Hogwarts Mystery - B and T's...

By TiffanyBond0

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I decided to write these short scenes of B and T doing muggle things. t's father is muggle born and her grand... More

The Arrival
The Arrival part 2
Game Night
Horseback Riding
Painting (Barnaby's POV)
The Talk
Diagon Alley
The Burrow
Summer Before Year 5
Dinner at Lee Manor
Leaving the Manor
Sexy Time
Roller Skating

Bonfire 2

49 4 0
By TiffanyBond0

Barnaby and I were waiting for the Portkey about 10 minutes before it was set to arrive
"How do you think they'll react?"
"Penny and Rowan will be excited. Last time they were here, they definitely had suspicions after I told them about our kiss"
"Wait you told them? I didn't tell Bill or Charlie."
"I know. Bill told me you didnt. But he kind of guessed anyways"
Everyone arrived right on time. I ran to Penny and Rowan to give them hugs and then Bill and Charlie.
We all walked back toward the pond. We planned on just relaxing all day before going to London tomorrow. I was holding Barnaby's hand.
"So what's up with you guys" asked Bill loudly walking up behind us and putting his arms around us both
"Bill I have no idea what you're talking about" I smiled
Everyone looked at us. Barnaby caught my eye and winked. He spun me around and kissed me. Penny and Rowan squealed and started hugging me and jumping up and down. Bill smiled and clapped Barnaby on the back. Charlie shrugged and kept walking
"You guys are so adorable. WIt til everyone else hears" said Penny
"Wait Pen. We really only want you guys to know for now. We figured you would find out anyway, but please don't tell everyone yet."
"I think they will figure it out soon. You guys can't keep your eyes off each other" said Rowan
"We'll keep your secret" said Bill laughing "But I agree with Rowan. We all knew last time we were here that it wouldn't be long"
"What can I say. She couldn't resist my charm" Barnaby said joking
"More like she couldn't resist you walking around with no shirt on" laughed Penny
"Um hello guys. What about him resisting my good looks and charm"
"Meh. You're alright if you're into short and bossy" laughed Charlie
"Ouch" I said putting my hand over my heart
"Solid burn brother" laughed Bill
"I'm not bossy...I'm assertive"
"Yeah especially after some Firewhiskey" laughed Charlie
"You're lucky I don't have my wand Charlie. You'd be puking slugs all night"
"Such a sweetheart" laughed Barnaby
I swatted him in the arm. He picked me up over his shoulder and ran toward to pond and jumped in with me.
"Now my clothes are all wet!"
"Mine too. Worth the sacrafice'" he said helping me out of the water to get my wet shorts and tee shirt off.
Everyone was laughing.
"Do you think you could pick up both Penny and Rowan?" I whispered
"Easily" he took off running grabbing both of them and jumping in the pond getting them wet too.
Penny, Rowan, and I lay on the dock talking and watching the boys.
"I knew you two would get together eventually" said Rowan. "All last year when we were together in the common room, he stated at you like a lovesick puppy"
"He's really great. In school he was so quiet but he's really come out of his shell. Not to mention he looks amazing" said Penny
"Don't get any ideas Pen!" I laughed
"Oh no! He's not really my type" she said
'Oh really? Is there someone who IS your type?"
"Oooh you better spill it" said Rowan
"Well I have a friend who is kind of shy. He doesn't like to talk much."
"Anyone we know?" I asked
"Well I think you might know him Tiffany. Talbott Winger..."
"Oh that Ravenclaw who always hangs out at the owlry?" asked Rowan
"That's him" I said "Have you let him know you're interested?"
"I have tried, but I don't think he took the hints"
"Maybe you need to be more direct. Boys can be pretty oblivious"
"What are you guys talking about" asked Barnaby hopping up on the dock
"Nothing" I said giving him a towel. "Penny was just talking about how hot you are" I laughed
He laid on his back with his hands behind his head. I wonder if he knows how sexy that is.
"Well, you aren't just short and bossy. You're smart, powerful and you've got a nice rack" he laughed. I was laying on my stomach with my head propped up in my hands.
"Ive gained weight this summer thanks to Lolly's food. Thanks for noticing" I mumbled embarrassed
"Hey, you don't have anything to be embarrassed about. You are the sexiest girl at Hogwarts. No offense " he looked at Rowan and Penny
"None taken" they giggled
After dinner that evening we all walked back to the fire pit.
"About earlier...at the pond...you know you're gorgeous right? I mean you have to"
"I don't know about that" I laughed "It's just that my body changed over the summer and I'm not used to it yet."
"Well you look amazing to me"
I blushed
Once everything was set up, we were roasting marshmallows
"This is the best thing muggles ever came up with" said Barnaby pulling a marshmallow off his stick. I had a perfectly toasted marshmallow but I couldn't eat another bite. I pulled it off and offered it to Barnaby, who ate it off my fingers. His teeth scraped the stickiness off my fingers sending shivers down my spine.
"Alright you two get a room" laughed Bill "Charlie and I brought something"
"Oh no. No more Firewhiskey for me!"
"No way" laughed Charlie. "We brought some butter beer!" he pulled a few bottles out of his backpack
"We should play Never Have I Ever" said Penny excitedly "It's a game muggles play. We take turns going around saying things we've never done, but if someone else has doe it, they take a drink"
"Ok" I shrugged.
"I'll go first" said Rowan. "Never have I ever been kissed"
Barnaby and I looked at each other and smiled. We both took a drink along with Bill and Penny.
"Penny? You never told me that!" I said
"I know" she blushed "My turn. Never have I ever skipped a class."
Everyone took a drink except Penny. Even Rowan!
"I skipped History of Magic once to study for a Transfiguration exam"
"That's a boring reason!"
"Never have I ever had a hangover" laughed Barnaby looking at me
"I'll take that one" I said dipping my butter beer. Bill and Charlie joined me.
"Never have I ever had sex" I said. Everyone was looking around at each other. Finally Bill took a drink
"Bill Weasley!" I said shocked
He just smiled.
"Oh no you aren't getting out of this one. Spill it!"
"It was last year. A one time thing. And I'm not telling you who it was, but in case anyone is wondering, there is an... understanding between the prefects and the use of the prefects bathroom" he winked "Alright Charlie. Your turn"
"Never have I ever gone skinny dipping"
We all looked around. Finally I took a drink. So did Barnaby. So did Penny. Everyone looked at B and I. We looked at each other.
"When did you ever go skinny dipping?" I asked him
"Back home. No one was ever around... what about you?" he eyed me suspiciously
"All the time around here. The pond is secluded..."
"When you both took a drink I thought...." Charlie didn't finish his sentence.
Both Barnaby and I blushed.
"Nope" I said
"Not yet" he whispered
"Never have I ever had a crush on a friend"
Everyone took a drink on that one.
I knew Penny's and Rowan's. I'm hoping I know Barnaby's. But Bill and Charlie? I bet Barnaby could get them to talk.
"I'm going to bed" I yawned "We have to leave early tomorrow"
Everyone else agreed and fell asleep quickly
After I knew they were asleep I crawled over to Barnaby's sleeping bag and crawled in to sleep next to him. He sleepily wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.

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