Sweet as honey • James Maguir...

By standbymesodapop

91.7K 1.3K 225

It's Scottish... you English prick ⚜️ In which a broken girl and her friends try to navigate life in a war t... More

1,1•Her knickers are rotten, Orla
1,1• I dont know what your doing, its honestly a downgrade
1,2• A French man in England, Or an English man in france?
1,2• Aye, well we'd have to do a lot more before the riding.
1,3• Oh shit, it's Maureen Malarkey.
1,3• He travelled all the way across the sea for me!
1,4• Shes From the Ukraine, Erin, not Ethiopia
B,C• I Guess I got too Annoying For Her.
1,5•He's English, They'll love him.
1,5•IRA Bastard.
1,6•Theres a difference between these three and Erin.
1,6• You Inconsdierate Bitch!
2,1•Shes Fucking Crazy and Hes just, Strange
2,1•It was only a what? Caoimhe?
2,2• Oh Piss Off, Ms De Brún
2,2•Thank Fuck for That.
2,3•Dont Blame Me Blame the Milk Tray Man
2,3•10 Kids?! Catch yourself on.
2,4•Your Ma Just Killed Her!
2,4•Ew, Ew, Ew. Fuck That.
2,5•Nothing Will Change It.
2,5•At Least I'll Live to See Another Prom.
2,6•well, who is she?
2,6•Derrys Idiot.

1,4• You've got Abandonment Issues

3.7K 56 2
By standbymesodapop

We were all sat in the cafe. Me sitting opposite James and In Between Erin and Orla, while Katya was up at the counter ordering. "I don't know, I just find her a bit, I have a fringe and cigarettes and opinions, and she's also a bit, you know, I hate walls. And she's just not-" Erin started to complain about Katya. "Oh the grateful little peasant girl you ordered?" Clare questioned my cousin. "Yeah. No. I just don't trust her. And that thing she said about my letters being boring, I really think she's playing some sort of twisted psychological game here." Erin told us. "Or maybe your letters are just really fucking dull. Erin" Michelle mumbled. "Aye Erin,
You can't exactly hate her because she's just not what you imagined, or because she hates your boring letters" I started to back Katya up. "My letters are a gripping read" Erin told me and Michelle. "I'm not comfortable with you talking about my girlfriend like this. "You can however, Erin, hate her for that." I whispered to her, then leaning my head on her shoulder, still upset about the fact me and James both admitted, more or less, that we liked each other, and then a day later he starts dating some other girl. "She also fancies James. You don't find that a bit weird." Erin told Michelle more about Katyas strangeness. James looked at me to tell Erin off about her mean comment, but I stayed silent. "Aye that is a bit fucked up in fairness." Michelle said, before smiling at me sympathetically. "I can't get my head around it." Clare told us all. "I'm telling you, she's up to something." Erin said suspiciously. "Even so, I need her to put a word in with that big Russian ride." Michelle told us. "Just ask and Irish lad, Michelle. They're simple enough to get." I told her while James shot me a look. I already had a plan about my ride tonight, but I knew no one would like it. "And I really like the fact she glows in the dark." Orla told us. Causing James to question what she meant. "Because of the radiation, they all glow in the dark." Orla said as if it was common knowledge. "Right" James whispered.

"She's also opened my eyes about how we need to break down barriers here, to no longer define ourselves as Irish or British, Catholic or Protestant but simply as Human, with human hearts and human heads and human hands and other human qualities. Because at the end of the day, we're all... humans."Clare finished her heart warming speech with a smile on her face just as Katya sat down next to James. She then leant over and kissed him, causing me to roll my eyes. "Incoming Ride. I repeat, incoming ride." Michelle turned to us while pushing her boobs up. She then turned to the 'incoming ride' and Jenny Joyce.

"Hi everyone. This is Artem." Jenny told our table. "Well hello, Artem." Michelle said to the sad boy 'seductively'. "Go on then" Michelle whispered to Katya, causing her to say some words in Ukrainian to him, with no response. "He doesn't say much." Jenny told us all. "Is he... is he tied to you?" James questioned the girl. "Yeah he kept wondering off" Jenny said, causing me to scoff. "I wonder why" I whispered to Michelle. "Listen I've a feeling Artem and a few of the others are a bit homesick. It'd be nice for them to spend some time together. So I'm having a bit of a soirée at my place tonight. It's going to be great. I've got a chocolate fountain and everything!" Jenny told us, making Orlas eyes go wide. "Well, chocolate fountain of not, I'd actually prefer to keep our Ukrainians separate, so.." Erin told the girl.

