, I reach out and grab his hand and he entangles our fingers together as he brings them to his lips and kisses my knuckles. As we reach home I couldn't help but sag in relief. I couldn't wait to go inside and see Babe, and just be home. I really wanted to take a long hot bath and relax but couldn't for at least another 2 weeks because of the incision on my lower stomach. I was very lucky that a robotic surgeon was in the hospital when I was rushed in or I'd be needing help with everything for a while. Right now it's sore but manageable. I couldn't sit up from laying down by myself or turn in bed yet, but I could walk around and stand up from sitting down. I was told it will get a lot easier in a few more days.

As we pull into the garage and he comes around to help me, I couldn't help but feel like I was forgetting something. Shaking it off I walk in front of Chase and enter the house only to see Babe sitting there waiting for me meowing up a storm. With a laugh I slowly kneel down as she runs to greet me. Stopping her before she could jump up onto me I start rubbing her head as she flops to the floor in front of me. As I let out a soft laugh as I could feel the pain meds starting to fade. I turn to Chase who had kneeled next to me and said,

"Yeah, I think I need my king to carry me to the couch. My pain meds are starting to fade."

His eyes widen a little as he gently picks me up and carries me through the kitchen and into the living room, placing me carefully down on the couch and helping me get as comfortable as I possible could before running off to the truck to grab our bag which had my pain pills in it. As he returned he placed the bag on the coffee table and pulled out the pill bag, sitting it down with in reach as he said,

"I'll go grab you something to eat with those, any requests?"

I tilted my head in thought trying to remember what we had in the house before I left, and remembered I had just gotten some ice cream. So with a grin I answered,

"We have some vanilla ice cream in the garage, I want that. And with cheerios on it!"

He gave me a disturbed look as he went to get that for me, causing me to try and hold in my giggles. While he was gone getting that for me my phone rang, taking it out of my hoodie pocket with a sigh I notice it's a call from Axell. I hesitate to anwer, not because I'm mad or that he doesn't know what happened, Chase has been keeping him updated but because I don't want to hear I lost my ride, that I let him and the team down. Biting my lip I hit the answer button and say,

"Hey Axell, How are you?"

When he answers I could hear the emotion in his voice,

"I'm fine, more importantly how are you holding up hun?"

With a sigh I run my hand through my hair as I think of how to answer that. I was still incredibly heartbroken over losing one of my babies, but I was thankful I didn't lose both. And I know Chase is thankful he didn't lose all three of us. Pausing for a moment before responding,

"Honestly, I'm coping the best I can be right now. It's still a hard pill to swallow, it all is. But I know Chase and I will get through it and overcome it. I don't think the hole left in my heart will ever fully heal, but I still have a lot to live for and be thankful for in this life. It could have been way worse than it was. So now is to heal up, start planning on bring this baby boy into the world and take everything else day by day."

There was a pause before I could hear him slightly laugh as he said,

"You really are incredible Sarah. Most people wouldn't be nearly as level headed and mature about all of this. In this way I really look up to you, because after every shitty thing you have survived you have come back stronger than before."

As Chase came back in with my bowl of ice cream, I take it with a smile and mouth who I was on the phone with, he nods his head and points out the back door. I nod my head back and he heads out, leaving the door slightly ajar so if I called for him he could still hear me. As what Axell just said about me rolls over me I couldn't help but blush and come back with,

"Please, it's nothing to be proud to do. I just do what I had to do to survive in life. That's not impressive in any way, shape or form. I'm a realist, I don't live in the clouds, and for the most part I don't live in despair. I just see it how it is and take it from there."

I hear him snort and reply,

"Ok if that's what you think. But I didn't call to argue about how amazing you are as a human. I called to ask how you were and to talk about racing."

Swallowing my fear down I wait for him to continue.

"I am not going to lie and say we are thrilled, but we aren't mad. Shit happens, and this could have just as well been a injury that needed fixed and time off the bike as well. I guess what I have to ask is this. Are you done, or are you wanting to come back and continue being the badass you are?"

I could feel my eyes widen in disbelief. I actually had a choice? I didn't think they would wait for me, and that anyone would want a mom as their racer. But I'm being told I have a chance still. Looking down at my stomach and laying a hand on my bump I smile and say,

"Yes, I still want to race. And if everything else goes right I should be pretty close to being ready to go by East SX. I am not going to back down just because I became a parent. The guys don't so why should I? And I want to be a role model for my son when he gets older, show him that his mom isn't someone that quits when the going got tough after all. Can't have Chase stealing my spotlight right?"

I could hear him laughing as he spoke,

"I was really hoping you would say that. None of us want to work with anyone other then you truthfully. And are you sure you will be ready by then? I don't want you to push yourself and get hurt or anything." 

