Unexpected ➵ Horan

By taylahjasmyne

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Taylah and Niall grew up together and now are dating, After being together and reunited with her best friend... More

Chapter 1 "Dinner and a Sleep Over"
Chapter 2 "Ive Got A Feeling"
Chapter 3 Saying Goodbye
Chapter 4 "Happiness"
Chapter 5 "Flirting Guys"
Chapter 6 "Retelling My Nightmare"
Chapter 7 "Friends Together Again"
Chapter 8 "Isn't she Lovely"
Chapter 9 "Telling Our News"
Chapter 10 "The Interview"
Chapter 11 "Truth or Dare"
Chapter 12 "Girls Night Out Goes Wrong"
Chapter 13 "Waken"
Chapter 14 "Life Line"
Chapter 15 "Country Girl"
Chapter 16 "Big Jet Plane"
Chapter 17 "Nightmare"
Chapter 18 "The Fair"
Chapter 19 "The Light"
Chapter 20 "Torment"
Chapter 21 "Struggle"
Chapter 22 "Nothing To Be Afraid of Right?"
Chapter 23 "Halloween Night Party Part 1"
Chapter 24 "Halloween Night Party Part 2"
Chapter 25 "Sadness"
Chapter 26 "Locked Up"
Chapter 27 "No More Suffering!"
Chapter 28 "She's What?"
Chapter 29 "Gotta Get Home!"
Chapter 30 "Excuse Me?"
Chapter 31 "Model Time, Is A Fun Time"
Chapter 32 "Heartbreaker"
Chapter 33 "Depressed Mode On"
Chapter 34 "The Promise"
Chapter 35 "We're In Danger, RUN!"
Chapter 36 "I'm not Afraid!"
Chapter 37 "Free Falling"
Chapter 38 "Travelling"
Chapter 39 "Beauty In The Studio"
Chapter 40 "Take Me Home"
Chapter 41 "Madness Behind Friends"
Chapter 42 "One Time, One Love"
Chapter 43 "It's Now or Never"
Chapter 44 "Christmas Time!"
Chapter 46 "Things are going downhill & setting the Date"
Chapter 47 "The Wedding & New Life"

Chapter 45 "Another Little Seed"

302 2 0
By taylahjasmyne

Taylah’s POV

It’s now been about four weeks and I’m late, I think i could be pregnant but I’m not sure. I’m thinking if i should tell someone but who do i tell first, I’m afraid to tell Niall since we are only 19 years old and i don’t want to ruin his career and make him leave One Direction just because I could be having a baby. Niall has gone out with the boys for the day so i decide to call Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie and see what they think about me being late.


“Hey Eleanor, It’s Tay”

“Whats up?”

“Let me get Danielle and Perrie on this call”

“Hi?” Danielle says shyly.

“Heyya!” Perrie says happily.

“Taylah, whats going on, why are we in a group call?” Eleanor asks.

“Well, I’m late, if you get my drift and I think I-I........” I stutter the last part.

“OMG” Perrie screams.

“You think you’re pregnant?” Danielle asks.

“Y-yeah” I stutter.

“We are on our way” They all say in unison and hang up.

Within about 30 minutes, i open the door to see Eleanor, Perrie & Danielle standing there holding three bags full of stuff. They walk into the kitchen and unpack the bags.

“What did you guys buy?” I ask confused.

“Well, you will be having some craving for chocolate, chips, ice cream, pasta, peanut butter and lots of other stuff so we got you ready for a full month, we will just hind these in your room or something” Eleanor says carrying the food up stairs.

“What else?” I ask again.

“Some movies so we can have a girly day” Perrie smiles taking the movies into the lounge room.

“Danielle, what else are you guys hiding?” I said concerned.

“Um.... We got you tests.... Pregnant tests” Danielle says shyly.

“Why couldn’t I just go to a doctor” I whine.

“Because these are cheaper and hurry upstairs and do the tests!” She squeals at me handing me the tests, then her, Perrie & Eleanor push me upstairs into my bathroom and close the door.

“Well?” Eleanor asks.

“HANG ON! I STILL HAVE TO DO TWO MORE!” I yell threw the door at the girls.

“Eleanor, give her some space” Danielle says sternly.

“THANKS DANI!” I yell back.

Ten minutes later.

“Well, what do they say?” Perrie asks.

