Young Love ~ Brendon Urie

By baedonurie21

7.2K 181 256

Brendons simple one night stand with a fan gets unexpectedly turned into much, much more. More

A Start of Something New
A New Perspective
What a Surprise
A Day On The Town
Taking Chances
New Faces Old Habits
End of New Faces Old Habits
Dates and Birthdays pt.1
Dates and Birthdays Pt. 2
No More Secrets
Okay NOW No More Secrets pt. 2
Switching Lives

Okay NOW No More Secrets Pt.1

265 10 18
By baedonurie21

Dallons POV

I stormed out of Doveys room and went downstairs. Brendon was sitting on the couch and when he saw me he quickly got up and came over.

"So what was that about?" He asked.

I didn't think and just socked him in the face so hard he fell back.

"DUDE!" He yelled from the ground while holding his nose.

"What the fuck did I do to EITHER of you?!" He asked.

Right then Ryan came in. He looked at Brendon on the ground put his hand to his forehead mumbling "oh shit".

"'Oh shit''s right, motherfucker!" I yelled going over to him and punching him square in the nose too.

Gerard came rushing in from the garage with Beth.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Beth asked confused and pissed walking over to Brendon and kneeling down next to him. Gerard just shook his head and walked in the other direction.

"I don't fucking know! First Dovey is all pissed at me and then Dallon comes and punches me and... then... Ryan.... oh." Brendon said as he came to realization on what was going on.

"Oh?? Oh what??? Why did he punch you? What does Dovey have to do with this?" Beth asked helping Brendon stand up.

"Don't worry about it, Beth. Can I talk to these two in private for a second?" I asked her.

"No. I need to know what the hell is going on. ESPECIALLY since Dovey is invovled." Beth said putting her hands on her hips.

"It's really a very complicated situation." Brendon said

"I don't care, tell me." she said. It was clear she wasn't going to let up.

"Okay fine. I told Dovey Brendon and I hooked up back in LA and she got mad that we didn't tell her sooner and so did Dallon." Ryan chimed in.

Beth looked over to a very embarrassed looking Brendon.

"Is this true?" She asked surprised.

"Yep." Brendon replied.

"Okay, now you know Beth. Can I please talk to them?" I asked getting impatient.

"Um, yeah whatever." She said walking away, completely shocked. I guess no one told her this house is filled with raging bisexuals.

When I saw she was back in the garage and the door was closed I spoke up.

"Seriously Brendon?? How the fuck could you do that to Dovey??" I asked him bawling my hands into fists as rage began filling my body again.

"Look, I don't see anyone punching Dovey in the face when she cheated on me with Ryan." Brendon said crossing his arms.

"Thats a completely different situation. I thought I was never going to see you again. You KNEW you were going to see me in a few days." Dovey said coming down the stairs causing us all to look over at her. "Don't you dare compare our situations to eachother."

"Dovey, will you please let me explain at least, please." Brendon pleaded walking towards her.

"Fine, whatever. Explain." she said.

Brendon took a deep breath before speaking. "Ryan is the first person I ever truly fell in love with. And once you fall in love, its nearly impossible to fall out. Seeing him for the first time back at the cabin I was reminded of that. I missed him and knew that I couldn't actually do anything with him, but not being around him hurt more than not being able to see him period. I tried my absolute hardest to fight it and it was working for a really long time. Then, one night he had a bit too much to drink and he confessed he still loved me and honestly thats when I broke. I stayed the night, but nothing happened. In retrospect I know I shouldn't have, but I was too tired and buzzed to care. The next morning Ryan had a breakdown and I felt the best thing to do was to give him the date he wanted for so long. It was the dumbest thing I probably could've done but it seemed right at the time. I spent the night again but I stayed awake the whole night, guilt eating away at me, knowing I was going to see you 2 days later. I ended leaving at around 6 in the morning before Ryan woke up so I wouldn't be tempted to continue on with him."

Dovey just stared at him, tears forming back in her eyes. "All I got from that is that you're still in love with Ryan. How was that suppose to help anything?" She asked. I was honestly wondering the same thing. I looked over at Ryan who too was in tears. I was basically the only person in the room that wasn't. I could even hear Brendons voice cracking as he gave his explanation.

"No, what I'm trying to say is I chose you over someone I consider the love of my life, because honestly I love you just as much as I do him." He explained. I guess Ryan had heard enough because he turned around and walked back outside.

"Why did you chose me?" Dovey asked.

Brendon opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Well???" Dovey asked in an impatient voice.

"I- I don't know." He whispered.

My hand shot up to my mouth in disbelif of what he just said. That had to have been the dumbest thing I've ever heard him say.

"Okay, yeah. You can get the fuck out of my house." Dovey said pointing towards the door.