I sigh,

"That's what I am aiming for, can't guarantee it but that's the goal."

He clears his throat,

"Sounds reasonable enough. We will get everything ready on our end, and even if you can't do a whole season we'd still be ok. For now just focus on you and your sons health, because that's all the matters at this moment ok?"

After agreeing and saying goodbye I call in Chase. After he comes in and takes my now empty bowl to the kitchen. Yes I did eat on the phone, I was hungry and you don't want a hangry pregnant woman. He came back and sat down facing me and raised a eyebrow in question. So I explained the whole conversation with him, making sure I didn't leave anything out this time. He looked shocked then happy as he told me,

"I'm so glad they are going to wait for you. And don't be nervous about how I was going to react to you wanting to race still. Because that's who you are, and it makes you happy. And that's all I want, is you to be happy."

I looked at him awe, he really was amazing. And I think he knew what I was trying to say through a tearful smile because he smiled back. And for the next two days we just laid around and just relaxing. But he had to get back to training soon and Jett had offered to come over when Chase went to the gym in the mornings since no one wanted to leave me alone. So one following morning as I was getting out of the shower I heard Jett come through the door downstairs and start talking to Chase. I quickly threw on some shorts and a tee and head down to see him. As I enter the kitchen where they were at Jett see me and comes over and gives me a hug. Hugging me back I say,

"Now that we have time, you sir are going to tell me all about that birthday date you took Layla on! I really want to hear it from your side!"

As I grin up at him in excitement he groans and looks at Chase saying,

"Your lucky I am willing to put up with girl talk for you man."

Chase laughs at him as I slap him upside his had with my hand and say,

"Boy you know you love me, don't forget who came to me about dating advice in the first place! Now Chase, I love you and hope you have a good work out. Now leave."

With a mock hurt look on his face and gives me a kiss goodbye while saying he loved me too and leaves. I pull Jett over to where I have been living on the couch and sit down so that we were facing each other and  say,

"Ok spill, she told me what she really thought of it and said something else happened but she said it was up to you if you wanted me to know or not."

As he starts telling me all about how he pulled off a rather good date. He had her favorite snacks and drinks. He had somehow brought cheesecake too as her birthday cake. He had rigged fairy lights in the bed of the truck and they laid under the stars for hours. And that they even were there to watch the sunset and sunrise. It sounded like he really did a amazing job at putting the whole thing together. And he couldn't stop gushing about how sweet and beautiful she is. But I already knew all of this so I was wait for what I already had a idea of he finally got to that part,

"She was so adorable all cuddled into my side with her head on my shoulder I couldn't not kiss her. And we have made out quite a few times, and messed around but never all the way. But there was just something different that night, and yeah. Sorry it was in the bed of your truck, But I washed the blankets 5 times and the bed before giving it all back!"

With a light laugh I wave my hand as if saying it's fine. But I stop and get serious and ask,

"Not that I am the perfect person to be asking but, please tell me you both were safe? I may be knocked up myself but I am 20 now and Chase is 22. You are barely a adult now and she's 16. That's really young for her."

As his eyes widen and he is waving his hands arms saying,

"Yes, of course! As soon as we started dating Hunter made sure I knew what I was doing and gave me a box of condoms. Told me to always carry one in my wallet. And she told me she was put on the pill last year before we even started dating to help with something about regulating her period and helping with acne or something. Don't understand all that really." 

With a sigh in relief I give him a smile,

"That's good to know. I had a idea about what happened and I was right, but I was worried about that part. But now that I made you do girl talk, turn the TV on, there's gotta be some sport game on or something." 

As we spent the next few hours joking around and hanging out. It hit me just how much I missed him, him and Hunter. And I knew I had to change that somehow. As lunch time grew close I got up to make lunch when Chase came home with food. As I smile to thank him I noticed where it was from. As my eyes grow wide I heard a voice say,

"Told you she would be shocked man."

I look over Chases shoulder to see my date buddy. I run towards him and give him a bear hug saying,

"Oh my god, Adam! I've missed you way to much!"

He laughed and hugged me back and whispered,

"Yeah, missed you too blondie. Never scare me like that again. I need my favorite date buddy to go to chipotle with for many years to come."

I could feel myself tear up as I heard the emotion in his voice as I nod my head in agreement. We may not hang out or see each other a lot but when we did get to we could talk about anything and everything. We got insanely close. He was family to me at this point. After a minute we pulled away and I turned to look at Chase say,

"So, we just gonna stand here or are we going to eat the food of the gods?"

All I got was laughter as I pout to hide the smile trying to show. This was how it was meant to be. 

This is home.

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