Cordelia Goode x Reader x All...

By stayevildarling

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the American Horror Story world, which is tra... More

Last spring
Hurting & Fighting
It's so cold
I wanna cry
Make you feel alright
And if somebody hurts you
I wanna kiss you
That would be just ours
No more goodbyes

Another love

855 46 14
By stayevildarling

TW: cursing

''Y/N the truth is I need to know why you left us'' Cordelia says and you start to get a bit impatient why she still isn't telling you properly the reason she is here in Michigan right now. ''Cordelia'' you say and sigh because this is getting more nerve wrecking every minute that passes. ''Y/N please tell me why you left I need to know'' and in her voice you can hear the sound of desperation. ''Cordelia it doesn't matter now'' you say but she interrupts you and says ''It does'' and you start to get annoyed. ''Listen Cordelia I left and my reasons don't matter now I wanna know why you are here so tell me or I am going to leave'' and you regret talking to her like this but it's mentally exhausting to be near her and you try your hardest to pull yourself together and not cry. ''Fine.. the truth is after you left I wasn't myself it felt like a part of me was missing and eventually Madison told me how stupid I was for never reading your actions right and Y/N I am sorry'' and you pinch yourself thinking this is one of your weird dreams. It feels like you literally lost the ability of breathing or talking at this point because you are a shaking mess. ''Please say something'' the supreme says and you try to collect yourself but you still don't know what to actually say. ''Was Madison telling the truth Y/N did you... love me?'' she asks and looks at you and you can feel the tears building up. ''Y/N please talk to me'' she says and you suddenly say ''Yes Cordelia are you being serious right now? I was in love with you for three fucking years and I would have done everything for you -- god I would have even died for you and all you did was spent time with Misty'' and Cordelia can't believe her ears, part of her is relieved Madison was telling the truth but part of her is sad you see her in this way. ''Cordelia how do you have the audacity to come here now after I tried to forget you for a year, despite having nightmares and daydreams about you, you are like a drug and I tried to get you out of my system and just as I am about to get over you, you show up here and tell me you have feelings for me? I can't believe you'' and although this is nothing like you, you get your jacket and walk out of Cordelia's hotel room, banging the door and running back to your apartment with tears in your eyes. You didn't take one more look at Cordelia and the supreme is at a loss of words and she also has tears in her eyes because she never knew she made you feel like that and she feels like an idiot for not realizing your feelings sooner. 

After you get into your apartment you bang the door shut and you slide down the door crying. Part of you can't believe this is all real that Cordelia is here and that she tried to find you for a while and the reason to find you is because she knows about your feelings and apparently feels the same? You still can't believe this isn't a dream and part of you keeps hoping you will wake up soon but it's pointless. For a while you cry because of the way you reacted for speaking the way you did, for cursing and just leaving the room like an immature child. At the same time you cry because you are mad at yourself for leaving the coven and reading Cordelia and Misty wrong, at the same time you are mad at Cordelia for coming back into your life and making everything with Ally confusing. You have no idea what to do or how to cope with this whole situation because usually if you are in a messy situation you talk to Ally about it or you used to talk to your friends at the coven or Cordelia about your problems and they always had a way out but with this you can't talk to anyone because everyone is involved in some way. It's now a few hours later and you still haven't got up and you still haven't done anything despite staring at the wall and thoughts circling your brain. You didn't notice Ally already being home and worried about where you are and the few missed calls she left and also Cordelia's missed calls. Ally eventually figured the only place you could have gone would either be the cafe even though you didn't have a shift scheduled but maybe they needed you to work on short notice and the other option is your apartment so she made her way there next. After not finding you at the cafe she is currently standing by your door and knocking. The knock makes you flinch and you quickly wipe the tears away and open the door. You didn't expect this to be Ally and when she takes a look at you her face quickly turns from worried to even more worried but also soft. She tilts her head a little and walks towards you. After she enters your apartment she pulls you into her arms and your face feels all ticklish with her brown short hair all over it. ''What happened my love?'' she asks in the most loving way and it makes your heart melt and you feel awful. For a while you struggle with words and try and think of anything to say without lying. ''Ally can we sit down?'' you ask and she nods and takes you to the sofa. After sitting down she takes her hands into yours and looks into your eyes. ''What is going on Y/N please let me know how you are feeling?'' she asks and her voice is so calming it relaxes you. You look down at your and her hands and take a deep breath ''Listen I went to see Cordelia-'' you begin and scan her face but she still seems calm which encourages you to carry on talking ''There is a reason she is here'' you say and you pause for a moment and you don't even know how to carry on and at the same time you can't believe the words you are about to use. ''She told me that she has been trying to find me for a while because since I am gone she realized she misses and needs me and that she knows now I had feelings for her'' and you can start telling that Ally is hurt at your words. After a moment she asks ''And? how do you feel about that'' and all you can say is ''I don't know'' before tears fill your eyes. Ally pulls you closer and she holds you for a while which calms you down, after a while she wipes the tears away and offers for you to go home with her and you take up on that offer and you both leave the apartment together.

