Closer Then Before

By Comet_1

65 3 5

The Gryffindor princess fell in love with the Slytherin prince. They have a crazy love story. But at a cost o... More

Sweet Love
How We Met


21 1 1
By Comet_1

Stares and whispers for days and days had been re-laid between students from first year to last. Even teachers had things to say. But Draco and Raven didn't have a care in the world. Sure it was weird to see the Slytherin prince with the Gryffindor princess in love and together. But to them it was normal, they were in love.

Walking into the great hall for dinner hand in hand, Draco lifted Raven's face and kissed her forehead in front of all the gawking eyes that were burning into the back of their heads. 

"See you later my love" Draco said with bliss in his voice. 

"You will," Raven said, walking to sit by Ginny.

 "Ughhh love, it reminds me that I will die alone" Ginny said hitting her head against the table, 

"Oi Ginny you will find your right person" Raven hinted to Harry who was sitting six seats down across from Ron. 

"Hey! Shh he doesn't know that I like him" Ginny said embarrassed as her face turned tomato red. 

"Want me to ask if she likes anyone?" 

Ginny looked up with happiness in her eyes. "You'd do that for me, but I am a pain in your ass, remember" 

Raven laughed. 

"You're a pain in my ass yes, but you're still my sister" Raven said getting up. "Hey Harry I have to ask you something" The red haired girl said.

"Hey Rav what's up" The chosen one said. 

"Ok asking for a friend, do you like anyone?" Harry's eyes widened and he blushed looking over at Ginny. Motioning to your pretty sister. 

"Alright thank you good to know, she likes you too. You should ask her out" As Raven was turning around to go back to her seat, she saw Draco staring at her. As she looked into his eyes, she remembered that she was to meet his parents that weekend. She already had known that they were death eaters, any normal person would be terrified but she was interested. Her friends and family were ok with this relationship as long as she was happy and safe with him. Before she knew it. 

Dinner was over. Dumbledore had announced that they had the rest of the week off due to spring break. As Raven was making her way back to her dorm, Draco ran up behind her and slid his arms around her waist 

"Hello love" She said between her blushes. She still wasn't over the fact that she had a boyfriend. 

"Hi my love" Draco said, bending down to kiss her. As their lips locked she was surprised. 

*He's so cute* she thought, she kissed him back. Interlocking her fingers in his, they walked. As they were approaching the Gryffindor common room, Raven whispered the password and pulled Draco in before anyone could see. "Come on, you haven't seen my dorm yet." The green eyed girl said, excited. She opened the door to see Ginny and Harry cuddling asleep in each others arms. 

"So that's what you were doing earlier" Draco whispered into the short girl's ear. 

"Yes'' Raven said proudly. "Lets go" She whined pulling the tall boy out of the room. "We are cuddling right there" She pointed to the large couch that was placed nicely in front of the fire. 

"You're cute" Draco laughed out before sitting down and opening his arms. Raven nuzzled into his arms getting warm. "I love you Raven'' Draco said in a low voice , speaking through Raven's hair that his head was resting on. 

"I love you too" Draco made a face of love "Don't say too, it sounds like your agreeing with me" 

'Ok this was cute' "I love you Draco"

Days later, Raven and Draco were cuddled up on a tree by the black lake. They were reading, but Draco was reading Raven, but soon Draco put his book down when he saw Pansy and Blaise walking towards them, hand in hand. Not long after, they saw Ginny and Ron walking over the same, hand in hand. 

"Hey guys" The four said. 

 "Hey" Raven said, not long after, Draco followed 

"Hi. What's up guys?" Pansy and Blaise sat together, Pansy's legs over Blaise's. 

"Nothing much, how about you two?" Draco looked at his girl and motioned for her to answer 

"We are good, Draco was just reading" 

Ginny piped up. 

"Thanks for setting me and Harry up Raven, he asked me out the day you talked to him" Harry blushed. 

"You guys are adorable together, told you he liked you back Gin." Raven said punching her sister playfully on the arm. 

"Hey come back here, I was warm." Draco said, pulling his girl back into his embrace. 

"Where is Hermione?" Raven said curiously. 

 "Sleeping" Ginny said, nearly cracking up. "Omg of course she is" Her sister responded.


Blaise and Pansy have been dating for almost a year, and both of them are friends with Draco. Pansy was Raven's first friend. Which Raven got bullied for because her first friend was a Slytherin. After meeting Pansy, Raven met Hermione. Pansy wasn't ever a huge fan of her until they fully got to know each other. Ginny has also been friends with Pansy for a while. But she was never a huge fan of Draco until she got to see what a good person he was. He just has to be an asshole because that's what his father expects of him. His dad is really abusive towards him, and never loved him. That's also why he bullies people and keeps to himself. Until he fully got to know Raven. As for Blaise, he was always friends with Hermione. In fact he liked her before he liked Pansy. But then he met Pansy and fell in love.

