Y/n Snape

By 101harry_potter

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Y/n Snape joins Hogwarts in the 8th year. All her life she went to muggle school but last year she met her fa... More

Authors note <3
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Chapter 9
hey my beautiful readers

Chapter 6

77 2 1
By 101harry_potter

I woke up and Fred was asleep on me i had been asleep for about half an hour i moved not meaning to wake him up but i did just that

Y/n : sorry i didn't mean to wake you 

Fred : its okay we need to wake up anyway don't forget your dare

Y/n : Only if you remember yours  

Fred : i am putting it on right now 

he put the bra on and it looked so funny he smiled and gave me his phone 

Fred : take a photo 

he started posing and i laughed taking the photos for him and making sure i get his "good side" 

Fred pulled down his top 

Fred : we are here follow me i will take you to my room to change 

so i did just that 

he opened the door


Molly : FRED DON'T SHOUT I AM RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, anyway hello lovely you must be Y/n 

Y/n : yes i-

i got pulled away by Fred before i could finish my words he took me up a few stairs and opened the door

Fred : this is my closet my room is through that door but anyway here are some clothes i will turn around so you can change 

he did just that i changed into his clothes it was a familiar sent i didn't know where i knew it from but i knew it and i liked it, we walked downstairs to see the others got here they all looked at me in Fred's clothes confused as ever 

Y/n : don't worry its a dare i can only wear his clothes for the entire time i am here 

they all laughed 

Hermione : and that is why you never go in a car with him 

Y/n : i got him back he has to wear a bra the entire time i am here look at the photos 

i went to pull out his phone still in my pocket to show Mione

Fred : right that is enough for today i will give you a tour y/n 

me and Hermione laughed 

Y/n : bubye Hermione 

Hermione : bye Y/n

Fred : those photos are for mine and your eyes only 

Y/n : i need others to see it to though pleaseeeeeeee

Fred pulled me into a room pushed me against the door and whispered very carefully and slowly into my ear

Fred : please Y/n 

i nodded looking back and forth from his lips to his eyes him doing the same i wanted him to kiss me and i know that is bad i know i am with Draco but i needed his lips against mine right now i got pulled from my thought by him kissing me it was slow and soft i wanted him to never stop but we heared a knock on the door leading him to pull away to answer 

Fred : what's up i am showing her Percy's bed room

Molly : well i need to talk to her open the damn door child 

so he opened the door i still looked very confused but happy 

Molly : hello dear i need to measure you so i can buy some clothes for Fred that fit you better because his pants are way to big on you

Y/n : yes thank you Mrs. Weasley 

Molly : oh call me Molly please dear 

Y/n : okay thank you Molly 

Fred : so can i finish the tour now mum you can measure her later 

Molly : okay bye Freddie and bye N/n 

she left closing the door 

Fred : now then where were we 

he pulled me close to him and kissed me again but this time i pushed away 

Y/n : i cant I'm with Draco

Fred : you didn't seem to mind a minute ago 

Y/n : yes i know and i was venerable now carry on with the tour 

Fred : okay but do you regret it 

i took a few minutes to answer not knowing what to say 

Y/n : no now keep showing me around 

he just nodded opening the door and showing me around 

Fred : and this is my room don't mind the mess 

i walked into the room and it was full of books on the floor and then there was some parchment  with already planed pranks he had a dark oak wooden king bed in the middle of the room next to a window with a view of a beautiful lake his room was all red and black coolers with the occasional gold 

Fred : do you like it 

Y/n : yes its actually really nice it feels homie and warm 

Fred laughed at my comment 

Fred : you know what you can stay in here Hermione and Ginny both snore so here you can have a good sleep i will sleep on the sofa or on the floor in here i don't mind 

Y/n : are you sure 

Fred : yes i am sure 

Y/n :  you know what just sleep in the bed with me we can make a pillow wall or just sleep facing the walls 

Fred : okay don't forget you have to wear my pyjamas to be honest they are very comfortable 

Y/n : okay i will but you have to show me to get my bags and bring them in here and let the others know i am sleeping in here 

Fred : okay got it stay here i will get your bags and stuff 

and with that he left the room i looked around and found the book Wuthering heights i have read that before i love the line "whatever our souls are made of his and mine are the same" from what i seen he didn't look like the type to read 

he walked back in scaring me and i put the book down  

Fred : do you like that book 

Y/n : why of course whom does not 

Fred : well my Lady some people believe it or not think that this novels is a joke