Just then, the door opened, revealing just who I needed... David. Well I didn't need him. But he'd do. I know, I know. We're over, and we are! It's just, I've got to show James that he can't play with my feelings like that some how, and what better way than to make him jealous? "Oh, Christ. David. David Donnelly has just come in. David's here. Right. Okay. Don't look. Nobody look." Erin said from behind me, quickly turning around and chewing. It was now my turn to push my boobs up as he walked towards our table. This made Michelle look at me angrily, not happy at what she thought was my attempt to get David to notice me again.

He walked up to Jenny. "Hi do you have a playlist for tonight then?" He asked her. "I'll need the sound system set up by seven." She responded to his question. "Is your band playing at this thing tonight?" Erin questioned him, making him notice our table, and in turn, me. "Oh no, Christ no. I just do a wee bit of Dj-ing on the side. Make a bit of extra cash. Wacca-wacca, cha-ching!" He said, making me face palm. How did I ever go out with this man? "Oh my band, we don't really do covers. Do you know what I mean?" David started. "In this game, you need a wee bit of integrity." I finished off for him, causing him to look at me amazed at the fact I actually used to listen to him talk about his band.

As Jenny was talking to him about the Grease mega mix, Erin pinched my thigh. "Ow, what the fuck was that for?" I questioned her. "He's mine now. Back off" she whispered, causing me to roll my eyes. "One more night, I have a plan. Then I promise he's yours for the taking" I told her, silently pleading for her to let me have him today. I know it seems like I'm using him, but I am. She sighed and nodded. I gave her a short hug.

David walked Behind our table, before turning back to me. "Caoimhe, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry about the other night, I lost my temper and it was never right of me to say what I did. I'm sorry, forgive me?" He said sweetly. "Aye, it's fine David don't worry. I'll talk to you later yeah?" I told him kindly, making him smile and nod, before walking away. As I turned around I was met with two different glares, one from Michelle, who looked disappointed in the fact I accepted David's apology, and one from James, who looked almost Jealous. "Actually, on second thoughts, I think this party would be really great for Katya. Might help bring her out of her shell a bit." Erin told Jenny, causing me to nod along, before I noticed She was staring at something. I followed her eye line to James and Katya, who were now full on making out at the table, causing me to roll my eyes, not before noticing the stare James was giving me out of the corner of his eye.

I was sitting in front of the vanity in Erins room, as said girl walked Into my room to see Katya. I was just finishing curling my hair before standing up and looking in the mirror at my outfit.

I was wearing an acid wash shirt with a long leather jacket over the top, with big holed fishnets and my doc martens. I was also wearing a small pair of spandex shorts underneath the jacket just incase I got hot. David and James would love it. I looked hot as fuck. Just then Erin walked into my room worried, grabbing my hand and leading me out of her room and out the door, Katya and Orla following behind.

We strolled up to the Spanish style mansion, which looked completely out of place in Derry, and walked straight in. Me and Erin both immediately caught sight of Michelle who waved at us as we were walking over, parting ways with Orla, who went to go to the chocolate fountain. "Size of This mother fucking house! Holy shit Caoimhe you look hot as hell!" Michelle said all at once, making me smile. "You too Michelle, and I know! It's huge!" I told the girl. "Listen I think James might be in real trouble." Erin said to us, disrupting our conversation "Right. Struggling to give a shit, if I'm honest." Michelle told her truthfully.

At the same moment, two Ukrainian boys walked up to us. "Where is Katya?" The one with the long hair asked. "I don't know, why?" Erin questioned them, confused as to why they'd ask for her. The same long haired boy pulled out a small bundle of notes. "I must... I must give" he said, before walking away strangely, making Erin follow him with her gaze, only for it to be interrupted by Clare. "Holy shit Clare" I said shocked. "Hi girls." She introduced herself. "Have you got the Union Jack splashed across your tits, Clare?" Michelle asked angered. "I'm making a point." Clare replied. "Is the point to get beaten up?" Michelle retaliated.

"Me wearing this, it should be meaningless. These are just colours and shapes. This flag is not and identity. We need to take the power out of these symbols." Clare said proudly. "Genuine question. Why can't you just be fucking normal?" Michelle asked the girl. "Another genuine question. Where the fuck did you even buy that from? Like where around here sells that!" I asked her, confused as ever. Orla strolled over, face covered in chocolate, and marshmallows on a stick, also covered in chocolate, in her hand. Of course. "Enjoy the chocolate fountain, Orla?" Michelle questioned quickly. "Very much so." Orla simply responded.
"Focus, Girls." Erin tried to grab our attention, before being interrupted by Jenny. "Has anyone seen Artem?" The girl asked, "I untied him for his toilet privileges half an hour ago, and now I can't find him" Jenny said in evident distress. "What?!" Michelle shouted. "Listen i know This might be a bit shocking..." Erin started, sympathetically looking over to me before talking again. "But I think Katya is planning on taking James' virginity tonight. I found condoms in her bag, actual condoms. Like I don't think they're even legal in Derry." Erin finished, causing me to get slightly angry. "Wise up Erin" Michelle told the girl. "We have to stop her." Erin quickly told the curly haired girl.

