Slugterra the Shane's old fri...

By EnderDragonwarrior02

1.3K 17 1

Eli and the gang were on patrol when they came across Blakk fighting a girl that has her own Infurnus Slug th... More

Chapter one The Ghost
Chapter two the Autobots arrive
Chapter three Neve's ancient secret revealed
Chapter Five Neve's brother
Chapter Six Neve's capture
Chapter Seven rescuing Will Shane
Chapter eight Three years later
Chapter Nine heat season(Lemon)
Chapter Ten the aftermath and bad news
Chapter Eleven the surface's doom
Chapter twelve Victory
Chapter thirteen Beach day
Chapter fourteen Black's return and a reunion

Chapter Four Eli's transformation

83 2 0
By EnderDragonwarrior02

Okay so Eli's been bitten by a wolf that's contaminated with the werewolf virus don't worry Eli can't turn anyone into werewolves
So yeah the gang has to deal with a wolf boy and a very happy wolf girl
Warning adorableness
(Eli's POV)
I held my arm that had the bite mark as Neve bandaged it "don't worry Eli you'll be fine" Neve said her ears fluttering slightly "I hope so" I said feeling a bit funny I tried sleeping it off but that didn't work we got a call from Quiet Lawn cavern when we got there we were ambushed by Blakk's men Nacho grabbed Neve she kicked him in the face Blakk grabbed her by her shirt's collar and wrapped his arm around her throat

(Neve's POV)
I struggled to get myself free when everything was set ablaze "AHHH" one of Blakk's men screamed "Neve over here!" Trixie managed to call out "guys where's Eli?" Kord pointed to the scene before us "Eli turned into a werewolf" Twist said as Blakk and his men fled Pronto aimed his blaster with a Rammstone "Pronto don't" I whispered but he fired anyway that alerted the now beastly werewolf Eli growl and approached "guys lower your blasters" I tried telling them but fear got a hold of them they backed away I dropped my blaster to show Eli I'm not gonna hurt him he seem to have relaxed "hey Fire remember me it's me Wolfie" the gang stood still blasters aiming at Eli

(Trixie's POV)
I watched as Neve talked to Eli who started to regain his human side we let out a sigh of relief letting Neve handle it

(Neve's POV)
I outstretched my palm to Eli who sniffed it and nuzzled into my chest fully regaining control over his new instincts his tail wagging the others breathed a sigh of relief "aw your so adorable Eli" I said hugging him he snuggled in my arms his tail wagging faster he turned back into his human with his wolf ears and tail though his jeans kind of remind in tacked though his shirt was completely gone he blushed I quickly took my own shirt which was way to big for me to Eli luckily I had my tank top underneath when we got back to the hideout I gave him a scratch under his chin he had his tongue out and his tail wagging I hugged him with my tail around him he snuggled in my embrace his tail around me

(Eli's POV)
I felt content on staying in her arms turning into my wolf form laying around her when a portal opened letting a boy and girl fall through "Steve Alex? What are you guys doing here?" Neve asked them using her telekinesis to help them up they explained I stayed in my wolf form wrapping my tail around Neve while watching them "is that your dog?" Alex asked I gave a look "uh no it's Eli he's just being a bit overprotective after what happened today" I held her close glaring at them "hey relax Eli no one's gonna try to get your girlfriend" I relaxed slightly though I laid on top of Neve as she patted my back with a blush afterwards she went to the bathroom

(Neve's POV)
I looked in the mirror and covered my mouth silencing the scream I mark sat on my collar bone "he marked you alright" Sapphire said "must've done it with the new instincts wait if he marked me then does that mean......oh sweet nether" I muttered walking out "what's wrong?" Eli asked I showed him the mark "I MARKED YOU!" "Eli it's fine male wolves and werewolves only mark a female to show other males that the female belongs to them it's only your new instincts" I explained "so everyone will see that ya know" I nodded blushing "well I have told you that male mammals need a mate well the rule applies for werewolves" "wait so your saying I marked you and your my mate if I'm getting this right" I smiled nodding "well than would you be my girlfriend" I felt my heart race as Eli said those words my tail wagged showing him that I would

(Eight days later Eli's POV)
I had Neve in a hug with my arms around her she didn't bother moving since she started to get cold my tail wrapped around her shivering body she rolled onto her other side snuggling into the warmth radiating off me purring it's been eight days since what happened "heh adorable" I said to myself as she nestled in my chest that I didn't put my shirt on I felt her shift slightly than relax I closed my eyes placing my chin on her head Burpy and Sapphire slept together with the other slugs as daylight shone through the window I stirred waking up seeing Neve gone I walked out after putting a shirt on I saw the gang having breakfast
I fin this chapter because I ran out of motivation for this well since that's done see you all in the next chapter

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