Heroes and Lovers

By yeetusdeletus627

28K 367 239

Tatsumaki decides she feels bad for treating Saitama like shit, so she asks him out on a date with the intent... More

First Date
I Love You
First Time

Tatsumaki and Fubuki

2.1K 36 15
By yeetusdeletus627

Tatsumaki was usually woken by her alarm clock. She preferred the early bird life. She liked waking early and getting things done, and be productive.

This time, the clock only beeped once before Saitama's fist punched it into the wall. She shot up from the sound. She expected him to be irritated from the sound... but instead found him with his eyes wide open and in awe.

He silently sat up with a blank expression and wide eyes. His eye twitched in what seemed like disbelief. Tatsumaki lightly touched his arm and he flinched. Then immediately accepting her hug.

"Nightmare?" She asked as the hazy sunrise streamed in through the window.

"No... this... dream I've had. Couple times... it's nothing." He appeared to shrug it off back to his laid back self and tried walking away. But Tatsumaki tugged on him again.

"I've never seen that look before... what kind of dream was that?" She asked. She never saw him so full of emotion... that anger, tension, fear, excitement.

He sighed.

"They're called subterraneans..."

As per usual, Genos was in a state of self absorption. He had once again overestimated Saitama's mental decision making to train him still. He believed that he was testing him... to see how far he would go. What his limits were.

In reality, Saitama's had been a bit angry for him attacking Tatsumaki, but it wasn't serious and he couldn't really care less about Genos's intentions and let it go. Being laid back as he was.

King had shown up to play video games with Saitama, only to learn he had moved out. Genos had supplied him with the new address, but King did take notice that Genos had been preoccupied and heavy hearted, and decided to play video games with him that day to keep him company.

As it was, Genos was getting stomped in Injustice 2.

"Yes! 20th victory!" King said happily as he earned the rewards at the end of each victory in multiplayer. Genos became more irritated that he was losing, and the guilt that plagued him.

Although Saitama never felt that way, he was in the belief that his Sensei was pitying him. And that is why he was even still training him to be strong.

After another hour, King bid farewell to Genos and thanked him for the address, Then he went on his way.

Genos thought some more. He had a hard time believing that his Sensei would Pity him... but he had to be sure. He picked up the home phone and dialed Tatsumaki's penthouse and soon was on the line with Saitama.

"Sensei! Meet me in the canyon where we first fought! Two hours! I wish to spar with you again!"

"Are you sure you're decision is... I don't know... wise?" Fubuki asked. Tatsumaki had been told all about the subterranean dream, how it was his fantasy to find someone as strong as he. Then having go and fight with Genos to 'train'. Then have her sister show up at the door? She welcomed Fubuki in and was amazed by the attitude change in her older sister. 'Who could have done this?' she wondered. She soon found out that the bald cape that surpassed her in the hero rankings was the source.

(AUTHORS NOTE: As far as I know, Saitama has not surpassed Fubuki in the Manga or the Anime. But in chapter 2 of this very fiction, he was promoted to A Class. So this corresponds to this fiction, not any canon events, unless it has happened and I haven't seen it yet haha.)

"Of course it is. I love him. Why do you ask?" Tatsumaki asked. She understood that civilians might not like it, but they were still donating to the association and giving her that fat weekly paycheck, so she no longer really cared.

"Well... I know you love him. That's clear. But I hear that there are whispers among the A and S ranks that you have gone soft and let this happen." Fubuki responded. Which was true... the A class feared him, but the S Class had no respect for him whatsoever and looked him over every time.

"Oh well. They can kiss my ass. I can still wipe the floor with any of 'em." Tatsumaki responded in her typical aggressive fashion. She was not afraid of any of them. She was confident that they didn't stand a chance against her.

Maybe blast. But he was too far gone to care at this point in time. In places unknown. But that was all meaningless to her, as Saitama could beat any of them.

"Look sis, I don't doubt that, but the S and A class hold a coveted position with the association. If they truly voice their complaint, the association will remove him. To them, you are essential, but he is disposable." Fubuki curtly replied, sipping her tea.

Tatsumaki's face twitched a little... she wanted to make a sarcastic comeback, but it was true. They knew of his power... but with such low opinion of him, he was disposable to the association. But that never mattered to him. He was a hero for fun, and he told her he was constantly fighting and battling even before the association accepted him into their ranks. It wouldn't matter to him, and she could easily support him.

So in reality, it changed nothing. She was in no danger whatsoever.

"Look Fubuki, I appreciate your concern, I truly do. But I am fine where I'm at." She merely replied.

Fubuki shrugged.

"I did recruit him for my team, but you could have gotten a decent man." Fubuki said off handedly.

Tatsumaki had become a calmer person, but the rage Fubuki was familiar with was about to make a recurrence.

