Taking Over || PJM || ✔️

By AraneavV

35.8K 1.3K 293

Dreaming of meeting her idol while working a fulltime job where she's constantly underestimated, she ends up... More

Author Note
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
🌌Thank You🌌

Twenty Five

604 26 0
By AraneavV


It's been eight weeks since I started the project. Today, my ninth week is starting and I'm working on Jimin's studio. Up until now, every member loved my final design of the studio. Yoongi and I worked great together, he actually spend a lot of time with me trying to figure out how I do my job and that first week was absolutely amazing.

Every ARMY knows Yoongi is a serious person, he takes his work very serious. But every ARMY also knows that Yoongi can be the softest person you will ever meet. Especially when he's around the maknae line. He has a soft spot for Taehyung and I loved having a first row seat to their interactions. Taehyung can come in at any time and Yoongi will drop whatever he's working on and make time for him. He's like that with every member, but it looked like he had a special place in his heart for Taehyung and it was truly adorable to see it happen right in front of me and witness it.

Working with Hoseok was a lot of fun. He's a colorful person and it gets reflected in his studio. Working with Hoseok was something else. He put all of his trust in me and told me to share my second to last design with him so that I could change whatever it was that he wouldn't like. Even though he didn't believe that I could design something for him that he didn't like.

So, like I promised, I showed him my second to last design. He actually did make a couple of changes, but those changes simply revolved around his desk and it's location in his studio.

Namjoon was a different story all together, working with Namjoon was nothing like working with the other three members. He had his own ideas and I loved hearing about them. He wasn't as involved as Yoongi, but way more than Hoseok and Jin involved themselves in the process of me designing their studio's.

When working with Namjoon, I wasn't allowed to start creating a design until he had shared every single idea he had with me. Which I had some trouble with. The way I work is creating while listening, so I can see if his idea's work for the space that I need to design. After listening to his idea's, I started to see if I could make it work. Sadly on the second day, I had to disappoint him and explain why some of his idea's weren't going to be an option. He took it like a fucking champion though, quickly adapted and together we started trying to figure out a design that he would love and Bang Si-Hyuk would accept.
After a lot of work and many, many designs.. we finally figured something out and got it approved.

Every two weeks - on Saturday, the boys have invited me for dinner as a thank you for the extra hours and hard work I put into their studio's. They never stop praising me and my work and honestly, it still makes me shy. It really doesn't matter that it's been eight weeks and that I've had four 'thank you' dinners with them. I can't get used to the fact that I'm spending time with them and even more so that they love spending time with me.

Now, it quickly became routine during these dinners to discuss serious topics during dinner and then to ease the mood by playing games or watching a movie afterwards.

Thanks to the drama of the first time they invited me over, Jimin has been making sure to bring me back every Saturday night. My parents didn't exactly appreciate the hour I would return, because it was always somewhere between 2AM and 3AM. But Jimin wouldn't drink any alcohol simply so he could bring me home, which I appreciated so I joined him and didn't drink alcohol on those nights at the Bangtan Home.

Jimin has been like a literal angel the last five weeks. During the first week of my employment at Big Hit we spoke once, mainly because I would be in Jin's studio at all times. The second week we had lunch and he took me out for breakfast when I needed those nails and that hammer.

Ever since I told them about that contract Bang Si-Hyuk made me sign, Jimin has been the one to update me on anything and everything. He would tell me about the conversations they had with our boss and about the results they had gotten from that conversation.

So far.. nothing.

Bang Si-Hyuk is a stubborn man and it seems he really doesn't want me to become their friend and keep in contact with them after my project is finished.

Now, in all honesty.. at first I wasn't really worried. I knew that if I shared it with them, even though I could cause them pain, I maybe could weasel my way out of this contract. Seeing as it involves them without them knowing about it, it somehow turns into an illegal document. Our boss never should've made me sign such a document without them knowing about it. I also should have known they didn't know about it, because they would never allow me to sign such a contract.

Even though the contact doesn't allow it, I have become good friends with all the members. Even with Taehyung and Jungkook even though I haven't spend as much time with them as I have with the other members. Jimin has been inviting me for lunch every single day. He appears at the door of the studio every damn day around 1 'o clock.

It's like clockwork.

His lips always formed into a sweet smile as he patiently waited for me to join him at his side so he can lead me towards the elevator.

He even offered to take me home some days, which I stupidly keep agreeing too, even though it results in me leaving my car behind in the Big Hit underground parking lot. Every time he drops me off, he tells me he'll come pick me up in the morning. It made me think that he did it on purpose to spend more time with me.

I've become quite shy and nervous around his presence and I can exactly tell you why I've been feeling like that. Like I mentioned earlier, Jimin has been like a literal angel these past six weeks. He spends time with me whenever he can, he's trying his hardest to get this dumb contract out of the way, he makes sure I eat lunch and then scolds me for not eating breakfast once again, he's always making sure I'm okay, he's always bringing me home after our dinners at their house, sending me a message to let me know he got back safely and then in the morning sending me a message to check up on me.

On days where I'm a little tired, because my parents had a fight, he takes me out for dinner after work to try and cheer me up. He even offered to stay over at their place so I could get a good night sleep, which I would always decline because I didn't want to force Hoseok out of his own bed like the first and last time.

I've been wondering why I'm feeling shy around him, but I didn't have to try and solve that puzzle for long because I knew the answer in just a couple of minutes. The moment I realized what it was that was happening to me, I can honestly say that it shocked me.

Never in a million years, would I have thought that I would start to grow feelings for the one man that has been my celebrity crush for years!

I caught feelings for Park fucking Jimin!

