Fictional Love

By hausofjen

100K 2.3K 166

Laura Prepon who plays Alex Vause, finally gets to meet her co-star Taylor Schilling who plays Piper Chapman... More

The Audition
We meet again
Faking it
Teach me how to date
First Date (part I)
First Date (part II)
Slumber Party
Rise and fight
On Camera
Turning soft, are we now?
So close yet so far.
About The Shower Scene...
Break up?
Back to work
Game on
Call it a double-date
We need to talk
Back together
Second shot
Will you be my valentine?
Don't get too comfy
Game Night
First week of commitment
Birthday Girl
End of the night
City of Love
Married Life
Home Videos (1)
Home Videos (2)
The Story
"Reality Over Fiction"
New story out


2.3K 54 1
By hausofjen

Taylor's pov
I wake up, in Laura's arms, smelling like champagne, strawberries and soap.
I make my way to the next room and grab my purse, to find some aspirin hoping to cure my hangover.
"Up so soon?" Laura says, heading towards me in nothing but an oversized tee.
"Hey-", she interrupts me with a kiss.
"Hangover?" Laura asks, grabing the aspirin.
"Yeah, although I'm gonna need a lot more than that." I joke.
"I have just the thing, let's get dressed and head over to my appartement." She offers.
"Sure." I smile, now walking to the room.
Laura's pov
"No prepared outfits today, what a relief!" I laugh, changing into a comfortable dress.
"Yeah, although you gotta admit Len's taste is amazing." Taylor replies.
"Duh." I retort.
"Ready, let's go then because my hangover isn't gonna cure itself." She says, marching to the car.
I hold the door open for her, then sprint to the driver's side, and start the car.
I couldn't let go of her hand during the whole ride to my place, but Taylor was still too tired to form a proper sentence, so the car ride was calm, too calm.
"Leave your bags, I'll have my doorman carry them upstairs." I say, opening the door for Taylor to come out.
"Okay then." She says, grabbing me by the waist, to flaunt our relationship infront of my neighbors.
I open the door, to my appartement and head straight to the kitchen.
"Tay, have a seat in the living room, I'll be right out." I scream accross the room.
"Gosh, not so loud!" She says, annoyed by my voice, and any noise actually.
I prepare a broccoli and carrot smoothie and serve it to her.
"Uh-what's that?" She asks, shocked about the drink I prepared
"Trust me you'll heal instantly." I reassure her.
"F-fine, only because I'm deseperate." She says, grabbing the cup and drinking it's whole content.
"Whoa, slow down." I laugh at her.
"I think I'm gonna fall asleep now, I'm tired." She bluntly states.
"Sure, the guest room is over there to the right." I indicate.
"I'm not sleeping there." She says, giving me a weird look.
"Fine where do-"
"Your room." She interrupts, and walks over to my room.
"I'll help you open the bed-"
"It's fine I opened it." She interrupts once again, then lays gently on my side of the bed.
"That's my side." I say.
"Well too bad huh?" She jokes, "fine have your side." she caves.
"Thank you." I smile, and lay my head down.

Taylor's pov
I wake up, to an amazing smell, and a void in the bed. I figure it was Laura cooking so I walk straight to the kitchen.
"Up so soon?" she says, in her apron and oven gloves.
"I had the most amazing nap, I would've never left the bed if it weren't for my hunger." I admit.
"Well you're in luck, I cooked a tarte and made a salad." She smiles.
"Mhm, that looks delicious!" I smile.
"Well try it then." She says, serving me a piece of her tarte.
I take a bite, and mimic that I loved it.
"You like it?" She asks, not sure wether I was serious or not.
"Hell yeah!" I say, grabbing another bite.
Halfway through lunch, Laura brings up a serious subject, which I couldn't avoid any longer.
"We have to break up with them Tay, I mean isn't that what you want?" She asks.
"Well, yeah, obviously, but y-I hate breakups." I look down.
"Nobody likes breakups." She says, hoping it would reassure me.
"But what if you breakup with me?" I ask, already regretting it, and hating how vulnerable I was.
"I won't." She says, grabbing my hand and kissing it softly.
"You know what, I'll head over there after desert, I'm pretty sure he'll be home, also his plane arrived at 2, so he must have had some time to rest. " I add, now smiling.
"Speaking of desert, red velvet or chocolate?" She asks.
"Oh my god, you baked two cakes?" I exclaim.
"Well I didn't know which one you'd like so.." she says.
"I'll eat both, the answer is always both." I joke.

Laura's pov
And as promised, Taylor was now leaving to drive to Ashton's house.
I figured it was only fair if I did the same, and break it off with Will, but he was not in town. Despite how badly I hated breakups over the phone, I had promised Taylor I'd get it done.
I just decided I wasn't emotionally ready yet, so I chose to run a bath instead.

As soon as I'm done, my doorbell rings.
I rush over there and open the door to see Taylor all happy and excited,
"I did it!" She exclaims.
"Tay, that's great-"
"I know that tone, you didn't do it, did you?" she screams.
"I'm so stupid! I can't believe you! I'm so stupid!" she began to shout and curse at herself.
"Tay, I said I was gonna do it, I just wanted to shower first." I say trying to calm her down.
"Two hours, I'll be at my place, come over only if you did it, otherwise I'm never speaking to you again." she says, slamming the door.
"Fuck" I mumble.

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