Falling for Daddy Malfoy // X...

By ameliawrennx

217K 5K 4K

Y/N is a new employer to the Ministry of Magic, her boss is no other than Lucius Malfoy.. She learns that he... More

First day at Ministry of Magic..
So are we ok?
What just happened...
Out with friends
Happier Times
Farewell Italy
Lost everything
Paying a visit
Near Death Experience
Admitting the truth
Time with Draco
Brand new start
I do!!
Unwanted guest
A visit to sweet Pariรฉ
Pay respects
Baby talk
Fighting for you
Love conquers all
Surprise wedding
Wedding pics!
Back to Italy
Diary of our time in Italy:
Bringing up the past:
Bonjour France..
Mom and Dad
Double Trouble
It's a...
Author's note
Their names are..
Babymoon @ The Ritz
Waters have gone
Hello Primrose & Felicity..
1st birthday party
Authors note:
Part 2 to Falling For Daddy Malfoy:
Part 2 is out!!

Welcome to Italy..

10.5K 190 163
By ameliawrennx

Warning there is an explanation of abuse in this chapter so please be aware.. if this triggers anything you can scroll past but I've kept it to a short paragraph as I know it's not a easy subject to talk about, it's just a build up of what happens in the future. ⚠️


Y/N's POV:

The sound of my alarm going off drills inside my head, I slam it down to shut it up and then I slowly get up, and as I suspected I am hanging out my arse. I managed to stomach some tea and toast then I get in a hot shower. I did start to perk up afterwards but I was dreading Lucius's reaction if he found out I was hungover!

After I got myself ready and hoping my makeup hid the bags under my eyes I sat and waited for Lucius. My stomach was in knots, I don't know why I was nervous was it because I was scared he would go mad at me being drunk? Was it because I was going on a plane? Was it because I was going to Italy with my boss who I'm falling for? Fuck knows. Then I hear a tap at the door, shit it's Lucius, I drag myself to the door to let him in.

"Hello my love, how are you feeling?" He asks giving me a kiss on the cheek. His house elf came in to collect my bags thank god.. I was too hungover for that!

"Yeah I'm good, excited.. how are you feeling?" I ask him looking nervous hoping he'd believe me.

"Hmm.. well I'm okay apart from the narcissistic wife going on in my ear, from the smell of your breath you drank quite a few last night? Smells like sambuca!" He says raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah Hermione went a little mad on the shots, how come she was going on at you?" I ask him whilst putting on my coat.

"Don't change the subject little one, you was drunk wasn't you? You know what that means.." he says smirking.

"Yes I was drunk, but I've had breakfast and a shower so I'm feeling much better apart from a little headache!" I say nervously.

"Hmm.. still you disobeyed me Miss Y/N.. that means you'll have to be punished! Now come on we have a plane to catch!" He says as he walks towards the door. I follow behind dreading about this punishment and when I'll get it.

After all the security checks we finally got to board the plane, but I noticed it wasn't just any plane.. it was his private jet. I was gobsmacked!! It was black with Malfoy written on it in white italic writing. Lucius chuckled at my reaction.

"Thought I'd surprise you Miss Y/N!" Lucius says as he looks round at me.

"Wow it's amazing Lucius!" I say admiring the plane, it was even more amazing inside! I literally stood there with my mouth open I was gobsmacked.

There was a huge white leather sofa, a massive tv, a fluffy rug and a glass coffee table, there was even a bar! Also there was big comfy seats where we had to sit during takeoff and landing, there was plenty of leg room though! Me and Lucius sat in the seats and did our seatbelts up.

As I got comfy an house elf came over with two glasses of champagne, I was really enjoying this so far, I felt so spoilt!! Lucius clinks with my glass saying cheers and then after the captain said his announcement over the mic we set off! I started to get nervous and held on to the chair trying to control my breathing.

"Hey little one, it's okay don't be scared. Here hold my hand!" He says softly and grabs my hand. He was such a sweetheart, he was staring at me smiling trying to calm me down. It worked, I soon relaxed and before you know it we were up in the sky and we was allowed to take off our seatbelts and move around.

