
De courtjuhhh

3.9K 141 23

It wasn't supposed to be like this. At least not for Michelle. She was supposed to finish high school, go to... Mais

Chapter 1

3.9K 141 23
De courtjuhhh

Arriving at the school grounds of Alfea with her twin Bloom felt weird. This wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to become a lawyer, not some mythical creature. Right?

Wrong. Otherwise she wouldn't have been here with her stuff ready to move into one of the rooms of a school that looked like it should be the new set of a Harry Potter movie.

Shaking those thoughts out of her head, she quickly turned her attention to her younger twin sister, Bloom. "So, what are we exactly waiting for?" "We have to meet Stella at the gates" "and who's Stella?" Michelle asked Bloom. "No idea" Bloom responded. "Shall we go on an adventure?" Michelle asked grinning at her younger, but taller, twin sister.

Michelle has always been the social twin and therefore took her sister under her wing. If anyone had anything mean to say about Bloom, prepare to get your ass kicked. One time their parents had to bail her out of jail because she got into a physical fight with a guy that wasn't taking Bloom's no for an answer. Safe to say, the guy never bothered Bloom again but Michelle was grounded for life. Luckily the man didn't press any charges so Michelle's lifelong dream of becoming a lawyer was safe. If that hadn't been the case, she would have been fine with it. She protected her sister from the creep and that's most important in her book.

Bloom surprisingly was up for the adventure for once. With her older sister by her side Bloom felt like she could take on the world. So the Peters girls went on their way walking around campus, trying to find their own path towards headmistress Dowling's office.

"You are so lost" the twins suddenly heard. Deciding to ignore him for now, they continued on their path. "You are so lost that you can't even give me the satisfaction of turning around." "We don't need your help" Bloom stated, turning towards the blonde boy, grabbing her sister's arm to slow her down and turn her around as well. "So presumptuous. You must be fairies." He said. "We are fairies?" Bloom said, while it came out more as a question, making Michelle giggle a little which drew the attention of the blonde towards her.

And man, was she gorgeous. Sky wasn't sure he ever saw a girl as gorgeous as she. Looking into her eyes confirmed it. This was her. His girl. Well, his and Riv's girl. But still, also his. He was slowly checking her out, with his mouth open from shock, making a small blush appear on her beautiful face. The pair was lost in thought, until "M, stop checking him out and come find Stella".

Quickly looking away from the blonde in front of her, she lightly slapped her sister on the arm. "Shut up, I wasn't checking him out." She defended herself. "You so were" Bloom retorted. "I think you were, love. But it's alright. I was checking you out as well." The blonde winked at her.

Suddenly she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders "Quit perving on the first years. We have a soulmate somewhere" looking into the eyes of the guy that put his arm over her shoulder, she felt the same weird feeling she received from the blonde. Riven on the other hand slowly said "or right here" while looking at her with a loving smile. "What's your name, princess?" "Michelle Peters, nice to meet you" "nice to meet you as well, princess. I'm Riven and this is Sky" he said while pointing at the blonde.

Shooting the blonde a small smile, she suddenly noticed her sister wasn't there anymore. Getting out from under Riven's arm, she told the boys she had to find her sister. "Woah, calm down, love. You're going to break something while running with this bag. Allow me." Sky said while taking her bag. "Oh you don't have to, I can do it myself" "if I recall correctly, you were quite lost just now so we'll help you find your sister and Stella" "you know Stella?" "Of course, she's dating one of our best friends. I think I see her right there. Follow me, love" Sky said while trudging towards the blonde girl while still carrying her bag. Riven stayed closer to her and slung his arm back around her shoulder while walking them towards Stella.

"Stell, this is the other Peters, Michelle. Babe, this is Stella and that's Brandon. Stella will show you towards ms. Dowling's office and your suite." "We're roommates" Stella added happily, seeing the bond that had formed between her new roommate and friends. "Well, boys, I'm going to steal Michelle away from you now and we'll be seeing you later." Stella said while pulling Michelle away from Riven's arm. "Thank you for helping me with my bag, Sky." "Anytime, babe. Want me to carry it to your suite?" "No thank you, you have helped me a lot already." She responded while smiling at him. "It's not a problem, princess. Brandon will be going there anyway. We insist." Riven said. "I'll put this in your room. Meet me at the pond after?" Brandon asked Stella while giving her a kiss goodbye. "Yeah, I'll meet you there. You can just put Michelle's stuff in the same room, guys. See you later." "But I didn't-" "we got this, babe. See you later." Sky said while kissing her cheek. "Don't miss us too much." Riven added while kissing her other cheek. And off they went.

