Blue Moon Eternity - A Jojo's...

By kingtepeg

1.1K 26 18

Phones ring out through the dark alleys of Y city as a shadow encompasses its citizens - Stand users, people... More

Black Eyed Peas - Part 1
Black Eyed Peas - Part 2
Welcome to the Jungle
Irises Bloom Over Yonder - Part 1
Irises Bloom Over Yonder - Part 2
Escape From The Stand Department! - Part 1
Escape From The Stand Department! - Part 2
Escape From The Stand Department! - Part 4
Our Perfect Future - Part 1
Our Perfect Future - Part 2
Our Perfect Future - Part 3
Our Perfect Future - Part 4
Supalonely - Part 1
Supalonely - Part 2
Hell on Earth - Part 1
Hell on Earth - Part 2

Escape From The Stand Department! - Part 3

33 1 0
By kingtepeg

===================Stand Stats==================
Stand Name: Private Eyes
Stand User: Alissa Bloomed
Type: Range irrelevant, Psychological Assault, Artificial Humanoid

Power: D Range: B Speed: B Learning: A Precision: C Durability: B

Can hide in objects, appearing as a single eyeball. If someone sees the eyeball they are drawn to it, unable to break their gaze until their gaze is averted or are somehow incapacitated. Once someone gets into their range they can attack the target directly. After the user touches the target their object permanence is severely damaged, mentally locking them within an approximately 10 m range around them, or the size of the room they are currently inside (range is variable). While the target can still control their body normally, and can still use their stand, the user can only see what their object permanence is locked to, blocking out all other stimulus. Both their actual position and mental position can effect their body, eg. If one is punched in their mental room then they are still hurt and vice versa. No matter how far the target's actual body gets away from the room, the target can never break the effect.  The user can also infiltrate the target's mind room, appearing as though they were actually there. They can only use this ability if they are within 100 m of the target's mental room. Her proximity to the target's physical body is irrelevant.

We had always theorized that it had been possible, and we'd kept it on the backburner as a possible strategy for a while, but it was far too dangerous do attempt frivolously, especially if it didn't work. But now was the time - If I didn't try and make a wound a door using Echo Beach, we would all definitely die. God, Jojo... He'd reversed a sticker back in time to when it was in the other dimension, so when it moved into the wound I had just made in his chest, it didn't count as being in the "pocket dimension", and therefor would, in the moment it passed through my arm, would allow me to access the regular dimensional plain. A "wound" could be considered a door, as it can be opened and then closed again if you were very specific about reapplying the item that damaged you in the first place. I wasn't sure if it could work though - And I was filled with terror as I removed my arm. But sure enough, instead of exploding in blood, the hole in his chest simply gaping open in a nearly comical anticlimax.  

Rather awkwardly I slipped into the wound. It wasn't wide enough to put myself in so I had to make a running jump, which was hard due to my condition - The clocks on my shoulder were making it difficult to actually use my stand. Regardless I used the arm which I managed to fit in again and grabbed the doorknob that was next to me, swinging the door open and entering my pocket dimension. Instantly the clocks stopped progressing up my arm and Jojo stopped choking, instantly falling asleep. I fell to my knees, utterly spent from the beating I had took. But I couldn't waste this chance - I was so close to beating this guy, as long as I could find where he's located then I could get a potshot and smash the clock.

After gently placing Jojo on one of the prison cots I began to search for clocks. Almost every room was lined with clocks. It seemed that the user was very prepared, every surface and room, no matter how small or mundane, could be used to ambush us. His meticulousness made it difficult to find any room I could possibly attack him in, even after plunging my head into the walls and analyzing the entire facility. It was surprisingly well constructed - Three layers of building each designed for different prisoners. This wasn't a proper prison, just some kind of holding area, so this level of intricacy was surprising. Regardless, going down wouldn't help, and most of the top floor rooms were utterly covered in clocks. 

 I wasn't sure how to approach this. I had to defeat him quickly or else the clocks on my body would kill me in under 30 seconds. I'd have to break that clock first thing . I found a small side room, basically a janitor's closet. There was only one clock, but it was too small. Maybe one of the offices? But they were all extremely well guarded, with clocks that put me at a huge disadvantage. There was nothing... I couldn't find anywhere that would give me any sort of advantage. It felt so hopeless - This guy really did think of everything. But there had to be a weak spot - Everyone does. 

