Sweet as honey • James Maguir...

By standbymesodapop

91.8K 1.3K 225

It's Scottish... you English prick ⚜️ In which a broken girl and her friends try to navigate life in a war t... More

1,1•Her knickers are rotten, Orla
1,1• I dont know what your doing, its honestly a downgrade
1,2• A French man in England, Or an English man in france?
1,2• Aye, well we'd have to do a lot more before the riding.
1,3• Oh shit, it's Maureen Malarkey.
1,3• He travelled all the way across the sea for me!
1,4• Shes From the Ukraine, Erin, not Ethiopia
1,4• You've got Abandonment Issues
B,C• I Guess I got too Annoying For Her.
1,5•He's English, They'll love him.
1,6•Theres a difference between these three and Erin.
1,6• You Inconsdierate Bitch!
2,1•Shes Fucking Crazy and Hes just, Strange
2,1•It was only a what? Caoimhe?
2,2• Oh Piss Off, Ms De Brún
2,2•Thank Fuck for That.
2,3•Dont Blame Me Blame the Milk Tray Man
2,3•10 Kids?! Catch yourself on.
2,4•Your Ma Just Killed Her!
2,4•Ew, Ew, Ew. Fuck That.
2,5•Nothing Will Change It.
2,5•At Least I'll Live to See Another Prom.
2,6•well, who is she?
2,6•Derrys Idiot.

1,5•IRA Bastard.

2.9K 42 1
By standbymesodapop

"Do you mind telling us what you're doing in there?"
Mary questioned the strange man in the boot, who we had just learnt was called Emmet. " oh, right. Well, during the last 24 hours, Crossing the border has become somewhat of a priority for me. So I did a bit of asking around. You know. Just on the off chance someone might be heading down that way and your name came up. There you have it." The man finished saying to us all. I looked around the group shocked at what I was hearing and seeing if anybody else is believing it. "Fantastic." Gerry responded in disbelief. "All right? Lovely to meet you." Emmet said while closing the boot.

"I'm in shock. It's insane." Erin told the group of teenagers. "I don't even think I fancy him." Michelle said. "What?" Erin asked very confused. " well it's obviously him. It's obviously my husband." Michelle said as if it was obvious. "Like it's just way too much of a coincidence" Michelle finished explaining as if we were all supposed to know what she was going on about. "Do you remember the whole 'us being in Grave danger' thing Sarah mentioned? Well, I think... I think this might be it." Erin told us all, near tears. "I thought you said fortune telling was medieval?" Michelle told the girl. "Yeah, well, something has made me reassess all that. What was it again? Oh, aye. The fact there is an actual Provo in the boot of our car!" the girl finished her mini rant as Clare slammed her book Into the floor dramatically. "Oh, no! I've lost my bookmark. Now I've lost my page. Oh, my God! This day just goes from bad to worse." Clare said, as if it were the end of the world. "Bit of perspective, maybe, Clare" Erin asked the girl, causing me to giggle. "I– I could grow to fancy him, I suppose." Michelle said, still talking about her supposed love Interest, who was still in the boot of our car. "Why doesn't someone just call the police?" James finally asked, making all of us look at him as if he had two heads. " because that's not how things work around here, James." Erin said, as if he were to know that. "how do things work here? how do they work? Will one of you please explain it to me please? Because sometimes I feel like I've gone through the fucking looking glass." James shouted angrily. "
Calm down, James." Clare told him. "Aye, that was a bit unnecessary" I told him, not appreciating being yelled at. "Aye, don't be such a dick, James." Michelle said, just as shocked as I was. Making the boy tut.

We all started talking again, just about random things until we were told we could carry on our journey. "Shh!" Erin interrupted mine and Michelle's conversation, as well as everyone else's. "Can you hear that?" She asked us. "Hear what?" Michelle whispered at the girl. "Ticking. It's...its...it's like a ticking sound." Erin told us making me listen close up. "Oh shit, I can hear it to" I said frantically looking around. "Oh, dear god." Erin said looking at the car.

