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"Ugh I'm so stuffed I can't move" Lolly made way too much food and we all ate too much of it.
"That was the best meal I've had in ages" said Penny
"So....Much....Food" moaned Rowan
Bill and Charlie pretended to fall over
Barnaby was already up helping Lolly clean up. I swear he's like a bottomless pit. I love how he's always helping Lolly. I think he's in it for the hugs and kisses.
"Guys, I don't know how I'm going to make it back to the fire pit for our bonfire and campout." We planned on sleeping outside tonight and making S'mores.... the farmhouse isn't big enough for 8 people to sleep.
"You guys are wimps" yelled Barnaby from across the lawn
"Ugh the only way I'll make it is if you roll me down there" I said flopping on the grass
5 of us were laying on the ground. Barnaby came over to us laughing
"Oh come on you guys. Stop being dramatic" he held out his hand to help me up and I grabbed it but didn't even try to get up. He picked me up like it was nothing, even though I felt like I ate twenty pounds of food. Once we were all upright again, we figured out a shower schedule. The boys used the outdoor shower and the girls took turns inside. Clean and changed into comfy clothes, we gathered our sleeping bags and snacks and walking back towards the fire pit. We had some logs set up around the fire to sit on. Pops and Lolly came back to help get the fire going (a bunch of witches and wizards who can't use incendio are rubbish at starting fires) and Pops brought his old guitar. He and Lolly sang a few songs for us. "Alright deary, it's your turn" Lolly was looking at me... did she really expect me to sing in front of everyone?
"I didn't know you sang" said Rowan
"um... I don't really"
"Nonsense. you have a lovely voice" smiled Lolly. Oh great
"I'm not prepared. I don't have a song ready..."
"Do the one I taught you when you were younger. You know the one" she winked at me.
"Really? I can't even believe you taught me that song when I was 9. It's so inappropriate" I laughed remembering 9 year old me having no clue what the song was about.
I heard a chorus of "Oh come on"s from everyone and I gave in
"Ok. 1 song. That's it. You guys probably won't even know it. It's an American song.. "
"It's one of my favorites" smiled Lolly. "It's called 'Jolene' by Dolly Parton
Pops started playing the intro.
I sang the song and everyone loved it.
"You're right. That's not really a song for a 9 year old" Penny laughed "But you really have a nice voice"
"Thanks" I mumbled
"Alright kiddies, it's time for us old folks to go to bed. Have fun!" said Pops as he and Lolly went back to the house hand in hand
"They are so adorable" sighed Penny
"Yeah they've been married for like 50 years and they are still in love" I said "Lolly was actually engaged to someone else in America, but she came over here on vacation, fell in love with Pops and got married after 2 weeks and never went back."
"That's so romantic" said Rowan
"Yeah it is" I said
I showed everyone how to toast marshmallows on sticks and make S'mores.
"Oh ma gah dis is mazing" said Barnaby with a mouthful of marshmallow
"I think you said it's amazing?" I laughed wiping a bit of chocolate off his cheek.
I could feel Penny and Bill staring at me and my face got hot. Rowan and Charlie were deep in discussion and creatures that might be in the forbidden forest. I looked over at Penny who was smiling so big, I think her face might get stuck. And Bill raised his eyebrow at me as if to remind me of our conversation earlier. Yeah I know. 'Dont start something and the take it back'. Would I want to take it back? I really do care about Barnaby. Do I love him? I don't know. Does he love me? Bill seems to think so. But is he right? I looked at Barnaby who was staring at me. Did he know I was thinking about him? Ugh stupid Bill got in my head.
"Are you ok?" asked Barnaby pulling me into him
"Yeah, just thinking..."
"Anything you want to talk about?" he asked quietly
"No. I'm good. I think. I'm just getting in my head about something"
"Alright time to get this party started." said Bill rummaging in his backpack "I borrowed this from my dad. I do t think he's going to miss it." Bill pulled out a bottle of Ogden's Old Firewhiskey
We passed the bottle around and soon we were all dancing, and laughing loudly. Penny and Rowan decided to go to bed first. Bill, Charlie, and I kept passing the Firewhiskey around. The next thing I know, I woke up. I don't even remember going to bed
********Barnaby's POV***************
After Tiffany sang, she came back to sit next to me. She sounded great, but that song... any guy who's lucky enough to be with her couldn't possibly look at anyone else. She found us some long sticks and told us to stick the marshmallow on the end and put it in the fire. Once it hot a little brown, she took it out and made a sandwich with chocolate and graham crackers. It was amazing! She gently wiped some chocolate off my cheek and got a funny look on her face.