Y/n : oh well how dare they we must chop of their heads this instant 

Fred and me laughed at this we have become very good friends over the few hours i do hope he writes to me when i got back to Hogwarts letter oh shit i need to answer Draco's letter 

i sat down fast worrying Fred grabbing parchment and began to write 

Dear Dray 

your Mother already seems lovely i can't wait to meet the kind lady and to answer your question i would like to stay with you in your room i have supplied my own clothing so don't worry i already miss you kisses and hugs 

Y/n Snape 

i grabbed a envelope tied the letter around my owls leg and let it fly 

Fred : who was that to 

Y/n : Dray i am going to his house on new years day so i am here for a week and a half them with him for a week and a half 

Fred : okay anyway they are going for a walk i am the only one stay because Harry and George are going to play quidditch so they wanted to know if you would go with them or stay 

Y/n : i don't really like walks in groups i like going on my own or with one friend 

Fred : okay MUM SHE SAID NO 


and with that she left 

Y/n : i am going to sit downstairs and make lunch would you like some i am making a muggle tuna and cucumber sandwich such a classic 

Fred : haha yes please 

so i walked down stairs made mine and Fred's lunch and sat down to watch some Netflix  when i heared a owl at the window returning  no letter attached so i sat back down 

Fred : right so i was thinking would you like to read a book with me 

Y/n : depends what book 

Fred : pride and prejudice 

Y/n : I'm in you start reading i will read every now and then 

so he did and after a hour of reading i fell asleep on his lap 

i woke up to a bunch of people laughing it scared me bringing back a childhood memories that wasn't so pleasant


old step dad : oi child more beer 

Y/n : yes sir 

they began laughing hysterically

Old step dad : i am only with her for the money she never does anything though i am cheating on her with 7 different woman 

they all began to laugh and i couldn't help myself i had to stand up for my mum 


i got stopped by him slapping me and then he began hitting and hitting until i blacked out and woke up in my bed with my mum crying telling me how sorry she is and that he didn't mean it 

End of flashback 

i didn't know but i started crying because when i left the flashback i had Fred's arm around me calming me down everyone staring at me and i couldn't take it i ran out of his arms to his bedroom and locked the door curling up into a ball crying 

shortly after people knocked Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Ron, George, Molly and then Fred just didn't knock he spelled the door open and shut and locked it behind him climbing into bed hugging me and holding me in his arms for hours 

Fred : you want to talk about it 

Y/n : not really no one knows my past and i want to keep it that way until i meet my soulmate 

Fred : do you know your soulmate yet then 

Y/n :i swear i told you this anyway what time is it 

Fred : it's 6:00pm dinner is done so if you want to go eat or i can bring some food to you 

Y/n : alright i would like to eat with the others i feel like i have been with you more than Ron when he invited me i feel like i need to hang out with him 

Fred :  okay lets go then but sit next to me so if you need me you wan just hit or tap my leg and i will help 

Y/n : okay thank you 

so then we left going down the halls down the stairs to the kitchen where everyone sat Arthur,  Molly, George, Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione they all looked at me with a sympathetic smile i sat down across from Harry and Ron i sat next to Hermione and Fred sat next to me 

Molly : how is everyone's meal 

Everyone : good thank you 

George : okay sorry but i need to ask Y/n what was you crying all about 

Y/n : umm well i had a bad past and it sometimes scares me to remember it 

Ginny : So what happened in the flash back 

i wasn't ready to tell them all eyes was on me and i started to panic hitting Fred in the leg harder and harder until

Fred : okay everyone just stop she is clearly not ready to talk about it with us if she was she would so let her open up to use on her own terms 

Hermione : he is right (she turned looking at me) if you want to talk i am sure any and all of use wouldn't mind talking to you we are here for you 

Y/n : thank you Mione it means the world to know that and if i need any of you i will let you know 

after that we carried on eating talking about anything that we can think off and when we finished me Hermione and Ginny helped Molly with the dishes whilst the twins watched and made us laugh about stupid things 

Molly : alright all done who wants to go watch a movie 

Everyone : me

Y/n : sorry i think i will just go read or go to sleep goodnight everyone 

Everyone : goodnight sweet dreams 

i walked up the stairs and bumped into someone 

Y/n : oh sorry Harry 

Harry : it's okay anyway what's up are you not watching the film 

Y/n : no i don't want to what about you

Harry : no same i just want to talk to someone for a bit and not have so many people around me 

Y/n : oh come sit with me in Fred's room we can talk play games anything you want 

Harry : wait Fred's room he never lets anyone in their but sure

so we walked to Fred's room talking and laughing about anything and everything  

Harry : so truth or dare 

Y/n : Truth 

Harry : Least to most favourite Weasley

Y/n : that's mean Harry um Ron Ginny Fred George Molly Arthur only because i don't know Molly and  Arthur that well 

Harry : ok

Y/n : truth or dare 

Harry : Dare 

Y/n : i know this is really mean but i dare you to letter Sirius and say you got me pregnant 

Harry : okay deal 

so he did just that and sent it off. After a few back and forth dares and truths Fred walked in 

Fred : hey what's up guys how are you 

Y/n : good and what's up are you going to bed 

Fred : yes sorry i am really tired and have work at 4 in the morning 

Y/n : oh okay i get it i will just umm sleep on the floor you have the bed 

Fred : no no no you an sleep on the bed or we can share 

Y/n : yes um lets share 

Fred : okay 

We both changed and got into bed 

Fred : goodnight 

Y/n : goodnight 

we both turned facing opposite sides of the bed 

i started to fall asleep after about half an hour when i felt someone grab me and pull me towards them it was Fred he hugged me and i fell asleep almost instantly after that 

the next morning i woke up at 7 Fred was gone obviously at work and i was the only one awake so i made myself some toast and sat on the sofa watching a tv show i haven't seen since i started Hogwarts i missed having all the free time and hanging with my muggle friends at a MacDonald's and then i remembered 

*on message* 

Hey Fred i remember you told me your number and that you worked in a muggle place, i was just wondering if you could get me a MacDonald's on your way back please i will pay you back 

Sure Y/n what do you want from there and no needed to pay me back 

thanks Freddie umm can i have y/o/n (your order) 

sure i will be back about 8:30 so see you in half an hour



we finished messaging i was so glad i could have a MacDonald's i haven't had one since 3 days before Hogwarts 

i watched some more of that tv show it was my favourite  

and before i knew it Fred was back with a MacDonald's for me 

Fred : here you go darling hope you enjoy 

Y/n : thank you Fred how was work 

Fred looked confused : it was good thank you but i for sure need a nap after i eat some of this 

Y/n : okay come sit we can watch this together eat and then you go nap 

Fred came over and sat next to me we began eating he had my friend Chloe's favourite order a big mac medium fries and a sprite he looked surprised on how good it was 

Y/n : is that your first 

Fred : you can tell haha

Y/n : yes your facial expressions show it vey well 

Fred and i laughed a nit after eating Fred fell asleep some how ending up on my lap 

Molly : hello Y/n is Fred in bed upstairs 

Y/n : no we fell asleep eating and he ended up on my lap some how 

Molly : oh okay i will wake the others when he wakes up 

so she did we waited for him to wake up making small talk and me telling her about my past hoping she would understand to my surprise, she did she told me a story about her in a similar situation it helped to know i wasn't the only one, Fred began to wake up and i stocked is head to comfort him

Y/n : good morning sleepy head 

Fred grunted 

Fred : good morning N/n 

Molly : right i am going to wake the others one of you go get in the showers before the others do 

Fred and I at the same time : i will 

we looked at each other before we ran to the bathroom me getting there first 

Y/n : haha snooze you lose 

Fred : whatever 

Y/n : can you stay near the door i don't like locking doors 

Fred : oki dokie 

i shut the door got undressed and turned the shower on getting in at the right warmth i turned my music on just before and started to sing along 

"Even if it ain't all it seems

I got a pocketful of dreams baby I'm from New York!

Concrete jungle where dreams are made off

There's nothing you can't do, now you're in New York!

These streets will make you feel brand new

Big lights will inspire you

Hear it for New York, New York, New Yooork!

On the avenue there ain't never a curfew ladies work so hard" 

i was cut of by banging on the door 

Y/n : hello

Fred : i need a pee can i go i wont look i swear 

the problem is there is no shower curtain but i said yes anyway because i know how hard it is to hold a pee in 

Y/n : fine just don't look 

he walked in and i stayed facing another way 

Fred : your a really good singer you know 

Y/n : thank you 

Fred : i can sing too you know 

Y/n : haha okay hurry up 

Fred : hey don't hurry me let me take my time 

Y/n : fine but i am done and need to put my towel on to walk to your room 

Fred : just do it i wont look 

so i did yet i knew he was looking at my body 

Y/n : are you done yet 

Fred : yes okay let me walk you to the room 

Y/n : um wash you hands now 

he looked annoyed but did it and then walked me to the room he turned around and shut the door so i could put clothes on 

Fred : sorry i didn't tell you but i have my own private bathroom 

Y/n : Frederick Gideon Weasley i could have showered in here and you could have went to this bathroom 

i got that mad i let go of the towel and it dropped to the floor no noticing i carried on 

Y/n : i am so furious with you right now and what are you looking at do i have a stain on my towel 

Fred : umm- n-n-no yo-your towel fell-fell off 

i felt so embarrassed but thought to play it cool 

Y/n : and you have seen a women's body naked right 

Fred : yes i have but your is just gorgeous 

Y/n : um- well thank you 

i felt a blush start, he moved closer and close until he finally stood right in front of me 

Y/n : what are you doing 

Fred : i really want to kiss you 

after he said that he did just that he kissed me i didn't pull away but i didn't want to kiss him i was with Draco and i promised i would letter him once every 2 days 

i stepped back Y/n : we shouldn't do this i have a boyfriend  

Fred : is that the only reason 

Y/n : yes wait no i don't know i want to kiss you so so bad but i am with Draco and he loves me and i think i love him but i don't know because i have 2 soulmates and one of them smells a lot like you 

i realised what i said i didn't even realised i knew that until now 

Fred : w-what did you say 

Y/n : nothing i, gonna change 

and i did after that i ignored him the entire time i was there but every night when he thought i was asleep he would rap his long and manly arms around my waist pulling me into him and kissing my cheek whispering so faintly "goodnight darling i love you" if i said i hated it, it would be a lie he would always give me butterflies by doing so and i loved it for that i craved it every night after the first time and he did do it every night. then Christmas day came 

Molly : has everyone opened presents 

Harry : there is one left under the tree for Y/n 

he handed it to me it was in a small red box with a golden ribbon on it i  opened it slowly it shown a ring with a note on the back

Dear Y/n 

i wanted to get you this ring it is a promise ring as a sign as our love Ron told me yo liked that type of stuff i got you it and hope you wear it for the rest of your life as a memories of us  i will see you tomorrow at the manor 

all my love Draco 

p.s my mum is over joyed to be finally meeting you  

i smiled at his note and also felt guilty because i also had feelings for Fred i needed to tell someone and i chose Hermione we spoke about it and she didn't know how to help me 

Molly : is that it 

Harry : yes 

Molly : Y/n dear i know we have only known each other for about a week but you fit into this family so well i just wish you was my daughter or married into it but anyway i hope you know i will always count you as a daughter so i knitted you one of my famous jumpers that everyone has 

I started to tear up 

Y/n : thank you so much this was my first Christmas but i love it i count you all as family and am so glad that i met you guys first i love you all and yes including the annoying twins (i said looking at Fred a smile appearing on his face as i did so)

we carried on the day like any other day 

but wen i went to bed a lot changed 

as normal me and Fred fell asleep me in his arms hugging me but this time none of us could sleep 

Fred : i like you 

Y/n : yes i like you too 

Fred : no like i really like you 

after he said that i rolled over to face him  

Y/n : i really like you too i just have too soulmates so i don't know who i will end up with 

Fred : oh okay 

this time i kissed him i just had to but this time there was no one to stop us no one to do anything so we went to far that night doing *it* 

the next morning i woke up in his arms only this time it was different i have done *it* before but last night it was different it felt right could be because he is one of my soulmates and this was the day i leave to go see my other soulmate and boyfriend but i love them both the same i know i do i just couldn't help it i wish i could just say i hate them and it be true but it wouldn't be true if i did 

i tried to move from his embrace but i couldn't without waking him and i didn't want to wake him so i stayed still hoping no one would enter as i was still naked, and then it hit me what about his work i stared to shake him lightly at first but soon after as there was no response i tried harder

Fred : Leave me alone i need sleep 

Y/n : No don't you have work today 

Fred : No it's a Saturday, oh wait it's Y/n talking to me isn't it 

Y/n : Yes and i need to leave soon so get off me 

Fred : Oh yes to go to your boyfriends wait do you think he would be okay with what we did last night 

Y/n : Fred stop don't be jealous i need time to think and i promised i would be with him 

Fred : yes yes yes 

he rolled over leaving me so i could move it was only 6:00 am so i had time, i went and got some clothes for him and for me "put these on so we can go back to sleep"

F : do i have to cupcake i really like being naked next to you 

Y/n : yes you do 

after saying that i threw some red and black boxer shorts at him gesturing for him to put them on, after a while of him refusing he did but he climbed out of bed revealing what i had felt but not seen last night i could only stare 

F : so you still want me to put them on, because the way your mouth is hanging open tells me not to 

Y/n : don't put them on-- wait what no put them on please sorry 

i looked away this time 

F : oh no it's fine love you can touch again if you want 

Y/n : no put them on 

F : okay but first a hug 

i rolled my eyes walking towards him i felt his body touch mine i was still naked to but i hopped he didn't notice but of course he did 

F : so is your body wanting more or are you just fantasizing about me 

Y/n : just shut up and get dressed 

F : aww but i love you too 

I looked at him clearly annoyed 

F : kiss me. Tell me how you feel when you do it 

Y/n : no i simply couldn't 

F : ju-- 

i pulled him into a kiss grabbing him by the neck pulling him quit harshly i didn't mean to i just needed to kiss him if i am being honest it made me feel full, happy and safe but he couldn't know that 

Y/n : the element of surprise is always more fun 

F : oh yes next time i will surprise you, anyway how did it make you feel 

Y/n : just a normal kiss 

F : okay you can put clothes back on we can go back to sleep until 9:00am everyone will be awake then also go get ready in the bathroom if i keep seeing yo like that last night might come again 

Y/n : okay 

i walked into the bathroom changing looking in the mirror to see a hickey a very visible one 

Y/n : Freddie you gave me a hickey 

F : oh shit sorry is your boyfriend gonna mind that 

Y/n : ugh shut up and give me my wand 

he was handing me my wand 

F : kiss me first 

Y/n : okay 

i leant in and grabbed my wand he was shocked i just did that as he seen me as a shy girl 

Y/n : I'm gonna leave early i think i will go to a coffee shop and when the time is right go to Drays 

F : what no is this my fault 

i was doing a spell to get ride of the hickey 

Y/n : no of course not i really like you and you give me butterflies but i cant be near you i have a boyfriend and your hard to resist... shit i just said that 

Fred walked up behind me hugging me from behind and kissing my neck between every kiss saying simple words 

F : i... like... you... too... darling

Y/n : staying a little longer couldn't hurt i just need to letter Draco 

F : okay love but first why do you have so many scars on your body 

Y/n : just a bad past 

F : okay if you need to talk i am here now go write your letter 

Dear Dray 

i am ready to leave when every you want just make it around 12ish please Harry Ron and Hermione want to take me on a walk and talk we haven't spoke much i have mostly read Fred's book's, Fred is a good friend you would like him and he reads the same things as me great. I love and miss you baby hope you are ready for some crazy moments don't forget you have to deal with me for a week outside of school so i won't be a goodie goodie 

Love Y/n 

i closed the letter i only licked it shut i didn't have my wax crust so i didn't bother using another one i gave it to Fred's owl an waving it goodbye 

F : so we have about an hour before you have to go so wanna have some fun 

Y/n : get your mind out of the gutter, i want you to read pride and prejudice to me 

F : okay got it lay down 

and he began it was about an hour later when Ron Harry and Hermione burst through the door 

Harry : I'm gay 

Ron : he wanted to come out in a big way 

Hermione : to be honest i guessed it from the start  

Y/n and Fred : knew it pound it 

and the fist bumped 

Ron : you guys seem to be getting along well 

Fred : ya great (he said laughing)

Y/n : ignore him he has been like this all morning anyway don't we have a walk to go on 

Harry : yass queen... nope that didn't feel right forget i ever said that okay ?

we all laughed we went on the walk and got back at about 11:34 so i had a few minutes before leaving giving me the time to talk to Molly and Arthur and thank them for letting me stay. Just as i finished thanking them there was a knock at the door an my heart skipped a beat when George opened it revealing my Draco.

Heyy lovely's sorry i have been busy and this chapter took ages to write for some reason but anyway thank you for reading and supporting next update should be some time soon tell me what you think so far and who should Y/n choose Fred or Draco i already know who i will chose for you but i just want to know who do you  want more <3

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