fire and desire [katsuki baku...

By vmiinvogue

3.2K 63 85

You are student at UA High School, in class 1A. You had all grown close during your first year, especially a... More



407 8 23
By vmiinvogue

"Everyone, get in your assigned pairs that I gave you at the beginning of class," Aizawa began, "We are gonna discuss quirk foundations before the upcoming practical final."

The class groaned. Quirk foundations were something that we had to study quite often, as it's probably the most important part about being a hero. Understanding everything about your quirk and where it came from would help you control and use it to its full capacity.

When you walked in, he had given you numbers to pair up in, and after chatting amongst the class, you found out that your partner today was number 5, Kirishima.

You decided you would go over to him this time, moving to sit backwards in the desk in front of him. In this position, you were sharing his desk. He didn't speak when you first sat, which was unusual for Kirishima. You studied his face intently as he suddenly was snapped out of his thoughts to look up at you surprised.

"Hi." You said, smiling at him.

He was one of your best friends and you knew you could always have a good time with him no matter what. Having him as a partner today was relieving, you could definitely get a few laughs in and not be drilled to work so hard like you would have to with Iida.

"Hello." He replied, moving one of his giant books off of his desk to make more room for the two of you to work, "I was just thinking about how I really don't enjoy quirk foundations because, well, mine isn't very complex. It's pretty simple and fucking boring actually."

In a sense, you could completely understand why he would be frustrated by this. However, your quirk was actually seemingly very complex, and you didn't understand it to its full ability just yet.

"I get that Kiri," You started, glancing down at his paper in front of him, "but hey, if you understand it fully already, then you're many steps over the rest of us."

He smiled wide at you as Iida handed two papers for today's lesson to him.

"Alright, everyone, so let's discuss these worksheets before we get started," Aizawa started, scanning the classroom before continuing, "Worksheets today will be discussing more about how genetics are involved in quirks. We already are well aware that quirks are genetic, and can be mutated in thousands of ways. One example being into a split situation, Todoroki being the perfect example of this."

Kirishima rolled his eyes before whispering, "Wow, shocker, isn't Todoroki the perfect example for everything."

You snickered as you looked over at Todoroki, who seemed completely uninterested in this topic. It was something he was used to though, always being seen as having the perfect quirk mutation, which he was well aware that he had.

"And then, there are situations where you inherit a quirk from one parent, but the other parent's quirk can improve it to make it stronger or weaker, but not necessarily inheriting it completely. A good example of this would be y/n." He turned to face you as he said this, "And you know why this is, don't you?"

You nodded before replying, "Of course. My father has the water quirk, which I inherited, but my mother was telekinetic, but for any object, which I also inherited, but not as strong."

Explaining your quirk was always quite difficult, as the inheritance aspect, along with the way it worked, was complex.

You continued, "So this means, my father can only disperse water out of his hands powerfully, directing it toward his opponent. My mother could control the movement of objects with her mind. I inherited the strong water disbursement quirk, and also my mother's telekinesis, but I can only control water with my mind, and no other objects."

Aizawa nodded approvingly, "Which means you can disperse water in a match, but can also control any water molecules that you are around. So water bending mixed with water projection. Good, y/n, thank you."

It made your brain hurt sometimes when you thought about your quirk and the way it worked. For a while after discovering your quirk for the first time, you weren't even aware that you could control water with your mind and manipulate it in any way that you wanted. You had discovered it when you were about 9 years old, when you and your father had lived in a much smaller neighborhood when he had lost his job. The girls that would tease you at the neighborhood pool had gone a little too far one day, and you were so angry that a huge wave had been sent their way, but you hadn't moved a muscle. Although, it was safe to say that they never messed with you again.

The rest of the day just involved more rambling about quirks, Kirisishima drawing the squirtle pokemon on his worksheet and saying, "look, it's you!", listening to Bakugou and Midoriya fight because, for some reason, they were paired up for this project, and much more stupid nonsense that you could not care less about today.

You let out a sigh as you closed the door to your dorm room, relieved to finally be away from people for the day. You were tired and wanted nothing more than to lay down and scroll through twitter or something. Literally anything that didn't involve direct contact with people.

Shoving your phone under your pillow, you covered yourself with your blanket and closed your eyes. You had decided a nap would be the perfect solution to all of your daily issues.