Saturday night then started to blare from the speakers causing all of us to cry out a Yes! "It's our song girls, it's our song!" Clare cried in joy. Just then James ran over "I've lost Katya!" He said stressed, only to receive a quick "good" in response from Erin, before she grabbed my hand and dragged me, along with the rest of the girls to the dance floor. We started dancing to Saturday night, when I saw David smirking at me from the corner of my eye. As I turned around to look at him, I also caught a glance of James who was looking between me and the older boy. I slowly backed away from my friends and up to David, leaning against the wall next to him. "You alright?" I questioned, looking up at him. "Aye, you enjoying the party?" He questioned back at me. "Aye. Especially enjoying this song" I told him, lightly playing with his shirt, knowing James was still watching. David leaned down closer to my face, "I know it's your favourite, that may or may not have been why I played it" he told me, making me grin cheekily. I than saw James walk off. Good, he's jealous.

I spent a little while flirting more with David. What? We're over, he knows that, but it doesn't mean we can't have fun. Plus, he's extremely good at making James jealous. "Want to take this upstairs?" David asked me. I considered the many ups and downs, but at the end of the day decided to agree. What could be the worst that could happen? David found one of his friends to take over the music, before guiding me upstairs while kissing me frequently, making me giggle every time.

We tried many different doors, all of which were locked, until we eventually came to a door that wasn't. David's mouth connected to mine as we stumbled in to the presumably empty room. "Oh Jesus Christ, Caoimhe, not infront of Clive." Michelle said, causing me to jump out of my skin. "And not with him! Bad! Bad! Caoimhe" she carried on while whacking my arm, clearly having not seen who I was kissing previously. I turned around to be met with my cousin, a random man on the bed, and the boy I wanted to make jealous, great. "Who's Clive?" Me and James questioned at the same time.
"Clive. Clive is a wee prod from east Belfast. Clive came back from Ibiza, got on the wrong bus at Aldergrove Airport, then fell asleep. Clive woke up in Derry, surrounded by Russians and Fenians. Clive is absolutely shitting himself." Michelle finished her update. "So where's the real Artem?" Erin questioned. "Giants Causeway, probably" Michelle said, uncaring. "Foreigners fucking love the giants causeway" Michelle told James. "Aye they do mate, could never understand why though." David told the English boy as well, making me remember that he was in the room, I turned around and kissed him again, ignoring Clives weird muttering.

Clare then opened the door. Jesus, does a girl get any peace. "Here you are" she said, before being grabbed around the waist by Clive, the strange man. "Whatever you do, don't slag off the pope. We're out numbered." He whispered to her, as Orla then came in. "For God's sake Orla, you're gonna make yourself boke." Erin told the girl, concerned. "I can handle that" Orla responded, before trying to walk in between me and David, causing us to spilt again. The door then opened again, this time to reveal Katya. "James, what is going on? I wait long time. You no longer want to do sex?" She questioned the curly haired boy. "No , no, no, I do want to do sex. I really, really want to do sex." He told her, enthusiastically, making David laugh. "Calm down mate, she's gonna sleep with you, not marry you, not like it's anything special" David told him casually. I looked up at him, "nothing special?" I questioned him, knowing he knew how much it meant to me. "Aye, it is what it is" he said simply. "So you didn't think anything special of the times we did it eh? The FIRST time we did it? Which you know, happened to be my first time?" I blurted out in-front of everyone, including the boy I happened to really like. "Well sure it was cool, but not, special I guess" he said, not thinking much of it. "Oh fuck you David. You knew how much that meant to me." I told him spitefully, making him roll his eyes. "Get over it." He told me. "Fuck you, David." Michelle shouted at him.