The car ride is silent and you aren't sure if this is a comfortable silence or not because all you can think about is Cordelia. You can't believe she would come here all this way to find you because of your feelings towards her. At the same time you feel awful towards Ally because deep down no matter how much you tried to forget Cordelia, the feelings are still there somewhere and despite you falling for Ally the feelings for Cordelia have always been there and seeing the supreme again didn't exactly help either. You still don't know what to do or how to react and you are so deep in your thoughts that Ally needs to hold your hand for you to realize she pulled up to her house already. ''Sweetheart are you okay?'' she asks and you apologize and nod and walk inside with her. The rest of the night you try as best as you can to push the feelings and the encounter with Cordelia away and just spend time with Ally. She made dinner and you ate with her and after helping her clean up you are now cuddled up on the sofa focused on a movie. You pretend to watch it but it's hard when you are lying in your girlfriends arms thinking about another women. Ally notices and pauses the movie and makes you sit up and she looks at you and says ''What is it? you have been silent all day since we came here'' and you look down because you feel responsible for this situation. ''Are you in love with Cordelia?'' she suddenly asks out of the blue which causes you to look at her with a shocked expression. ''Answer me Y/N do you still have feelings for her?'' she says her voice now sounding more serious than ever. You look down and although you wish you could tell her otherwise you mumble ''I guess I am'' and you can see some tears stream down Ally's face. You quickly try and wipe them away and explain ''Listen my feelings for Cordelia may still be there but Ally I- I think I am falling for you and I truly mean that you are amazing and I wanna be with you'' and she looks up with so much hurt but also hope. ''I understand if you don't wanna see me again'' you say and try to get up but Ally stops you. ''Y/N please stay'' she says with pleading eyes which takes you by surprise even more. You take her into your arms and apologize but she looks at you and says ''It's okay you didn't do anything wrong'' and the rest of the evening you both just enjoy being in each others arms and you try hard to focus on Ally and not think of Cordelia.

The next morning you have a shift at the cafe and Ally has to pick up Oz, take him to school and go to work. You give her a kiss before she drops you off by the cafe and you start your shift for the day. The day goes by quickly and well and sadly Ally couldn't come over in your lunch break today because she has a meeting so you are just looking forward to this day being over. It's just your lunch break when a familiar blonde enters your workplace. As you scan Cordelia you notice the dress with flowers on, blonde hair and her brown eyes that look more tired as usual. As she sees you and your eyes meet a little smile forms on her lips and it causes you to feel nervous. ''Cordelia?'' you ask surprised to see her there. ''Y/N may I speak with you a moment?'' she asks with her warm voice and you let your co-worker know you are on break now. After you take your coat you walk her out and you take a little walk to the park. Being near the supreme makes you nervous and at the same times you can feel her powers radiate of her and your own powers. You haven't been practicing magic a lot anymore for a while so it feels strange being around a so familiar witch. ''Y/N'' ''Cordelia'' you both say at the same time trying to start the conversation and your eyes meet her brown eyes and you both chuckle. ''Let me start please'' the older woman asks and you nod. ''Listen Y/N I wanna apologize for what happened yesterday I shouldn't have come here unannounced and I am sorry for confusing and upsetting you''. She waits a moment before continuing and you both sit down on a bench in the park. ''The truth is Y/N I was always really fond of you and I always liked you and felt this special connection with you but I never thought you were into girls let alone me? and I regret that so much'' she carries on and you can feel your hands shaking and your throat going dry. You look at her and you only now realize how much you have missed her and how hard it was not being around her for an entire year. ''But I understand that you are moving on now and all I wanna say is I am sorry and you are always welcome at the coven whenever you feel like seeing us'' she adds and she gets up to walk away but you stop her and grab her wrist which causes her to turn around and look at you confused. ''Cordelia I still love you'' you suddenly blurt out your hand still holding onto her wrist and she blinks a few times because neither of you expected this. ''Listen I am with Ally and I love her too so much but I can't deny my feelings for you and I did tell her that too and I don't know what to do'' you say now with tears in your eyes and you had no idea you needed what the supreme does next for an entire year. She takes a step forward and pulls you into her arms and as they wrap around you it feels like you are in a different world where pain, tears and heartbreak don't exist. It feels like a different reality and that nothing or no one can hurt you despite you knowing deep down that that isn't true. You smell her blonde hair and the old familiar perfume smelling of vanilla and you don't know whether to smile or cry because you are in love with two woman that both love you too and you don't know how to handle this situation. After a while you let go and she smiles at you and says''Listen Y/N I don't want to push you into doing anything I will stay here in Michigan until you are ready to give me an answer and I don't wanna put pressure on you so it's your choice and you let me know when you are ready to talk to me okay?'' she asks and you nod your head before you both part ways her going back to her hotel and you going back to work.

