From Another World

By ArcaneFury

103K 3.1K 484

SLOW UPDATES. I'M SORRY. You live, and you die; it's as simple as that, right? Then why did I find myself liv... More

1. Reborn
2. Realization
3. Heirs
4. Involved
5. Chrome
6. Mukuro
7. Clouds
8. Vacation
9. Secrets
10. Alone
11. Future
12. Strength
13. Preparations
14. Battles
15. Switched
16. Intermission
17. Breather
18. Truth
20. Stronger
20.5 - Kyoya
21. All This Preparation...
22. Truth and Decisions
23. Choice Finally Begins
24. A Bright Smile Within the Dark
25. No Rest for the Wicked
26. Final Future Battle (part 1)
27. Final Future Battle (part 2)
28. First Date?
29. A New Chapter, Maybe
30. Making Friends
31. Business Meetings
32. The Ceremony
33. Cool Upgrades
34. Pursuit
An unexpected hiatus...
35. Slowly Fading Away
37. Being Protected By...?
38. Protect Those Dear to You
A/N: Life Update
39. A Show of Their Pride
40. The Pain of Forgetting
Thank You For 100k Reads!!!

36. Deep Pain

687 38 5
By ArcaneFury

"Once this is all over, I'll tell everyone what I've been hiding."

Tsuna took an audible intake of air, his eyes going wide.

"'Once this is all over'...?" Gokudera repeated. "Does that mean that we come out as the victors?"

Tsuna winced and I glance at Reborn who looked at me with a curious expression.

I turn back to Gokudera and smile. "Now, why would I tell you that?"

Reborn chuckled.


"I would have never believed that the Vongola Family had deep roots with the Shimon Family." Gokudera said as we walked through the path before us.

"Yeah..." Tsuna replied. "Not to mention, the First Shimon's boss was a better person than I imagined. But... why did things have to come to this..."

"I've also wondered that," Gokudera's eyebrows furrowed. "I can't think of any reason that there would be any betrayal between that Vongola Primo and the First Shimon."

"Who knows..." I said.

I could feel Reborn looking at me so I try to avoid looking at him, turning my eyes to the ground.

"Let's take a rest here." Reborn said, jumping onto my shoulder. "I need to talk to Satsuki."

I sigh. "Alright. How far away do we have to go...?"

Reborn turned his head up, looking at the sky. I follow his gaze, seeing nothing.

"There should be a small water source nearby." He said, pointing to the trees at the left.

I tilt my head, wondering how he knew... "Can you smell the water?"

"Just go."

I shrug and walk in the direction he pointed and sure enough, there was a small pond surrounded by large rocks. I chose one and sat on top, looking down at the pond, seeing my reflection on the surface.

"Is this about my memories?"

"Yes." Reborn jumped onto my lap, facing me. "You were pretty freaked out earlier and you said something about not remembering what you forgot?"

I nodded.

"What do you mean?"

I purse my lips, putting my thoughts together.

"It's kind of weird and kind of harrowing... I know I knew the outcome of the match, which is why I was so relaxed in the beginning but I forgot and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember. Sometimes, I would forget something but think about it a little and the memory would come back to me but this time... I couldn't. I can still remember some things that will happen in the future but I think that when the time comes, I'll forget and I won't be able to remember anymore..."


I look at Reborn with a sad smile. "I'll probably forget about everything by the end of this arc. I'm hoping that some memories will stay but I'm not that hopeful."


"Ah, sorry. I mean, by the end of this battle."

Reborn jumped onto my shoulder and raised an arm to pat my head. "It's alright. I never relied on your memories anyways."

I chuckle. "I did."

"But now, you have to rely on your strength to protect your friends. Fight for what you think is right."

I look back down at the water, deep in thought. "I think with no memories, it'll be easier. I will no longer know what will be the right path so it'll be easier to take action..."

"I'm looking forward to that."

After a few minutes of silence, we went back to Tsuna and Gokudera. Tsuna came up to me with a concerned expression. I smiled and ruffled his soft hair.

"I'm okay."