As if this god forsaken universe had read your mind, automatically wanting to do you wrong, you felt your pillow buzz.

Letting out a sigh, you pulled it out roughly to see what in the hell anybody could possibly want from you.

Your expression softened at the text.

Baku: Hey [6:43 PM]

You had always had a soft spot for this certain friend and you weren't completely sure why. Maybe it was because you understood him on a different level than anyone else. You were very similar, you two just controlled your emotions in different ways. He really just was always a great friend to you, and this friendship was something you always cherished.

You: Hello [6:44 PM]

Baku: Will you meet me at the campus park? [6:44 PM]

This took you by surprise for a second as you froze in place. Even though he was one of your closest friends, it was very infrequent that anyone would really ask you to meet up alone. Let alone Bakugou.

You: Of course, I'll meet you in 10. [6:45 PM]

Groaning, you found some leggings and a t-shirt to throw on since you had already removed your school uniform for the day. It would have to do.

As soon as you reached the front door you felt someone grab your arm.

"Y/n, where are you going? Did you want to grab dinner with us?" You turn around to see Denki smiling at you while asking this question.

"Oh, of course, Denki! I just needed to go to the lab really quick, I think I left something in there earlier." You replied, smiling back.

"Oh, well okay! Do you feel safe walking alone or do you need someone to go with you?" He asked genuinely, "I know campus is safe but sometimes I'm scared of the dark so you never know." He laughed, rubbing the back of his head.

After reassuring him that you would be okay walking alone, you finally made a break out of the door, quickly making your way to the park.

Once you arrived, you didn't see anyone and started to just walk around. Maybe he wasn't here yet?

You took a few steps onto the walking path that was located in the middle of the park. It was really pretty, just full of freshly cut grass, trees, a water fountain and all of the shit that usually was in a park.

You were deep in thought when you heard a "pop" noise right by your ear, scaring the shit out of you.

Gasping, you turned around quickly and put your hand up, ready to fight whatever the fuck was attacking you.

"Damn, y/n, all it did was spark a bit. Don't be so sensitive." Bakugou said, smirking.

He just loved to fuck with you huh?

You pointed one finger directly at his face and before he could react, you gently covered his entire face in water.

He closed his eyes, a small smirk growing on his face before he grabbed your wrist and opened his eyes.

"That's all you've got? You fucking suck." He still had a hold of your wrist as he reared his hand back, sending sparks flying from it as he sent it directly toward your side with an evil look in his eye as yours widened.

"Truce!", you yelled, flinching backwards and he stopped his hand inches before it, "you fucking sadistic twat."

Still fucking smirking, he let go of your wrist and put both of his hands back to his side.

You turned around and started walking away along the trail, knowing he would follow suit right behind you.

You were right.

The both of you walked in silence for what seemed like an hour, even though it was five minutes. You knew he had something he wanted to say or talk about, but you could tell he wasn't sure how to bring it up. It seemed impossible trying to think of how to help him because you had absolutely no idea what this conversation could entail.

You and Bakugou had never hung out alone together before. Sure, you were super close and really great friends, but it always seemed to be you and him talking on the couch or in the kitchen while someone else was only feet away. It was never truly alone.

"How are you?" You finally broke the silence, looking up at him to see him furrowing his eyebrows together. He wasn't used to people asking how he was doing. You were about the only one who would ask him this while simultaneously truly caring about how he was. It wasn't just a small talk question when you asked him.

He pondered on what to say for a moment, suddenly anger rose in his chest. He was so frustrated, it seemed like anger was the only fucking emotion he could feel. What was wrong with him? Why was it so hard to be normal and express emotions. He wasn't even sure how he had friends, even though they were the only ones he was relaxed around. He was sick of everyone thinking he was a terrible and mean person.

"I-I'm, well," He began as you continued to study his expression, "not necessarily fine, but it's not a huge deal either."

He said these words slowly, processing each one so that they would come out correctly.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on?", you started, "You don't have to do anything you don't want to, just tell me what you'd like me to do to help and I can."

God, you were such a good friend. He always felt like a shitty one in comparison to the rest. He felt like he couldn't be a support person like all of his other friends.

"You are way too nice to me, I don't deserve that." He said kicking a small pebble that was on the sidewalk into the grass, "I can't be the support system that everyone else seems to be."

