First Date

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Saitama stirred around the noodles in his boiling pot tiredly, he woke up around 11:30 AM and was still a little drowsy. He decided to just straight up skip breakfast and make himself some lunch since it was almost noon anyway. He woke up to full alert pretty fast however, he had an odd feeling about... nothing, he felt something would happen, but unsure of what.

Then he turned when he heard a knock at the door. Genos answered it, and all he could see was Tatsumaki's green hair. He nearly face palmed himself, he was in worry and anticipation over that?

"Would you like tea?" Genos offered.

"Yes, I would." She responded. Saitama sighed, she was fairly rude and had no problem showing her distaste. It didn't bother him at all, it just made him curious why she had brought herself around him slightly more if she openly despised him.

Saitama put his udon in a bowl and sat across from her as she sipped.

"What brings you here this morning?" Saitama asked.

"I've realized to myself I've been quite an asshole to people, so I'm bringing myself around more in a... more positive way." She said, but Saitama could immediately tell that she was both lying and forcing herself to speak so proper, it piqued his interest slightly.

"Genos, can you deal with the dishes please?" Saitama asked, intending to have a slightly more in depth conversation with the woman.

As Genos left to do as told, Saitama leaned forward slightly.

"Wanna be honest now?" He asked.

"What do you think of me Baldy?" She asked with a stern look.


"Just answer the question damn it." She responded sharply

"Wouldn't hurt to call me by my name?" He replied.

She stopped, she had called him every insult, but she hadn't even taken the time to learn his name.

"What would that be then?" She asked, slightly embarrassed she had to ask.


"Ok, Saitama, what do you think of me personally?" She asked

"Well, you can be quite annoying sometimes, but you're pretty strong and even though you're hot blooded normally, you're level headed in battle, so for the most part, I respect you." He simply responded, Saitama was familiar being blunt with his answers, and had no problem getting straight to the point.

She seemed slightly irritated at first, then calm.

"Thank you, that means a lot that you aren't afraid of me, to be able to voice you're opinion." She said suddenly, her voice more full of emotion than he had ever seen in the small woman.

"Well, you wanted my opinion." He said.

"Oh shut up bal- Saitama." She said returning to her usual Tsundere self.

"What even brought this on? When have you ever cared what I think? Did someone say something?" He asked.

She nodded, "yes, actually, my sister fubuki pointed out to me that I'm quite cold and rude to everyone, and that everyone is either too afraid of me, or hates me too much to say anything to me." She said, getting upset again. "I can't help it Saitama, I've been that way for a long time, I... don't know how to change it, so I wanted to ask someone who can both put up with me and is not in fear of me either." She said, emotion filling her voice again.

He was surprised by the woman, he had never seen her so open with anyone in the two months they've known each other as heroes, she clearly needed to vent.

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