"What just happened?" Michelle asked Stella and Bloom. Bloom looked equally confused whereas Stella had a huge smile on her face. "Care to enlighten me, Stel?" "You totally just found your soulmates" "My what now?" "Your soulmates. Don't they teach you about that in California?" Stella asked genuinely surprised. "They teach a lot of things in California but definitely not something about soulmates. Must be an Other World-thing." Michelle shrugged before saying "So, shall we get on with the tour?"

Dropping them off at the end of the tour at ms. Dowling's office, Stella told the twins she would see them in their suite later.

"So how are you liking your new home so far?" Ms. Dowling asked the twins. "It feels quite the same because of all the girls I saw updating their Instagram stories." Michelle laughed. "It's not home." Bloom said sternly. "Hey, B, didn't we agree to leave the grumpy pants at home?" Michelle quickly said. "It's not home, M. Don't act like it is because some guys carried your bag to the suite." "Oh my god. You're still on that? They were just being nice! Brandon carried Stella's stuff up as well, didn't he?" "Yes but they are dating. You just met them 5 minutes before." "Enough with the judging holy one. You're just butt hurt you have to carry your own shit up." "Language!" Ms. Dowling scolded before asking her which guys had helped her. "Just some specialists. Sky and Riven, why?" Michelle wondered.

Farah asked because she could hear from the description that the students that helped the girl were her soulmates. She always liked to know the new matches because it was a big deal in the Other World. But, it was up to Sky and Riven to tell her about their relationship, so ms. Dowling decided not to answer Michelle's question and to continue explaining the curriculum.

"Classes will start tomorrow. Stella will be able to show you where to go then. In the first part of the year we will start with the basics of magic." "The basics? I though we were here for control." Bloom interjected. "You are. To establish control you first need to know the basics of your powers. You have to trust the process." "The slow process" Bloom said glum.

"Don't be so glum, chum. At least we'll have the classes together." Michelle said while nudging her sister. "You will indeed. The classes are to prepare you for a bright future." "We're not here for a bright future." Bloom protested. "No Bloom, you and Michelle are here because you have no other choice." Dowling responded, making Bloom a bit upset.

"Hey, B, we're in this together, okay? You and I, forever and always. We'll get through this too" "you're right. Forever and always." Bloom said while linking her pinky with her sister's.

"I'll let you get settled for now and I will see you two tomorrow in class." "Thanks ms. Dowling. See you tomorrow." Michelle politely responded while linking her arm with Bloom's and grabbing her younger twin's luggage. "Seeing as my luggage has already been carried upstairs, allow me to help you with yours." "No thank you, you have already helped me a lot already" Bloom responded in her fake-Michelle voice. Laughing, Michelle replied "I do not sound like that!" "You so do" shaking her head she just laughed along with her sister while walking up to the suite.

Arriving at the suite, Michelle put Bloom's stuff in her room and went in search of her own. "Our room's here, Michelle" seeing Stella poking her head out of their room she quickly walked in. "Wow, this is a pretty cool room." "Right? The boys put your stuff there and asked if you wanted to join us at the specialists pond in an hour." "Yeah sure." "Great, I'll let them know."

"M, mom and dad are calling!" Bloom yelled from her room. "I'll be right back." She told Stella while joining her sister. She immediately heard their mom ask Bloom "How's the school? Did you make any friends?" Before Michelle could respond, Bloom already said "mom, it's literally hour one of day one." "Yes but I know you and-" "and she's here with me and I'll make sure she has a good time while studying." Michelle interjected. "Hey sweetheart, how are you?" Their mom immediately asked her oldest daughter.

The relationship between Bloom and her mother was rocky. It was clear that Michelle was Vanessa's favorite because she was more social. Michelle was part of the cheerleading team, had a lot of friends and was overall the daughter Vanessa wanted her to be. Except for the getting into fights because of Bloom. Bloom didn't mind their relationship, because Michelle always made sure to include her and defend her if necessary.