Me and Lucius started chatting away, we started talking about last night, how I stuck up for him to my friends which he was touched by.

"That was so nice of you to stick up for me, I understand your friends feel a bit on edge about me as I was on the bad side and I hurt a lot of people. But I assure you I'm not like that anymore, and I am glad you see that.. it's your opinion that means the most to me Y/N!" He says as he strokes my thigh smiling away.

Then we chatted about Harry and how I found his letter, I told him I threw it in the fire as it meant nothing anymore, which he seemed thrilled by that I was over him for good. Although he was pissed at Harry for being distant with me and his friends just because I work for him, he got so angry he had to get a whisky at the bar to cool off.

I looked out the window and sighed as I wished I didn't say anything. But not long after Lucius came back and handed me a ice cold coke and then he sat down and took a sip of his whisky.

"I'm not angry with you little one don't worry, I just don't get why he's pushed you and his friends away over me.. it's ridiculous it's in the past he needs to let go and move on! I think I may need words with him in time, it's not for my benefit it's for yours.. Y/N you don't realise how important you've became to me, and I want to protect you and make sure your happy. Obviously you aren't because of the way he's treating everyone at the moment.. but I promise it will get sorted, just please enjoy our time away ok? And there's a few little surprises for you in Italy which I know you'll love!" He says and then kisses me deeply.

"Oh Lucius I am happy don't worry, yes it's hurting me that he's treating me and my friends like shit but I know it's not my fault so I'm not over stressing about it.. especially as I am enjoying spending time with you. Anyway I have other great friends, a wonderful job and I'm on my way to Italy I haven't felt much better than this! I am definitely going to enjoy our time together and I can't wait to see what these surprises are!!!" I say smiling at him. Not long after our conversation ended I rested my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

"Y/N we are here little one, come on wake up!!" He says giving me a soft shake to wake me up. I stretch and look out the window. We are in Italy!!!! Clear blue skies, sunny beaches, Italian homes, it was absolutely beautiful!

As we stepped off the plane the heat hit me straight away, it was 35 degrees! Nothing like what it was back in Britain, it wasn't raining and no one was looking miserable, the locals looked really cheerful and were waving at random people. I put on my sunglasses that were on top of my head and followed Lucius to the car as the house elves went to get our luggage.

"Welcome to Italy my darling!" Lucius says as he pulls me into him and kisses me passionately. I almost fell to the floor as he just knew how to make me weak at the knees. I giggle after we pull away from each other and then get in the car. His private villa was a 20 minute drive, and on the way I stuck my head out the window looking at everything on the way past. There was markets, shops, the beautiful beach packed with holiday makers, there was also beautiful buildings and historical sites too that I couldn't wait to explore and to educate myself on Italy's history.

When we arrive I was absolutely stunned by how beautiful his villa was, it had all these Italian touches to it that made it stand out, it was mostly made out of stone. The windows were old fashioned that had green shutters next to each other. I noticed some stone designs all over the house too which was so beautiful! There was a balcony in three of the windows at the front, beautiful flowers, bushes and trees all around, in the garden there was a hot tub, a big pool and a outdoor seating area with a BBQ, everything looked very modern though like it just been refurbished.

As we headed towards the house elves were in front with the luggage I felt bad for them struggling, I even offered one elf some help but he looked shocked and then hurried off! Lucius chuckles as I looked puzzled at the elf's reaction.

As I enter inside the villa I nearly fainted, it was absolutely beautiful!!! There was marble glass walls with some Italian features around, the floors was glass marble too.. you could tell everything looked expensive, there was a massive wide screen tv, white leather couches with fluffy pillows. There was a glass coffee table, with a fluffy rug and nearby was a glass bar with loads of bottles, cocktail mixers, glasses etc. And the kitchen was similar too, glass marble table tops with grey cupboards, brand new fridge, dishwasher, oven, white glass island was in the middle with a wine rack in it. There was flowers in the middle too, and glasses of champagne with a bowl of strawberries so I helped myself to a glass and then I carry on checking the kitchen out. All of a sudden Lucius puts his arms around me and kisses my neck. I roll my eyes as I turn round to look at him.

