Wrong Feels So Right

By IntenseArt

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⚠️ Copyright © 2021 by IntenseArt. This is an original story. All rights reserved. This book or any portion t... More

Chapter 1: Go Team!
Chapter 3: Wrong Feels So Right

Chapter 2: Cheat

708 40 69
By IntenseArt

The next morning I arrive home to an empty house. My Mom and my Stepdad are probably at work. Neither of them called or text me to ask where I was last night, and I've had one drunk text from Jacob, just one, asking where I went... I'm surprised he even noticed I left the party. He hasn't tried to contact me since.

I pretty much cried all night last night. Ella tried to comfort me and cheer me up by ordering pizza, but it didn't work. I'm lucky to have her as a friend, and I didn't want to be alone after being so upset over Jacob.

I take a long shower and change into my pyjamas. I know it's the afternoon, but I really don't care. I just want to hide away. I get into bed and pull the duvet over my head with tears slowly rolling down my cheeks.

I lay there for a while, until I hear the doorbell ring. I sniff and wipe my eyes, and then hear it ring again. I pull the duvet off and keep quiet, but it rings again. Who ever it is isn't giving up. Is it Jacob? No. He's probably still sleeping and recovering from his hangover. I really don't want to answer it, but they keep ringing. I sigh and get out of bed, heading down to the front door.

I take a deep breath and wipe my eyes before slowly opening the front door. I'm surprised to see Jacob standing there... but I'm so angry and upset, so I go to shut the door on him. I don't want to see him, or speak to him right now.

"Rosie." He frowns and puts his hand on the door to stop it from closing.

"What do you want?" I give him a look.

"To see if you're ok. Where did you go last night?"

I scoff and shake my head.

"Do you even care? You didn't care when I was there, so what does it matter?"

He sighs and shakes his head.

"What are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about?!" I laugh.

He's making me so angry right now.

"You blanked me all night last night! It was as if I wasn't there."

"I was having a good time celebrating with the guys! Of course I knew you were there, but we didn't have to be clinging onto each other all night."

"You didn't mind clinging onto Cindy, though." I scoff and fold my arms.

"What?" He makes a face. "Here we go with the Cindy shit, again." He sighs.

"I saw you flirting with each other in the kitchen, Jacob!" I raise my voice and start to tear up. "She was touching you, and you were both whispering into each others ear."

"I wasn't whispering in her ear! The music was loud, so I spoke closer to her ear so she could hear me."

"Right." I roll my eyes.

"I came to apologise, Rosie. I'm sorry you felt like that, but I wasn't intentionally blanking you."

"You really upset me. The only thing you said to me last night was "hey, babe" and that was it. I'm not saying you should have stayed by my side the whole night, I'm just saying you could have at least made it look like I was your girlfriend. You didn't touch me, kiss me, and you barely looked at me! I had Terrell offering to get me a drink, when it should have been you."

"Alright, I fucked up! I'm trying to say I'm sorry." He sighs. "I just got carried away with the guys."

"And what about Cindy?"

"What about her?" He makes a face.

"I'm not stupid, Jacob!" I frown. "You're always laughing with each other, and she's always touching you. You pay her more attention than you do me."

"That's not true." He gives me a look. "I've told you already - me and Cindy are friends. You know I'm an only child."

Oh, great, here comes the only child bullshit, again.

"I see her like a sister... a sister I never had. That's all she is to me. We're just good friends."

Sister my ass. I lick my lips and grit my teeth, not believe a word he says.

"I love you, Rosie. I'm not cheating on you."

"Well, that's how it looks."

"To you it looks like that, but you're getting it twisted, and I know you don't like her. I'm telling you the truth right now."

I roll my eyes and look away from him.

"I am really sorry..." He says softly.

I take a deep breath and glance at him, seeing the sad expression on his face.

"I feel like shit too. I'm so hungover."

"Good." I scoff.

He let's out a little laugh and runs his hand through his hair.

"My Dad went crazy at me this morning, which didn't help my hangover, but I guess I deserved it."

My face softens and I raise my eyebrows.

"He did?"

"Yeah. He asked where you were, and I told him I didn't know... He went off about how I should treat you better."

A small smile forms in the corner of my mouth.

"He said I needed to see you and apologise."

"So, that's why you're apologising? Because your Dad told you to."

"No." He sighs. "Well, partly, but I was going to see you and apologise anyway. I'm sorry for not waiting for you when we went to Denzel's, and I'm sorry for not paying you attention at the party."

I nod my head and look down at the floor.

"I want to take you out for somethin to eat."

I look at him and raise my eyebrow.

"To apologise properly." He shows a little smile.

