Out Of Time (Fred Weasley)

By Enigma108

81K 3.4K 482

Iris Evans's parents have been lying to her, her entire life. But, deep secrets have a steep price and it on... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter 23
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter 27
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter 35
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter 39
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter 43
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter 47
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter 51
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter 55
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter 59
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
A/N -Sequel
Pranking Little Percy
A/N- Alternate Ending

Chapter Fifty Three

703 38 1
By Enigma108

"Theo, I don't think this is a good idea." Gwen Potter said the moment her younger brother came bursting through the door to twelve Grimmauld Place looking like a disheveled mess to tell her what was going on.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm barely a resident. I don't know the first thing about anything medical related." Gwen answered with a sigh.

"But, you're her only hope, Gwen." Theo argued.

"What's going on?" Sirius and James asked walking into the room.

"It's Iris. We don't know exactly what's wrong with her and we can't really get a healer right now. I'm trying to convince my sister to help save her daughter's life." Theo replied hesitantly.

"Don't try to guilt trip me into doing this by mentioning my daughter." Gwen said angrily.

"Gwen, she needs you." Theo pressed. It didn't take long for Sirius and James to help Theo convince Gwen to go.

"Wow! I love what you did with the place. Did you redecorate?" Sirius joked when they entered Potter Manor. James elbowed him.

"Ow. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting on that couch after I ran away listening to your parents go on and on about what they were going to do to my parents." Sirius said.

"Ah....the beautiful memories. How long has it been since I've Last been here? I believe it's almost two decades." They were interrupted by a loud scream followed by Remmy screaming.

"I don't know how much longer I can take this. I feel like I'm on fire."

That's when Gwen went into full healer mode spitting out orders.

"I got to say, Remmy, your grandparents have one great potions lab." Theo said.

"What do you expect? You're forgetting that my grandfather is Flemount Potter, the one who created skelo grow and sleek hair something." Remmy snorted. Iris let out another scream.

"If you asked me I believe she's suffering from the effects of the cruciatus curse." Draco said.

"Seems like you're quite familiar with that spell, aren't you Draco?" Remmy said. Draco glared at him.

"Just trying to defuse the tension." Remmy said with a shrug.

"You're not Fred, Remmy." Theo pointed out.

"Nope. I'm Sirius Remus Potter at your service." He said, taking a bow.

"You three are very insensitive." Pansy said, reprimanding them.  Iris' eyes fluttered open.

"I-I want... I want Fred." She stammered through the tears. Theo went to go find Fred while everyone was trying to figure out why Iris who was in so much pain wasn't healing. No matter what they did nothing seemed to work no potions or even muggle medicine. Iris kept crying from the pain. Being tortured with the cruciatus curse multiple times apparently had some serious side effects.

"Someone just kill me. Please. Just use the death curse on me." Iris cried feeling like her entire body was on fire and burning from the inside out. Simon was sitting there going through every medical journal, paper, book written by muggles and wizards trying to find an explanation of what was wrong with her. The doors flew open as Fred came running into the room.


"I'm right here." He said frantically running over to her. He tried giving her a hug only for Iris to let out a high pitched scream. Remmy, who was still trying to take her pain gagged and violently threw up narrowly missing Fred's shoes.

"I Don't think that was a bright idea." He gasped. Remmy let go of his sister's hand only for Iris to let out a deafening scream. When Iris finally drifted off into a painful slumber everyone was hoping that it would help heal her.

"I'm going to kill her, I'm going to kill Bellatrix." Fred said angrily, his hands balling into fists.

"Yeah, well get in line." Draco said, folding his arms.

"She's going to get what she deserves, trust me." Remmy said, taking a drink of water. The taste of vomit still lingered in his mouth.

"I think she's suffering from complex regional pain syndrome." Simon said looking up from the muggle medical  journal he was currently reading.

"English, Williams. Not everyone here speaks nerd."

Theo smacked his nephew on the back of the head.

"Ow, Theo." Remmy said, annoyed.

"It means there's a lot of nerve damage causing her to feel like her body is on fire,but she  looks completely fine. Sometimes The affected limb or limbs will swell along with stiffness, redness, headaches, depression, loss of muscle and that's just some of what people experience."  Simon replied, ignoring Remmy's snide remark.

"Thank you for reading us the entire medical journal." Remmy said sarcastically.

"Can I hex him?" Simon asked.

"No." Theo and James said at the same time as Draco, Goyle and Sirius answered.


Remmy let out a gasp.

"Why uncle Siri, I'm insulted." He said, pretending to be hurt. Theo rolled his eyes.

"Shut up."

"Anyways, how  long do you think she'll be out?" James asked. Simon shrugged.

"Don't know, I'm not a healer." He replied bluntly.

"Speaking of Iris, who's watching the almost three year old version of her?" Theo asked, turning to his brother in law.

"Don't go twisting your wand in a knot, Nott. Penny's looking after little  Prongsy." Sirius replied. Theo gave Sirius a look.


"Good luck to her." Remmy said.

"She's going to be a mother soon enough. This is great practice." Sirius stated.

"Like I said before good luck to her."

"How bad could little Prongsy be?"

"How bad? Dad always said she was always plotting something. She always had mum and dad on their toes not knowing what to expect. You do remember she's the daughter of a marauder." Remmy reminded him.

"Maybe I should go back and see if she needs any help." Sirius said, but before he was able to leave Iris' eyes flung open. Iris let out a scream.

"That was barely twenty minutes." Theo groaned pinching the bridge of his nose feeling an oncoming headache.

"Did you try giving her a dreamless sleep potion?" Draco asked loudly, covering his ears.

"Yes and it only lasted twenty minutes." Gwen replied grimly.

"What about phoenix tears?" Remmy inquiried. They all turned to look at the thirteen year old.

"Where are we supposed to get Phoenix tears?" Fred asked.

"And you guys think I'm the idiot. She's a Phoenix, give her her own tears." Remmy said, shaking his head. Everyone froze. How could they not have thought of that? There was a mad scramble to find a flask.

"Found one." Remmy hollarded.

"Where'd you find it?" Theo asked.

"In the lab you, imbecile." Remmy replied.

"Remmy." Theo said, annoyed. Remmy gave his uncle a sly grin as he handed the flask to Fred. Fred placed the flask by Iris' eye trying to get as much Phoenix tears as possible. He then mixed the tears with a calming draught.

"Iris." He said softly.

"I-It hurts." Iris cried.

" I know, love. Drink this." He said, bringing the potion to her lips. Within seconds Iris was out like a light. Fred let out a sigh of relief and covered her with a blanket. He planted a kiss on top of her head and sat there waiting for her to wake up. Fred let out a sigh of relief when she slept more than twenty minutes. After a good fifteen hours of sleep, Iris opened her eyes. She rubbed her eyes and looked up to see Fred smiling down at her.

"Hey." He said. Iris moved to get off the couch, but Fred stopped her.

"Whoa, take it easy." He said.

"Freddie, I'm fine. The burning sensation is.... it's gone." Iris whispered.

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