"Lucius you scared me!!" I say looking unimpressed. He chuckles at me and then pulls me closer into him and kisses me hard stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"Do you like it my love?" he says looking proud of his home, though he had every right to as it was fucking amazing!!

"Like it? I bloody love it, it's beautiful.. I am actually speechless there are no words that can describe how stunning this is!" I say looking impressed.

"I am glad darling, shall we get ourselves showered and into our swimwear?" he asks giving me a soft smile. I nod and then I follow him upstairs to the master bedroom, I noticed there were other rooms too, one looked like Draco's as it said "KEEP OUT" in black writing with a skull on top. I guessed it was where they came on their family holidays, I started to feel guilty about being here.. but also confused on why he would bring me to somewhere tainted with memories that must hurt him?

"Erm Lucius I noticed other rooms up here, one looked like Draco's, was here your yearly family holidays?" I ask nervously, I knew this was a touchy subject for him. He looked at me and smiled.

"It was when Draco was younger, but when he started at Hogwarts we stopped going as Narcissa wasn't interested in Italy anymore.. and Draco wanted to stay with his friends during the Summer. I only come here for business now, I have recently renovated it and I thought you could accompany me this time so we can carry on getting to know each other and make memories!" he says as he starts taking off his clothes.

He was fully naked now, he has such big muscly arms, he had a eight pack, muscly legs and his cock was hanging down like a elephants trunk.. it was THAT big. I was drooling at this point, and then he went into the en-suite as I was staring at his beautiful arse. I myself got naked and joined him in the shower.

"Let me wash your hair my love" he says after I finished washing my body. I felt his cock hardening on my arse, wow he really gets turned on by my body! He massaged the shampoo in, he was so gentle and soft with it, it felt so good I nearly fell asleep.

"Mmmmh that feels good Lucius!" I groan and bite my lip as he finishes washing my hair. He chuckles and then turns me round and kisses me.

"You are so beautiful Y/N, I can't get enough of you!" he says softly smiling giving me the puppy eyes. He was so sweet, I kiss him hard and then suddenly he picks me up lifting up my arse so I wrap my legs around him as he carries me out the shower whilst we were still kissing.

He puts me down and turns me round to towel dry my wet hair, again he was gentle and he softly massaged my head, I close my eyes as I enjoy how good it felt, I felt so relaxed!! Then he lets me dry myself and put on my bikini whilst he put on his swim shorts. I couldn't help but stare at his fucking sexiness, I was so lucky someone so handsome as him wanted someone like me.

"Oh. My. God. Y/N you look so sexy in that bikini.. wow!!" Lucius stares, practically drooling over me. He walks over and checks out my bikini feeling the material on my arse, he grabs my arse cheek giving it a shake.

"Fuck Y/N.. I must fuck you now I've seen you in that!" he says biting his lip at me. He takes off his swim shorts and lies on the bed holding his rock solid cock.

"Come here you sexy piece of ass!!" he says so I do what I'm told and climb on top of him, I smirk at him and then he grabs my cheeks and pulls me into him to kiss me. I start grinding my pussy on his cock and he starts groaning enjoying what I'm doing. Then he smacks my arse making me grit my teeth through the pain as he smacks hard but it felt so good!

He pulls my bikini to the side and then his cock enters in me all at once making me moan loudly, I start riding him as his hands are on my hips, holy fuck it was so good. He admires me as I ride him and then I got faster making him groan and grunt. The noises he makes turns me on even more, he was hitting my g-spot and eventually I cummed all over his dick. He smirks as he notices my juices going all over his cock.

Then I get off and get on all fours like he demanded and enters once again all at once, he started pounding me whilst his muscly arms was holding onto my shoulders, he got faster and harder making me moan really loud.

"Ohh daddy I'm gonna cum again.." I say panting away.

"Mmmm cum for daddy Y/N!" he grunts as he carries on hitting my g-spot. Not long after I release again, cumming the second time. He pulls out and flips me over getting on top of me, he strokes my folds with his cock, smirking at me as he's teasing. Then puts my arms over my head, his muscly arms keeping me still and then he shoves his cock in and fucks me really hard and fast.