Genos flew over Saitama's head and missed... again. He had blasted and flew and punched and kicked... but never landed a single strike.

In fact, Saitama didn't even really appear to notice him. He barely paid any attention and appeared to have his thoughts elsewhere.

It saddened Genos, because he believed the reason for that was as a punishment for his negligence and rash behavior.

In reality, this was not the case. In fact, Saitama was mulling over what takeout food he wanted for lunch.

Genos kneeled for a moment, but he was not tired. A lot of his energy was used up, but he charged for one final attack. He feigned weakness, and Saitama looked away in his own thoughts of udon and sushi.

When he was ready, he blasted up and broke the sound barrier as he sent a spinning kick toward Saitama. He thought he could at least he could get his attention at the very least.

But then he struck Saitama square in the face.

He gasped.

He hit him.

But in that same instant, Saitama non chalantly slapped him into the rock floor.

Although his face was shoved into the dirt, he still heard the words that showed he progressed.

"Wow Genos! You actually drew blood! Alright! Lunch on me!"

The two heros enjoyed a good lunch of ramen bowl, even though Genos had a mild crack along his cheek, he was happy he made a monumental leap. He finally hit him.

The two made their way to Saitama's new apartment. But heard the screams before even opening the door, but entered anyway.

"DAMN IT YOU STUPID BITCH! WHY DONT YOU EVER JUST LISTEN TO ME!?" Fubuki screamed at her sister. Shattered teacups and saucers littered the floor. Saitama and Genos wisely stood in the doorway to the living room, a good 10 feet away from them.

"Why don't I listen? CAUSE YOURE A EGOTISTICAL LITTLE SHITHEAD WHO NEEDS TO GET OVER HERSELF!" Tatsumaki screamed right back. Genos whistled slightly through his teeth and Saitama whispered to Genos "don't ever ask me about women, they still elude me." He said to him.

"ERGHH! WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS!? ITS CAUSE I HAD A BITCH SISTER WHO NEVER ONCE BELIEVED IN ME! I HAVE TO HOLD MYSELF THERE OR IM NOONE!" Fubuki screamed right back. Saitama instantly knew that hit close to home. Tatsumaki had always been stronger, and more admired. Fubuki struggled to rise to where she was, and was still a no body.

"Don't you DARE put that on me! I NEVER DID BECAUSE YOURE MY KID SISTER, WHO WILL NEVER GO ANYWHERE!" Tatsumaki responded.

Fubuki flinched.

Tatsumaki instantly had a look of regret on her face. Knowing how much she just hurt her sister and what she longed for.

"I. Fucking. Hate you." Fubuki said. Her voice and chin trembling. The tears had built up in her eyes and her voice broke. She refused to let the tears fall, but they were there, nonetheless.

Tatsumaki still held anger in her expression and didn't break eye contact... but had a deep sorrow and guilt that Saitama recognized instantly.

He turned to Genos and nodded. Genos slowly walked over, and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. Her head whipped around in anger, and calmed slightly at the sight of the cyborg. But the tension in the silence was palpable.

His fight greatly helped her feel similar to him. She felt like a wrecked piece of rubbish inside, but he looked it. With the 3 broken fingers, cut shirt, and cracked face with an eye missing... he looked the same as she felt.

The two did not say anything. But when Genos tugged her slightly toward the door, she walked with him. He lowered his hand off her, but followed her out, until the elevator sounded and they were gone.

Tatsumaki sighed shakily as she ran her hands, shaking with guilt and anger, through her hair as she sat on their couch.

"Why... do I always fuck things up?" Tatsumaki asked to no one in particular. Saitama didn't respond, but knew his lover was hurt and angry. He sat next to her, pulled her into his chest and stroked her hair until she calmed down in his arms.

The gesture felt natural and warm, and she didn't want Saitama to stop... and he didn't.

Things weren't great for Fubuki. Once she walked down to her waiting limo, Genos had imagined his job was finished, and turned to leave... but she quietly invited him in, not daring to be any louder for fear that her weakness would show, and she refused for that to happen.

He sat next to her, wordlessly, as she hugged herself and looked down.

As much as he never liked Saitama and Tatsumaki's relationship, he remembered the gestures. He slowly, and carefully, reached out and gently brushed her hair away from her face, and began to stroke her back and hair.

She tensed up at the first touches, but his metal hands weren't cold... they were warm. As if he had flesh and blood instead of circuits and wiring. She longed for a feeling of warmth, or acceptance... and after a few minutes of tension, she slowly leaned and buried her head in his shoulder.

Then she cried.

Not heavily.

But light, sniffling sobs that could barely be heard. Genos simply placed an arm around her and rested on her shoulder.

The rest of the ride seemed to stretch out... but that was to both of their liking. It wasn't conscious, but they both subconsciously loved each and every minute of the drive that they held each other.

The attraction was there. It just simply had to be found.

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