“Let me go check” I say walking into the bathroom and look at the first one...


Second one...... Positive.......

Third one............



I fall to my knees crying my heart of and heard the girls running into the bedroom.

“Taylah what happened?” Perrie asks hugging me.

“L-Look” I stutter while crying into Perrie’s arms.

Eleanor picks up the three sticks and gasps, and then Danielle looks and gasps as well. Perrie stands me up and sits me on the bed. The girls group hug me and i cry for a couple of hours. Finally I’m able to stop, only because i end up throwing up into the toilet bowl. Danielle holds my hair back and rubs my back.

“D-Dani, W-What am i going to do?” I stutter, then wash my face with water from the sink.

“Honestly, don’t tell Niall just yet” Danielle says with a worried tone.

“Are you kidding me Danielle!” Eleanor says leaning against the door frame of the bathroom with Perrie behind her.

“Niall doesn’t have to know yet” Danielle says.

“W-What! Why wouldn’t Niall need to know yet! It’s his child!” Perrie says bluntly, and clenching her fists.

“P-Perrie s-stop it..... N-Niall doesn’t need to know...” I stutter looking into the sink.

“But why Taylah?” Eleanor says confused.

“He would want to be home all the time and quiet the band, I won’t let him do this. I needs to stay and enjoy his career with the rest of the boys, maybe i should just go home to my family in Ireland” I mumble, tears flowing down my face.

“Taylah, you’re not leaving England, just wait a few months and tell Niall, wait about three months” Perrie says hugging me again.

“Honey I’m home!” I hear Niall say walking in the flat and closing the door.

“Shit!” I mumble looking at the girls eyes widen.

“Clean yourself up and we will cover you” Danielle says handing me an outfit and closes the door.

Danielle’s POV

“Girls, we need a good story” I say to the girls, getting in a group circle.

“We will just say we got back from shopping or something and Taylah didn’t feel that well and wanted to get into something more comfy and fix her hair?” Eleanor says.

“Okay, quick act normal” Perrie says sitting on the makeup chair in front of the mirror pretending to fix her makeup. Eleanor acts like she is looking in Taylah’s wardrobe pulling out clothes and i sit on her bed looking at my phone. Niall walks in and looks at us confused.

“Um, not to be rude, but what are you guys doing in my bedroom?” Niall says frowning.

“Oh, we all took Taylah shopping, we got back and she wanted to get changed into something comfy and wanted to feel a bit better than before...” Eleanor says sitting next to me on the bed.

“She feels sick?” Niall asks concerned.

“A little” Perrie mumbles walking over to us.

“She has been a bit ill for awhile, maybe i should take her to the doctors” Niall says walking to the bathroom. We all jump up and grab his arms pulling him back to bed freaking out.

“No Niall, let her be” Eleanor says gripping his arm.

“She doesn’t need a doctor Niall” I say holding his arm.

“She is fine!” Perrie says helping me and Eleanor.

“Girls, let me go already! This is dumb, i want to see my Fiancé!” Niall yells, pushing us off his arms and opening the bathroom door to see Taylah throwing out the sticks, out the window. Her eyes widen and she runs towards the window.

“TAYLAH WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Niall screams. Taylah throws the tests out the window and Niall grabs her waist pulling her away. She was trashing to get loose but he wasn’t letting her go.

“NIALL PLEASE LET ME GO!” She screams.

“WHAT DID YOU THROW OUT THE WINDOW?” Niall screams back.

“NOTHING!” She whimpers, getting away from Niall and hugging into my chest.


“NIALL STOP IT!” Perrie screams, standing in front of Niall and slaps him across the face. He stumbles to the ground, holding his cheek in shock.

“Get a hold of yourself!” Eleanor says madly at him.

“What happened in here?” I turn around to see Liam and Zayn in the door frame concerned.

“Niall has lost it!” Perrie says to Zayn bluntly.

“I’M FINE! IT’S TAYLAH WHO IS HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME!” Niall screams pointing at Taylah.

“NIALL!!! I’M FUCKING PREGNANT!! YOU HAPPY!!! I DIDNT WANT TO TELL YOU!” Taylah screams and runs out of the house crying.

“TAYLAH WAIT!” Perrie says running after her.

“Good job Niall” Eleanor mumbles.

“You have really done it now” I say hugging into Liam’s chest.

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