And if somebody hurts you

687 41 18

TW: violence, guns

After Ally asks you inside you feel beyond nervous and it feels like your mind is racing and screaming at you with all the thoughts. ''Please sit down'' Ally points towards the sofa and you and Cordelia sit down. ''Anything to drink?'' she offers and although she is polite you know deep down Ally is also nervous. ''Some water would be nice please'' Cordelia says and Ally looks at you and says ''What about you darling?'' but you shake your head. As Ally goes to the kitchen to get the water for Cordelia you turn to her and say ''And what now? what should we tell her?'' Cordelia turns to you and says ''Y/N we have two options but we gotta tell her about danger, so either lie and make up something or just tell her we are witches'' and you look at her and say ''No way I am not lying to her, with Ally's past I will never do that'' and Cordelia simply nods. ''But she won't just believe us we are witches Cordelia'' you say and the supreme answers ''It's okay let me tell her alright?'' and you nod and it still feels like your heart might just beat out of your chest. After Ally returns she hands Cordelia the glass with water and she sits down across from you two. ''So are you two gonna tell me what is going on now?'' she asks and you look at Cordelia. ''Wait you two aren't gonna tell me that you made a decision Y/N?'' she asks and it breaks your heart a little that she would think you could betray her in such a way. ''No Ally I would never go behind your back'' you say and look at her and she sees that her thinking that hurt you so she quickly says ''Okay just making sure''. Cordelia clears her throat and Ally looks at her ''Listen Ally we have to tell you something and it might be hard for you to believe at first but this is important'' and Ally furrows her eyebrow in confusion what this might be about. ''I'm just gonna be honest with you, there is a possible danger and someone might be after me or Y/N or both of us we don't really know and the truth is they might have followed us here and it's not safe for either of us , you or your son''. Ally thinks for a moment and looks at you then Cordelia again. ''Wait what kind of danger? and who would be after you two and why?'' and now this is the complicated part where your breathing gets heavy and you are terrified of your girlfriends reaction. ''Okay so you might think this is hard to believe at first but the school Y/N attended and the school I lead isn't just any school it's an academy for witchcraft'' Cordelia explains and at first Ally's expression is calm but then she chuckles a little and says ''You two are kidding me right? are you both high or something'' but she quickly realizes by your and Cordelia's expression that you are both serious and not joking. ''Wait so you two are trying to tell me you are what? witches with magic?'' she asks with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Cordelia simply nods and you look down because you feel bad for never telling this to Ally and not letting her in on this part of your life. ''Ally look I am sorry that I never told you but this knowledge is dangerous and I never meant to bring Oz or you into any danger'' you say and Ally's eyes meet yours again and she still seems sceptic about the whole thing. ''Fine if you both are witches, let's say you aren't high or just completely insane prove it to me'' she demands and you look at Cordelia. The supreme focusses on the glass of water on the table in front of everyone and she raises her hand slightly and the glass starts slowly moving from one side of the table to the other one. ''This power is called Telekineses and it means you can move objects'' you explain and Ally looks at the both of you shocked. ''Is this all some prank? like am I on live television or something and strings are attached to this table and glass'' she asks and you can see in her face she is desperately looking for something to convince her that this isn't real. ''Ally babe please we are serious'' you plead and she turns to you and says ''So you are a witch too?'' and you simply nod. ''Fine you prove it to me too then'' she says and you close your eyes and take a deep breath and next thing you know you disappear from the sofa and you appear behind Ally. ''Woah'' she says and you chuckle a little and you are relieved she is finally seeing this as no trick or prank. ''Fine let's say I believe this.. who is after you?'' she asks still confused. Cordelia explains about witch hunters and that they have been after witches and her coven for years and she talks about Hank and everything that happened today and you can slowly feel Ally starting to panic a little. ''Wait what are we gonna do? we gotta get out of this house then'' she says and you take her hands into yours and say. ''Listen I have a plan, is there anyone Oz can stay at for a few days? maybe his friends'' and Ally thinks a moment before meeting your eyes and nodding. ''Okay we will take him there and then we can stay at my apartment, they don't know that location and we should be safe there for now'' you say and Ally nods. ''Okay you call Oz's friends mother and I will pack his stuff with him okay?'' you ask and Ally gets up and walks to the phone. Cordelia and you make their way upstairs to tell Oz that he is staying with his friend. ''Hey buddy'' you say as you knock on his door and he is currently sitting by his desk reading some comics. ''Oh hey'' he says barely looking at you and Cordelia because he is so into his comic book. ''Listen Oz we have some news, you gotta stay at your friends for a few days'' you explain and he looks at you and Cordelia and asks ''Why is everything okay?'' and you nod and say ''Yes everything's fine but your mommy and me have a few things to take care of over the next few days'' and he nods a bit sadly. ''Hey come on it will be fun and you can take your comics'' you say and cheer him up and a big smile spreads across his face. You help him get his backpack and you get a few clothes out for him and some of his toys. Cordelia watches you and Oz with a smile and as he goes to the bathroom to get some of his things she moves closer to you and says ''You are amazing with him truly'' and you turn to her and see a hint of sadness in her eyes. ''Thank you, you would make a great mother too'' you say and she looks at you with pain in her eyes but also a little smile. ''Really?'' she asks almost needing to hear it again and you say ''Really, Cordelia you are amazing with people and children and you really would make an amazing mother'' and she smiles as some tears build up. Your moment is interrupted when Oz comes back with his backpacked full and ready to get going. ''Okay you ready?'' you ask and he runs out the door excited to go to his friend. After Ally called, you all get into Ally's car and drive him and Ally goes inside with him and drops him off. You and Cordelia make sure no cars have followed or anything suspicious around. After she dropped him off you all make your way to your apartment and as you stand in front of the main entrance of the building Cordelia looks at you two and says ''Well I will stay in my hotel room if you need anything I'm just a building away, we can figure everything else out tomorrow okay?'' and you nod and Ally says ''Thank you Cordelia'' and as you part ways you wish you could have also invited Cordelia into your apartment because you feel bad for her and at the same time you are worried she will be on her own with the threats around. As you and Ally take the elevator to your apartment she can tell you are a bit distracted so she asks ''Are you okay darling?'' and you simply nod and ask ''How about you?'' and she chuckles a little and says ''It's a bit much finding out your girlfriend and her old crush are both witches but apart from that I'm fine'' she says and you both chuckle a bit and you kiss her as you are thankful she is this understanding with the whole thing and already manages to joke about it. After tidying your apartment a little because you haven't been there for a while you and Ally go to bed completely exhausted and it doesn't take long for the brunette to fall asleep but you are wide awake that night your thoughts are preoccupied by the witch hunters and the worrying about Cordelia and also Ally and the guilt of not telling Ally sooner and bringing her and Oz into danger.

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