The entire rest of your shift til you and your co-worker have to close up you keep thinking about the encounter with Delia and you still have no idea how you will handle the situation and your feelings. The voice in your head tells you you don't deserve the love of either of those women and you are doing wrong to both of them. You did wrong by Cordelia because you were never straight forward about your feelings with her and with Ally because it feels like you are betraying her. ''Y/N? are you alright?'' your co-worker asks and pulls you out of your thoughts. ''Sure'' you say and turn to them and it's still another hour but he says ''Listen there is nothing left here to do, I will close up you should go home'' and normally you wouldn't accept this kind of offer but you are so distracted you can't focus on work anyway. ''Okay thank you'' you say and force a smile before getting your stuff and leaving the cafe. You are well aware you should call Ally and ask if she can pick you up but you don't feel like seeing her right now. It all seems pressuring and too much so you do what you usually do whenever you need time to think and that's walking and thinking. It's a bit rainy today and cold so you pull your hood up and plug some earphones in your phone and start shuffling a playlist. It doesn't take long until the busy streets turn into quiet roads with trees and no people around. Whenever you exit the busy city you feel calm because it feels like you are just on your own with your own worries and not a soul can distract you. The events of the past few days still feel like some kind of dream to you and part of you wants to wake up and the other one doesn't. Never in a million years did you dream of Cordelia Goode having feelings for you. Well of course you did dream about it while living at the coven for about three years but she never showed any signs of affection or interest in you at least not in that kind of way or did you just not see it? Although things with Ally are still new you can't deny the way she makes you forget and how she makes you happy. Should you start new? with Ally and Oz and just leave the coven and your past behind? On the other hand Cordelia, the witches and magic will always be a part of your life whether you want it or not. The thoughts are really loud and you haven't noticed that it started pouring and that you are completely soaked sitting by a bus stop in the middle of nowhere right now. You know where you are it's just you don't wanna walk back, maybe if you stay here your problems will all just fade away? In the meantime Ally is worried sick about you and she tried calling a few times but you put your phone on silent so she went to the cafe only to find out they send you home early. Part of her thinks you might be with Cordelia and she got a bit jealous but she knows you would never cheat on her or do anything like that so she just keeps calling you. As it gets darker and darker you pull out your phone to see Ally calling. ''Hello?'' you say a bit nervous and feeling bad for not answering the many calls. ''Y/N? where the hell are you?'' she asks and she sounds mad. ''I'm sorry can I send you my location?'' you ask and she says yes. After ending the call you send her the location and she is already on her way to you. It is now really cold so you are a shivering mess and you feel bad that Ally has to see you like this and having to fix your messes all the time and deal with you. After Ally received your message she instantly started driving there and she knows where it is and is a bit confused why you are in the middle of nowhere. It's really rainy so she has to drive slow and careful. After a while she arrives only to see you sitting on a bench by a bus stop completely soaked. She gets out the car and walks over to you, she finds you sitting there with your head down and she can tell something is off. ''Y/N? what happened you are completely soaked'' she says and she puts her arms around you and helps you inside the car. After she helps you inside she gets in and turns the heating up so you will get warm. ''What happened?'' she asks concerned and her brown eyes scanning you. ''I'm sorry I was sent home a bit earlier and I just started walking'' you say and look down feeling stupid for all of this. ''It's okay let's get you home and warm'' Ally says with a loving voice. On the entire way to Ally's house you can't help but feel stupid for everything she does for you and her being a strong woman and single mother and you just being you, a mess. 

After arriving by Ally's house and her stopping the engine she is about to get out of the car when you stop her. ''Wait'' you say and take her wrist which causes her to turn around and look at you. ''Ally I-'' you begin but your voice starts breaking already. ''What is it sweetheart?'' she asks concerned and tears stream down your face. ''I'm sorry it's just that Cordelia came to see me today and I told her what I told you.. that I still love her but that I also love you so much and I feel stupid because I'm this mess and you are so strong, your a senator not to mention a mother and I'm just me a mess'' and your girlfriend shakes her head slightly and lifts up your chin so you face her and at the same time she wipes your tears. ''Listen to me Y/N you are not a mess it's human to have feelings and I promise we will sort this Cordelia situation somehow now please let's go inside and get warm okay?'' and all you can do is nod. She takes your hand after getting inside and Ally pays the babysitter that took care of Oz while she was away and thankfully he is already in bed. After Ally checked on him she joins you in the bedroom and she sits down on the bed next to you. You already showered and got changed in the meantime and you already feel a bit warmer and happy Ally is as accepting as she is. ''Come here'' she says and opens her arms and you climb into her embrace and you feel safe as her warm arms wrap around you and part of you feels relieved as the thoughts start to get quieter and your eyes heavier. You end up falling asleep in her arms.



Okay so after the last chapter you all asked for both Ally and Cordelia, so currently there are two choices: I will do Team A and Team B like Team Cordelia and Team Ally and you all can choose a side (I got that inspiration from someone elses story) or I will just make this a relationship with Reader x Ally x Cordelia- please let me know 💜

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