But I can never act on those feelings, because I know so damn well what would happen if somehow we ended up as a couple or if it even became a rumor. I've been there with every dating scandal BTS has had so far. I don't need that to happen to him. It's so much drama, creating attention on the wrong things as well. People shouldn't be concentrating on his private life, they should be concentrating on his and their music. On their projects, their messages, the things they stand for and what they are trying to do with their platform.
I can't and won't be the cause of such problems. Besides it creating huge havoc in the media, it would also cost Big Hit a lot of time, effort and resources to try and make those dumb rumor's disappear. On top of all that, it could cost me my temporary job at Big Hit Entertainment, my job at the company I've worked for the past two years and it could cost me my friendship with the members.

So, to keep things safe for him, his band members and myself, I need to keep my feelings locked away in a box and throw the key away as far as possible. It just makes for a shy companion whenever I'm with him. I know he's noticed my shy behavior, he's told me multiple times that he thought it was cute. He's used to me being quite bold and speaking my mind, but my shy behavior is new to him. I don't know if he noticed that I'm only shy when he's near me. I try to keep it under control as much as possible.

I mean, he's my bias and I was acting like a normal human being. Now I suddenly have feelings for him and I somehow can't be myself anymore?

These next two weeks will be interesting, seeing as I'm starting on his studio now. I can't ignore him and really, I don't want too. I truly enjoy his presence and I love spending time with him. But I need to keep calm and focus on my work, his studio is at stake this time and I need it to be perfect. I'm designing the studio of my bias, this can't be where I fuck up and get fired.

I need everything to be perfect!

Walking out of the elevator, with a cup of coffee in hand that I quickly got from the cafeteria on the second floor, I make my way towards Jimin's studio. By now, I know which studio belongs to which member, by heart. I couldn't help but laugh when Jungkook pitched his idea of name plates for their doors to me and I've actually been looking into it. I found a company that makes custom made name plates, meaning I'm going to design a name plate for each member that will compliment their personalities. I'm planning to give it to them as a going away present. On my last day, I will attach them to their doors as a surprise while they are at their usual dance practice on the last Friday that I'll be an employee here.

Just six more weeks before my time here will come to an end, the thought of leaving them saddens me but I try to not let it put my mood down as I'm about to start on Jimin's designs. I softly knock on the door, knowing very well that I don't have to, but I do it anyways.

I hear a little ruffling and shuffling before the door opens and Jimin's annoyed eyes and frown immediately turn in the tiny crescents as his cheeks push his eyes almost close and his lips form a big smile.

"Choi Michelle, how many times do I have to tell you that you can just walk right in!?" I giggle at his statement and walk inside as he steps aside and opens the door a little wider for me.

"Maybe I will from now on, you looked ready to kill me when you opened that door." He shakes his head as he takes a seat back on his chair behind his desk. "No, it's just.. I've been working on this song with Tae for weeks now and we can't seem to figure out how to finish it. I've been here all night trying to write the bridge, but nothing seems good enough for it."

I quickly scan his outfit when he tells me he's been here all night and as soon as I take a good look, I see that he's wearing the exact same outfit he was wearing yesterday. "You've been here all night?" He nods as a soft smile spreads across his lips. "Yeah, we have this deadline and it's getting closer. We really want this song to make it on our next album, but without the bridge and the last chorus it's won't be a song."

I nod and listen to him vent about this song him and Taehyung are working on. I wish I could help, truly. But there are two very big reasons why I can't. One, simply because I don't know squad about songwriting. Two, their songs are classified. I'm not allowed to hear what they're working on. There's a reason why I bought a sound proof headset. It's because with the headset, I can not hear their unpublished music!

We chat a little more before I decide to pull out all my equipment and spread it all over his little coffee table that's in front of his couch. He chuckles as he watches me trying to organize my mess and eventually stands up and helps me. After that's done, he takes a seat next to me and we start brainstorming about his studio. He tells me everything he absolutely wants, he tells me what he absolutely doesn't want and some random idea's that pop up in his head while we're brainstorming. He let's me sketch out a couple of idea's on my notepad and gives me a few things that he already likes.

By the time lunch comes around, we have a pretty solid first design on which I can work from when he suddenly stands up.

"This is actually quite nice, now I don't have to come get you because you're already in my studio."

I look up at him, eyebrows furrowed together as I don't quite understand what he means. He reaches out his hand and waits for me to take a hold of it, still confused I take a hold of his hand and he pulls me up from my position on the couch.

"It's lunch time dummy. We're gonna get some food in you." He chuckles which causes me to let out a soft giggle. "Ah right, I forgot for a moment." He nods and pulls me out of his studio. "Tell me, have you had breakfast?"

"Does a cup of coffee count?"

He turns his head, giving me a playful angry look. "No!"

"Then no."

He shakes his head and as soon as we make it to the elevator, he presses the 'down' button and turns to face me. Still holding my hand tightly in his own he smiles at me. I can honestly tell you that I'm doing my absolute best to stay calm while my heart is doing somersaults in my chest.

"I feel like your boyfriend, always taking care of you."

My eyes widen at his statement, but I quickly get my calm back as I chuckle. I stay quiet though, not exactly sure what to say. How do I respond to this?

The elevator arrives, saving me from an awkward moment. We both get in, and he presses the button for the second floor. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I know I'm not your boyfriend of course and I wouldn't want your actual boyfriend to come and beat me up." He chuckles as he feels the awkwardness rise between us. But I quickly shake my head and turn to him with, yet again, a confused expression on my face as I furrow my eyebrows.

"I don't have a boyfriend."


Okaaayyy! Jimin finally knows Michelle is in fact single!!

Thank you for reading!

I purple you 💜

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