The darkest Flame: Azula x Ma...

By Taht-Guy

310K 7.1K 2K

Through deception and manipulation, people dance to his tune without even knowing it. Cold, calculating, ruth... More

The First Match
An actual talk
The beginning of a night
A Heated Night (Lemon 18+)
The Second Bout
The Scar
The Journey to Omashu
A Game of Power (Lemon 18+)
The Trade
The Steel Train
The Chase
A Night of Terror (Lemon 18+)
The Forest
The Drill: Part 1
The Drill: Part 2
The Beauty of Fire
A Match of Wits
The Dissection of Ba Sing Se: Part 1
Dissection of Ba Sing Se: Part 2
Dissection of Ba Sing Se: Part 3
To Kill an Avatar
Two Tantalising Nights (Double Smut, 18+)
Returning Home
Mental Initiation
To Deceive a Prince
A Royal Dispute
Ember Island: A day at the Beach
Ember Island: A Party to Remember
Ember Island: A trip through The Void
Preparations for Invasions
An Evening Session(Lemon 18+)
Strings of the Puppeteer
The Day of Black Sun
An Ambitious General
Prisoners of War
Hell hath no Wrath like a Woman Scorned
Indoctrination of the Masses
The Conquering of a Body (Lemon 18+)
Deus Ex Machina
A dead man' leap
The Final Preparations
...Is an Animal still
The Death of an Era
A Dragon's Lair
Death to the Old
The Restoration of Balance (Epilogue)

A Dragon by any other name...

3K 98 3
By Taht-Guy

The city didn't rest last night. Engineers were doing final checks, the crew was filled with a nervous energy, their families scared and excited. Even you and Azula were feeling it, the anticipation, the excitement. 

Ty Lee was trying her hardest to get the two of you to sleep, and to her credit, it was working a little. She tried to calm you with words, hugs, anything she could think of. It distracted just enough to lull you to sleep, though at a very late hour.

You were awoken by the gentle shaking of your shoulder. As you crack open an eye, your sight falls on tired looking Ty Lee. Dark circles tint the underside of her eyes though a small smile still paints her face.

Y/n: You don't look like you slept.

Ty Lee: I didn't. I had to make sure you guys would be on time for the launch.

Y/n: That's very thoughtful of you Ty Lee.

You lean in and give her a soft kiss on her lips. She happily accepts it, the tiredness blocking out most of the embarrassment.

After waking Azula, carefully, you dressed and made your way to the doors of the palace where two palanquins were waiting. Breakfast was skipped because you and Azula were to nervous to eat. You helped the girls in, Azula first then Ty Lee, before sitting yourself down next to Azula. 

As you sit waiting for the Fire Lord to arrive, Ty Lee begins to rubberneck. She desperately trying to stay awake at such an important moment, but she's rapidly losing that battle. After sharing a quick glance with Azula a small grin creeps across your face. Reaching over you pull Ty Lee in and place her head on both of your laps.

She tries to protest but is quickly silenced by a stern look from Azula. Accepting the new position, Ty Lee just closes her eyes and almost instantly falls asleep.

A few more minutes pass in a tense silence before the Fire Lord finally shows himself. He stepped out in a beautiful wine red robe, complete with fine golden embroidery along the edges. The same mixture of arrogance, confidence and condescendence as always is present in his step. Those who could bowed even deeper, while the rest remained like statues.

The ride down from the dormant volcano was the same as it always had been, beautiful in it's scenery, though fairly boring in it's execution. 

Azula: So, what do you think will come after this?

Y/n: After? Some time for it to quiet down I hope. Maybe we could finally have that long awaited wedding.

Azula: That would be nice, wouldn't it?

She absent mindedly strokes Ty Lee's hair, lost in thought.

Y/n: But in all honesty, I don't think it will end any time soon.

Azula: What do you mean?

Y/n: Rebellions will keep popping up as long as the spirit of the Earth kingdom remains. We would have to wipe it from conscious memory for everything to finally be over. That will take time, and a lot of it too.

A hum comes to you in response. Seemingly in thought again, Azula rests her head on your shoulder as she looks out over the approaching harbor.

Azula: As long as your with me, there's nothing that can stop us.

She looks at you with a smile on her face. It is sweet and pure, yet her eyes are filled with a burning determination.

As you pass underneath the large tower in the harbor, thousands of soldiers enter you field of vision, all of them arranged in perfect lines. At the water's edge lays the entirety of the air force, ready for take off. You gently nudge Ty Lee awake and, after making sure she knows what going on, prepare yourself for what is to come.

Upon stopping the curtains are moved out of the way and you leave the palanquin behind. You ascend the stairs to the raised platform behind the Fire Lord and at Azula's side while Ty Lee trails behind you.

When you reach the top, all of you sink to one knee. The Fire Lord turns around with a deceptively kind smile on his face.

Ozai: Azula, Y/n. How kind of you to see me off on momentous day.