"Hey mom, I'm fine. A little tired but that's what happens when starting a new school." She said. "You know you're still grounded, right?" Her dad joked. "You can't ground me on school property. That's outside of your jurisdiction" Michelle smugly shot back. "Touché. I see why you want to be a lawyer" he laughed before adding "it's almost bed time there right? Why is it so light out?" Looking at each other in panic, Bloom's roommate and Stella came to their rescue. "Lights out, phones off!" "Oh we have to go, bye guys, love you!" The twins said "Bye, we love you-" and Bloom hung up before they could finish.

"Thanks guys. You're lifesavers." "I'll answer to that, or Aisha" "nice to meet you. I'm Michelle and that's my little sister Bloom" "by 5 minutes. When are you going to let that go?" "When I finally grow as tall as you" she joked. "So why are you still grounded?" Stella asked her roommate. "Well, you see, funny story it is really-" "she got arrested because she broke a guy's nose" "well if you put it like that, it's not that funny at all" Michelle pouted. "Wait, what?" Stella asked. "There was this guy and he was harassing Bloom and he didn't stop so I lightly stroked his nose with my fist" "you full on sucker punched him." "Well he left you alone after that, didn't he?" Michelle innocently said. "And I am still thankful for that. So thank you" "you're welcome" "the guys are going to love that story" Stella said laughing a bit. "Don't you dare." Michelle said narrowing her eyes at the blonde. "I think I will" Stella replied before rushing off towards the specialists pond.

Michelle rushed after her but lost her in the hallway already. Having no idea where to go, she quickly rushed back in, introduced herself to Terra and asked the girl if she maybe knew where the pond was. After listening to one of Terra's stories about the pond, the girl was finally on her way.

Arriving there and seeing the four of them laughing she immediately knew she was too late. "I hate you" she said to Stella, announcing her presence. "No you don't. It's a funny story Elle, now our friendship is real" "I didn't hear a embarrassing story about you yet though" she told the blonde while going to stand between Riven's legs who was sitting on the high mat. He immediately put his head on her shoulder and his arms around her waist and whispered "I didn't know my princess was a criminal" "I'm not a criminal! I didn't get charged!" She laughed while stepping out of his hold and going to stand next to Sky. "I don't think you're a criminal, love. You protected your sister, good job, babe" "thank you, Sky. At least one of you is nice." She said while sticking out her tongue at the rest of the small group making them laugh. "Anytime, babe" he said while wrapping his arm around her waist. She immediately leaned into his hold which made the other three smirk a bit.

"So, Stell, embarrassing story?" "Well, you see, as a princess I can't do anything that would damage my reputation." Michelle snorted. "Sure. Brandon, tell me an embarrassing story about Stella" "well there was this one time, where she was coming to see me and got stopped by one of the specialists who wanted to ask her out. She didn't want to say no, so instead she faked that she fell and jumped into the pond to get my attention. She fake drowned and everything"

While laughing she leaned even more into Sky's hold. Something she didn't notice but the other four most certainly did. "I can imagine you don't want to tell that one yeah" she said after she finished laughing.

Their laughter was cut short when Silva came into view and asked the boys to help with orientation. Noticing the girl wrapped in Sky's arm with Riven's eyes on her at all time, he quickly figured out that this was his surrogate son's soulmate. "Sorry to steal them away. I'm mr. Silva, headmaster of the specialists." "Nice to meet you, I'm Michelle Peters." She replied while shaking his hand. "Princess here apparently has a great sucker punch" Riven snickered. "Oh my god, please take them away" she said while laughing a bit.

"Come on, boys. I'd love to see the sucker punch one day, ms. Peters. If you girls wish you can stay and watch the boys train." "If you stay you'll be my lucky charm." Riven said to her. "Hmm, let me think about it. You were mean, so no." She said jokingly. "You can be my lucky charm" Sky said to her while pulling her further into his chest, making her blush a bit. "We'll stay, right Elle?" Stella asked. "Fine" Michelle said. "Great! We can sit right here while they use this mat for training." Stella happily said.

"You're going to let me go?" She asked Sky, giggling. "Never!" He said while lifting her up over his shoulder, making her laugh out loud. Carrying her towards the bench Stella was talking about, he finally put her down. "For this once I will let you go. But only because we have to do a demonstration. After that, you're mine." He winked at her while kissing her cheek as a goodbye. "Ours" Riven corrected while also going over to kiss her cheek. Michelle didn't really get why the boys were so touchy with her but she would be lying if she said she didn't like it.

