First Heir of the Demon (Male...


114K 2.7K 842

Y/N was trained and raised to be the Heir of the Demon, trained by Ra's Al Ghul himself, Talia Al Ghul, Sandr... More

Chapter 2: 2nd Robin
Chapter 3: The Stronghold
(Saga 1 Finale) Chapter 4: Deathstroke vs Knightcrawler
(Saga 2) Chapter 5: Feather
Chapter 6: Who's the Orphan
Chapter 7: Training
Chapter 8: The Courts of Owl
Brother of Robin
Chapter 9: Batman vs Robin
Chapter 10: Finding Batman
(Saga 2 Finale) Chapter 11: Fight in Wayne's Mansion
Saga 3 Y/N and Cassandra's Bio
Saga 3 Trailer
(Saga 3) Chapter 12: Who's the girl?
Chapter 13: Shopping
Chapter 14: Hong Kong
Chapter 15: Attack on Hong Kong
Chapter 16: Targeted
Tournament Announcement
(Saga 3 Finale) Chapter 17: Family
(Saga 4) Chapter 18: Where's Batman?
Chapter 19: Batwoman
Chapter 20: Attack on Wayne Enterprises
Chapter 21: Return
Chapter 22: Not over yet
(Saga 4 Finale) Chapter 23: Knightcrawler vs Orphan
(Filler) Chapter 24: Spoiler
(Filler) Chapter 25: New member
5th Saga bio
(Saga 5) Chapter 26: Normal Day
Chapter 27: League of Shadows
New Story (Related)
Chapter 28: Bad to Worse
Chapter 29: Girl of the Shadows
(Saga 5 Finale) Chapter 30: More
(Filler) Chapter 31: Tim Drake
(Saga 6) Chapter 32: Titans

(Saga 1) Chapter 1: Damian?

8.4K 157 78

The sound of gunshots were heard, as a figure was shown moving from shadow to shadow dodging bullets from 5 thugs.

Thug: Where did he go?

A few bat shaped shurikens appear from it hitting the guns and deactivating them.

Thug 2: What the-

He gets punched in the face, as a Estrima Stick appear as well hitting someone in the face just to returning back. A thug grabs a knife but gets kicked in the ribs falling in the ground and getting his face stomped. The two remaining thugs look back seeing a figure with black costume but not showing any signs of hair or anything as it looks back with glowing white eyes and a grey bat logo. The two thugs get ready to attack him but both get hit from the back by another black figure but had a blue symbol and glowing white eyes. The figure walked from the shadows showing a guy with black hair.

Guy: Told you this would be fun.

Later the other figure waled showing a black costume with dark blue parts and grey bat logo, also showing a hoodie and a blue mask.

Figure: It wasn't as fun as I expected Nightwing.

They heard the police sirens as they grapple away. They are shown now in a building eating a hamburger while the figure lifted his mask to the nose.

Figure: Dick for the last time, I'm not going to join the Titans.

Dick: But it could go nice, there's two people you know from the team, Kory and Jaime.

Figure: I know, but I am fine the way I am, plus I don't think that purple cloak girl likes me. What was her name? Re-Re-Ra-

Dick: Raven?

Figure: Yeah, she just... looked at me bad, like a predator or just... hate.

Dick: Raven is a different girl to most, so expect her to not trust you at the start and have death glare back and forth. Talking about them, found one in that school, Bruce put you on?

Figure: I'm lucky I can wear my earrings, most schools hate that.

Dick: That doesn't answer the question, F/N. Unless you have found one... have you?

Y/N: No I haven't... there are 2 girls fighting for me which I completely ignore because annoying, brats and they're not even that beautiful, I'll give them a 5 out of 10 close to 4.

Dick: Ok what about friends?

Y/N: That is actually doing good, made a few. Now reverse the topic, you and Kory... when are you pro-

DicK: I'm 18, F/N, a year older than you, I'm not going to propose her when we're so young.

Y/N: People propose at ages like 18 or 19, not sure why you wouldn't.

Dick: Can we change the topic... please?

Y/N: Ok ok... just love seeing you angry.

Dick's eyes roll until he sees a kid with a sword playing cut the head with a buffed black guy with tiger claw weapons. Y/N quickly recognized that man but to the kid was different.

Y/N: Ubu?

Dick: You know him?