"Did your Dad tell you to take me out for dinner too?"

"No." He gives me a look. "We don't have to go out. We can get a takeaway? Your choice."

I give him a look and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"No, we can go out somewhere." I shrug. "As long as you book the most expensive restaurant."

"Oh, I was thinking McDonalds." He smirks.

"Then you can think again." I raise my eyebrows.

"Alright, fancy restaurant it is." He smiles. "We can go back to mine after and watch a movie."

"Ok..." I show a little smile. "I'll go get ready."

"I'll pick you up in a couple of hours." He leans in to kiss me on the lips, but I turn my head and he kisses me on the cheek.

I'm still not completely happy with him, and this doesn't mean that we're ok, so he can't just kiss me like everything is fine. He isn't fully forgiven. Although, I shouldn't be forgiving him at all...


I look up from the menu to look at Jacob, and see he's texting away on his phone. I sigh and place the menu down. He's been glued to his phone since we got to this restaurant...

"Anything interesting?" I ask.

He doesn't answer and continues to stare at his phone. I scoff and shake my head.

"Am I boring you?"

Still no answer from him.

"Jacob!" I frown.

Finally, he takes his eyes away from his phone and looks at me.

"Huh? What?"

"I'm trying to talk to you." I give him a look.

"Sorry. What was you saying?"

"What's so important on your phone?"

"Uh, nothing." He shakes his head and puts it down. "I was just texting Denzel."

"I thought you taking me here was you trying to apologise?" I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, it is!" He exclaims and picks up his menu.

"Then can you resist texting Denzel for the next hour, please?"

He sighs and scans his eyes over the menu.

"Seen anything you want yet?" He asks.

I take a deep breath and look back at my menu.

Throughout the meal Jacob still checks his phone. I feel like he doesn't even want to be here with me. His mind is some where else... We don't speak too much, and what we do say is just small talk. If he really is trying to apologise, then he's doing a shit job. After our "romantic" meal, Jacob drives us back to his house.

I look around the house as we walk into the kitchen.

"Is your Dad home?" I ask.

"Nope. Which is a good thing because if he was here he'd only give me another lecture." He rolls his eyes.

"Mmm..." I give him a look.

"He's working. He's got a meeting or something, and won't be back until tomorrow."

"Oh." I nod.

I was kind of hoping to see him...

"So, we've got the house to ourselves all night." He grins and walks closer to me, putting his hands on my hips.

He kisses my lips, and then moves his face into my neck.

"Jacob." I make a face.

I'm not in the mood right now...

"You can finally show me that sexy underwear you bought. You know lingerie turns me on." He moans and strokes his hand up my leg.

"Jacob, I thought you said we were gonna watch a movie?" I push his chest, trying to move him off me.

"Yeah, later."

I sigh and push him back again, and this time he takes himself away from me.

"We haven't fucked in a while." He looks me up and down. "What's wrong? You don't wanna have sex now?"

"Seriously?" I scoff. "It's not that I don't want sex. I'm still upset, Jacob, and we still need to talk-"

I stop what I'm saying when I hear the doorbell ring. Jacob leaves the kitchen to go answer the front door. I sigh in frustration and run my hands through my hair, listening to who might be at the door.

"Hey, man. Come in." I hear Jacob say.

What? I hear laughter and hear Bryce's voice. What's he doing here? Jacob walks back into the kitchen alone.

"Bryce is here?" I make a face.

"Yeah, you don't mind, do you?" He says, opening the fridge, taking out cans of beer. "We're just gonna play a couple games."

"Yeah, I do mind! I thought it was just going to be me and you tonight?" I frown. "I thought we were going to watch a movie?"

"We will watch a movie, babe." He laughs. "Bryce ain't gonna be here long. Don't panic."


"Jacob!" Bryce shouts from the living room. "Where are those cans? Come on, man!"

"I'm coming!" Jacob shouts back. "Rosie, he'll be gone in a couple of hours, and then I'm all yours."

I'm actually lost for words. He smiles and kisses my cheek before leaving the kitchen. What the hell am I supposed to do while he's getting drunk and playing stupid video games with Bryce? And I thought Jacob was going to make things up to me. I should've known better. It's not like I can even go back home because I have no one to drive me... I'm stuck here.

I sigh and go up to Jacob's room. I flop down on the bed and look through my phone, but there's only so much I can look at before I get bored. I can't believe Jacob has left me again for his friends. He's such an asshole. I don't have anything better to do, so I guess I'll start on my essay.

I leave the bedroom and go downstairs to the living room. I roll my eyes hearing their laughter, and the sound of gunshots from the game they're playing. I glance at the both of them, and Bryce turns his head, looking at me.