"Dovey, no! Please give me another chance!!" Brendon begged.

"Hell no! Get the fuck out!" Dovey said shoving him towards the door. He looked at her with pitiful eyes but she looked at him with pure fury.

"C'mon man, lets go." I said grabbing his arm and dragging him outside.

When we got outside I let go of him.

"Why the FUCK would you say that???! " I yelled at him causing both him and Ryan, who was sitting down crying, to jump.

"I just honestly didn't know what to say." He replied.

"You realize you have ruined things with her for good, right?" I told him.

He didn't reply, he just broke down crying. Oh my god, if I see one more fucking person cry I'm going to explode. They are desensitizing me to sadness.

"Look, I'll go in there and try to talk to her. But theres not much I can do." I said going back in. Dovey sat fuming on the couch.

"Hey Dove, you okay?" I asked her, sitting down next to her cautiously. She turned and to look at me and just shook her head.

"Brendon really does love you. Why he said something as stupid as that? I have no idea, but hearing him talk about you the way he does and seeing all he's gone through just to be with you has to mean something." I told her.

"Yeah, I know he does. I just don't think he should be with me. He should be with Ryan. I'm not good enough for him, I'm just holding him back from being truly happy." She said. I could tell by the wavering in her voice that she was trying not to cry.

"He went through hell and back for you. If that doesn't tell you that you make him happy then I don't know what will." I told her.

"I know he did, and his life has been turned upside down because of me! He was basically kidnapped because of ME!!" She shouted. "He deserves better. He deserves Ryan." she finshed turning her face back away from me. She then shot up from the couch and walked over to the door. I rushed over to her and grabbed her arm before she was able to open the door.

"Dovey, what are you about to do?" I asked her, worried.

"I can't do this to him anymore. I can't do this to myself anymore. It's just not ever going to work." She said taking her arm back and going outside.

I sighed and followed behind her. When Brendon saw her he shot up from the ground quickly went over to her.

"Dovey, I'm so fucking stupid I shouldn't have said that. God, I'm such an idiot!" He said rushing over to her grabbing her hands.

She quickly pulled them back and used one to dry he eyes.

"Can we please talk in private?" She asked him,

He quickly nodded and she motioned for him to follow her. They walked over to the street, just out of ear shot but I could still see basically everything they were saying.

"I think you should be with Ryan." Dovey probably says.

Brendon furrows his eyebrows and steps closer to Dovey grabbing hold of her hands. "No! I want to be with you!!" He replies

"No, I'm just holding you back! Be with him. He's who you deserve!" She says shaking her head

"But I love you!" Brendon responds

"And I love you! But I can't do this anymore!" Dovey says slowly pulling her hands back.

"Dovey, please!" He cries out dropping to his knees reaching for her hands again.

"I'm sorry." She says covering her mouth and hurrying back to the house

Brendon sits back on his feet and shoves his face into his hands begins blubbering. Dovey pushes past me and rushes into the house and up the stairs. I sigh and walk over to Brendon. I help him up and lead him to the passenger side of the car and help him get in.

"I'm gonna pack our stuff and we're going to stay at a hotel for the night and leave in the morning, okay?" I tell him. He just nods and resumes his crying.

I walk over to Ryan and tell him to pack his stuff and he follows me inside. Beth and Gerard were in the living room now.

"So Brendon, Ryan, and I are going to a hotel for the night and leaving in the morning. Gerard, you can stay if you want." I tell them.

I turned around to walk to away but Beth stopped me.

"Is it really that big of a deal that they didn't tell you guys?!" She asked me angrily.

"Yes. Its a big deal for reasons that you'll never understand, okay?" I told her impatiently. I just wanted to pack and get out of here.

"I mean, it's THEIR life! If they want to be together, then let them!! And if they didn't tell you it's probably for a good reason." She said.

"Yeah, you're right. But really, its just not a good idea to stay. Dovey is too mad at Brendon." I told her.

"I'm gonna go talk to her." Beth said going towards the stairs but I quickly grabbed her arm to stop her.

"No, I think you should just let her cool off for a bit." I told her. I knew if she saw Dovey this upset then she'd know something more was up.

"She's overreacting entirely and she needs to be told that!!" Beth said trying to push past me but I wouldn't let her.

"Trust me, please." I asked her.

She rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and sat back onto the couch. I went up to Brendon and I's room and packed our things as quickly as I could. When I came back down I saw Ryan was already ready to go. He was giving Beth and Gerard hugs goodbye before going out to the car. When I got the bottom of the stairs I set my stuff down and gave Beth a hug and apologized for all the trouble we caused since being there.

Right as I was about leave I realized I never said bye to Dovey. I put our stuff in the car and ran back into the house and up to Doveys room. I cautiously knocked on her door before coming in.

