Obsessive~ Stiles Stilinski ¹

Galing kay k-stilinski-

353K 8.6K 1.3K

"I don't care how many people you have killed, you are the love of my life, you understand me?" ━━━━━━ by k.s... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
End of Season 1
Season 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
I'm not gonna do it, I'm just thinking about it...

Chapter 6

12K 306 31
Galing kay k-stilinski-

(She's wearing a white T-shirt underneath.)

Sage sat in class behind Scott and Stiles as the teacher starts returning the graded tests, she couldn't help but listen in on their conversation- "If Derek's not the Alpha--if he's not the one who bit you--who did?" Stiles asks making both Scott and Sage glance at him.

"I don't know," Scott said making Stiles sit back, thinking. He leans forward again. "Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" He asks again. "I don't know" Scott answered again, Sage watched in amusement as Stiles leans forward again. "Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?"

"I don't know!" Scott said, this time a lot louder than before. He sinks down in his seat when he realises everyone is staring at him. Sage smiled as she got back her test seeing a red A in the corner, she looked over and her smile widened noticing the same thing on Stiles's.

However, when the teacher finally drops Scott's test on his desk, both Sage and Stiles see a big D- and a message: "Not like you! What's happening? See me after class."

Stiles peers over at the grade and cringes, "Dude, you need to study more." Stiles says making Scott puts his head in his hands, "That was a joke. It's one test. You need help studying?" Stiles asked and Scott shook his head. "I'm studying with Allison at her house after school." Scott said making Sage smirk at him and Stiles smile proudly, "That's my boy."

"We're just studying."

"No, you're not."

"No, I'm not?"

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you." Sage looked over at the human in confusion, what did he mean by that? "If you go to her house and squander that colossal opportunity I'll have you professionally de-balled. Got it?" Stiles said. "Yes. If you stop with the questions." Scott replied making Stiles nod.

"Done. No more talk of Alphas or Derek. Who still scares me." Stiles said making Sage frown, she didn't want the boy to be scared of anything let alone Derek Hale. Yeah, he had the whole lonely brooding persona but the guy was not a threat to her so she wasn't scared of him.

"You have no reason to be scared of him. I've already warned him." Sage said to the human making both Scott and Stiles turn to look at her in confusion.

"W-what do you mean? Is that what he meant when he said you threatened him? Stiles asked the blonde, looking at her as she smiled back to the memory of her threatening the werewolf. Scott looked at the girl in shock, he wasn't aware that the blonde had threatened Derek- he wasn't even aware of anything. He knew that Stiles found out what she was but Stiles hadn't said anything to him.

Sage watched as Stiles continued to look at her in shock, she was a little scared that he might have thought different of her but once she sensed the excitement in his blood she relaxed. Stiles began rummaging through his endless about of books and papers until he shouted out in excitement.

"Aha." He held up a book in his hand which hand that he probably checked out from the library, he pulled his desk chair and sat down right across from her. The blonde stared at the human as he quickly began flickering through the book, looking for his desired page.

"So can I ask what's real and what isn't from all the research that I have done? I know that there are a lot of myths on vampires so some might be true, some might not be but -" Sage couldn't help but smile at the boy, her eyebrows raised, she found his rambling cute and amusing, her ocean eyes flickered over to the book in his hand, she gently took it away from him before closing it.

"Ask me whatever you want Stiles."

"Scott's coming over tonight?" Lydia asked, making Sage snap out of her memory from last night, she couldn't help but smile as she thought about how excited Stiles had gotten when she told him all about vampires.

She had managed to tell him about the important things but couldn't go into any more detail because his dad had gotten home.

Sage brought herself back to the present conversation as she looked at Allison who pursed her lips and nodded in response to Lydia's question, "We're just studying together."

Sage and Lydia shared a look, a flicker of amusement in their eyes. "Wow," Sage muttered, she couldn't believe the girl was so naive, well she could because she still had no idea her family were hunters but this was teenage girl stuff. What teenage girl doesn't know studying with a boy you like is not always just studying? Apparently, Allison Argent.

"Just studying never ends with just studying." The strawberry blonde paused, "It's like... getting into a hot tub - somebody eventually cops a feel."

Allison furrowed her brows, not understanding what she was getting at. "Well, so what are you saying?"

"I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up," Lydia said as if it were obvious.

Sage chuckled at the confused look on Allison's face. "What Lydia means, if you are 'just studying' make sure he wears a condom," Sage said, smirking when she saw the look on the Argent girls face.