Erin took off in a sprint towards her family "bomb! He has a bomb! Listen, mammy! Listen!" She said, holding her arms out in front of her mam. At this point Emmet had opened the boot And was looking at the family shocked. " oh, Erin, that's just the big clock." Mary said simply, making us all exhale a deep sigh. It was then that the adults came to the decision that we would take the man with us to the nearest diner, with grandad Joe driving him.

we're all sat down around a table in a restaurant, with Emmet on a smaller table next to ours. " it's aiding and abetting. We're talking serious jail time here." Gerry said to Joe. " well, it's a risk we have to take." Joe said while Orla was sleeping on his shoulder. " no, it's not, Joe. It's not a risk we have to take. It's a risk we shouldn't take." Gerry said, outraged. " don't you take that tone with me, boy." Joe told the dad of two. " he seems like a nice enough fella." Mary told her husband. "We have to walk away from this." Gerry whispered to his wife. "What if we can't?" Erin asked her dad. " what if we don't help him and he kills us all because we know too much?" Erin asked seriously. "I like him. I think he's a character." Orla said. Now awake from her position across from me.

Just then the waitress came over asking us for our order. After we had all told her what we wanted, we got back to the discussion. "Don't mind me. Just grabbing a knife." Emmet said before walking away, making Erin look very concerned. "Take it you haven't decided yet?" The strange man asked politely. "Just leave it with me, son." Granda told him, making me sigh and lean my head on James shoulder. "Aye, no pressure. I'll be over here if you need me." He told us, before walking back to his table. "What the hell does he need a knife for?" Erin questioned, as if it were the most unreasonable thing. "He's eating his lunch." James told the girl. I started to drift off to sleep on James shoulder, as Sarah and Michelle started to talk about the strange man.

I was jolted awake by Erin screaming a loud "Jesus Christ" as she slid under the table. I mumbled a quiet 'hmmmm?' Not understanding the situation. "Get down! Everybody get down!" She continued. Not thinking straight, I slid down with her due to an automatic response you have to have in Derry. "Is there something wrong with her?" Emmet questioned Mary from above us. "Stop That, Erin." Mary told her child, Embarrassed. James dragged me up from under the table by my upper arms, and sat me back next to him, making me lean my head on his shoulder again. "Sorry, Emmet. You were saying?" Erin told the man to continue. "Didn't want to put you in this position, but I can't stress the seriousness of my situation." Emmett started, before being interrupted by the waitress asking if we wanted anything else. After Emmett had asked for a knickerbocker glory, he continued his speech. "You need to help me out here" he told us. "We do that and we're breaking the law." Gerry told him, strangely calm. "You recognise the legal system of a brutal, imperialistic oppressor, do you?" Emmett questioned the man. Sounding a bit too IRA-ish for my liking. "Ah, if they can put me in jail for 20 years, then, yes, Emmett. Yes, I do." Gerry told the man, now getting more angry.

"Listen, Listen. Have you killed anyone, son?" Ganda Joe interrupted their talk. "No." Emmett told us firmly. "Well, at lest not directly." He continued his former statement. Making me grab James' hand and squeeze it out of dread. "Well, there you go. So that settles it." Granda Joe said confusingly. "I don't think that does settle it, actually, Joe." Gerry told the older man. "You know what's wrong with you, Gerry? You're an awful wuss." Granda told his son in law. "I'm not a wuss." Gerry responded firmly. "You're afraid of your own shadow." Granda carried on. "No, I'm not." Uncle Gerry said, offended. "Well then grow a set of balls and help a fella out." Granda shouted at him. "I have a set of balls, thank you very much." Uncle Gerry said grossly, making me cringe into James' shoulder, making James laugh at my reaction before kissing the top of his head. "Oh, seriously, daddy." Erin whispered, disgusted. "You're even afraid of that wee girl, that waitress" Granda carried on, unrelenting. Gerry looked flabbergasted. "You wanted a cup of tea. She brought you a coke, and you just sat there and said sweet Fanny Adam's." Granda said, making Michelle snicker. "You're granda said fanny" she said, making Sarah giggle as well. "Well that's because I like coke" Gerry justified. "Her customer service is shocking as well." Emmet jumped in. "Aye, desperate." Mary agreed. "Someone should say something." Sarah suggested. "Aye, Gerry! Gerry should say something" Granda shouted at the man, making me roll my eyes thinking no one was watching. "Don't you roll your eyes at me, Missy!" Granda told me off, already fired up, I whispered a quiet "sorry Granda" in response before trying to fall asleep on James shoulder again, to no avail. "I will. No problem. I'll say something." Gerry told Granda. "Oh god, here we go." I whispered to James, ready for the shit show this was bound to become.