"So, what are you going to wear to the orientation party?" Stella asked. "Is it a casual thing?" Michelle asked. "I think you could classify it as casual chic." The rest of the time the two girls chatted about different topics and found that they had quite a lot in common. It was the start of a beautiful friendship.

Their talk was abruptly stopped when a specialist came rushing towards Silva saying he found a dead body behind the barrier. Brandon was immediately at Stella's side and Riven quickly went to Michelle. Both girls were a bit freaked out about the news. "What do they mean? How could there be a body?" Michelle shakily asked. "Calm down, princess. Nothing will happen to you. We got you, okay?" Riven said while squatting down in front of her and grabbing ahold of her hands. "Hey, princess, look at me." Riven said. Michelle slowly looked up at him, so he continued "Sky and I will never let anything happen to you, okay? I promise" slowly nodding her head, she allowed him to pull her into a hug. Softly stroking her hair and whispering that she would be safe with them made her calm down.

Pulling away from the hug she said "thanks Riv, I feel a lot better now." "Anytime, princess, anytime." He responded before placing a soft kiss on her head and keeping his arm around her.

After finishing his talk with Silva about the body that was found to assess possible dangers for his soulmate, Sky returned to the other four. Seeing Michelle tucked under Riven's arm, he was glad she was being kept safe. This was one of the reasons he didn't mind having to share her with his best friend.

"You okay, love?" Sky asked her. "Yeah, I'm fine now. Riv said you both would keep me safe and I'll be keeping you to that" she carefully joked. "No need, babe. We will die before anything happens to you." Sky responded completely serious before sitting on her other side and putting his hand on her leg before kissing her head as well.

"Should we get ready for the party, Elle?" Stella asked after a while. Looking at her blonde friend, Michelle agreed. "Will you be going as well?" She asked the two boys. "If you're there, definitely. Can't leave you without dates, can we?" Riven cheekily responded. "We'll walk you to your suite and pick you up in an hour?" Sky asked before she could respond to Riven's comment. "You don't have to go out of your way to walk me to my suite or pick me up. We can meet there if you want" Michelle said, not wanting them to go through too much trouble. "We'll feel better if we know you're safely in your suite after what happened. It's no problem at all. Brandon is walking Stella anyhow." "If you don't mind, then sure" Michelle said. "Let's go then, babe" Sky said while standing up and holding his hand out for his girl.

Taking his hand felt right. Like she was supposed to be holding his hand. But she also had that feeling with Riven. It was weird that she felt that way for both, right?

Riven stood up as well and put his arm around her shoulders once again while Sky kept a hold of her hand. Arriving at the suite they both kissed her cheek in goodbye and promised to pick her up in an hour.

Seeing her sister, Michelle asked if she was going to the party as well. "I don't know, M, it's not really my scene." "Try it. If you don't like it, I'll go back to the suite with you." Bloom agreed to that and walked with Michelle to her room. "Are you changing for the party?" she asked her sister's roommate. "Yes. People have seen me in this outfit already" "they expect you to wear multiple outfits a day?" Bloom asked baffled. "Leave it, B. I'm changing as well." She defended her newfound friend. "Are we going together?" "Sure" "Sky and Riven are picking you up, remember?" Stella interrupted. "Wait, the guys from this morning?" Bloom asked her sister. "Oh right. Yeah, B, the guys from this morning." "Don't you think it's a bit weird that they're kind of acting like your boyfriends?" Bloom bluntly asked. Michelle was a bit taken aback from the question but thinking about it, her sister did have a point. Maybe she should keep a bit of distance between them. Seeing no harm in them picking her up when Bloom was also there, she decided not to cancel their plans. "I'm sure they act like that with every girl" "They don't." Stella sharply said. She noticed that Bloom's question made her friend doubt her blossoming relationship with her two soulmates and she didn't like it at all.

The girls got ready in silence after that. Hearing a knock on the door, Michelle felt butterflies in her stomach thinking of the two guys that were waiting for her. Stella opened the door for the three guys and let them in.