"Come" Katya told James. Both of them walking out the room, making Erin follow them. We all looked at each other, before deciding to follow them out the room. We caught up to them when they stopped in the middle of the hall way. "I'm talking about the fact she's a prostitute." Erin said boldly. Making everyone in the vicinity gasp. Katya scoffed. "I am prostitute?" She asked, not believing what she'd been called. "Oh come off it, James. She's charging you for it isn't she? Just admit it." Erin said, continuing her claim. "No! I mean, I don't think so. I mean not that I wouldn't consider it." James said, confused. "Ugh! How dare you. I am poor Ukrainian so I must be prostitute." Katya shouted at Erin as Jenny Joyce walked up the stairs. Erin pushed past Katya and James to the top of the stairs. "Hear me out" she started "first, she comes on to James here. What would possess her? Financial gain, that's what." Erin continued with her wild theory. "He attractive boy, Erin" Katya said simply.
"He's English, Katya." Erin responded. "I have no problem with this" The Ukrainian girl told her, only for Michelle to whisper about how she should have a problem with it in her ear. "Secondly, she owns condoms. They're in her bag. A whole packet. I've seen them people!" Erin said, causing murmurs to erupt. "You are imbecile." Katya told the blonde girl. "'An' imbecile. And thirdly, all night, wee Ukrainian fellas have been coming up and giving her money they owe her. How the hell do you explain that?" Erin thought she had caught the girl in a trap. "I organise, how you say it, whip-round. We like to buy Jenny present to thank her for nice party." Katya said, warming Jenny's heart. All of us muttered comments about Erins outrageous behaviour. "So not only you insult me, but you've also spoiled Jenny's surprise." Katya said, matter of factly.

"I think you should leave." Jenny told our group. Causing us to all do a walk of shame downstairs and out one by one.

"Come on, I'm sorry! I just didn't think it was that special. But I'm really sorry, forgive me!" David had been apologising for the past 10 minutes "Just shut-up, David. I don't want to hear it. You've insulted me more then once, that's enough. Just fuck off home will you? Stop walking with us" I had had enough of David's pleading. He then pulled a straw no one thought he'd pull, ever. "Come on, Caoimhe. We all know you don't want me to actually leave. You claim that we're done only to come back to me. You can't leave me alone. You've got abandonment issues, we all know it, so accept that you can't leave me, and we can go back to our lives together yeah?" He basically called me out in front of my family and friends. Obviously most of them knew this. But James had no clue. "FUCK OFF DAVID, NEVER COME NEAR ME AGAIN!" I screamed at him. How dare he bring up my own issues as a way to win an argument. James started to lightly shove him away. "I think you should leave now" he said politely.

"Don't be fooled mate, she may look sweet as honey but she'll ruin your life." David told James as if he were giving him a piece of advice.

"How?? How did I ruin your life you liar?!" I asked him, now shocked at his claims. "I invested so much time in trying to fix you, time I'll never get back, but you're unfixable, no wonder your mum left you here." he said defensively, causing everyone's Jaws to drop. "Get rid of him Michelle or I swear to god I will curb stomp him straight into HELL" I whisper shouted at Michelle, causing her and James to physically pull David away from the group of girls and telling him to leave.

I walked all the way home crying, being comforted by my two cousins. I then remembered how confused James must be about this whole thing. So I stopped walking and waited for him to catch up. "I know you must be so confused, I would be too. And I promised I'll explain it soon, just not tonight please, too much has happened tonight." I told him, not looking at him. "I get it. Don't worry, tell me when you're ready." He told me politely. Making me nod in thanks.

As the rest of the family where in the house discussing Katyas wishes of leaving to go to Jenny's. I was outside with James. "Did you... really like David?" James asked me awkwardly. Making me sigh. "If I'm gonna be honest with you James, which, fuck it, I am gonna be because what else do I have to lose? I did I over summer. And even after I broke up with him. But then you arrived and well, that whole thing today, I was just using him to make you jealous. Because I really, really like you James. But now your with Katya, and I get that but I just, I hoped you liked me too." I poured my heart out. To emotionally drained to lie to the lad. "I really really like you too, Caoimhe. And it's scary because I've known you for such a little amount of time, yet I feel like we've known each other forever. I started dating Katya for the sole reason of wanting to see if I really did like you, or to see wether it was just a crush and I do, I really really like you, it's more then a crush." He told me genuinely, causing me to grin from ear to ear. "Really?" I whispered, not wanting to get my hopes up. "Yes, Caoimhe McLerie. I really really like you, and I'd love it, if you'd go on a date with me?" He said, causing me to squeal and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. "Of course!" I told him ecstatic. Just as we separated the door opened, and out walked Katya and Gerry, the latter holding Katyas bag. He put the bag into the trunk of the taxi and shut it, before opening the taxi door for Katya. She got in and the Taxi started to drive away. Making me and James wave at it as it went past.

As Gerry was walking in, he pointed at me. "In, you." He said, then pointing at the door as he was holding it open. I nodded at him, then Leaned over to kiss James on the cheek. "I'll see you soon!" I whispered to him, before running off and into the house, Gerry shut the door behind me. All I could think about was our date James was planning.


3617 words!

That was a long one ay? For me at least.

But next chapter you get to hear Caoimhes story!

Next chapter won't be part of the show it'll be a bonus chapter which means... double update!

The bonus chapter will be a bit shorter then the normal chapters though, due to there being less speech and characters!

I hope you enjoyed, vote and comment if you liked it.. was David right to be angry? Was he not?

But yeah, cya tomorrow <3

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