Y/N: He was once a member of the League of Assassins. Why is he running away? Who's the brat?

Dick: I don't know... *sighs* What can I say, psychos just keep getting younger.

Y/N: Totally agree.

The two move from the building finishing with their food and following them roof to roof. The two started to block each other's swings until the kid clashed weapons just to push Ubu's weapon back and jumps high just to land in his face, breaking his nose. The kid lands in the ground and looks at Ubu ready to strike him down.

Y/N: Ok time to end this child's play.

Nightwing was first as he grappled to a building and falls just to swing at medium speed at the kid right before he completely strike Ubu. The sword is seen in mid air until Nightwing catches it in a badass way and looks at the kid with Y/N landing by him. The kid looks angrily at Dick ready to straight up kill him.

Dick: The psychos just keep getting younger.

The kid completely dashes at Dick as Y/N gets ready to completely annihilate him, but Dick stops him.

Dick: He's a kid, I got this!

Dick gets in fighting pose just to earn a punch in the gut by the kid making him grunt but drop the sword, the Dick goes easy on him punching him in the face not at full force but the kid knees him and slides below him grabbing his sword. He looks back at Dick and launches himself swinging at him making Dick use his superior agility to dodge or block with his sticks but one mistake he did, made the kid cut his side, as he grunts again.

Dick: This kid is crazy.

Y/N: Those moves. Nightwing he's a League of Assassins member, don't go soft!

Dick nods as he grabs the kid's hands and knees him and later kicks him back but not without the kid swinging at his left arm. Dick punches him harder but the kid is just going for straight killing shots at Dick, cutting him a few times. Dick takes a step back as he looked at the kid having a vicious face.

Dick: Ok, Knightcrawler he's all yours.

The kid looks at Y/N as he runs at him ready to strike him having a smile, but Y/N blocked his sword later punching his gut and later kicks his face to the ground. The kid spits blood looking at Y/N who grabs him by his jacket and lifts him up just to headbutt the kid and punching his face. Y/N puts him down pushing his sword back with his feet, out of the kid's reach. The kid growls and dashes at Y/N like some animal but he grabs the kid and puts him in the ground, as he pinches his neck slightly but enough to leave him unconscious.

Dick: Still waiting for Batman teach me that pinch technique.

Y/N: I can help you with that, you ok?

Dick: Yeah, just a few cuts.

Y/N: It would've been less if you weren't holding back.

Dick: He's a kid, you know I don't hit them hard, no matter how moronic like him *points at the kid* they are.

Y/N: *sighs* Just helps me tie him up.


Y/N slaps the kid who was tied to a pole and with a napkin in his mouth.

Y/N: Wake up you gremlin.


Y/N: Sounds like one of those kids that get angry for losing in Battle Royals.

He lowers his napkin as he spits blood at Y/N.

Kid: Let me go this instant!!!

Y/N: After what you did? I don't think so. Who are you?

Kid: Like I need to tell you, even after wearing his symbol.

Y/N: *looks at the bat symbol and later at the kid* I earned this symbol.

Kid: Then father isn't as bright minded as I thought.

Y/N: Father? Batman is your father?

Kid: Yeah, so?

Y/N: Aw shit, he has a long speech to give us.

Dick: Batman has a son?

Y/N: Looks like it.

Kid: Now LET ME GO!!!

Y/N: You tried to kill Ubu, that's not going to happen.

Kid: He deserves it, he killed my grandfather along with Deathstroke.

Y/N: Grandfather... League of Assassins... who is your grandfather, brat?

Kid: Like I need to tell you.

Dick: Batman told me yesterday about Ra's Al Ghul's death... killed... do you think he's-

Y/N: Ra's Al Ghul was your grandfather?

Kid: Like you need to-

Y/N straight up chokes the kid as Dick gets shocked.

Dick: Hey!

Y/N: Then that means you're Talia's little brat... Damian.

Kid (Damian): H-How did you?

Y/N: You don't think I know about the League? I was raised by them.

Damian: GRRRRRRRR...

Dick: Knightcrawler stop, take the fight to the Batcave... I'll call Batman.

Dick walks away as Y/N let go of Damian putting the napkin in his mouth again. Dick grunts and calls Batman.

Dick: Missing something?

???: *phone* I'm not in the mood for games.