"Are you kidding? After one date?" Allison asked and Lydia rolled her eyes, "Oh, don't be a total prude. Just give him a little taste." Lydia shrugged and Sage looked at the girl sensing her nerves, noticing how her heartbeat raised. Allison glanced around awkwardly. "How much is a little taste?" The future huntress asked.

"Oh God. You really like him, don't you?"

"Well, there's just something different about him. When I first got here I had this plan: no boyfriends until college. I move too often. But when I met him, he was different. I can't explain it." Allison said and Lydia shrugged, "I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine." She said making Allison look at her confused, Sage had barely been paying attention to what the girl was saying as the scent of blood wafted her nose, she scrunched up her face in disgust, it smelled like someone was dying.

"Sage?" Lydia called out to the blonde, both her and Allison noticing the look on her face. The blonde blinked out of her daze, "Huh?"

"You wanna come over to mine tonight, seeing as this one is gonna be busy?" Lydia asked the girl but the blonde shook her head at her. "I'm hanging out with Stiles again." Sage began to walk away but realised that her two friends weren't following her, "What?" She asked seeing the look they both shared.

"You know, we've been focusing on Scott and Allison a lot but maybe we should be focusing on you and Stiles."

"What about me and Stiles?"

"Come on, your very first day here you went over to him and asked him about lacrosse." Lydia stated, "And you asked him to the party, and you decided to spend time with him alone when we went bowling the other night." Allison finished off, the blonde knew exactly why she was spending so much time with Stiles, it seemed like her friends believed there was something going on between them. She didn't want to rush anything though, her and Stiles connection was different to her and Lydia's, so she wanted to explore more on that before exploring an actual relationship with the human.

No matter how adorable he was.

"There's nothing going on with me and Stiles." The blonde answered while walking along with her two best friends, who both gave her a look of disbelief, "You know the boy has a huge and noticeable crush on you, I mean it looks like he would drop everything for you." The brunette replied, Lydia nodding her head, silently agreeing with her.

Sage knew that she was right, she could sense how much Stiles was fond of her, how much he tried to not blush around her, how his heart rate elevated every so often. And she couldn't lie, she was feeling really close to the human, she knew she would kill for him, she knew that she would drop everything for him, and she couldn't lie and say he didn't make her nervous at some times, because he did.

But she wanted to know why her bond with Stiles was different than it was with Lydia. Was it because he was male? She didn't know the answer but she needed to.


Ten minutes later Sage met Stiles by his jeep and the boy couldn't help but smile when he saw the girl he was so noticeably obsessed with. They were gonna spend the day at her house where she would continue to tell Stiles all about vampires. And there was a lot to know.

He helped the blonde into his jeep before quickly running around to the driver's side- tripping over his feet as he did so. Just soon as they were about to drive out of the parking lot, a sickly looking Derek Hale stopped right in front of them.

"You gotta be kidding me," Stiles grumbled, while Sage scrunched up her face as she smelled the rotting dying smell again, now she knew where it was coming from. Blood to Sage was like a cheeseburger to humans, the scent alone was enticing but when someone was dying- much like Derek is now, the scent was nauseating. Sage wanted to be anywhere but here.

Sage, still sat in jeep watched as Stiles and Scott ran over to the injured werewolf, "He's not looking too good." Stiles said making Sage roll her eyes. "I was shot." Derek struggled to answer.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked and Derek let out a few painful breaths before answering, "I can't. It was a different kind of bullet." He said making Stiles suddenly gasp. "A silver bullet?" Stiles asked making Derek glare at him, "No, you idiot-" He started to say but cut himself off with a groan in pain.

"Wait a second. That's what she meant when she said 48 hours." Scott said causing Sage to squint her eyes at him, "What? Who said 48 hours?" She asked. "The one who shot him."

Derek sucks in a breath, a wave of pain rolls through him and his eyes flicker blue. "What are you doing? Stop that."

"That's what I'm trying to tell you. I can't." Sage realised that the bullet must have been laced with wolfsbane if it was causing him so much pain, she sniffed the air, trying not to gag as she caught an unfamiliar scent. She had never smelt that kind of wolfsbane before so she couldn't even try to help- even if she wanted to.

Scott grabs him, struggling to keep him from falling to the pavement. Other students take notice, and horns start beeping behind Stiles's jeep, as the round the passenger side, Stiles silently looked at the blonde, Sage rolled her eyes and huffed knowing what Stiles was silently asking her. She climbs to the back of the jeep as the boys helped Derek into the passenger seat.

Derek breathed in harsh breaths as he turned to look at the younger werewolf, "I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used."

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

"She's an Argent, she's with them.

"Why should I help you?"

"Because you need me."