Y/n: I was under the impression we would be joining you, my Lord.

Ozai: There has been a change of plans.

Azula: What?

Ozai: I've decided to lead the fleet of blimps to Ba Sing Se alone. The two of you will remain her in the Fire nation.

Y/n: Might I ask why, my Lord? Isn't it the most logical option to have the three most powerful firebenders lead this charge?

Ozai: Because I need you here to watch over the homeland. It's a very important job that I can only entrust to Azula.

Azula: Thank you father.

Ozai: As a reward for your loyalty, I have decided to declare you the new Fire Lord, Azula.

Azula: Really?

She is unable to contain the absolutely face-splitting smile on her face. As she looks between her father and you the sparkle in her eyes in filled with an almost child like glee.

Y/n: Then, what about you, my Lord?

Ozai: Fire Lord Ozai is no more. Just as the world will be reborn in fire, I too shall be reborn as the supreme ruler of this world. I will be, The Phoenix King!

As Ozai talks a ceremonial chest piece is lowered over his head. Large golden spikes curve up from the shoulders and a long dark red cloak reaches down to the ground. A new crown follows, a red helmet, the same shade as the cloak, that leaves only the face exposed. A large ruby is set just above the brow line, and two golden wings shape the sides before pointing up into the sky.

A large banner of red and gold is hoisted up between two pillars, displaying a golden phoenix. Firebenders shoot flames into a tube system to form two rudimentary wings of bright orange flame.

With a flourish Ozai turns away and begins walking towards the blimps. The army at the bottom of the stairs starts to move as well, they stay at the sides to make room as you make your way back down. You step back into the palanquin and begin the journey back to the palace. 

Azula was practically beaming with excitement, so much so that she had trouble sitting still. The excitement hadn't gone unnoticed by Ty Lee, who was sharing in Azula's excitement.

Ty Lee: Congrats Azula!!! It finally happened!

She quite literally jumped at Azula, throwing her arms around her neck in a large hug. Azula, while surprised, still caught her with a large smile on her face.

Azula: It did. About time too, father has been getting out of hand lately.

There's a glint of... something her eyes. An overzealous ambition perhaps, but even those are fine in moderation.

Y/n: I hope you don't expect me to start treating you even different. I'm terrible at breaking habits you know.

Azula: Please. If you start now I might think your planning something.

Both of you chuckle at the notion and continue to talk casually as you ride back to the palace.

The order had just arrived at the palace to make preparations for the coronation, so the servants were running around frantically. As you arrived at the door to your chambers, your mother was waiting for you.

M/n: Welcome back, Azula, Y/n.

With a slight bow and a very fake smile plastered across her face, she greeted you.

Azula: Now now, M/n. I told you how to address us, didn't I? Or do I have to call Jin again?

She flinched, subconsciously moving her leg as she continued to look at the floor.

M/n: Welcome back, Mistress, Master.

Azula: And don't forget it. Or do. I sure those little wings would look very good on you.

The mask cracked, though her posture didn't. A scowl contorted your mother' face, a scowl of anger and resentment. You've seen it before, but the fact that she can't do anything about her source of frustration is somehow very satisfying... So you let the smile on your face widen as you walked past her.

Y/n: They really would, M/n.

You closed the door, locking it behind you. She might be underneath you, but only a fool underestimates their enemies.

And so you spend the rest of the day preparing for tomorrow. Azula was is an amazing mood the entire rest of the day, being uncharacteristically kind to everyone that attended to her. 

You on the other were making sure the security was up to your standards, especially with Jin and her Dai Li. Entering the throne room revealed a large wall of purple fire, with Azula sitting behind it.

Y/n: We'll finish this later.

With a silent nod Jin takes her leave and closes the large double doors with a echoing bang. 

A silence hangs in the air as you look at the young woman behind the purple flames. Her beautiful, sharp features are accentuated by the light, her honey golden eyes shine like the rising sun and the normally red lipstick seems to shimmer purple. 

A moment or two passes as you take in every part of her. Then a smile plays across your features, loving, real.

Y/n: You look beautiful, Lulu.

Azula: Thank you, sweety. I was just seeing how it feels to sit here. I can see why father liked it.

Y/n: You look do look the part. Mind if I join you?

Azula: Of course not.

You walk forward as the flames in the center turn black and separate. After passing through the gap, purple fire fills it once more. 

Swiftly you maneuver yourself behind Azula and sit down as well. You sit casually with your legs apart as Azula relaxes as well, leaning back into your chest. A content sigh escapes her lips.


Wordcount: 1668

A/n: I will post the poll again with the number of votes for each story. I will be checking who has already left a vote so don't think you can be cheeky and do it twice.

I am very excited to write the final parts of this story. It has been a journey, seeing it grow and grow. Watching regulars come back time and again for updates has really helped me to keep going, so thank you. (You know who you are)

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