Dick: Me and Knightcrawler have a kid here... he says he's your son.

???: *phone and sighs* I'll be right there.


The scene showed Y/N takes his mask putting it on a table, as Dick get stitched back by and old man being Alfred, Damian was watching Dick and Alfred and Batman talking with Gordon. Y/N walked towards Dick with hands crossed.

Alfred: You're lucky Master F/N was there for you, Master Dick.

Y/N: See? He acknowledges me.

Dick: I do too!

Y/N: Well from you is ok, from OG Alfred... those are God's words.

Alfred: I'm humbled from your response.

Dick: *looks away* Maybe I should follow what Bruce said about protection. It really ticks me off that after those lectures he gave me about using protection.

Alfred: Indeed. *Dick grunts as Alfred looks at him* Are you all right, Master Dick?

Dick: I took the cut, I can take the stitch.

Damian: *from the bars* Maybe you need more anesthetic.

Dick: *angry* And you need to fu-

Alfred: Master Dick!

Damian: Maybe you should remember who the blood son is.

Y/N: *ticked off* Maybe YOU should remember your place moron! This is not Nanda Parbat idiot, so either shut up or I'll do it myself! *mumbles to Alfred and Dick* Even I can't believe he is Bruce's son... I mean they look almost the same but damn I wanna kill him... I have to be honest... I prefer to take lessons from Batman than being with the kid.

Dick: You said that right.

Y/N: I'll check on Bruce and Ubu.

Y/N walks away to Batman who was seated watching Gordon and the police with Ubu in the hospital badly injured.

Y/N: How is he?

Batman: See it yourself. *clicks a button* How's Ubu?

Gordon: He's got more monitors connected than in Arkham has in lunatics.

Y/N: Can he talk?

Gordon: Talk? Is a wonder he can breath.

Y/N: *whispering to Batman* He took it to far.

Batman: I'll stay in touch.

Batman disconnects from the call as he asks Y/N.

Batman: Has Ubu ever been this badly injured?

Y/N: No... not even with Ra's. When did you find out you had a son?

Batman: Yesterday. How do you know about Damian?

Y/N: Is because of him, Ra's, Talia and Shiva pushed me away, Shiva completely fucked everything by leaving, Ra's and Talia focused on Damian so much that I looked like a dirt bag in front of them. Richard was the only who kept training me, and I own him for it.

Batman: Richard is a good man... I've met him more than once.

Y/N nods after it as Batman sighs in anger looking down, until Damian walked towards the other side of the chair.

Damian: He doesn't deserve to breath.

Batman got pissed as Y/N moved back as Batman pushed his chair to his right in anger. Dick saw that and smiled as well as Y/N.

Dick: Uh oh.

Y/N: Hehe, this oughta be good.

Batman: Do you know what you were tonight? You weren't a warrior. You weren't a soldier. You were a child.

Damian: If it haven't been for them I-

Batman: If it haven't been for Dick and F/N you would have gone too far.

Damian: It's easier my way.

Batman: It was nothing to do with easy. It's doing what's right because it's right. And that's the only reason you need.

Damian: Seems right to me.

Batman: *walking away* That's the problem. *walks to the Batmobile as it opens it. He grabs something and throws something at Damian* Heads up. *he throws a shuriken at Damian who just catches it with ease* Good reflexes.

Damian: What if I had missed.

Batman: *walking by him* It would've hurt.

Damian: *inspecting the shuriken* Is a League if Assassins' star.

Batman: I found it in a warehouse belonging to a man named Langstrom. Ring a bell?

Damian: No.

Batman: Then there's a connection to Ra's and Deathstroke.

Damian: Then we need to find out what it is.

Batman: I need to find out.

Damian: I want to help. *pointing at Dick* Like he used to.

Batman: It's bad enough you've given yourself away, and let them know we're on them. But you're letting vengeance guide your actions.

Damian: You've never felt vengeful?

Batman:... Everyday. You have to keep your center, Damian. You can't fight crime by becoming a criminal. From now on, stay close. That's an order.

Damian: I can do that.

Batman: F/N... you're coming with me.

Y/N: I'm sorry but I don't like this. Bruce what are you planning?

Dick: Yeah... we're not going to like this, are we?

Batman: No.

First chapter is in, hope you enjoy it since is a long story that I hope I am consistent but not sure.

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