"You're all mine baby, I own this pussy do you hear me?" he says demandingly grunting as he's still fucking me. I nod biting my lip and then not long after he releases his warm cum inside of me moaning my name. He then kisses me before getting off to grab a towel to clean me up.

He comes back and cleans me up and then I get up and straighten myself as Lucius puts on his swim shorts again. We then head to the pool loungers in the garden, I put on my sunglasses whilst Lucius orders us some drinks. I get comfy on the loungers and then get handed a cocktail that had fruit and umbrellas sticking out of it whilst Lucius had his favourite whisky, I raise my glass to him which he does back then he puts on some music from the 80's.

I close my eyes and relax whilst I sunbathed, this was the life! I take a sip of my drink, wow it was really strong but it tasted so good.

"Are you enjoying yourself little one?" Lucius asks as he pulls down his sunglasses to look at me.

"I'm in heaven Lucius, this is perfect thank you!" I say before I lie back again.

"Wait until later darling, we are going to a lovely Italian place, then perhaps a walk on the beach.. watch the sunset?" He asks giving me a sweet smile.

"Sounds perfect Lucius!" I say excitedly. I then close my eyes and relax, listening to the music that was on. It wasn't on loud so I could hear the waves from the beach nearby and the birds too.. it was so peaceful.

A couple of hours passed by and after the third cocktail I was starting to feel the effects. I get up and look at Lucius lying there all relaxed, I was so glad he was in his happy place after what his wife did this was definitely needed for him.

I take off my sunglasses and jump in the pool, Lucius jumps out of his skin as the water splashes on him a bit. I look at him covering my mouth but I soon start giggling.

"Miss Y/N you are already in trouble, do you need a extra punishment?" He says sternly as he gets up but he starts smiling to show he was teasing.

He then jumps in the pool himself making the water splash on me, I look at him annoyed crossing my arms.

"Lucius I nearly choked on the water then!!" I say looking at him unimpressed.

"Serves you right for splashing me Miss Y/N!" He smirks and then chuckles at me. He unfolds my arms and pulls me into him moving the hair out of my face. He kisses me softly before he pulls away to look at me admiringly.

I stare back before splashing him in the face, he was not happy and chased after me in the pool. He grabs me and picks me up as I scream. One of the elves comes running thinking I was in danger but he soon rolls his eyes seeing Lucius carrying me over his shoulder then walks off.

"PUT ME DOWN MALFOY!!!" I scream trying to break free.

"You have been naughty Miss Y/N splashing water at your boss!!!" He chuckles as he gets out the pool with me over his shoulder. All of a sudden he chucks me into the pool.

"LUCIUSSSSSSS!!!!" I shout mid coughing as I choked on some water. After I calm down I stand there arms folded looking pissed at him, whilst he was stood there laughing.

"I'll get you back don't you worry Mr Malfoy!!!!" I smirk and climb out the pool, I head to my lounger to get my towel to dry off and sit down to drink the rest of my cocktail.

"Now now little one don't be moody with me, it's just fun!" He says chuckling still. I roll my eyes at him and carry on sipping my drink. He downs his whisky and then lies back on the lounger with his arms behind his head looking pleased with himself.

I decided to get up and sit on Lucius's lap, which startled him a bit but he just smiled and carried on relaxing with his eyes closed.

"Y/N what are your family like?" He asks curiously before opening his eyes to look at me.

"Well I'm half blood like I said when we met, my mother is a witch, my dad is a muggle and he hates magic! He actually never knew my mom was a witch until after she had me, soon after that he lost interest in her and me but he continued to stay and then my mother had my sister. Then not long after he left my mother for another woman, although he was cheating on her near the end anyway. My mother was heartbroken, she suffered mentally and she wasn't the same after that. My mother is better now but she lives with my sister so she can be looked after. My father? Well.." I say before looking down trying not to get upset.

Lucius looks at me with sadness in his eyes. "Oh Y/N I am sorry.." Tears run down my face..

"Hey it's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.. but just know I am here if you want to speak about anything I won't ever speak of it to anyone else you can trust me darling I promise I'm here for you" he softly says giving me a smile and wiped my tear away.