"Hey, Rosie." He grins, and looks me up and down.

"Hey." I say bluntly, and walk over Michael's book case.

I scan over the books, looking for the ones Michael suggested yesterday.

"Ugh! Fuck off! Shoot him!" Jacob shouts, pressing the buttons furiously on his game controller.

I sigh, finally finding the books and picking them out.

"You left the party early last night." Bryce says.

I look at him and see a little smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I did. It was boring." I make a face.

"We had a good time, didn't we Jacob?"

"Uh, yeah." Jacob nods, but he's too interested in the game they are playing to really pay attention to what we're saying.

"Good for you. I'm so glad you enjoyed yourselves." I roll my eyes.

Bryce drinks back his beer and crushes the can before throwing it on the coffee table.

"I could do with another beer. Could you get us more cans?"

I raise my eyebrows.

"You want me to get you another can?" I scoff.

"Uh, yeah." He nods. "You ain't doing nothing else, are you?"

"I am, actually. I'm going to write my-"

"Babe, could you just get us some more cans, please?" Jacob asks.

I laugh and shake my head. Unbelievable.

"Are you serious? Why don't you-"

"Rosie!" Jacob snaps and leans back on the sofa. "It's just some cans." He sighs. "Please?"

I grit my teeth and storm out of the room. I go into the kitchen and grab the cans from the fridge. I walk back into the living room and slam them down on the coffee table.

"Careful, babe." Jacob gives me a look.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Bryce smiles. "Thanks."

I shake my head and go up to Jacob's room. I slam the door shut, and try to take my mind off things by starting my essay.


I took a break from writing my essay, and decided to relax in the bath. It's almost 11pm, and Bryce is still here. Jacob said they'd only be a couple of hours, and so far he's been here for the last 4 hours.

I get out of the bath and wrap a towel around myself. I open the door and hear Jacob saying goodbye to Bryce. Finally, he's going. I hear Jacob making his way upstairs, but he's stumbling a little bit.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Has Bryce gone now?"

"Yeah." He takes a deep breath and rubs his face. "I need a piss really bad." He laughs and walks past me.

"Can we watch a movie now?"

"Uh, I don't know. I'm pretty tired." He walks into the bathroom and shuts the door.

I sigh and roll my eyes before walking into his bedroom. Too drunk more like. I dry myself off and look through my bag with my clothes in. I wonder if he'll pay me attention when he sees me in lingerie. He said earlier he wanted me to wear it, so if that's what it takes, then I'll wear it.

Jacob stumbles into the bedroom and flops down on the bed.

"I'm just gonna change." I show a little smile.

"Ok, babe." He yawns and looks at his phone.

I leave the bedroom and go into the bathroom to change into my lingerie.

I check myself out in the mirror and then leave the bathroom. I clear my throat and run my hand through my hair before walking into Jacob's room.

"Jacob?" I make a face.

He's asleep and snoring... he literally passed out. What the fuck? I throw my hands in the air and sigh heavily. I feel stupid for even putting this on now. I frown and sit on the bed. I hear something vibrate and look at Jacob. His phone is ringing... I lean over to see who's calling him.


I grit my teeth and pick his phone up, staring at her name on the screen. I accept the call and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello, Jacob?" She answers.

My heart is beating so hard. I'm so close to shouting abuse at her, but I keep quiet.

"What are you doing? You know I have a free house tonight. Come over and we can have fun like we did-"

Tears roll down my face. I can't bare to listen to her, so I hang up and throw his phone on the bed.

"Jacob!" I raise my voice and shake him, but he doesn't wake up. "You fucking dirty cheat." I shake my head. "I knew it, and you fucking lied to me."

I pick his phone up again to look at his text messages, but of course it's password protected. I can't get into it. I wipe my tears away and pull on my robe. I storm out of the bedroom and downstairs. I can't be in the same room as him right now. I don't know how I didn't just beat the shit out of him, but theres no point in doing anything when he's passed out drunk. What am I going to do? I don't want to stay here.

I walk into the kitchen and sit at the kitchen table, crying in my hands. I don't know how long I'm sat crying for, but once I calm down a little bit, I get up and walk over to the fridge. I find some icecream and take out a spoon before sitting back at the kitchen table. I feel so shit right now.

I eat some ice cream, but then I start to cry again. I push the ice cream away and try to wipe the tears away, but they keep coming.


I look up, and see Michael with a concerned look on his face, standing in the kitchen. His white shirt is slightly open, showing a little bit of chest, and he's holding his suit jacket. I quickly wipe my eyes and pull my robe over my body to cover myself.

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