The break room. We'd been there already - maybe he didn't expect us to return. Maybe it was a crapshoot but I had to try - our lives could be forfeit if I didn't, especially because Jacob WILL die if I don't find some way to recover him. I could feel my power weakening, the snapshot becoming blurrier and blurrier as it generated more space, my weakening body slowly making it more difficult to preserve. 

I had to make a move. Walking back, I decided I'd ambush him in the break room. Taking a deep breath, and preparing myself for potential pain, I swung open the door. I didn't enter immediately, instead throwing a Nickle I had in my pocket. Almost instantly as it tinkled to the ground a leg shot out of one of the clock faces and tried to destroy it - Which it did, smashing it to pieces. He was so fast - Perhaps his stand could actually dilate time in some way? It would make some sense, especially considering the theme...

I slammed my head against the hallway wall. I wasn't cut out for this - Jacob was always the one who did the deducting, I had no idea how to approach this! His stand felt so insurmountable.

 And yet I moved away from the wall. Afraid, no doubt, but with an idea. If this stand could control time, I'd have to use that to my advantage. Taking a deep breath, and preparing to kick some ass, I threw another penny that was sitting in my pocket. The leg jumped out from the other side of the room again but as it did I stomped on it hard, making  it crack as I shattered the bone. A sticker landed on my shoe but I kicked it off, grabbing the table and rolling as I protected myself from an onslaught of stickers. A clock behind me shattered as the table crashed into it, shards of glass crumbling onto the floor.

There was only two other clocks in this room, each of which were on the other side of the table, but the clock on my arm was getting dangerously close to my head and the sticker that had touched my leg was making it more and more difficult to properly manipulate myself. Making a move I kicked the table forward, pulling myself along with is as I tried to smash one of the clocks on the wall. However he was faster than me and grabbed my arm, pinning me to the ground. I shouted as I sent out my stand to attack his hand, crushing his fingers which he had brought into our dimension.  

I felt his grip loosen slightly as I rolled a little backward, desperately attempting to break the other clock. I wasn't fast enough to hit it though and he managed to get a hit on me from behind, slamming his foot into my back. My face crashed into a nearby tap, breaking my nose and making me sputter. I sent out my stand and swung at him again, accidently turning on the tap water. As I tried to hit him he sent out another sticker, which missed me an gave away his position inside of the celling lamp.

I grabbed a pen that had fallen off the table sending it flying. It crashed into the ceiling lamp sending glass shards flying and the user to scream. He fell to the ground, probably attempting to attack me.

"Couldn't react in time, huh?" I leaped at him as he tried to attack me and he sent out his stand directly, trying to hit me with a sticker directly. I again retreated, trying to lure him out, but the actual stand user wasn't out - I couldn't get to the clock without him fully leaving one of them, and if I destroyed the last one, he'd have to exit in another room. 

The clock hand crawling up my arm was halfway up my neck, getting dangerously close to its target - I needed to drag him out, one way or another. 

 I jumped to the other side of the room, where one of the clocks was sitting above a heater. I grabbed it, stepping on top of the heater as I grabbed it. As expected an arm shot out  of it, trying to reach around for me, but it ended up touching the tap, quickly recoiling as it got soaked. I felt my neck being pierced deeper and deeper - I couldn't have more than a minute left.

The stand recoiled from the water, clearly beleiving that it had been damaged and was bleeding. If this guy was using his stand he was still inside the clocks, trying to lure me into some type of confidence. Another sticker fired at me, just missing me again but slamming into the tap behind me. The water stopped as I placed the clock on the overturned table, jumping back as the stand began to climb out of it.

"You should really give up right about now. You're about to die, might as well accept it."

There was the crunchy sound of flesh as the clock hand spread further up my neck - I couldn't have more than 20 seconds left. Plus,  my leg was almost entirely destroyed, my ability to walk gone, never mind standing up. 

He laughed again, that same, bone chilling cackle. "I wonder what I'll learn about you when we torture you. Your mind will be utterly destroyed, so we can pretty much get anything out of you-"

"Could you shut the fuck up?" I asked, pulling myself up on the table. "You talk all this big game... People who think they're better than me..."

