tranquility ; quackity


219K 4.9K 12.4K

started 04/02/21 finished 13/03/21 quackity x fem oc! in which 2 streamers become quickly acquainted, if you... More



13.5K 359 1K

march 27, 2021.

q and karl were both boarding at the same time, 6 am for me. karl was going to be here 2 hours earlier than alex. still a 4 hour flight though.

i made sure the house was completely clean. every single part of it. made sure there was groceries, everything.

karl wasn't staying as long as alex was, but i didn't mind too much. as long as i still got to see him, and i'd be getting alone time with alex, which i didn't mind.

i started to drive to the airport, it was about a 45 minute drive, so i figured i would pick up karl, stay in that area, pick up alex and then head home. karl was going to land soon.

i got to the airport and waited for karl to land. i stood at the gate. i looked at the clock.

10:12 am. 2 more hours.

i heard the gate open, people started walking out.

ding! mother honking karl😁💛 sent you a text!

mother honking karl😁💛
i'm here

i stared at the gate waiting for my best friend to walk out.

i saw the top half of his face and his hair, he didn't see me.

i walked up to him.

"oh shoot sorry i didn't see you all the way down there." he laughed. i kicked his shin.

we grabbed his stuff and went driving for a bit, we hungout in a random parking lot and caught up on life, things you couldn't talk about over the phone.

"have you talked to sapnap?" i asked him.

he stayed silent.

"karl it's been over a month." i started. "he's probably worried he's lost you for good."

he looked away.

"please talk to him, i'll be with you and i can help you out." i smiled. "it will be worth it, believe me."

we finished up our conversation and drove back to the airport.

i was excited, i was with my best friend and soon enough my boyfriend will be with us too. seemed all too good to be true.

q's plane landed, he still hadn't texted me he had landed, he knew i was watching, waiting.

the gate started to open, i watched every single person who was arriving from mexico to canada.

i saw the black ball cap, with the fluffy dark brown hair sticking out of the bottom. his mesmerizing brown, almost black eyes, met up with mine.

i walked towards him, speeding up until i was almost jogging. practically tripping over my feet until i made it into his arms.

the overwhelming safe feeling came over my body.

we stood there for a few seconds; his head buried in the crook of my neck, just like the first time.

"hola mi amor." he spoke while looking me in the eyes.

"i missed you." i smiled under my mask.

we finished our little moment, alex and karl greeted each other, i smiled seeing my favourite people happy.

we grabbed alex's stuff and put it with karl's in the back of my car.

karl sat in the backseat so alex and i could sit together. the second we took our masks off he leaned over and kissed my cheek.

click! karl took a picture.

i joking flipped off karl.

"aww it's a cute picture." he laughed.

i blushed and shook my head.

alex was in control of the music, and it was all over the place.

"just pick a genre of music, god." karl whined from the backseat.

i agreed with him, alex had the most confusing music taste at times.

we pulled up into my drive way, my dads car was sitting there too. he knew they were coming today.

"my dad's home." i said while looking at alex.

"i missed your dad more than i missed you vera." karl joked.

"karl's met your dad?" alex questioned while laughing.

"my dad didn't let me go see karl by myself last year."

"but he let you see me?"

"i told him about you, a lot." i blushed.

karl made a fake gagging noise. "okay i wanna go see joe let's go inside."

alex laughed. "of course your dads named joe." i scoffed at his remark jokingly and flicked him on the side of the head.

karl got out of the car, and we followed after him.

my dad opened the door before we even got up to it. i knew he was eager to meet alex, but alex seemed more nervous. i knew my dad was gonna like him anyways.

he got up to the door, my dad greeted karl first.

"hey karl! how have you been?" he asked while shaking his hand firmly.

"i've been good mr. smith." he responded.

"got a girlfriend yet?" my dad asked. i bit the inside of my cheek trying not to laugh.

"no sir." he laughed.

"dad this is alex, alex this is my dad." i introduced them.

alex stood up straight and smiled while holding his hand out. my dad shook back.

we got in the house.

"i'm going to take karl to his room, you guys can talk a little bit."

alex looked nervous, but i smiled and showed karl to his room. i helped him unpack a bit, but figured i should go help alex unpack and get him out of an awkward situation with my dad.

before i left karl's room, i spit out some quick words.

"i'm serious karl. talk to him soon." karl looked away as i walked out.

i walked into the kitchen and living room area and they were having normal conversation, no tension or awkwardness. i knew they would get along, but this felt too natural.

"wanna go unpack?" i asked alex. he stood up and nodded.

my dad also stood up. "on that note i'm gonna go out and do some running around. nice meeting you son."

"you too." alex smiled. my dad walked out of the house and alex turned towards me.

he raised my chin up and kissed me.

"i've been waiting hours to do that. you have no clue." we both laughed. i brought him up to my room and we unpacked his stuff. he sat down at my desk and played around with my pc and monitors.

"can i stream on your account?" he asked. i laughed.

"go ahead, i'm gonna go check on karl." i walked away, waiting for my twitter to start exploding with "oh my god they are together" tweets.

i knocked on karl's door. i heard him whisper "one second" to someone over the phone.

he opened the door. "what's up?" he asked.