"I've never told anyone this, not even my best friends.. including Harry and Hermione." I say then I take a deep breath in and out.

"My father abused me when I was younger, he hit me often mainly when he had a drink and was fed up with my sister crying non stop. And when he had an argument with my mother the once he took it out on me, kicking me in the ribs, pulling my hair out and punching me.. I was so scared of him.. I just hid in my room most of the time and I was so glad he left afterwards! I never told my mother because she was heartbroken enough I don't think she would of took it well! My sister does know and she wants to kill him, she was heartbroken hearing what I had to go through! Thing is I don't know where he is today, but luckily I haven't heard from him in years.. but yeah it really affected me mentally I still get nightmares sometimes, especially last night I wished you were there to hold me when I woke up screaming!" I say as tears run down my face.

Lucius sits up and holds me in his arms as I sob on his chest. He strokes my hair as he comforts me.

"I promise you now my love he won't ever hurt you again, I'm here now I promise to protect you from him or anyone that tries to do you any harm. I am so sorry you have been through this, you don't deserve it Y/N! You are a bright, kind, caring woman with an incredible smile and beautiful eyes. And whenever you have a nightmare you call for me.. as I won't ever let you be alone after a nightmare again ok?" He says softly calming me down, he then kisses me on the forehead.

"Thank you Lucius, I do feel so safe with you anyway, I feel so comfortable that's why I told you about him because of the nightmare last night.. it's something I haven't been able to tell anyone really but I felt ready as you are just so easy to talk to. Thank you for listening, for understanding and making me feel better. I promise no more tears now!" I say as I wipe my eyes. He smiles at me stroking my face.

"You know I'm here now, you are safe darling and you are so brave to tell me what happened, I am honoured you told me! And it's okay to cry don't worry, I bet that was built up for a long time.. now let's go get ready for our meal yes? I'll soon cheer you up don't worry little one!" He softly says smiling at me. I nod and get off him, we then grabbed our towels and headed inside to get ready.

I felt so much better telling him about my father, it was like a weight had lifted off my shoulders, but I know that we have something in common as he's hiding things away that is too hurtful to bring up, maybe about his wife or how he was brought up. I don't know exactly but I know eventually he will start to open up as we are learning to trust each other more each day and knowing these difficult things we keep hidden makes us learn about the other person more.

We both get ready to go out, I do my hair and makeup in the bathroom whilst Lucius changes into a dark suit, and put his rings on — he looked so handsome! I put on my finest jewellery a necklace, ring and bracelet, then I get into my black cocktail dress I've only ever worn once and put on my black high heels, I grab a shawl in case it got chilly. Lucius looks at me speechless.

"Y-N erm.. wow you look absolutely stunning!" He says admiring me up and down. He takes my hand, pulling me into him and kisses me softly.

I link arms with him and we head out to this Italian restaurant he mentioned, when we got there I was taken away on how beautiful this place was. It was proper Italian, had these little details that made it like it was proper Italian like the music, the scenery and the dining furniture from tables and chairs to the place settings.

Lucius asks for a table outside out on the balcony that overlooked the sea, when we sat down he orders a bottle of red wine and a whisky for himself. He seemed quiet tonight, I started to worry that I overwhelmed him with what I told him earlier.

"Are you alright Lucius? You seem quiet.. is it what I told you earlier?" I ask looking worried. Lucius looks at me and smiles, he grabs my hand and taps it gently a few times.

"No darling don't you worry, you were so brave to tell me about what happened with your father.. it just bought things back to my childhood and I don't know if I can ever open up to you like you did. It's not that I don't trust you it's just hard to bring it all up again!" he says sighing and looks down at the floor. At this point he's still holding my hand so I put my other hand on his hand.

"Lucius you don't have to open up if you don't want to, I know it is difficult so don't pressurise yourself, only tell me when you are ready. I will be here if you feel ready and I will listen and try help you feel better!" I say sweetly giving him a reassuring smile.