You etched your eyebrows together in confusion as you pondered his words. Does he not know?

"What? Bakugou that's insane."

"How could that possibly be insane?" It was his turn to look at you angrily and study your expression as you stared at the ground.

"Bakugou," you let out a small airy laugh before continuing, "I've literally cried in your arms before. You listen to me and any of us every time we have a problem. You offer to kill people when they upset us. How is any of that not being a good friend or supportive?"

He thought for a moment, almost forgetting the time you cried in his arms. It was after a training event at the USJ. You had been injured badly, but still failed the assignment. Bakugou had found you laying on the ground crying and injured, picking you up without a word and carrying you to the hospital. You cried about being a failure while also being in an immense amount of pain. All he had said was, "You could never be a failure. Not succeeding at one thing does not make you a failure." He hadn't even looked at you when he said it, just straight ahead. After this you closed your eyes and the rest was history.

And he did listen to his friends' problems all of the time. Yeah, his solution the majority of the time was just kill them, or blow up their stuff, but he listened, and a lot of the time, that's all anyone needed.

He looked back at the ground and closed his eyes, "I can't be the only one who talks. This isn't a fucking therapy session."

You could tell he hated this, but he knew it was important to maintaining his friendships.

"Okay, well," You began, trying to think of how to go about this, "how about we take turns talking about our fucked up issues? I do have some stuff I could get off my chest about my mom. God, that stupid cunt. Talking about quirks in class brought her back into my mind and I'm pissed."

He couldn't hide the small smile that appeared on his face at your suggestion. You always seemed to know exactly what people needed without them even knowing they needed it sometimes. He envied this about you.

"Okay, that sounds like a deal. You go first." He said glancing at you before averting his gaze back to the sidewalk in front of him.

He obviously needed you to go first so that the conversation would flow. This would make it easier for him to say what has been on his mind.

On the other hand, the only person who you had ever talked to about your mother was Todoroki, and that's only because you had known each other ever since your fathers started working together when you both were 11. This was when you both decided to open up about your mothers. It was an intense conversation for your age, but it was nice to have someone resonate with you.

"Well, for starters. What do you know about my mom at this very second?" You asked, looking at his profile again.

"Um, all I know is that she isn't around and from your reaction to her, I'll assume she isn't a good person either." He replied, glancing over at you and making eye contact, before shifting his gaze back to the ground.

"Correct." You said, letting out a small laugh, "She's even worse than just simply not being a good person."

He nodded, unsure of how terrible your mother could actually be. He pondered for a moment about what she could have done to make you despise her so greatly.

You on the other hand, were trying to figure out how to tell him exactly what you needed to about her.

"You only have to tell me what you feel comfortable telling me y/n, I understand it's a touchy subje-"

"She's a villain, Bakugou."

He stopped in his tracks, turning to face you with the most surprised look you have ever seen in your life.

You stopped beside him, staring back before continuing, "I'm sorry, please don't think any different of me, I haven't seen or spoken to her since I was five, I am nothing like her."

His expression softened as he realized you probably took his reaction in the wrong way.

"No, y/n, don't worry about that. I would never look at you differently based on someone else. You are you, but also what the FUCK?" He yelled, wondering what in the shit was going on. Your mother? A Villian?

"Yeah. She tried to kill me when I was a child." You continued nonchalantly.

This was probably super intense to anyone who heard it, but there was no way to put it lightly. She did try to kill you.

"WHAT? DUDE." Bakugou was in complete shock at this information, as anyone would be.

You told him a little bit about her as a person before she tried to kill you and became a villain, as you walked to the small bench that was located in the middle of the park.

Bakugou thought about what you were saying, all about how she would scream at you and your dad non stop. About how no matter what, she just never seemed to be happy.

She never wanted you, you were a complete accident but she kept you for the slight chance that you might want to join her one day, you and your dad had later found out. She had always been seeing the villains on the side.

Once your father found out, he told her to leave and to never come back, he didn't want her around you or him ever again.

"So she tried to suffocate me that night before she left. She said if she couldn't have me, then nobody could." You finished, watching as Bakugou wore a soft expression and studied your face. You weren't going to cry. You never had enough of a relationship with her to even care that it was ruined.

"So she went to fully join the League of Villains after she left that night? Was it your dad that stopped her from murking your ass?" He questioned.