"GO AWAY!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs causing my heart to practically stop.

"Its just me." I replied.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door and she swooshes it open. Her face and lips were puffy and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Come in." She said as she walked back towards her bed and plopped down onto it. I sat down next to her.

"Look, if you're going to try and convince me to go out there and make up with Brendon then you can just leave." She told me looking down at her tightly crossed arms.

"I'm not. I was just letting you know we're leaving. Well, Ryan, Brendon, and I are. Gerard is staying" I told her.

She looked at me with big eyes.

"No! Please stay!" She pleaded, grabbing onto my arm.

"I really don't think it's a good idea with you and Brendon." I explained to her.

"Then just send Brendon and Ryan back! Please stay!" She begged now shoving her face in my sleeve.

"I really want to but I know Brendon is going to need someone when we get back to LA. This absolutely destroyed him." I told her. I honestly did want to stay. Listening to Brendon cry over Dovey for the next month was not something I was looking forward to.

"Well who's going to stay here and help me through this?" She asked. "Its not like I'm having the best time of my life right now." She took her arms off me and put them back in the crossed position.

"Gerard is staying here and will help with everything." I told her.

"Fine." She said shortly, looking out the window.

"But hey," I said pulling her into a hug. "If you ever need to talk, I'm just a phone call away."

"Okay." She said giving a small smile.

I smiled back at her and gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head and left her room and went back to the car. Brendon and Ryan sat silently in the car.

"I hope you're happy." Brendon murmured.

"What?" I said confused as to what I did.

"Not you. YOU." He said spinning around in his seat to look at Ryan.

Ryan looked at him with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" He asked sitting up a little.

"I said, I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!!" Brendon screamed causing me to jump and swerve a little.

"Jesus Christ, Brendon. Wait till we get to the hotel to talk about this." I told him trying to push him back into his seat but he wouldn't budge.

"No, I have something to say NOW." He replied to me.

"Brendon, really, you're going to make us crash." I told him.

He grunted and gave Ryan a look that could kill. It wasn't long before I found a cheap motel that we could stay at for the night. I pulled into the empty parking lot and parked in the spot closest to the front office.

"Now guys, I'm going to go get us a room. Please do not kill each other while I'm gone." I told them mainly looking at Brendon who was pouting staring out the window.

"Brendon, you hear me?" I asked him.

"Yeah, whatever. Just go." He grumbled waving his hand at me.

I sighed and climbed out of the car and went into the front office and decided on getting 2 rooms. I didn't want to deal with hearing them bicker all night long. The old lady behind the desk tossed me the keys to our rooms. I thanked her and went back to the car and tossed Ryan one of the keys.

"Why does he get a separate room?" Brendon asked, irritation in his voice.

"Because I don't wanna hear you guys argue all night." I told him taking the luggage out of the car.

"Well what if I want he other room?" He asked as he came around to the back of the car where I was. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine. Ryan, you're gonna be sharing a room with me." I said to Ryan.

"What?! No! I want the room!" He complained also getting out of the car.

"You know what? Fuck both if you. I get the room, you guys can share the other one." I said slamming the trunk. I picked up my bags and started walking to my room.

"No, fuck that! You said I could have the room! Brendon, stop being such a primadonna."

"Shut the fuck up, Ryan. There is no way I'm sharing a room with this fucker."

I heard them fighting behind me. I just rolled my eyes and quickly walked to my room. Once I got in, I slammed the door behind me and locked it. I threw my stuff into a chair near the door and fell onto the bed. I could still here them going at it outside. I grunted and pulled a pillow over my head to block them out. I just wanted the day to be over. I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I knew someone was banging on my door and everything was dark. The banging got louder and whoever was on the other side was shouting for me to open the door.

"HOLD ON!!! Goddamn.." I shouted as I tried to find the light switch. My hand finally landed on it and I turned it on and nearly went blind from from the brightness of the sudden light. Once my eyes adjusted I opened the door to see a furious tear-soaked Brendon. I moved to the side to let him in.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"I dunno. Like midnight?" He replied.

Damn I guess I really was tired.

"Okay, so what're you doing here? Why aren't you asleep?" I asked him.

"Ryan and I were fighting and things kinda got out of hand." He told me.

I frowned. "Out of hand?"

"Yeah..." He said quietly. He had a look of guilt and was clutching his hand. His knuckles were busted and bleeding.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Ryan said something that just really got to me so I uh... punched him..."

"How many times?" I asked worried he killed Ryan.

"5, maybe 6 times?" He replied. "I stopped when he finally pushed me off."

"Oh my fucking god." I said rushing out of my room and over to theirs.

"Ryan, let me in. It's Dallon!!" I shouted as I banged on the door. Nothing.