We pressed forward, quickly coming up to an area with dilapidated buildings. Tsuna and Gokudera exclaimed in surprise at the sight. We walked down to the ruins and looked around. There was a voice in a building as we moved forward and we rushed to the window, seeing Shitt P there. She was mumbling to herself and wouldn't respond until Gokudera called her 'Shittopi-chan'.

Shitt P knew of Gokudera's pride - serving the tenth Vongola Boss, Tsuna - which was pretty obvious anyways. Shitt P's pride was being someone who stays true to herself. Shitt P gave Gokudera some Fiamma Balloons. Both inflated the balloons with their flames and Shitt P announced the rules of their battle: pop two of your opponent' balloons to win.

As the battle continued Shitt P dissed Tsuna, revealing to Gokudera all of Tsuna's bad points. I looked at Tsuna who was embarrassed and patted his back in support.

"Wake up and look at the reality of your no-good Tenth." She said to Gokudera. "If the Sawada Tsunayoshi wasn't the Vongola Tenth, you wouldn't think he was anything but a regular no-good loser."

Tsuna looked down as Gokudera was silent for a few seconds before sighing.

"Is that all?" Gokudera asked, surprising Shitt P and Tsuna. I smile.

One of Shitt P's balloons burst and Gokudera continued talking.

"All those no-good parts of the Tenth you were talking about... I already knew all about them." My heart swelled, happy at Gokudera's words. "Even so, what about them? The Tenth that I think about, the Vongola Teneth whom I greatly respect... all those things have nothing to do with him."

With this small speech from Gokudera, he popped the last balloon of Shitt P's confirming the battle result.

Black mist surrounded us and the Vindice appeared, surrounding Shitt P.

"The victor and the defeated have been decided." It announced. "The defeated is Shitt P of the Shimon family! And now I'll give you the third 'key' that I was entrusted with by Giotto, Liliana, and Cozart."

A letter appeared above the Vindice's hands and a bright light filled our heads.


The location was dark but it was the Shimon Island. Someone handed a letter to an older looking Cozart, who looked happy that Giotto sent him a letter.

"I wonder how many years it has been since," Cozart smiled wistfully. "Giotto is now the boss of a big family."

'Hi Cozart, how are you? I hope you receive this letter since you have no fixed address. Actually, I'm the one who's supposed to have the free life that you're leading now, you know.

I've gained trustworthy comrades one after another, and the bond of the family has gotten stronger.

Liliana and I have gotten married and it saddens me that I couldn't invite you to our private ceremony. I didn't want it to be too public in fear of enemies seeing how precious she is to me and targeting her because of it.'

"So he finally asked her to marry him." Cozart chuckled. "Good."

'The organization has continued to grow bigger and bigger since. It's a giant organization that even the police can't interfere recklessly with. However... it scares me sometimes... it makes me wonder if the Vongola that I created in order to save things precious to me has now actually become something fearful to people... I'd like to know if there's a right answer...

'I'm sorry to make you read my whining, Cozart... since you're the only one who I can talk to about this. Sorry about telling you this right after what I said, but the biggest war ever is coming up soon.

It'll be a dangerous fight even though I've gathered all of the Vongola's forces... I know you're a boss and leading fifty excellent members. Would you lend me your power? Cozart... Liliana and I want to see you, too.

-Vongola Primo'

After Cozart finished reading the letter, he looked up with a determined expression.

"Wait for me, Giotto. I'll be there to help you out."


The memory ended and I couldn't help but be happy that Liliana and Giotto ended up getting married. Even though I don't know her much, I feel like she's a very familiar presence the more these past memories are revealed.

"The fight that the first Shimon's heading to after this... is the fight where the Shimon family was completely surrounded by the enemies and annihilated..." Tsuna said.

"Because the first Shimon fought for Vongola Primo but was betrayed and killed, right?" Shitt P said, chains surrounding her. "That's why I've decided to live for my sake. I was always bullied because I was different from others. It was tough at the beginning but soon afterwards I stopped worrying about others and assured myself that I was right."