The young wolf huffed before sighing in defeat, he knew Derek was right, only half right, because he also needed the blonde in the back seat. He just didn't know how much yet.

"Fine, I'll try. Get him out of here."

"I hate you so much for this." The Stilinski boy grumbled before driving out of the parking lot.


To distract herself from the nauseating and decaying smell, Sage had been busy sketching in her notepad. She had slowly outlined a wilted flower, it's petals shaped almost like half of a butterfly wing. It was pretty.

Right below that she drew what appeared to be a pile of ash, the ash had been outlined and shaded in over and over again to appear darker. As she continued to sketch, she heard Stiles fingers aggressively tap on his phone, momentarily looking up she noticed a message from Scott saying he needed more time.

Stiles groaned. "Hey, try not to bleed out on my seats, okay? We're almost there."

"Almost where?" Derek asked, his voice light almost like he was about to pass out.

"Your house," Stiles sighed.

Derek's head shot up to look at Stiles. "What? No, you can't take me there."

"I can't take you to your own house?" Stiles scoffed, his shoulders shrugging up.

"Not when I can't protect myself. And I know damn well the blonde in the back won't help me either." Sage slightly nodded her head hearing what Derek had to say. It was true, she wouldn't help him- she didn't owe the werewolf anything and she didn't particularly like him. Stiles quickly glanced at the blonde, blushing slightly when she grinned her pearly white teeth at him.

Stiles groaned and pulled over to the side of the road instantly, turning off the car. "What happens if Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hm? Are you dying?"


"Not yet," Derek and Sage both said, Derek glared at the girl but she just threw him an innocent smile.

"I have a last resort." Derek continued

"What do you mean?" Sage asked, slightly intrigued. Derek lifted up his right sleeve, right under the crook of his elbow was a bullet wound seeping with blood. There were little black vein lines extending from it, and that definitely didn't look good.

Stiles looked away, his face twisted in disgust. "Oh, my god, what is that? Ugh, is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out." He pointed to Derek's door while shaking his head and closing his eyes. He sounded like he was trying not to throw up, Sage bit her lips, trying not to laugh at the boy.

"Start the car," Derek said. "Now."

Stiles scoffed, "Yeah, I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look, okay? In-in fact, I think if I wanted to, I could probably drag your little werewolf ass out and leave you for dead." He pointed to the road with two fingers, looking directly at Derek, who stared back at him. Sage eyes danced between the two of them, finding it quite amusing how daring Stiles had become.

"Start the car," he said slowly. "Or I'm going to rip your throat out -with my teeth." Sage scoffed, "Careful Derek, remember what I told you." Stiles looked at the blonde, he still didn't know what the vampire had exactly said to the werewolf but the fact that it had made him slightly uncomfortable, made Stiles believe that whatever it was, was not good.

"Stiles, start the car, please. I cannot stand this stench any longer."


Fifteen minutes later the trio pulled up to the animal clinic after Scott had said his boss would have gone home now so it was safe for them to hide Derek out there. Knowing Stiles wouldn't have been able to lug Derek in on his own, Sage helped the werewolf to his feet as Stiles scrambled to get the doors open.

Once inside Sage helped the werewolf, sitting him down on a large pile of dog food. Stiles quickly took out his phone after hearing the ding, indicating he got a text message. "Does northern blue monkshood mean anything to you?" Stiles asked making Sage look over at him.

She had only heard of the name a few times but had never come across the plant.

"It's a rare form of Wolfsbane," Sage stated, looking over at Derek as he continued to let out painful breaths.

"He has to bring me the bullet," Derek answered, holding his arm at the wound.


"Because without it, I'm dead."


Derek slowly pulls his shirt off to reveal the gunshot wound is now far worse. Veins branch out from open sores while the rest of his arm has turned a sicking yellow. "Well, that doesn't look like anything some Echinacea and a good night's sleep couldn't take care of," Stiles said, scratching the back of his neck while Sage cringed at the sight of blood being black. It wasn't her first time coming across black blood but it still wasn't her favourite. The smell alone made her want to be sick and that's saying something.

"When the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me."

Derek starts pulling drawers open looking for something, " If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time... last resort." He said making Sage and Stiles look at him confused. "Which is?" Stiles asked. Derek stops at a drawer, finding what he needs. He pulls out an electric done saw and sets it down on the table making Sage raise her eyebrows, eyes slightly wide, "You're going to cut off my arm."

Derek pushes the bone saw to Stiles. Then begins tying a tourniquet around the infected arm. "What if you bleed to death?" Stiles asked, "It'll heal if it works."

"I don't know if I can do this," Stiles stated while Sage stood to the side, watching the pair. She had no problem cutting off the werewolf's arm, but he had asked Stiles, so for now, she would stay out of it.