"RAVEN TIME TO GO" Draco yelled while Raven said her farewells to her friends at the train station. 

"COMING LOVE" Raven yelled while jogging over to her boy.

 "Ready to go love?" Raven's hand was shaking in Draco's.

"I'm nervous" She said, stepping onto the train. 

"Don't be baby, my parents will love you" Raven lifted her head to look at her tall boy.

"Are you sure bubba?" Draco looked down at her and kissed her head. 

"Of course" They went and sat in an empty compartment so they could be alone. Raven, still shaking, placed her head on Draco's lap and looked up at him while he read to her. He looked down at her. 

"Take a nap Raven you look tired" Draco said in a stern voice while placing his jacket over the cute girl in his lap. Raven drifted off to sleep fast, which Draco knew would happen because he could tell in her eyes that she hardly got any sleep at all. Draco watched as she took small breaths in and out. Keeping her safe was his main priority, because he knew that this girl was the only one for him. Raven was nervous because she always was the one to have issues with her parents, all of her siblings were accomplishing things. But Raven was never as good as them. She would always be fighting with her parents, her parents even called her worthless a few times. They never hit her, but they were definitely close to it many times. Her siblings all saw that their parents didn't accept her. Especially Ginny, that's why all of her siblings are very protective over her. Raven never talked about it though, she hates to sound weak or to get pity from people. She also wanted badly to be in Slytherin because she always knew that she would fit in better. But her parents told her that if she got any other house that she would be forever disowned. She blames it on being the youngest child. Bill, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny and then Raven. She was always forgotten, because her parents were always occupied with other things including her siblings. The only person who she could be with and talk to *PLOT TWIST* Was Snape. He was always there for her, he always picked her up when her parents were mad at her, or if she just needed someone to talk to. She calls him her uncle. They are closer than her and her parents are, and that's why she's not scared of being with Draco or meeting Death Eaters, because her 'uncle' was one. Of course her parents didn't approve of her being so close to Snape. But she really didn't care. Before Draco, Snape was the only one she had.

Before she knew it, she was being shaken awake by her boy. 

"Love wake up, we are here" She blinked her eyes a few times before fully waking up. 

"Wait bubs I have to fix my hair and put makeup on." Draco looked down at the girl after standing up.

 "Princess you look beautiful" Raven looked at him funny.

 "Draco I just woke up, I need to make a good impression" Draco turned around and grabbed his bag.

 "Ok if you insist" He turned back around and grabbed his girls hand. 

"Dray, I don't have to wear any makeup if you don't want me too" The blond boy looked down at her and proceeded to say.

 "Really love? you don't have to" 

Raven smiled. 

"It's ok, I look good right" Draco chuckled.

"You always look good lover" Raven was happy that Draco was letting his soft side show through. Because he always had a wall up around himself. She felt special for the first time in her life. She could see it in his eyes. He truly loved her, and she loved him too. 

"Let's go darling" Draco grabbed her hand and led her through the corridor out of the train. There she is, Narcissa Malfoy herself. 

"Hello my boy" His mom said, embracing him in a breathless hug. "Is this the girl?" Draco looked back at his girl and nodded to come forward, while grabbing her hand. 

"Yes mum this is Raven, my girlfriend." He had a huge smile on his face because his mom could finally meet the girl that he was going to marry. 

"Hello dear, I am Narcissa. Nice to finally meet you" She said grabbing the red headed girl into a hug. 

"H-hi, nice to meet you too"

 Narcissa directed her attention toward her son.

 "How long have you been dating this beautiful girl?" She asked politely, grabbing her son's hand. 

"About five and a half months, we wanted to wait a bit before she met you guys so we could get closer" He said, squeezing Raven's hand. 

"How adorable. I'm sorry your father couldn't make it. He had a meeting" 

Draco gave no look of surprise, nor did he say anything. He just nodded. As they were walking out of the train station Narcissa asked.

 "So Raven how are your parents?" Draco gave his mom a look basically saying that she should leave that subject. But Raven noticed and told him 

"It's ok my love" While squeezing his hand in reassurance. "Well" Raven started, "my parents never really cared about what was going on in my life. They look down on me because of my hopes to be in Slytherin. They have no respect for me really, but when I needed a person to talk to, I would call Snape. Me and him are super close. He's like my uncle" 

Narcissa gave her a look "I'm so sorry dear, that must have been hard on you. Snape is a very nice man, but like the rest of us. He has a guard up, so he puts out a mean front. I am glad you and Draco hand each other now though, you can really learn from each other." Narcissa smiled. 

"She truly has brought out the good in me" Draco added as he turned to smile at his beautiful girlfriend. 

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