Shitt P questioned why she was defeated by Gokudera and concluded that Gokudera was a "Warm UMA". Her eyes started to tear up as she confessed that she wanted to know more about Gokudera.

"I want to stay with you but, farewell... I wish I had found Gokudera-kun earlier."

Gokudera had a pained expression on his face but...

"When the fighting is over, I'll go save Nii-san, as well as you guys."

Shitt P's eyes widen, as well as Gokudera's. Tsuna brought a hand to his mouth, realizing that he just said.

"Why did I... b-but it just doesn't feel right! The more we fight... the fact that you guys are falling victim to this fight..."


Something flew through the air straight for Shitt P, latching onto her arm. The Vindice smacked it away.

"Do not interfere." It said. The chains pulled the guardian further into the void. "Imprison them."

"It's alright," said Shitt P, "I'm glad that I was a member of the Shimon family, boss... bye-bye."

She disappeared into the darkness and the portal closed. Gokudera and Tsuna both looked at the empty space with wide eyes.

"Shittopi-chan... Koyo and Rouji... everything is... because of you...!"

Enma showed up, tears running down his face. I looked at him, my chest tight. His flames lit up and the pressure weighed down on us. It felt like it was his gravity but no... his anger fueled his flames, increasing the pressure.

"At a time like this, Enma is..." Reborn muttered.

"You can't blame him..." I say quietly enough for the baby to hear. "He believes in something... something that isn't true..."

"Sawada Tsunayoshi!!! I'll defeat him here and now!" He shouted, his flames crushing the ground beneath him.

"Please wait, Enma!" Adelheid shouted, running to him. She was held back by Julie. "It's not time for you to fight yet!"

"It's too late! I can't stop it now!" The pressure was growing, pushing us back. "Shittopi-chan... Koyo... Rauji... all of my precious friends... It was the Vongola that hurt them... I CAN'T FORGIVE THEM!!!"

I remembered this and my heart hurt. I clenched my hands, thinking about everyone that was hurt. The Vongola, the Shimon... all the lies spread around because of that one person...

My eyes turned to Daemon Spade that was disguised as  Katou Julie, anger swelling. He did this. His sorrow in losing Elena, his misinterpretation of her words - framing Tsuna's dad as the murderer of Enma's family just so they fight. The Vongola didn't need to be destroyed, Tsuna taking over would change the Vongola forever.

"It's the same as me..." Tsuna said, looking down. "I understand how you feel but..."

He clenched his hand, his flames lighting up with the same intensity as Enma.

"You tortured my comrades!" He shouted. "You're doing the same thing to us!"

"Shut up!" You don't deserve to say that!" Enma used his gravity to crush Tsuna, but with Tsuna's newly equipped Vongola gear, it didn't happen.

A few more words were shouted and Enma yelled at Adelheid, screaming that he wasn't a little kid anymore. Enma and Tsuna flew at each other, clashing, throwing kicks and punches. With every punch and every kick, my heart hurt and it felt like I couldn't breathe. I couldn't swallow - a lump had formed in my throat to hold back the tears forming in my eyes and my head pulsed.




I listened for that call of my name but I couldn't hear anything. My vision faded.


Reborn could hear her hyperventilating as she watched the two young men fight. In his position he couldn't do anything about it and cursed his stature.

"Satsuki." He tried saying, but she didn't move and her breathing was getting faster. "Satsuki!"

Her breathing stopped. She stumbled backwards, falling unconscious. Before she hit the ground, she was swept up by two arms. Reborn had jumped to the ground from her shoulder to avoid being crushed and looked up.

Tsuna and Enma were at a standstill so no one noticed the newcomer.

"I'll take her."


Reborn watched them take her away and turned his attention back to the fight.

"She'll be safe with him." He thought.



I'm not gonna lie, I was gonna stop writing halfway through this session but I pre-wrote a little bit so I was able to push through at the endddd.


I have no other words lol. I think that updating once a month will work for me, so I understand if a lot of you forget about this story haha. I feel bad for going on such a long break that some people ended up forgetting about this lol.

I'll try and get a longer chapter out next time! I'm looking forward to writing it :)

Thank you for reading!

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