Seeing their soulmate, Riven was the first to compliment her: "you look gorgeous, princess." "Thank you, Riv. You guys clean up well" "we're going to have trouble keeping the boys away from you while you look this beautiful, babe" Sky said causing Michelle to blush once again. "Stop it" she said while softly smacking his arm. Catching her arm before she could pull it back, Sky pulled her closer and whispered "never" in her ear, before planting a kiss on her temple. "Ready to go, babe?" He asked after he wrapped he let go of her arm and wrapped his arm around her. "Yeah, just let me call my sister. B, you coming?" "No you go ahead, I'll go with the rest of the girls." "You sure?" "Positive" thinking it was a bit odd. Michelle decided she would ask later.

The party was already in full swing when the group of five arrived. She talked a bit with Stella while Sky, Riven and Brandon were wrapped in their own conversation. Then she spotted her sister going into the woods. "Excuse me" she said to Stella while rushing off after Bloom. "Wai-" but Michelle was already gone.

Talking Sky and Riven out of following their mate, they saw Michelle 10 minutes later at the top of the stairs in a heated argument with Aisha "you can't just drop a bombshell like that on her!" Michelle yelled at her sister's roommate. "It's not my fault they are lying to you" Aisha defended herself. Realizing she was right, Michelle decided to walk back to her suite, Bloom quickly following after her.

Walking up to Aisha, Stella asked her what they were talking about. "I said that I thought she and Bloom were changelings as Bloom is very powerful and I haven't seen Michelle doing any magic but she has two soulmates" "you told her about that?" Stella asked shocked. "Shit! It wasn't your place to tell!" She added.

Turning back towards Sky, Riven and Brandon she told the what Aisha told her. "Should we go see her?" Sky asked while rubbing the back of his neck. "Let me talk to her first." Stella replied. "Fine, but keep us updated" Riven said before the blonde girl left the group.

Finding Michelle and Bloom talking in Bloom's bedroom, Stella felt bad for them. Especially when she heard "I want to go home, M" "we can't, B, we have to stay here and learn control" Michelle told her, but Stella heard the longing in her voice. Michelle also wanted to see home.

"I can borrow you my ring so you can go to the First World for a bit" Stella offered, making her presence known. "It only works outside the barrier, though." She added. "Can we, M? Please?" "Isn't it dangerous outside the barrier?" Michelle asked Stella. "We're three powerful fairies. We got this" Stella said, trying to reassure Michelle. "Okay then. Let's do it."

Stella realized that Brandon, Sky and Riven would be extremely pissed if they found out. So they just had to make sure they wouldn't find out.

The way to the portal and the walk around in Gardenia was fine. Michelle showed Stella her house from a distance while Bloom called their parents. After that, the girls made their way back to the gateway not knowing a burned one had made its way through. Deciding to chill for a bit in the warehouse they suddenly heard clicking and ringing. Stella recognized that sound from the stories and knew it was a burned one.

"We have to run!" She yelled, accidentally dropping her ring which was quickly grabbed by the burned one. "Run!" The three of them ran for their lives and saw ms. Dowling gesturing for them to leave through the portal with the promise that she would take care of it.

Reaching outside, they were met with their other suite mates, who quickly pulled Bloom into a hug, and three angry specialists.

"What were you thinking? You know how dangerous the woods are! Why in the hell would you go beyond the barrier?" Sky asked Michelle while Stella walked ahead with Brandon. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? It was all a bit too much. I just needed to see my parents. I was just told that my parents are not my parents and that I have two soulmates" she responded frustrated. "Just, please, don't ever do that again, princess. If you want to see your parents we'll come with you and keep you safe, okay?" Riven asked, seeing her reaction. "Are you alright?" He added. "No" she said while shaking a little "it tried to kill me" she said with silent tears falling from her eyes. "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to be harsh. We were just worried. Come here" Sky said while pulling her close to him. "We'll protect you, alright?" Nodding her head yes she leaned into him. "You tired?" He softly asked her. "A bit" "let's get you to bed" Sky said, guiding her to her suite. Michelle didn't even notice that they left the woods.

"Will you be okay, princess?" "I guess. I'm still a bit scared." "Want us to stay with you?" Softly nodding her head, she opened the door for them. Seeing Brandon already waiting for Stella in Stella's bed, the boys greeted each other and went to lie down in Michelle's bed while she got ready for bed.

Snuggling into Riven while Sky had his arm around her waist, she went to sleep. Ready to leave this eventful day behind.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

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