You let out a loud laugh, "Yeah. He caught her doing it and almost drowned her to death, but realized he couldn't kill her because that's not who he is. He's a hero." You finished, biting your bottom lip as you stared at the ground with anger sadness washing over your body, "and I haven't seen or heard from her since. I wouldn't even know if she's alive. I've only heard stories and seen pictures from my dad."

You looked down and noticed your palms were soaked. Great.

Bakugou grabbed your right hand and wiped it on the knee of his jeans as he spoke softly, "I'm so sorry that happened to you y/n. Just know that you are nothing like her. You are your own person and are going to be one of the greatest heroes this world has ever seen."

You smiled softly, meeting his eye as he looked genuinely calm and content. This soft side of Bakugou was rare to see, but if you were lucky enough to see it, it was one of the best things anyone could experience. It lowkey creeped you out a little.

You shook your head as if to get rid of everything that was going through your mind. This isn't what you were here for.

"Thank you, Baku." You said, "Now tell me what's going on in your head lately. My turn is officially over."

The only reason you had even brought it to the surface to begin with was to help ease the tension of him speaking out about his. You also trusted him a lot, and so you were able to tell him this information.

Bakugou sighed, he didn't want it to be his turn, "Well, mine is actually about my mom too."

You turned toward him, folding your legs into the criss cross position on the bench as you gave him your full attention.

He paused before continuing, "We just have been fighting more than usual lately. She is the one who told me that there is no way that anyone is really my friend. She said that everyone has to just be my friend through sympathy because I suck."

You furrowed your eyebrows as your mouth fell open in shock, "She said what? Bakugou that is ridiculous. You can't believe that."

He laughed, folding his arms behind his head and leaned back, "I don't think I do now, especially after tonight. But I really let it get to me, so I started pushing my friends away to see if it was true. It's not. I realized that tonight."

"Tonight?" You questioned. You were confused on how just this night was enough for him to realize that what his mom said was untrue.

"How many people know about your mom besides you, your dad, and Todoroki? I only know he knows because he's the one who has always told us to not bring it up."

"Um, n-nobody.", You realized, looking up at the sky at nothing in particular, "and now you."

"Exactly." He said, "You wouldn't tell someone who was a friend that you didn't trust. I'm at least smart enough to figure that out."

You laughed, looking back down to meet his eye. You weren't completely sure what on earth aligned to have you and Bakugou, alone, sitting in the campus park and talking about your fucked up mothers together. It felt right though, like everything in this very moment seemed to work out perfectly.

You sighed, "Class 1A mommy issues."

He laughed loudly, "Oh my god, that was a good one."

You both sat there for a moment, not sure what to make next of this situation.

Before you could say anything, he grabbed the side of your face, pulling you toward him and placing his lips on yours.

You froze in place, not knowing what to do. Where did this come from? Why was he kissing you right now? Did he really like you or was it just a heat of a moment thing?

His lips felt so soft and gentle on yours and it was one of the best feelings ever. So you kissed him back.

Your lips moved in sync for a few minutes, Bakugou pulling away a few times to come back in and place short soft kisses to your lips.

He still had his hand on your face as he pulled away. You held eye contact for a few seconds, a million thoughts running through your head as you tried to recollect what exactly was happening. It didn't feel real.

You had just come to terms with your feelings for Shouto only a few weeks ago, and now here was Bakugou, just kissing you, and the worst part was that you didn't hate it. There was no way you would be able to handle double feelings and you were at a loss. You had never even thought about Bakugou this way before, and it had only just confused you to no end.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know wh-"

"It's okay. I should head inside now, it's getting late." You cut him off, standing from the bench and turning around to make your way back to the dorm.

This wasn't who you were. You were not the person to just flee the scene, but right now, you kind of felt like you were going to cry and you didn't want him to think it was because of anything that he did.

Bakugou watched you walk away as he stood from the bench. He had no idea what he was supposed to say. He shouldn't have kissed you, he knew that. He wasn't even sure why he did because he had never even had feelings for you that he knew of.

Neither of you had feelings for each other. So why did it happen?

You felt the tears start to pour from your face as you heard a small explosion behind you. You picked up your pace, walking as fast as possible as more tears fell from your eyes.

Bakugou had kissed you, and you kissed him back, and you liked it.

That was something you would have to come to terms with.


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