"RYAN!!!!" I shouted louder and banged harder on the door. Still nothing.

I shakily opened the door scared as to what I might witness. The room was empty and there was a giant blood stain in the middle of the floor.

"Ryan?!!?" I called out.

He weakly walked out of the bathroom and his nose was allllllll fucked up and his lip was busted. His right eye was swollen shut.

"Oh my god." I mumbled going over to him and throwing his arm around my neck. I could tell the blood loss was really getting to him.

"Come on, I'm taking you to the hospital." I told him as I walked out of the room.

"And you can stay here and clean this off the carpet." I told Brendon as I passed him.

When we got to the car, I shoved Ryan into the passengers side and ran over to the drivers side and jammed the keys into the ignition and took off.

"Come on, Ryan. Stay with me." I said using one hand to shake his shoulder to try and keep him awake and conscious. His head was bobbing and his eyes were fluttering. I could tell I was about to lose him. I sped up drastically and quickly pulled my phone out to get directions to the nearest hospital. Luckily, there was one right around the corner. We were there within 5 minutes. I does around to the ER section. I parked and gave my keys to the vallet guy and rushed inside.

"Someone please help!! Mt friend was mugged!!!" I called out. Nurses were at his side in seconds and asking us a billion questions.

"How long ago did this happen?"

"What's his name?"

"Were you with him when it happened?"

"Did you give him anything?"

I was barely able to answer anyone with all the questions being thrown at me. They took us to a back room and hooked him up to an IV. A doctor came in and checked him over and broke his nose into place and put a splint on it. He also gave him stitches under his swollen eye. It swelled so much it split. Fortunately, they said he was okay.

When all the doctors and nurses left I took my phone out and called Brendon. He picked up basically the second it started ringing.

"Is he okay?" He asked frantically.

"Yeah, I mean he's fucked up pretty bad, but he'll live." I told him.

"Oh thank god." He said letting out a sigh if relief.

"Yeah I was just calling to let you know he's going to be here for the next few days which means we're going to be here the next few days. Also I'm spending the night here with him." I told him.

"Okay... Do you think I could come in the morning... to apologize?" He asked.

"I'll ask him when he wakes up." I said.

"Okay..." He replied.

I hung up and went over to the chair in the corner of the room and closed my eyes for a second. When I opened them the sun was shining in the room and Ryan was staring at me smiling.

"Morning." He said.

"Morning." I said getting up and stretching.

"Thanks for staying with me last night." He said

"No problem." I replied giving him a smile and a small rub on his leg.

"Brendon isn't here, is he?" Ryan asked.

"No, but I called him last night and he asked if he could come down to apologize." I told him.

"I see." I responded.

"So do you want him down here or no?" I asked.

"Fuck no." He said furrowing his brows.

"Okay, I'll tell him." I said laughing a bit.

I pulled my phone out and texted Brendon not to come. He replied seconds later with "okay."

I put my phone away and pulled the chair next to Ryan's bed. I grabbed the remote off his bed and turned the TV on. We discussed what we should watch before settling on Jerry Springer and falling asleep again.



The second my eyes opened I felt the familiar churn in my stomach that I've been getting for the past few weeks. I launched myself out of bed covering my mouth and holding my stomach. I darted for the bathroom and barely lifted the seat in time to puke up everything I ate the night before. Today marked the third week my period was late. After emptying my stomach I sat up against the side of the bathtub next to the toilet and held my head as tears began to form. I knew what this was. I was almost 100% positive. The thought first crossed my mind when. I was only one week late and I remembered Brendon and I didn't use protection. Today has to be the day I solidify my suspicions. I wiped my eyes and mouth and flushed the toilet. I let out a huff and went back to my room to get dressed. I threw on a random pair of sweats and grabbed my keys. I went out to my car and drove to the CVS down the street from me. When I got there I rushed over to the family planning section and saw a few older woman peering at me from the cold medicine aisle shaking their heads.

"Girls these days. Just can't keep their damn legs closed." I heard one of them say. I honestly was in no mood to be fucked with so I looked over at her and said as politely as I could, "Do you mind shutting the fuck up please? Thanks." And grabbed like 7 pregananct tests and went to the front. I dropped them on the counter and began rummaging through my purse to find my wallet. When I found it I pulled out my debit card and handed it to the cashier. They scanned all of them and my card and handed me it back along with my bag.

"Thank you, come back again." They said with a smile.

I smile and nodded at them in return. I drove home as quickly as I could and rushed up to my bathroom and emptied out all the boxes and read the directions. It said I had to wait 15 minutes to see the results. Luckily, I was nervous enough to produce enough pee for all the tests. I set the timer on my phone and waited impatiently for the 15 minutes to be up. When my phone went off I shot up from the toilet seat and quickly grabbed the first stick.


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