 I balled up my fist, veins showing on my knuckes. "You piss me the hell off!" I jumped towards the tap, tearing off the sticker on the tap. It caught on my finger, beginning to take over my hand, but I had won - The tap is essentially a door, using a mechanism to open and close the stream of water, and the sticker on top allowed me to create a door without actually having to manually turn on and off the tap, giving me opportunity. I slipped in, my stand forcing me to jolt forward.

I couldn't actually fit in the tap but it gave me lenience to move into the door dimension, which I did. Heaving, I fell on the ground - I had just barely missed defeat maybe 2 seconds left on the clock before I was killed. Still, I had managed to escape, and just in time as well - I saw the user. His stand was not visible but he was, halfway outside of the one remaining clock. Inspecting him, I saw it - The clock was inside of his shirt collar, which had luckily fallen back upon him leaving his hiding spot. I only had two seconds to destroy it, so I couldn't risk missing, but just what to do?

Moving towards the northernmost spot of the room, just above the other side of the counter, and opening a cabnet, I slipped inside - It was an awkward fit, barely able to contain me, but it wouldn't break - This was just a snapshot, after all. I closed the door, fully stuffed in the cabinet. 

Once I opened that door, I'd have to break that clock instantly. Missing was not an option, nor was hesitation. A bead of sweat dropped down my head - Being in this cabnet was... Making my skin crawl. This was a bad time to have a panic attack. I had to leave.

Every fibre of my body screaming to leave I kicked open the door, my stand sending me flying forward. Making a last ditch attempt I swung at him - He was watching the tap. But he was expecting this, swinging around and clotheslining me.

I fell to the ground, punching the table and smashing it to bits, wooden shrapnel flying everywhere. I swung my arms around rapidly, punching blindly and screaming. I had nothing to lose - Might as well trying to get one last hit in. 

Silence rang through the room, punctuated only by the tinkling of glass and the wooden shards clunking to the floor.

"Wha...?" Said the man. "Y-You should be braindead by now - You-" 

I slowly turned over to him, smiling. "So it actually worked? Wow. It's almost impressive that you didn't notice it." The sticker that had been covering the faucet had fallen off in the chaos, firing forward from the water pressure that had been building up behind it. I'd been counting - The water was still building up from behind the dimensional portal I had made between it and the sticker. Because I turned off my echo beach it had been launched just as I broke the table. The rest was a crapshoot - If I could hit that sticker then I could use it to create a door, allowing me to attack him from as many directions as possible. Somehow I had done it - It was an obtuse plan but I was alive. The clock had to have been in this dimension, so without a clock to escape into, he wouldn't have had a chance to escape my onslaught.

The clock on my arm had disappeared, including all of my wounds. "Hah, your stand must be pretty weak if it can't keep wounds after leaving it's dimension."

He recoiled back, trying to keep away from me. He fell on the floor and scooted back pathetically. "W-Wait, hold on a second! I know about the phone calls! I-If you beat me up, you won't be able to get any of my info! I can help you!"

I raised my eyebrow. "Oh, really. Well then, who's behind the calls? And what is that stand, Telephone? If you tell me, I'll spare you some suffering." He smiled an apologetic smile. "Of course, haha! J-Just don't hurt me... " He rolled into a ball on the floor. "I d-don't know who's behind them, my job's just to watch the inmates - I don't know about that stand either!" I cracked my knuckles. He cowered.

"I-I seriously don't know!" He rolled a bit more onto his side, his terrorized look becoming more focused. Acting fast I attacked his back, landing a fist on the clock he was trying to slip into my view.

"Are you serious!?" I shouted, leaning over him, "Do you seriously think you could catch me with such a crappy strategy?" I heard the door open behind me - Jacob walked in, injuries fixed. Apparently the wounds from his dimension were really temporary.

"Shelly... Is this the guy?" Said Jacob. I nodded. "Seems we have some work to do then." He shook his head violently. "W-Wait, I'm sorry, I'll actually help y-"

He didn't have time to finish. I screamed "EURAURAURAURUARURAURAURA!" In chorus with Jacob's cry of "ORAORAOROAORAOROARORAORA!", The combined power of our stands sent him flying into the cabinet, the coffee maker in one of the unopened cabinets shattering and spilling hot liquid all over him. Jacob and I walked over to the door.

 "「Echo Beach. " I said, swinging it open. And, with nonchalance, we left the prison, barely exerting any effort. The one thing in our way was gone.

"Let's get to that Café." Said Jacob, as we threw open the main door to the station and walked away. 


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