"Are you ok?" I asked
"Yeah, just thinking..."
"Anything you want to talk about?"
"No. I'm good. I think. I'm just getting in my head about something"
Hmm....wonder what that's all about. The next thing I know Bill is passing around a bottle of Firewhiskey. I took a sip and it burned my throat. But for some reason it made me a lot more talkative and I THINK it made me a better dancer. Rowan and Penny went to sleep early. I was tired too, but Bill, Charlie, and Tiffany seemed determined to finish off the Firewhiskey. I better stay up with her. When my dad used to drink too much, he used to pass out and I should be awake in case she needs me. Plus I don't want her alone around Charlie and Bill....just in case.
"I need to talk to you" Tiffany grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side. She was stronger than I thought.
"Yeah what's up?"
"Bill says you love me. Do you?"
"He told me you loved me and that if I didn't love you that I shouldn't lead you on"
"I...I guess....."
When did Bill say that? How does Bill even know? What's going on?
Before I can even think of what to say, she pulled my head down and kissed me. But not like our other kiss. This was rough and fast. She ripped off her tank top. And she was tearing at my shirt. I pulled away
"What's going on? What are you doing?"
"I thought you loved me"
"I do" There. I said it
"Than what's the problem"
"The problem is, I don't think you'll remember this in the morning. I think you should go to bed" I tried bringing her back near the fire to her sleeping bag, but man, she's strong.
"Why don't you go to bed. I'm going to hang out with Bill and Charlie"
I followed her as she sat next to Charlie and started running her fingers thru his hair. I know she has no idea what she's doing but it made me so mad. When Charlie didn't pay attention to her, she went over to Bill and sat on his lap and started talking and laughing loudly.
"Looks like your girl is a flirty drunk, mate" said Charlie coming over to stand next to me.
"We really need to get her to go to bed. If she remembers any of this tomorrow she's going to be mortified"
"Oh there's no way she'll remember. But Bill will" Charlie laughed
A few minutes after he said that she passed out.
I picked her up, carried her to her sleeping bag and tucked her in. I moved my sleeping bag next to hers.
'I think I love you" she murmured
"I know I love you" I told her. I kissed her forehead and went to sleep next to her.
*************Tiffany's POV***********
I woke up with a splitting headache. I could barely open my eyes. I felt someone rubbing my back. I tried to roll over and a wave of nausea hit me.
"Ugh I feel like I got trampled by an erumpent"
"I bet you do" said Barnaby. He was the one rubbing my back. Penny and Rowan came over to see how I was.
"Terrible. What happened?"
"You certainly can't handle your Firewhiskey"  That was Charlie...I think
Everyone crowded around me. It was stifling.
"I need some air"
I tried to get up, but I could barely move.
"Alright back up everyone. Let her breathe"
I tried to thank Barnaby but my mouth was so dry... he helped me stand up... more like he picked me up and took most of my weight. my feet barely touched the ground.
"Water" I managed to croak
Penny brought me some water
"Thanks. Where are my shoes? Oh my god..." I just realized I was missing my shirt. Barnaby took of his tee shirt and gave it to me.
He walked me away from the crowd and sat me down.
"Do you remember anything"
"Not really"
"That's probably for the better" he chuckled
"How come I'm the only one sick?"
"Penny and Rowan and I only took 1 sip. Bill and Charlie didn't have nearly as much as you, and youre small."
"Ugh how embarrassing"
"Lucky you don't remember anything then"
"Why what happened? Do I want to know?"
"Let's just say you are a really horny drunk" he said rubbing the back of his neck
"Oh no"
".... Yeah"
"You tried ripping my clothes off, but then you went over to Charlie and Bill when I tried to get you to go to yourself" he added
"Oh god" I buried my face in my hands
"you passed out and I brought you to your sleeping bag." He was rubbing my back again. "I'll make sure no one mentions anything"
"Thanks. For being a good friend. A good guy. I'm lucky to have you" I put my head on his shoulder "..but I'm going to be sick" I ran as far as a could. Barnaby was next to me holding my hair and running my back.
"Ugh I'm so embarrassed"
"Don't worry about it"  he pulled me into a hug even though I probably smelled terrible. I lay my head on his bare chest and wrapped my arms around him. We walked back to our friends.
No one said a word about what happened last night which was much appreciated.
Barnaby made me sit while everyone else packed up our stuff. Before the portkey left, we made plans for another campout before summer end. WITHOUT Firewhiskey this time.

Hogwarts Mystery - B and T's Summer BreakOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant