Chapter 6

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I woke up and Fred was asleep on me i had been asleep for about half an hour i moved not meaning to wake him up but i did just that

Y/n : sorry i didn't mean to wake you 

Fred : its okay we need to wake up anyway don't forget your dare

Y/n : Only if you remember yours  

Fred : i am putting it on right now 

he put the bra on and it looked so funny he smiled and gave me his phone 

Fred : take a photo 

he started posing and i laughed taking the photos for him and making sure i get his "good side" 

Fred pulled down his top 

Fred : we are here follow me i will take you to my room to change 

so i did just that 

he opened the door


Molly : FRED DON'T SHOUT I AM RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, anyway hello lovely you must be Y/n 

Y/n : yes i-

i got pulled away by Fred before i could finish my words he took me up a few stairs and opened the door

Fred : this is my closet my room is through that door but anyway here are some clothes i will turn around so you can change 

he did just that i changed into his clothes it was a familiar sent i didn't know where i knew it from but i knew it and i liked it, we walked downstairs to see the others got here they all looked at me in Fred's clothes confused as ever 

Y/n : don't worry its a dare i can only wear his clothes for the entire time i am here 

they all laughed 

Hermione : and that is why you never go in a car with him 

Y/n : i got him back he has to wear a bra the entire time i am here look at the photos 

i went to pull out his phone still in my pocket to show Mione

Fred : right that is enough for today i will give you a tour y/n 

me and Hermione laughed 

Y/n : bubye Hermione 

Hermione : bye Y/n

Fred : those photos are for mine and your eyes only 

Y/n : i need others to see it to though pleaseeeeeeee

Fred pulled me into a room pushed me against the door and whispered very carefully and slowly into my ear

Fred : please Y/n 

i nodded looking back and forth from his lips to his eyes him doing the same i wanted him to kiss me and i know that is bad i know i am with Draco but i needed his lips against mine right now i got pulled from my thought by him kissing me it was slow and soft i wanted him to never stop but we heared a knock on the door leading him to pull away to answer 

Fred : what's up i am showing her Percy's bed room

Molly : well i need to talk to her open the damn door child 

so he opened the door i still looked very confused but happy 

Molly : hello dear i need to measure you so i can buy some clothes for Fred that fit you better because his pants are way to big on you

Y/n : yes thank you Mrs. Weasley 

Molly : oh call me Molly please dear 

Y/n : okay thank you Molly 

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