"i was bored so i came to bother you. anyways alex is streaming on my account if you would like to come hangout with us." i told him.

"i'm on the phone but i'll come hang in a few." karl smiled.

i analyzed his expression. "who are you talking to?" i asked.


my eyes lit up and i threw my hand to my mouth.

"okay we will talk later, but definitely come hangout in a bit."

he smiled and nodded, i closed the door and went back to my room.

alex looked at me. "vera your chat is so nice to me. i wish my chat was like this."

i laughed. "what are they saying?" i asked while looking over at my chat.

awww quackity ur so cute

hand in marriage? please sir?

stream soon pls we miss you q 🙏🏻

i laughed again.

"chat steals my boyfriend?" i asked jokingly.

"i don't know vera, chats looking pretty good right now." he said while shrugging.

i rolled my eyes jokingly and we both laughed. the door opened and karl walked in.

"karl!" alex and i both said in sync. we all laughed.

karl came and sat down with us.

chat was so confused.


wait they are all together?


alex started playing on random minecraft servers and created his own world on my account.

we ended stream at about 4:30 and i was getting hungry. "wanna go get food?" i asked them.

they both nodded. we got in the car and drove around until we found a random little diner. we sat down in a little booth; i was beside alex and across from karl. we ordered our food and waited.

alex and i got a milkshake and shared it. it had those 2 bendy straws.

"cliché." karl joked. we all laughed.

we both leaned in and took a sip.

click! karl took a picture.

"again karl? you're like our paparazzi." q joked.

we finished up our meals and started driving again.

we got home and just relaxed. we watched movies and ate snacks until about 12 am.

karl got off of the couch. "i'm gonna go to sleep. night guys."

i smiled. "night karl!" i exclaimed.

"night karl." alex said groggily.

"you tired?" i asked him as karl walked upstairs.

"a little bit." he answered.

"we can go to bed if you want."

his face lit up.

"let's go on a drive." he said eagerly.

i laughed. "karl just went to sleep, we can go when he wakes up tomorrow."

"no just us, please vera?" he begged. he opened his mesmerizing eyes wider.

i will always and forever fall into his eyes.

"fine." i laughed.

we pulled ourselves off of the couch and quietly walked out of the house, trying not to wake karl.

we sat down. "so where do you want to go?" i asked him.

he looked excited. "show me where you grew up, everywhere. show me you." he paused. "i wanna know the stories. i wanna get to know every part of you vera."

the familiar feeling that i got whenever i was alone with him came to my stomach again. it was more than butterflies. i couldn't even explain it.

i didn't say anything, i started driving. he connected his phone to my car and played a random playlist. we sang quietly, that's what the vibe of the ride felt like. i looked over at him a few times during the ride. how did i get so lucky?

we pulled up to an elementary school. i got out of the car and waved towards myself, signalling for him to follow me.

i walked confidently to the school yard. he caught up with me quickly. he grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. 

"this is where i spent my life from ages 4-14. i have 10 whole years of my life stories here." i laughed.

i brought him over to the playground. "this is where i had my first kiss in grade 8." i paused. "his name was micheal."

i smiled and showed him around a bit more and told him some more stories.

we got back in the car. we drove to my high school. we parked in my high school parking spot. i told him some good stories, some sad and a few funny. we walked back up to my high school parking spot.

"i have cried more in this parking spot than i have in my own room." i laughed.

"you had an interesting high school experience." he told me.

"that's an understatement." i laughed.

we got back in the car. we drove around some more places that were significant in my up-bringing. i drove him to the tim's and mcdonald's i spent too much time at with my friends and family. we got coffee and food from mcdonald's.

we drove up to a grassy hill.

"this is where i would have picnics with my mom and dad, and my brother. before everything happened with her. i haven't been here in a while. my dad and i tried to go together but it wasn't the same without mom and ryan." i told him. he nodded.

i grabbed a blanket from the back of my car.

"do you just carry a blanket with you everywhere?" he asked, jokingly.

"hey i get cold easily." i laughed while responding.

we took our meal and blanket to the top of the small hill. we spread out the blanket and sat down. we played quiet music and ate our food. the cool breeze of the canadian spring ran through our bodies.

we finished eating, i looked at the time. 3 am. "we've been out for 3 hours."

"yeah." he said.

he laid down on the blanket and pat down on the spot beside him. i crawled over and laid down with him.

"look how clear the sky is tonight." i told him.

we watched the stars.

the music suddenly stopped, alex grabbed his phone. "my phone died." he laughed quietly.

"that's okay. the quiet is nice." i responded.

i tucked my face into his shoulder. the smell of his soft cologne and the grass we were laying above filled my nose.

"i love you." i spoke softly. "a lot. you've changed my life so much in such a short time."

"i love you too vera." he spoke back and turned over. he kissed my forehead.

we laid there a bit longer.

i felt easy, calm, free.

with him i was in a state of tranquility.


the end!

AHHHH THE END!!!! i know some of y'all are gonna be real mad at me but here you go!! that was tranquility!

i thank all of you for reading and i hope you enjoyed reading as much as i enjoyed writing it.

i cant believe it's at 2000 reads thats absolutely crazy to me, it means so much<33

but that is all, thank you for all the love <33

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