Gerry had called the waitress over to our table. "What?" She spat out once she arrived. "Um, I just wanted to say that, uh, I, um... I ordered tea. You brought me a coke, and that is not acceptable." Gerry started, making me uncomfortably try to hide myself in James neck. "But you drank the coke." The waitress told him. "That's not the point. And your service has been nothing short of appealing. Your attitude is worse. It's simply not good enough." Gerry was shouting towards the end of his rant. "I'll uh...I'll bring you a tea" the waitress replied quietly. "You do that" Gerry said, rudely. "I'm sorry." The waitress broke down crying. "I got a bit of bad news today. I haven't really been able to focus. I've been a bit distracted maybe. I'm sorry. I'll just-" the poor girl said, going to clean the table. "No, no ,no. Ignore all that." Gerry said, now feeling bad. "I'll bring your tea right away, sir" the waitress told him before running off crying.

The whole table turned to look at Gerry. "Well there was absolutely no need for that." Granda started off. "Jesus, Gerry." Sarah told him. "Harsh." Michelle agreed. "Awful" Emmett piped up. "Poor girl" Clare said. "I can't believe you did that, Daddy." Erin told her father. Gerry turned to look at Joe. "I... you asked me to. How could I have known? Now will you all stop looking at me?" Gerry asked us, to no success. "Fine. Fine. Do you know what? Fine. I've had it with the lot of you." Gerry said, clearly aggravated, before pushing Mary out the way so he could get out.  "And just for the record back there, I was being an Australian tourist, Okay? Australian. And I happen to think my accent was flawless." Gerry told us. "Excuse me, mate. Can you help us get out of here?" Gerry said in an Australian accent. "Flawless!" He shouted before walking off to the bathrooms.

"Okay. We have to decide what to do here one way or another." Mary moved us on from the tense situation. Making me sit up right. "Let's just vote." She said. "Leave him!" Erin shouted, before repeating herself slightly quieter once Emmett looked at her. "I vote we take him. For better or worse and all that" Michelle told us, still convinced that they were going to get married. "I vote we take him" Joe agreed. "Me too." Orla sweetly said. "I can't decide" Clare said honestly. "Take him, but not in our car!" I rushed out. "I've decided, but I'm afraid to say what I've decided." James told the rest of us, looking Emmett straight In the eye. "What were you gonna vote for?" I leant up and asked him while whispering. "I think we should leave him" he whispered back, making me slowly nod, not agreeing, but understanding where he was coming from.

"Why don't we just toss a coin?" Sarah questioned, making Mary get a coin out of her purse. "So, heads, the wee RA man comes with us. Tails, we leave him." Sarah told us again as Mary got her coin, ready to flip. "Aye, ready?" Mary made sure we were prepared. "Go on, then" Granda told his oldest daughter. Mary flipped the coin onto the table. We all watched it spin in circles before finally landing. "What is that? A fish?" James questioned from his position from outside of the booth, next to me and Orla. "A dolphin is it?" Sarah asked. "It sort of looks like Moby Dick, actually." Clare told us all. "Ah, shite. I used a punt, didn't it?" Mary realised her mistake. "What's on the other side?" Michelle asked. "A harp" Granda replied to my best friend. "A harp must be the head, and fish must be the tail?" Mary questioned.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Emmett moving away from us, causing me to follow the strange man. I followed him out of the Diner, before realising that he had the tent in his hand. "Oi, what are you doing with our tent?" I shouted at him, making him realise I was following him. I looked at the window for a second, to see everyone looking out it. Emmett started to move towards the open boot of a car that had just started to pull away. "Oh no you don't you twat!" I started to run after him. He jumped in and shut it, just as I reached him. I slammed my hand down on the boot of the car before turning around and lifting my arms up to my family. I shook my head and squatted down, knowing I tried my best to stop him. Fucking IRA bastard.


2242 words!

We're so close to season two, where there will be a lot more Caoimhe and James.
But the next episode is my favourite!
How did you like this part? Vote and comment if you liked it.

I hope you enjoyed<3

But yeah, Cya tomorrow

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