"Y/N you are amazing, I think I will open up eventually as I don't want to keep all this from you, especially as you've opened up to me which means the world but I need to know you can handle it because it's dark stuff Y/N.. I think maybe I will start off slowly by telling you the little things ok? It's just I want you to know me completely if we want to continue this relationship and vice versa!" he says as he sips his whisky.


Is he serious? I took a big gulp of wine to calm me down, I had to ask him to explain what he meant by relationship.. was it romantic, business, did he mean it as his mistress?

"Lucius what did you mean by relationship? Can you elaborate on that?" I ask nervously, already dreading the answer.

Lucius chuckles. "Well I guess it was going to come up, well I think slowly we can be in a proper relationship but there's some things in the way, so it's not going to happen straight away and it won't be easy.." he says as he sips his whisky.

"So I'm your mistress?" I ask straight up giving him a stern look. Lucius nearly chokes on his whisky.

"Y/N I don't think of it in that way, I would never treat you like a mistress or have I treated you like that! Me and my wife's relationship is over and has been for a while.. but it's complicated. Y/N my feelings for you are getting stronger every day and in time this will become more serious but for now we have to be careful until I can find a way around this. As I'm your boss if Narcissa finds out I lose my job, my name gets dragged down especially my reputation, it's not easy Y/N my wife is a nasty woman she will do anything to hurt me!" He sighs and downs the rest of his whisky. He clicks at the waiter nearby to get him another one.

"I understand Lucius I just wanted to know what this was, it's just a bit confusing that you want me but we aren't properly together.. that's why I feel I'm a mistress because you are still married but yet you sleep with me so I wanted to ask what this thing is between us.." I say and sip my wine, I was nervous as I know he can have a bit of a temper and last thing I wanted was him shouting at me in front of everyone at the restaurant.

"How about I say we are dating? We aren't exclusively together but we are seeing each other, spending quality time together? Like getting to know each other, going on dates.. fucking!" He says smirking as he raises his eyebrows. I nearly choked on my drink!!

I giggle which makes him smile, he chuckles and sips on his whisky. "Lucius people can hear you!" I whisper my cheeks going red. Lucius shrugs his shoulders and then calls the waiter to order our food.

When our food came and we was getting tucked in I noticed it was getting colder as the sun was going down and it wasn't as light. Lucius notices and gets up to put his jacket over me, even though I had my shawl on me I preferred his jacket and it smelt so good it was expensive aftershave my pussy throbbed as I sniffed the material around my neck.

"Are you smelling my jacket little one?" He asks giving out a small chuckle looking a bit puzzled that I sniffed his jacket.

"Yeah I had a whiff of your aftershave and it smelt so good, I love the smell of you!" I say as my cheeks burn red again. Lucius laughs quite loud and rolls his eyes at me and then continues eating.

The dinner was heavenly, I had spaghetti carbonara with cheesy flatbread and chips on the side whilst Lucius had pizza and garlic dough balls which made me giggle when I asked him what they were. We chatted for ages, I was laughing at his awful dad jokes and he laughed when I nearly fell off my chair. It was such a good night, there was such a spark between us.. it felt right, I felt comfortable and so did he.

We left and headed down to the beach, the sun was just setting down so we just made it to watch it go completely, I was still wearing his jacket when we left and even though it was something so simple it meant so much to me wearing it! And to know we were dating and I knew where we stood made me feel better as we were on the same page. We sat on the sand not caring it was going to get all over us, I tilt my head on Lucius's shoulder as the sun went down, this was just perfect and I didn't want this moment to end.

Lucius must of read my mind because he whispers in my ear "I don't want this to end too Y/N!" I wasn't bothered that he read my mind at that moment because it was so sweet. He puts his hand on my thigh, gently stroking it up and down. I look up and stare at him, he stares at me and I then smile.

"Y/N I'm really fall-" Lucius says before we got rudely interrupted by someone shouting.

"Y/N.. Lucius..?"

No fucking way. It was..

You may have an idea on who this is, this gets interesting now! Sorry it was long too, next couple of chapters may be also long but things happen and a massive argument breaks out between y/n and Lucius that is tearful! I hope you are enjoying this so far, any feedback is grateful too as you are the readers :)

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