"Why not?"

"Because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of bone, and especially the blood." The human said making Sage frown as she looked at him, it would be a problem if the boy faints at the sight of blood. With her being a vampire and all.

Derek rolled his eyes with a sigh. "What, you faint at the sight of blood?"

"No, but I might at the sight of a chopped off arm."

Derek shook his head before turning to the blonde, "You do it." Sage leaned off the counter, raising her eyebrows at him. "What? Don't act like it won't bring you even a little bit of joy to cut off a body part of mine." Sage smirked slightly, taking the saw out of his had. Stiles gasped at the pair, he in no way wanted to see nor participate in sawing off another person's arm, the nightmares would be horrifying.

Derek starts gasping, choking and coughing. Hunching over the table, he opens his mouth as if to throw up. But instead of vomit, an inky black liquid is choked out, spilling across the floor. "Holy God, what the hell is that?" Stiles cringed.

"It's his body trying to heal itself," Sage answered, she moved over towards the injured werewolf, helping him up. "Now... You have to do this now."

"Oh God..." Stiles mumbled as Sage placed the edge of the blade against Derek's skin, just above the furthest-reaching infected vein, Stiles takes a deep breath, looking away. And just as she's about to saw off his arm, "Stiles, Sage?"

Scott bursts through the door, shocked to see Sage preparing to saw off Derek's arm, "What the hell are you doing?" He asks and Stiles sighs in relief as Sage removed the saw. "You just prevented a lifetime of nightmares."

"Did you get it?" Derek asks and Scott nods and holds up the bullet. Derek grabs it, raises it up to look at it in the light. "What are you going to do?" Stiles asked as Derek start to sway, "I'm gonna...I'm gonn-"

Derek's eyes rolled and the bullet fell from his hands as he dropped to the floor. Scott went to find the bullet as Sage leaned over Derek.

"Derek?" Stiles said, looking down at him. "Derek, come on. Wake up. Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?"

"I don't know-the bullet-I can't reach it-"

"He's not waking up! I think he's dying. I think he's dead." Stiles yelled and Sage shook her head, "Not yet." She said making him look at her, Scott had yelled that he had managed to get the bullet but Derek still hadn't woken up.

"I saw a lighter over there on the table, pass it to me." The blonde said to the human as she cracked open the bullet and emptied out the contents on the table,

"What are you gonna do?" Scott asked her, she took the lighter from Stiles, she held the flame to the pile of wolfsbane, it soon lit alight. She quickly took the contents into her hand, knelt down beside Derek, she palms the ashes and grinds it into his gunshot wound.

Not a second later, the older werewolf opens his mouth, revealing his sharpened fangs as he tilts his head back and screams. His sweat-soaked skin withers against the cold cement floor. In seconds, the open sores close, wounds healing, returning to normal.

"That. Was. Awesome!!! Yes!!!" Stiles said and went to pump his fist but stopped when he looked over at the blonde, "H-how did you know what to do?" Sage smirked at the human before shrugging her shoulders, Stiles knew she was lying but didn't comment on it as he looked back at Derek, who slowly started to get off the floor.

"We saved your life. That means you're going to leave us alone. You got that? And if you don't I go back to Allison's dad and tell him everything-"

"You're going to trust them? You think they can help you?

"Why not? They're a lot freaking nicer than you are." Sage scoffed making the two boys look at her, she quickly looked away not wanting to get involved in their little argument.

"Yeah, I can show you exactly how nice they are."


"So, I guess our talk is postponed, once again," Stiles said as he drove Sage home. The blonde looked over at the hyperactive human knowing he wanted to know everything about her. That was the thing about Stiles, he had to know everything- and he had to make sure all the facts were right.

"We've got time Stilinski." Moments later Stiles had pulled up outside her house. He stared at the side of her face, his smile soft as he stared at her.

"Can I just ask you one thing then?" Sage nodded her head at him not noticing the tinge on his cheeks.

"W-what exactly did you say to Derek that's got him so uncomfortable around you and why did you?" Sage smiled at the boy, she knew soon she was gonna have to tell him about their connection and telling him the reason why she threatened Derek is a step in that direction.

"I just told him if you got hurt because of this werewolf drama, I would paint the town of Beacon Hills red in werewolf blood." The girl said, smiling innocently at the human, Stiles just sat there, staring at her in shock as he tried to process the words.

If you got hurt.

That's what caught his attention.


Sage giggled at the boy before stepping out of the jeep, she jogged up to her house, turning around at the last minute to see a shocked Stiles still staring at her.

"Later Stilinksi."


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